After the Victorians

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After the Victorians Page 85

by A. N. Wilson

  on sinking of Titanic

  Shaw, Norman

  Shaw, Robert Gould II

  Shaw Theatre, St Paneras

  Shawcross, Sir Hartley (later Baron)

  Sheehy, Francis

  Shelepina, Evgenia Petrovna (later


  Shelton, Anne

  Sherwood, Marcia

  Shinwell, Emanuel (later Baron)

  Shirer, William

  Sickert, Walter

  Sidney Street siege (1911)

  Siemens, Dr


  Silvester, Victor

  Simon, Franz

  Simon, Ulrich

  Simpson, Ernest

  Simpson, Wallis see Windsor, Wallis

  Duchess of

  Sinclair, Sir Archibald (later 1st Viscount



  Sinn Fein

  Sitwell, Dame Edith


  Sitwell, Sir George

  Sitwell, Sir Osbert

  Sitwell, Sir Sacheverell

  Skeffington, Francis Sheehy

  Skidelsky, Robert, Baron

  Slade School of Art

  Smith, Bosworth

  Smith, Captain Edward John

  Smith, Herbert

  Smith, Logan Pearsall

  Smith, Monty

  Smyth, Lieutenant-Colonel

  Snowden, Philip, Viscount

  soap manufacture

  Social Democratic congress (1907)

  Social Justice (US magazine)


  moderated in Britain

  socialism (cont.)

  in post-war Britain

  rise of

  Soddy, Frederick

  Solti, Sir Georg


  Somme, Battle of the (1916)

  songs, popular

  Sophie, wife of Franz Ferdinand of Austria

  South Africa

  and Boer War

  Chinese labour in

  Indians in

  Liberal government policy on

  Spain: political disorder in

  Spanish Civil War (1936–9)

  Speer, Albert

  Spence, Sir Basil

  Spencer, Herbert

  Spencer, Hilda

  Spencer, Stanley

  Spengler, Oswald: The Decline of the West

  Spilsbury, Bernard

  Spitfire aircraft

  Spring-Rice, Sir Cecil

  Stalin, Josef V.

  artistic interests

  Churchill allies with in war

  Churchill’s view of

  and collective ideal

  demands Second Front


  Five Year Plan

  pact with Hitler

  retains power after war

  Roosevelt meets at Tehran

  toasts Churchill at Yalta


  and Ukraine famines

  at Whitechapel congress (1907)


  Stamfordham, Arthur John Bigge, Baron

  Stamp, Sir Joseph, 1st Baron

  Stanley, Venetia (later Montagu)

  Stansgate, William Wedgwood Beim, 1st


  Stauffenberg, Colonel Claus Schenk von

  Stein, Gertrude

  Steinbeck, John: The Grapes of Wrath

  Stephen, Sir Leslie

  Stephens, James

  Stettinius, Edward R.

  Stevenson, J.J.

  Stewart, J.I.M.

  Stiffkey, Norfolk

  Stimson, Arthur

  Stimson, Henry

  Stirner, Max (Johann Kaspar Schmidt)

  Stolypin, Pyotr Arkadovich

  Stone, John

  Stopes, Marie

  Married Love

  Stout, Rex

  Strachey, John

  Strachey, Lytton


  and Russell

  on Victorians

  Stravinsky, Igor

  The Firebird

  The Rite of Spring

  street lighting

  Streicher, Julius

  Streithfield, Gerald

  strikes (industrial)

  legislation on


  women and

  see also General Strike

  Stuart-Wortley, Colonel Edward Montagu-

  Sturt, George

  suburbs: development of


  Suez Canal

  suffragettes see women: suffrage

  Sullivan, Sir Arthur

  Summers, Dorothy

  Sumner, Irene Violet

  Sutton Coldfield

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles

  Symons, Julian: Bloody Murder


  Szilard, Leo

  Tait, Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of


  Talbot, Godfrey

  tariff reform

  Tawney, R.H.

  taxes: under Lloyd George

  Taylor, A.J.P.

  Taylor, Geoffrey

  Tehran Conference (1943)


  closed during war


  Teller, Edward

  Temple, Beatrice (née Lascelles)

  Temple, Frederick, Archbishop of


  Temple, William, Archbishop of Canterbury

  (earlier of York)

  Tennant family

  Tennant, Sir Charles

  Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Baron

  on decline of religion

  on Lyell’s fossil evidence

  In Memoriamo 83

  Locksley Hall


  Tenzing Norgay

  Thatcher, Margaret, Baroness

  Thomas, Fran

  Thomas, Hugh, Baron

  Thomas, James Henry

  Thomas, Luther

  Thomas, Parry

  Thomson, Sir George

  Thomson, Sir Joseph John

  Thrale family

  Tibet: British expedition to (1904)

  Times, The

  appeasement policy

  on Chamberlain’s Munich agreement

  Churchill attempts to close

  favours war with Germany

  prints crossword puzzles


  under Northcliffe

  Tit-Bits (magazine)

  Titanic, RMS

  Tito, Josip Broz

  Tizard, Sir Henry Thomas


  Tolstoy, Count Lev

  Toynbee, Arnold: A Study of History

  Tracy, Louis

  trade unions

  agreement with Mond

  opposed to communism

  support Labour Party

  Trades Union Act (1927)

  Train, Jack


  Tree, Sir Herbert Beerbohm

  Trefusis, Violet (née Keppel)

  Trenchard, Sir Hugh

  Tripp, Sir Alfred

  Trollope, Anthony

  The Way We Live Now

  Trotsky, Leon

  Troubridge, Una, Lady

  Truman, Harry S.

  authorizes use of atomic bomb

  and British Labour government

  and Churchill’s ‘iron curtain’ speech

  and development and use of atomic


  Elizabeth and Philip visit (1951)

  hostility to British Empire

  and Jewish immigrants

  Tube Alloys (code name)

  Tucker, Betty

  Tucker, Sergeant Charles


  and Armenian massacres

  established as modern republic

  in First World War

  German railways in


  Ottoman power declines and collapses

  and peace settlement (1919)

  war against Greeks

  Turmel, J.

Turner, Ben

  Tyrrell, Father George, SJ

  Ukraine: famines

  Ulster Unionists

  Ulster Volunteer Force


  see also employment; poor, the

  unified field theory

  United Nations

  United States of America

  anti-Semitism in

  antitrust laws, 279n

  Armenian refugees in

  and beginnings of Second World War

  and British Labour government

  British loans from

  casualties in First World War, 193, 201n

  and cinema

  cultural influence

  declines colonial role

  demands independence for India

  development and use of nuclear


  economy boosted by Second World War

  enriched by First World War

  enters Second World War after Pearl


  European hostility to

  and First World War

  industrial output

  influenza deaths

  inter-war economic depression

  and Irish disaffection, in


  Keynes visits

  and Lend Lease agreement

  membership of UN

  nationality and race in

  and Nazi persecution of Jews

  and New Deal

  Northcliffe’s mission in

  oil reserves

  rejects Versailles treaty

  rise to power

  as rival to British Empire

  role in post-war world

  ‘special relationship’ with Britain

  stops Jewish refugees immigration

  supports Jewish state in Palestine

  Tizard Mission to

  war aims

  as world power



  Valentino, Rudolf

  Vanderbilt, Alfred Gwynne

  Vansittart, Sir Robert (later Baron)

  Verdun, Battle of (1916)

  Verification Principle

  Versailles, Treaty of (1919)

  Victoria, Queen

  Victoria, Crown Princess of Prussia (later

  Empress Frederick of Germany)

  Victoria Louise, Princess of Prussia


  intellectual life in

  music in

  post-war decline


  Vittorio Emanuele III, King of Italy

  Viullari, Luigi

  Viviani, René

  Voisin brothers

  Voltaire, François Marie Arouet

  Voroshilov, Marshal Kliment


  Vyvyan, Jennifer

  Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire

  Wadsworth, Edward


  Church disestablishment in

  Jews in

  miners’ strikes

  Nonconformists in

  Wall Street Crash (1929)

  Wallace, Brigadier F.C.

  Wallace, Henry

  Wallis, Barnes

  Walton, Sir William

  Wangchuk, Tseten

  war crimes

  Ward, Mrs Humphry (née Arnold)

  Ward, Sir Joseph

  Warwick, Daisy, Countess of

  Washington, DC: Bonus March on (1932)

  Waterloo, Battle of (1815)

  Watkins, M.H.F.

  Watson, James

  Watson-Watt, Sir Robert

  Watt, Isaac

  Watts-Dunton, Theodore

  Waugh, Alec: Kept

  Waugh, Evelyn

  attends performance of Façade


  converted to Roman Catholicism

  on Knox’s puzzles

  religious belief

  on Second World War

  as writer

  Sword of Honour

  Wavell, General Sir Archibald (later Field

  Marshal 1st Earl)

  Weaver, Harriet Shaw

  Webb, Sir Aston

  Webb, Beatrice (née Potter; Lady Passfield)

  Webb, Philip

  Webb, Sidney (Baron Passfield)

  Webbe, Pussy

  Wedemeyer, Maria von

  Wedgwood, Colonel Josiah, 1st Baron

  Weekley, Ernest

  Weil, Simone

  Weizmann, Chaim

  welfare (state)

  Welles, Sumner

  Wellesz, Egon

  Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of

  Wells, H.G.


  Beatrice Webb mistrusts

  Chesterton opposes

  on Henry James

  on marriage

  views and ideas

  and women’s rights


  Mr Britling Sees It Through

  The New Machiavelli

  The Shape of Things to Come

  Welsh Church: disestablished (1914)

  Wembley see British Empire Exhibition

  West Africa

  West, George Cornwallis

  Whistler, James McNeill

  Whitbread family

  White, Harry Dexter

  Whiteside, Dale

  Whittle, Sir Frank

  Wiedemann, Captain

  Wigner, Eugene

  Wilcox, Dr W.H.

  Wilde, Constance (née Lloyd; Oscar’s wife)

  Wilde, Oscar

  The Picture of Dorian Grey

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser

  abdication (1918) and exile

  ambivalent attitude to England


  and change of British royal surname

  character and qualities

  and daughter Victoria Louise

  develops German navy

  and Herzl

  nostalgia for former power

  and outbreak of First World War

  refuses to sue for peace


  visits Damascus

  Wilhelm, Crown Prince of Germany

  Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands

  Wilkie, Wendell

  Wilkinson, Ellen

  Williams, Harold

  Wilson, Colonel Cyril

  Wilson, Harold (later Baron)

  Wilson, Field Marshal Sir Henry

  Wilson, Herbert Wrigley

  Wilson, Sir Horace

  Wilson, Thomas Woodrow

  Wilton, Seymour Egerton, 7th Earl of

  Wimperis, Harry Egerton

  Windsor Castle

  Windsor, Edward, Duke of (earlier Prince of

  Wales; then King Edward VIII)

  accession and abdication

  and established Church

  in exile

  and German fascism

  as president of 1924 Empire Exhibition


  relations with Wallis Simpson

  sympathy for Welsh unemployed


  Windsor, Wallis, Duchess of (earlier


  in Abdication crisis



  The Heart Has Its Reasons

  Winnington-Ingram, Arthur Foley, Bishop of


  Wintringham, Margaret

  wireless see radio

  Witter, Ben

  Wittgenstein, Ludwig

  Wizard of Oz, The (film)

  Wodehouse, Ethel

  Wodehouse (Sir) P.G.

  on crosswords

  wartime broadcasts from Berlin

  Joy in the Mornings 426


  artistic training

  and birth control

  death in childbirth

  dress and appearance

  education of


  in Parliament

  position of

  in professions and careers

p; suffrage

  Women’s Social and Political Union

  Wood, Kingsley

  Woodard, Nathaniel, Canon of Manchester

  Woodward-Nutt, Arthur

  Woolf, Leonard

  Woolf, Virginia

  and Eliot

  on Lydia Lopokova

  visits Beatrice Webb

  Woolton, Frederick James Marquis, 1st Earl



  working class

  Baldwin’s campaign against

  and General Strike


  Orwell on

  status under Labour Party

  and vote

  see also poor, the; unemployment

  Wright, Wilbur and Orville

  Wyndham, George

  Wynne, Arthur


  Yalta Conference (1945)

  Yeats, William Butler

  Yellon, Evan

  York: poverty in

  Young Turks

  Younghusband, Emmie

  Younghusband, Colonel (Sir) Francis

  Christian beliefs

  expedition to Tibet

  Ypres, First Battle of (1914)



  in Second World War

  Yurovsky, Yakov

  Zamora, Niceto Alcalá

  Zedlits Trützschler, Count Robert von

  Zinoviev, Grigori



  and Labour government

  Lloyd George and

  Zola, Emile: Germinal


  Grateful acknowledgement is made for permission to reproduce lines from the following: ‘On a General Election’ from Sonnets and Verse by Hilaire Belloc (copyright © 1938 by The Estate of Hilaire Belloc), by permission of PFD on behalf of the Estate of Hilaire Belloc Collected Poems, John Betjeman, reproduced by permission of John Murray Publishers The Complete Lyrics, Noël Coward, Methuen Publishing Ltd, copyright © The Estate of Noël Coward

  Winston Churchill Biography by Randolph S. Churchill and Martin Gilbert, reproduced with permission of Curtis Brown Ltd, London, on behalf of C&T Publications. Copyright © C&T Publications

  The World Crisis, Liberalism and the Social Problem, and from various speeches by Sir Winston Churchill, reproduced with permission of Curtis Brown Ltd, London, on behalf of The Estate of Sir Winston Churchill. Copyright © Winston S. Churchill Collected Poems of Henry Reed (1991) by Henry Reed, edited by Jon Stallworthy, Oxford University Press

  The Poems, W. B. Yeats, Macmillan, by permission of A. P. Watt Ltd on behalf of Michael B. Yeats

  ‘Easter, 1916,’ ‘Sixteen Dead Men,’ and ‘The Second Coming,’ reprinted with the permission of Scribner, an imprint of Simon and Schuster Adult Publishing Group, from The Collected Works of W B. Yeats, Volume I: The Poems, Revised, edited by Richard J. Finneran. Copyright © 1924 by the Macmillan Company; copyright renewed © 1952 by Bertha Geòrgie Yeats.

  ‘Brother Can You Spare a Dime?’, words by E. Y. Harburg; music by Jay Gorney; copyright © 1932 by Harms Inc, USA; Warner/Chappell North America Ltd, London W6 8BS; reproduced by permission of International Music Publications Ltd; all rights reserved.

  Excerpt from The Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell, copyright © 1958 and renewed © 1986 by the Estate of Sonia B. Orwell; reprinted by permission of Harcourt, Inc. ‘Canto LXXXI’ by Ezra Pound, from The Cantos of Ezra Pound, copyright © 1934, 1937, 1940, 1948, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1963, 1966, and 1968 by Ezra Pound. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.


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