The Survivors: Book One

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The Survivors: Book One Page 54

by Angela White

  Rebecca’s reddish blond hair was wild with frizzy curls and she brushed it back impatiently as she took her place, knowing she would only have this one chance to get noticed, to show these men she was useful too. She’d almost swallowed her tongue when Adrian signed in, sure he’d see her name and single her out…

  “Anytime you’re ready, shooter,” Jeremy encouraged, eager to get the next round started, and the nervous girl nodded. She was ready now and she wanted them to know, needed Adrian to know.

  Feeling the magic, the confidence of holding a gun she knew she could use, Becky pulled the trigger gently, lovingly. The light recoil was well controlled and she was smiling as she aimed and pulled, lined it up and pulled again.

  The bullets dug into the targets, and she turned her eyes to the frowning blond man moving her way, while the crowd waited for the call.

  “Eight Hits, 5 bulls-eyes!”

  They were as loud for her as they had been for Kenn, and she was grinning in satisfaction as the leader stopped next to her, eyes impressed and displeased at the same time.

  “That’s some impressive shooting, Miss Kelly.”

  She grinned, face lighting up at his words, and then she dropped her head, remorseful. She hadn’t broken his rules lightly. Now she would pay the price.

  “I’m sorry.” She moved toward Jeremy without waiting to be told. “I have to withdraw.”

  The Level Two Eagle frowned as the crowd muttered, and those who knew she hadn’t taken the class waited to see if Adrian would let her ruin her own chances here by owning up to it. If she admitted she cheated, it would be a label she’d carry forever.


  “Because I…”

  “She forgot she has a shift with the Vet. Right now, we’ll move onto the next round since we’re losing a shooter.”

  Adrian’s calm words weren’t doubted and his men were pleased. If Becky had ruined herself tonight, they couldn’t show any interest in her, not without losing their place by Adrian, and that was now something most of these men would never jeopardize.

  “Rebecca is eliminated. Kenn will start round two.”

  Becky smiled gratefully at Adrian as she left, very thankful he’d chosen to stop her admission. His men weren’t the only ones who were aware of all she’d risked to be noticed.

  “Three shots this time and only those beyond 25 feet count. Bottom two will be eliminated.” Jeremy looked at Kenn. “You ready?”

  The Marine opened fire in answer.

  DOC Article

  NY & USA Today News

  December 21, 2012

  Betrayal and Lies are the Foundation of American Politics!

  The Gospel of Mary was discovered in Southern France last month and has now been proven genuine by experts secretly asked to test the parchments. In them, is a tale of murder, extortion, kidnapping, and forced reproduction that scientists claim have kept secret the descendants of Jesus Christ. The list of powerful families around the globe being accused is staggering…

  This story began more than a thousand years ago, with a huge secret that millions have now died to keep. If proven true, it is a deception so big, it might have changed the world.

  The Knights Templar was officially sanctioned in 1190 by the Roman Catholic Church… but what if they existed long before that? What if they escorted Mary Magdalene out of Gaul, and settled her somewhere safe? We’ve heard the speculation that her offspring became Kings through the Merovingian line, but what if they were also the descendants of Christ? Reports tell of a young girl named Sarah that traveled with Mary after the crucifixion. The daughter of Jesus?

  The Gospel of Mary implies the wealthy intentionally repressed all such knowledge, creating a secret sect to help hide the truth. Most of these men, according to the new parchment, believed they were protecting these special females. They took them to the Cathars, a religious order in Southern France that was also under control of the Catholic Church, content to leave them there. The Church certainly didn’t expect trouble from one woman, but within a few years, the Cathars turned against the Church and created a new religion based on love of God without control or wealth. Terrified of the world finding out, of having to give up all their power and decadent ways of living, the church began the Albigensian crusade and eradicated them.

  So, what happened to the descendants that the Cathars died to protect? According to the Gospel of Mary, many escaped and walk among us, even now, in the form of their offspring. Most of the Knights were for the truth coming out, were beginning to turn against the Church, as well. They were wiped out the same way the Cathars were, but stories abound of a few brave souls being able to save the precious remaining descendants, ensuring the bloodline of Jesus Christ. With the church hunting them down, these groups of saviors went into hiding with their wards. When they finally emerged, they called themselves the Freemasons… and they were powerful.

  If this new Gospel is to be believed, none of them exposed the truth. Various groups of Templar’s, in unnamed places around the world, and the secret held - because of power and greed. Mary Magdalene’s offspring were now Merovingian rulers and the temptation was too much to resist. Instead of being the defenders, they had become the attackers. According to the Gospel of Mary, found during an archeological dig at an unnamed location, these descendants of Christ were forced to reproduce with the Knights throughout history. Only the special offspring were kept, and the parchment even suggests that inbreeding was one of the common experiments in hopes of making the kids more gifted.

  Skeptics are coming out of the woodwork since the parchment went public yesterday, but so far, no one has disproven the new allegations of a corrupt political system that traces back to this nation’s very founding. If the Gospel is proven genuine, it could possibly mean that every President America has ever had, was a descendant of Christ, and bred, not raised, but bred, for that very purpose. The same would be true of many other governments across the globe.

  Here is a quote from a very outspoken civil rights leader, who didn’t want to be named due to his personal safety.

  “Imagine how different our lives would have been, if the existence of Jesus Christ and all he suffered were fact, proven by science. Consider how much control the legitimate churches would have had over the masses. Laws, education, politics, work, art, music, literature lifestyles - it all would have been effected. Ask yourself if the governments, and yes, all of them. No one group of people hides a conspiracy this size – ask yourself if the leaders you’ve been listening to, would still be in charge right now, if it was a documented fact that our Lord and savior really walked this very earth. Wouldn’t that government have been the first ones fed to those hungry lions? Yes, and isn’t there anything they would have done, to stop it from happening?”

  What if these few remaining children of Mary and Christ have been betrayed over and over, killed in every generation, to hide the truth? When we could have been basking in their light…

  Return to Footnotes

  Character Bios

  Adrian Mitchell is a lifelong Marine with a huge secret, one that might have prevented the War. Full of guilt he can never be free of, Adrian is driven, obsessed with gathering enough survivors to restart his broken country.

  Samantha Moore is a Storm Tracker. Born with a predictive gift that allows her to mentally track the weather, Sam led a sheltered life before the bombs fell, and her road to Adrian's camp is full of pain and horror as she struggles to adjust.

  Angela White is many things: doctor, battered wife, mother, and Witch. She long ago locked up her powers to keep her man from using them for his own gain, but the War freed the Demon inside, and now it is her best defense as she tries to cross the broken country in search of her missing son.

  Lt. Kenn Harrison is a Marine adrift when he joins Adrian's camp. An angry man with secrets, months of trials at Adrian's patriotic side have begun to change him, but what will happen to all the progress he's made when Angela finally comes for her son?

  Sergeant Marc Brady has been in love with Angela since they were kids. Split up as teenagers, he had no idea they’ created a baby. He can't wait to get to know his son, but it's the thought of being with Angie again, that sends him running to answer her call for help.

  Kendle Roberts is a famous TV star, but the survival goddess wasn't prepared for the wave that rolled her cruise ship and left her adrift on the restless ocean with no land in sight. For two months.

  John Harmon has been a doctor for over 40 years. Sure he has terminal Cancer, his wife pretends not to know, and they set off to find safety so one of them can die, and one of them can live.

  All Angela White Titles

  Life After War series

  The Survivors

  On The Road

  Safe Haven

  Adrian’s Eagles

  Bachelor Battles Trilogy

  To The Death

  The Changeling

  Flash Fiction

  Twisted Shorts

  Alexa’s Travels

  A Prelude

  Bone Dust & Beginnings

  Upcoming Releases

  The Network

  The Killin’ Fields of Nebraska



  Read the entire article in the Extras section.

  Return to Text

  DOC is an abbreviation for Descendants of Christ.


  3 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle.


  4 Gat is Marine slang for a 9mm.


  5 Hardback can mean a cargo truck or MRAP vehicle; slang.


  6 Slang - meaning any coffee that isn’t Starbucks.


  7 The Essex is a fictional government bunker set in the Granite Mountains of Wyoming. This came from NORAD no longer being the preferred Presidential and Joint Chief evacuation site as of 911. That new location has not been revealed.


  8 Boot - Junior Marine fresh from basic training. Also, an unforgivable insult when used seriously.


  9 FUBAR – stands for f’’’’d up beyond all repair.


  10 Calling a jarhead ‘soldier’ will cause frowns, mutters, and sometimes, a fight. They go through very demanding training to earn the title of Marine, and are very quick to defend it.


  11 During research, I was informed that a Hum-vee is what a badass grunt used to roll around in. A Hummer, on the other hand, is something received from a generous girlfriend…


  12 “M9s are often issued to those who don't take care of them. They get used as hammers, and generally by the time they get to the pistol range, jam, fail, and generally suck like a Hoover.” – ZS Quote.


  13 Pogue bait is slang for candy. In the derogatory sense, it can also mean a woman intent on grabbing a successful man.


  14 You’ll notice this has been singular throughout the book. That’s because the other tag is laced into a Marine’s left boot, for identification if they are killed. It is SOP and ingrained.





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