Redgrave: An Erotic Horror

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by Carver Pike


  An Erotic Horror by Carver Pike


  2nd Edition

  Copyright © 2016 by Carver Pike

  Published by Erotic Mayberry Publishing

  Written by Carver Pike

  Cover created by Carver Pike

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5


  This book goes out to all my military brothers and sisters. Some will say the info in this book is farfetched, and sure, it’s a fictional horror story. But I’ve worked a very similar post to the one described in this book so it’s not so absurd. The names used and all base installation information are purely fiction. Any perceived inaccuracies when it comes to military processes or procedures may be a result of each branch of the armed forces doing things its own way. Oftentimes each base runs things differently too.

  Back to my dedication, the brave men and women who serve our country are truly amazing people. It doesn’t matter if they’re checking IDs at the gate, guarding a plane, handing out basketballs at the gym, flying an F-15, or acting as fire team leader out in the field. They’ve all signed up and agreed to put themselves in harm’s way if and when it is necessary. Let’s just hope it’s not necessary very often.

  Thanks for all you do and I hope you can get a little bit of fun out of this story. I’m not trying to win an award here. I’m just trying to make you laugh, maybe scare you a little, and hopefully I can get you aroused. Think of it as imagination and masturbation fodder.

  God bless you!

  Carver Pike

  Chapter 1

  *The characters in this book are fictional and fully understand the need to use protection during sex. If it is not mentioned in this novella, it is only to prevent the slowing down of the story or interruption to the fantasy element. Have fun and be safe!

  Evil. Evil is too pretty, too simple a word to convey all it holds within its meaning. You know what the Bible says: Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope, and it can outlast anything. Evil has much of the same qualities and it spreads like a sickness. Looking out over this snowy field, my breath coming in short gasps, I can see evil making its way into the darkness around me. Thinking back, the night seems so long. Endless almost.

  It started with a Bronco. Another bump in the road and I’d lose it. I seriously hated the way the old trucks bounced around. Great trucks, standard military issue, but damn they were rough, especially barreling over an Alaskan snow-covered dirt road.

  I couldn’t complain though. I was a young woman assigned to the Security Forces squadron at Grainger Air Force Base. Being a female with a pistol strapped to my hip is rough enough. Mom wanted me to go to law school. Daddy wanted me to be a dentist like him. Neither imagined me a soldier.

  Truth is, neither did I. The recruiter talked to me about other careers at first but a low ASVAB test score left little negotiation. Security Forces it was. I just wanted to get out of town before I ended up a pregnant housewife stuck in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

  “Surprise mama, I’m fixin’ to be a cop!”

  She wasn’t thrilled. Dad was surprisingly okay with it.

  I’m full of surprises. Always have been. And the guy driving the Bronco was about to catch some of those surprises if he hit one more bump in the road. I swear, I don’t get carsick when I’m driving but something about the passenger seat doesn’t sit well with me. I’m sure the sour gummy worm candies I just tossed back didn’t help and the coffee I used to swallow ‘em down wasn’t any better.

  Air Force dinner. The night before was microwaved mac & cheese.

  If I didn’t get struck by a bullet at some point, diabetes would probably get the best of me.

  Here I go whining again.

  I can do that internally but to let any of these words out of my mouth would be workplace suicide. As it was, I had to beg for the night’s post. I mean really beg. For the most part it seemed female cops were stuck as patrol partners riding shotgun to alpha males or as gate guards with pretty smiles.

  A light snow flurry drifted toward the windshield and the Bronco hit another bump.

  Oh God. Hold it in, Sandra. Don’t you dare throw up!

  To my family, I was Sandra, last name Sikes, but to everyone at the workplace, I was plain ol’ Sikes. Not the prettiest name for a woman, but we used last names as a first name basis.

  A snowflake drifted toward me and I watched it until it hit the glass and melted against the warm windshield. Then I watched another. The white flecks of frost reminded me of warp speed on a Star Trek episode.

  I’m a dork, I know. A tomboy dork. Growing up, I was the girl watching ants build their homes while most of my friends were playing with dolls. I created tangible mud pies while they sipped imaginary tea. I smashed bricks with Mario’s head while they bedazzled things. I gave blowjobs while they gave excuses.

  I’m not a tramp by any means but I’m not inexperienced and naïve either.

  My first kiss was right after I skinned my knee when I tried to ride my bike off a park bench and tumbled to the sidewalk. For some reason I thought I’d leap off like a motocross rider but looked more like a drunk uncle. I hit the ground and my bike landed on top of me.

  Alex was there to help me up. Alex. I’ll never forget that kid. He helped me to my feet, brushed me off, and then kissed me on the lips. Just one quick peck but it was what he said after that won my heart.

  “That was cool.”

  Isn’t that the sweetest?

  Sweetest. There I go sounding all girly again.

  I’d crushed on Alex all through elementary school, kissed him again in middle school, and fucked him a couple of times in high school. Alex was the reason I’d requested this post for the night. ‘Cause the guy assigned to the upstairs post looked a lot like him, had the same Southern drawl, and he liked me.

  How do I know?

  Because we’d been assigned to the same post a couple of times before. I was his partner on the road, the backside of base was our playground, and let’s just say we parked way back in the woods and had some fun.

  I swear I’m not a whore. Hell, I’ve only slept with five guys and they’d all been boyfriends except for this one. And I’d date him exclusively if he’d just ask me. But he hadn’t asked me. And as much as I wanted to see him tonight, I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t be too easy.

  I was really homesick and this guy, even though he was from Texas, reminded me of home. He reminded me of Alex. And that was good. I needed a little more Alex in my life.

  “Holy shit,” the man behind the wheel called out as he purposely gunned it around a corner and let the wheels slide. He gained control quickly and laughed out loud.

  “You drive like an asshole,” I said.

  Brimms fixed the beret atop his head and laughed. “You sure do know a lot about them there assholes, Sikesy!”

  I didn’t have a comeback. I wanted to, but nothing I could think up would faze the guy. He was a big nasty bastard. Not much offended him. This was a guy who’d wait until his friends finished their food to take over picking the chicken off their bones. I’d seen him do it twice. The man either had no shame or had no idea he should be ashamed. />
  “Yo, I heard Jones watched some tittie flicks the other night,” Brimm announced, followed by a loud hoot.

  I thought about the night I had ahead of me and shook my head. Porn wouldn’t be good. I’d been way too horny lately on my own, not to mention I was headed to a place that seriously creeped me out. I was the only person to volunteer. Everyone else had to be forced into it.

  “I don’t know about you,” Brimms said. “But if I was alone all night with just a DVD player, I’d beat off at least two or three times. Just sayin’.”

  “You’re all talk,” I joked.

  In a country where sexual harassment in the workplace was seriously frowned upon, its armed forces seemed to embrace it with open arms. Not a single night went by that someone didn’t make a sexist remark or a sexual comment.

  The only thing that varied was the degree at which the commenter meant it as an insult. I’d seen everything from a slight sneer followed by, “That’s why women shouldn’t carry guns,” to a big goofy grin followed by, “Sikes, why don’t you show me your guns.”

  I’d been shocked the first couple of times but learned to roll with it and spit out my own harsh remarks.

  “If your dick was as active as your imagination, every girl in Elemendorf would be sore,” I shot back.

  “You’re the only one for me,” he replied.

  “I’m sure that’s what you tell all the ladies.”

  Brimms reached over to snatch up some of my candy worms and I slapped his hand away.

  “You’re talking about beatin’ off and you wanna put your nasty hands on my candy? Keep your nasty dick beaters off my food.”

  “Like the people at the sour worm factory didn’t beat off before shovelin’ ‘em into that container,” Brimms replied with a hoot. “What didja think them sour flakes was?”

  His last remark didn’t mix well with an already uneasy stomach. Brimms snorted and didn’t stay silent for long.

  “You’re into that anime stuff, right? I heard that had sex and stuff in it sometimes.”

  He knew I liked anime. It had been the talk of the post a couple nights back when I admitted to playing video games and watching animated flicks. I loved the artistry and the action and the imagination so many real movies lacked. Half the guys seemed to love it, calling me perfect wife material. The other half seemed to think I was gay. Like that’s the sign of a lesbian—anime watching.

  Where are all my anime watching ladies at?

  The Bronco was silent for a minute and I looked over at the driver, who was staring at me instead of watching the road, mouth hanging open, waiting for an answer. I hadn’t even realized I’d been asked a question.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Them anime cartoons. They got sex in ‘em?”

  I laughed. “Some of them do. Yeah. Some do.”

  “Like sex with octopuses and stuff, right? And chicks with penises? Them Japanese can be crazy. But I seen some with regular ol’ man on lady.”

  I just rolled my eyes and chuckled a little. He was that big kid in school who always ate peanut butter and jelly and wore blue jean overalls and clogged the bathroom sinks with paper towels. Just a big, goofy but innocent, country boy. My kind of people and I loved him for it. Loved him like a big brother. A horn ball big brother.

  Brimms guffawed and followed it with a whisper as he leaned over, closer to me, jerking the wheel slightly in the process.

  “You gonna watch some a that anime ain’t ya?”

  The truck slid a little and Brimms got control of the wheel and sat up straight.

  “Can you not kill us on the way to my post, please?”

  “Them cartoon chicks are kinda hot sometimes,” Brimms admitted.

  “Anime, not cartoons.”

  “What’s Jessica Rabbit?”

  “She’s a cartoon.”

  “Then yeah, cartoon chicks are kinda hot sometimes.”

  The Bronco pulled off the main road and climbed onto a snow-covered path that led away from the main side of the base, and back behind the baseball diamond, only a few football fields’ distance from the base sleeping quarters. There, within the trees, sat a three-story building, looking sullen and grey with its snow white highlights, giving it the salt and pepper appearance of a distinguished gentleman.

  I knew better. I’d seen the place during the day and knew that it was the armed force’s favorite hue, khaki brown, masked in the nightly frost. As the truck made its way toward the building’s front door, I felt a sinking feeling in my chest.

  The long, narrow facility had a lot of character, and if I had to put a name on that character, I’d call it dread. From the front, it reminded me of the Amityville house, not the shape, but the windows up top that seemed to stare down at visitors, daring them to either step inside or stay the hell out, both of which could be considered a threat.

  If the two windows on the third floor served as eyes, the three in the center seemed like a wicked lip, giving the lone door at the ground floor an open mouth like quality. I knew my thoughts were ridiculous, but they were there, and they bothered me.

  “Well, there she is, sister,” Brimms announced.

  “What exactly makes it a she?” I asked.

  “It’s that evilness. Or really I should say the evilness inside. Kinda like a woman’s heart. Cold…and ugly.”

  “Fuck off,” I said as I swung a closed fist at his chest.

  It thudded off his bullet proof vest.

  “Go do your duty,” Brimms yelled as he slapped me with his beret.

  Whether I wanted it or not, it seemed my relationship with most of the guys in the squadron had automatically fallen into the big brother-little sister category. That was okay by me. I had no big brothers growing up so, in an odd kind of way, it was nice.

  I dodged his beret attack and climbed out of the truck. I reached back in to grab my backpack, my beret, and my container of sour worms.

  “And that’s why I’m taking these with me you big oaf.”

  “That’s what she said.”

  I tried to find the funny in Brimms’ vintage sense of humor, but simply couldn’t.

  “That doesn’t even make sense. You’re picking me up in the morning, right?”

  “Probably. It’ll be me or Yoda.”

  “Just make sure somebody’s here at 0700 with my relief.”

  “Alright, will do! Tell Bowens to hurry up.”

  I climbed the three steps up to the entrance and stood there looking up at the building. The rumble of the Bronco was behind me and sounded odd, like a foreign noise in a strange void. No other sound was present.

  The snow had stopped and the great Alaskan stillness crept in. No wildlife moving through the trees like some other nights. No water rushing in the nearby frozen river. Just calm. And the sound of my breath, blowing out in cold clouds.

  I found the keypad on the door, wiped the snow away, and contemplated entering the entry code.

  I glanced back at the Bronco and saw the exhaust rolling out the back and through the crisp night air. Brimms would sit and wait for Bowens to step out, which wouldn’t happen until I entered.

  The horn blared and shook me out of my trance. Brimms’ patience was already wearing thin. I knew why he was in a rush even if he wouldn’t admit it. The guys from the other shift were off tonight and hanging out at the base club. Brimms would swing by to make sure all was in order, which was code for checking out the hot drunk chicks from the neighboring army base. Our club was one of the coolest places in town and a great place to hook up with any decent looking single chick who was either a military member herself, the daughter of a military member, or an off-base groupie who’d snuck onto the installation somehow with hopes of landing a single serviceman.

  I’d seen the game played many times and had even dabbled in it once myself. One night stands were typical in our world, just as typical as marrying one of the local strippers.

  Life at the Alaskan air base was lonely for singles, especially at time
s of the year like now, the dead of winter, when the days were extremely short and the nights were unbearably long.

  Clouds passed over the moon and the dove-white lawn was suddenly bathed in shadows. Something about the instant change gave me the chills. I was used to the cold but the darkness still bothered me. It seeped through my clothes and settled down deep in my bones.

  I realized I was hesitant to enter the building. I didn’t like it in there. And yet I’d volunteered for this post.

  The things a woman will do when her pussy is bored. Remember, not too easy. Make him work for it.

  I’d even packed condoms in case the dummy upstairs hadn’t brought any. He probably didn’t even know I was scheduled to work with him.


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