Accidentally in Love

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Accidentally in Love Page 5

by C. J. Thomas

  “Sienna. Are you listening?”

  I flipped my gaze back to my father. “I called off the wedding, Dad.”

  His lips parted. He blinked, unsure what to say. Lowering his voice, he said, “I didn’t know.”

  “No. I didn’t think you did.” I sighed.

  Shaking his head, he picked up his napkin and refolded it again on his lap. “Gary didn’t mention that.”

  “It’s over.” My spine slumped as I looked off to the side. “I told him earlier.”

  Dad rubbed his freshly shaven face, his stress lines deepening. “I’m sure you’re just experiencing nerves.”

  “It’s not nerves, Dad.”

  “Then what is it?” he asked.

  I didn’t have it in me to tell him the truth. I didn’t know why. The courage wasn’t there. Maybe it was because I had been through so much already today. Tomorrow could be different. Maybe if we could get through dinner tonight I could find the words to explain to Dad what happened without him losing his cool.

  I closed my eyes and shook my head. “I can’t do it.”

  “If you have no good excuse to stop it, then I’m not canceling anything.”

  Feeling the tips of my fingers go cold, I glanced up to Dad. “Shouldn’t we include Mom in the discussion?”

  “There is nothing to discuss. We’ve been planning this weekend for over a year. The wedding will go on because that is what people are expecting.”

  Feeling like there was no other way, I reached for my clutch. Digging for my cell phone, I wanted to show Dad the messages I’d discovered on Gary’s phone between him and his ex. Then he’d listen. I had snapped several photos as proof, thinking they might come in handy later on. I just hadn’t thought I’d need them so soon.

  My hand clamped on my phone but something was missing. Thinking fast, I knew what it was. My credit card wasn’t in its spot. The one I paid everything with.

  Panic struck my chest and sent my pulse racing. Then my eyes flew open when I realized that it must have come out inside the bathroom of that dude’s shop. Suddenly, I didn’t care about anything else, knowing that if anyone found out about what I’d done this afternoon, we’d all be having to deal with a story much bigger than me calling off the wedding.

  My palm hit my forehead. I closed my eyes and cursed. How did I not notice this until now?

  “Sienna, you will tell Gary you’re sorry.” Dad was leaning halfway across the table but he might as well have been a mile away. “Too much is at stake. Extended family have already committed to attending, deposits have been made, venues reserved. Not to mention public perception and how your decision will reflect on me. You know we can’t take any chances in an election year.”

  My brows pulled together. “Dad, it’s not that easy.”

  “I’m not arguing with you here.” He leaned back, his arms stiff as boards. “Tomorrow, we have our family dinner. The next night is the rehearsal. Smooth out whatever kinks you two have. This wedding is happening.”

  “You’re not listening. I can’t marry him,” I pleaded, purposely touching my lip with hopes of Dad seeing it and asking questions. He remained oblivious, not even a glimmer of recognition in his eye.

  “Sienna.” His voice hardened. He looked around, making sure that no one heard the split second where he’d lost his temper. “Drop the entitlement. This isn’t how I raised you. This wedding is the beginning of your future. Great opportunities will come from it. I’ve given you everything to get to this point and I won’t let you mess it up over something as small as an argument.”

  A sour taste puckered my mouth. This wasn’t about me. It never had been. It was always about him—a transaction to advance his career. I snatched my clutch and stood just as our food was being served.

  “Sienna, sit down.”

  “I can’t do this.” My hands began to shake.

  “Eat your dinner.” He pointed to the table.

  Holding back the tears, this all felt so wrong. If I wasn’t careful, I would surely lose my mind. No one was listening and I felt helpless to make it stop. “I’m sorry, Dad. I have to go.”

  I turned and hurried to the exit, leaving Dad to deal with the fallout.



  I laid on my couch, stretched out with my feet kicked up and one hand tucked behind my head. It was quiet enough to think, and late enough to not be bothered. A cool breeze whisked through the open window. I couldn’t stop flipping her credit card between my fingers.

  All evening I’d been trying to convince myself that nothing would come of it. But the truth was that it had happened, that I’d fucked the senator’s daughter before we ever exchanged proper greetings.

  Once I’d learned her name and who she was, I shut up and kept my head down. It had worked out perfectly. Noah needed me to complete the paperwork to get me started tomorrow, and I needed to not let my secret get sniffed out by my brothers. They let me be, assuming I just needed a moment to myself as I had so many times before since returning from the battlefield. This time was different.

  My chest continued to tingle with disbelief.

  I rubbed my face inside my hand, thinking that my actions weren’t what the war hero Cooper was dressing my past up to be would have done. Instead, it had the ingredients of a scandal that would rock this family if ever discovered.

  I couldn’t let that happen.

  Feeling unsure how to get her card back without it being too awkward, I glanced to the photo hanging on my wall above the bench. It was me standing next to two of my favorite Marines. Men who’d sacrificed it all and received nothing for their efforts. I had made friends with them. Told them my secrets. Shared my life with them. Just when I’d thought I had someone to lean on, they were gone.

  My heart squeezed through the heavy feelings of sudden loss.

  The pain never went away. It would live with me forever. I could push it aside but it always had a way of surprising me with a quick visit when I was least expecting it. That was why I shouldn’t be joining the family business—and certainly shouldn’t be getting myself involved with the senator’s daughter. If those men knew who I was—what I had done—they would see the monster I knew hid inside of me.

  I closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

  Senator Day. I couldn’t get his name out of my thoughts. He was at Cooper’s campaign kickoff gala, and though I didn’t specifically remember seeing his daughter there with him, I was sure that was where I recognized her from.

  The night was a blur in my memory. I was too caught up in the role Cooper needed me to fulfill. Too stiff in the uniform that brought too much attention my way. I couldn’t wait to get home that night. If she was there and knew who I was, why didn’t she say anything?

  My head wouldn’t stop spinning.

  I stared at her name on the card, feeling just as confused as when I watched her leave my garage earlier today. When I closed my eyes, I could still taste her on my tongue as if I had kissed her minutes ago. And when I rubbed my fingers together, I could still feel her soft, warm skin move in shallow waves over the pads of my hands. I wanted to see her again but knew that I couldn’t.

  A small knock on the door sent my heart racing.

  I snapped up and brought my feet flat on the floor. Staring at the door, I watched as it cracked open. Her platinum blonde hair had me scrambling to my feet. Looking down at my chest, it was I was suddenly embarrassed that it was as bare as my feet.

  “Can I come in?” Her voice was as soft as the glimmer in her eye.

  I nodded for her to come inside as my gaze drifted over her tight curls falling to the sides of her face, before getting lost in the teal of her beautiful dress. I couldn’t believe that she was here, but I was glad that she was.

  I remained frozen in place, hiding her credit card in the palm of my hand as I let my elbows pull into my side. She was beautiful. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t noticed her at Cooper’s event. Surely, I would have seen her. That was what made me w
ant to know if she had been there. If she had been, why didn’t I talk to her then?

  She glided slowly through my shop, glancing around the room as if trying to piece together the events of earlier today. When she glanced at me, my breath caught in my throat as we stared into the depths of each other’s eyes. The moment didn’t last long, but it felt like an eternity.

  I didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t a man of many words. She made it that much more difficult to get them out because of her sheer beauty.

  I glanced to the floor, hating that I now knew who she was. I wished I didn’t. Then maybe this meeting wouldn’t feel so awkward.

  She stepped to my Mustang, keeping a safe distance between us. “I’m sorry about earlier today.”

  I lifted my gaze and looked at her from beneath my brow, trying hard not to stare at her amazing features that had my blood coursing fast throughout my body. “Are you okay?”

  She visibly swallowed when she nodded. Then she turned her attention back to the Mustang. “Is this what you do for a living?”

  “Just a hobby.” I took one step forward, sticking her credit card in my back pocket before reaching for my tank top draped over the back of a nearby chair.

  A weight formed in my chest when my mind drifted to impending employment. I strode to her in small, deliberate steps. Her scent left me lightheaded and the heat of how she was making me feel spread across my body like a brush fire. I wanted to reach out and touch her but I knew I couldn’t. She wasn’t mine. At least, not yet.

  She watched me come toward her out of the corner of her eye. She didn’t move—didn’t look frightened. The room spun as we shared warm insecure glances. “Would you like to take it for a spin?”

  “I don’t know.” She glanced to the Mustang. “It’s late.”

  I took a step closer. “We don’t have to go far.”

  She glanced to the car. “Weren’t you working on it earlier?”

  “I was. It’s not broken. I fixed it,” I said, thinking how a short drive would put my work to the test.

  She thought about it for a minute. Her voice breaking the silence was like music. “I don’t even know who you are.”

  A deep shade of red bloomed across my cheeks. Embarrassed by my lack of introduction, I said, “Trevor Foster.”

  There wasn’t a reaction about me being a Foster and I liked that. Too many people came to our family with ulterior motives disguised as ignorance about who we were. It came with the territory, and I was used to it, but it never got any easier.

  “Don’t you want to know mine?” She held her clutch with both hands in front of her waist.

  Diving my hand into my back pocket, I pulled out her credit card and handed it to her. “Is this why you’re here?”

  A tiny curve lifted her lips as she took the plastic card from my hand. “You didn’t max it out, did you?”

  The muscles in my cheeks couldn’t hold back the smile as I stepped forward and opened the passenger side door. “Just a few minutes of your time.”

  She smirked.

  “C’mon. Let’s get some fresh air. We can talk more as we drive.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked before getting inside.

  “Anywhere you’d like.”



  I came to a stop and parked on an overlook above the city.

  Killing the engine, I pulled the key from the ignition. My eyes traveled to Sienna and I smiled. I was happy to have her with me and thrilled with the way my car drove. We didn’t say much on our drive up the hill. I wasn’t sure there was much to say. Instead, we just enjoyed the summer night air blowing in our hair as I whisked us out of the heart of Denver and into the foothills.

  I unbuckled my seat belt and leaned back, staring at the twinkling lights below.

  “Promise me something,” Sienna whispered.

  Glancing in her direction, I met her eye. I could see a hint of worry flash across her brown eyes. It was enough to feel my stomach involuntarily clench.

  “Keep what happened earlier a secret.”

  My brows drew together. I instinctively knew there was something deeper going on than what I could see on the surface. Every muscle in my body tightened as I prepared to be ready for whatever would come our way.

  She turned her eyes forward. “I can’t let anyone know what happened.”

  Gripping my knee tightly between my fingers, I stared over the hood and murmured, “I don’t even know what happened.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sienna cast her gaze to her fingers in her lap. The diamond ring she was still wearing caught the moonlight and sparkled on the ceiling. I didn’t want to know who the man was or why she kept stopping by the garage to see me. All I wanted was to live in the moment, pretend that she was all mine and that this was the beginning of something bigger.

  A shiver prickled my flesh at the thought of wanting to get close to her. “Whoever did that to you should know better.” My hand formed a tight fist on my thigh.

  Her head fell further down her chest. “It won’t happen again.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  She nodded.

  I tried to suppress my deep hatred for whoever had given her the bloody lip. It proved difficult to disguise. I breathed heavily through my nostrils, having turned my head away with hopes of finding something to distract my thoughts. When my eyes landed on the Foster building, my frustration only grew to new heights.

  I stopped breathing and I was certain that either Nolan or Noah, or perhaps both, were still inside working. Too soon, that would be me. I had to believe what Noah said. It’s not as bad as it seems.

  “You probably get it all the time, and I hate to even ask,” Sienna coyly glanced in my direction, “but is your family, the Foster family?”

  My eyes narrowed for a split second, then I turned to her and nodded. “Sometimes I wish it wasn’t.”

  Her eyes widened with surprise. “Why?”

  Turning my gaze forward, I said, “It’s a miserable existence.”

  “Oh.” She didn’t know what to say.

  “Money is the solution to every problem.” I rolled my head to her. “I never wanted to be a part of it.”

  “The family or the business?”

  “My family is great. It’s the business I have my doubts about.” I sighed, still holding her gaze. “I filed paperwork today to officially take my place in Foster Enterprises starting tomorrow.”

  “Your brothers must be excited.”

  I shrugged. “At least two of them are. My brother Cooper is running for Governor.” When I rolled my eyes, she chuckled.

  “I know.”

  “Everyone knows.” My knees fell out to the sides, beginning to relax into the ease of our conversation. “But not everyone knows what it’s like to be related to a public figure.”

  Sienna took her gorgeous round eyes away from my own and I watched her face droop with realization.

  “Tell me, Sienna Day, what’s it like to be the senator’s daughter?”

  She lifted her head and stared out the windshield for a minute as if contemplating her answer. Then she said, “It’s a miserable existence.”

  We locked eyes for a second before laughing.

  “I could have sworn we’ve met before you came into my garage today.”

  “You looked familiar, too.”

  “You didn’t happen to be at my brother’s gala with your father, did you?”

  Her lips pulled at the corners. “I was. But I don’t recall you being there.”

  “Not like this.” My hands took in my attire. “Coop insisted I wear my uniform.”

  Sienna narrowed her eyes and intently looked me up and down. “Military.”

  He nodded once but didn’t elaborate.

  “Ah, yes, now I remember seeing you. It seemed like everyone wanted a piece of your attention that night.”

  “Nearly drowned in it,” I said, remembering the suffocating feeling of having to shake hand
s and accept everyone’s congratulations for serving our country.

  Sienna snickered. “I must say, you clean up well.”

  “Thank you.” Without thinking, I reached over and took her hand into mine.

  She stared at our hands coming together in unity and I pulled back.

  “Sorry, I, uh …” I rubbed my face, not knowing what to say.

  “It’s okay.” Her eyes sparkled. “You’re allowed to hold my hand.” She reached over and settled her hand back on mine.

  Her touch was warm and inviting, everything that I’d felt earlier when our emotions quickly got out of control. I stared into her eyes. We didn’t have to say what we both already knew. There was definitely something happening between us. The buzz from earlier was back in the air. If I wasn’t careful, I would gamble it all in order to have her.

  “Trevor, can I tell you a secret?” Her eyes hid behind long dark lashes.

  My tongue wet my lips as I nodded.

  She looked forward and laughed as if she was embarrassed by what she was about to say next. Then she turned back to me and said, “I can’t stop thinking about the way you kissed me.”

  I hooked my finger under her chin and tipped her head back. Lowering my lips to her mouth, I heard small breaths pass over her lips in soft little pants. “Like this,” I said. When my lips brushed against hers, her entire body gave way, surrendering to my control.

  We kissed for a minute before I pulled away, letting my gaze fall to the cut on her lip. “If you don’t feel safe going home…”

  “I feel safe when I’m with you,” she whispered.

  Her words came quick enough to make me believe this was what she wanted. She touched my leg and gave me a knowing look. I slid the key into the ignition and started the car, knowing there was only one place this could go.

  Like I’d tell her no.




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