Christmas in Snow Valley

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Christmas in Snow Valley Page 11

by Cindy Roland Anderson

  All night, in between patients, he’d thought about her, and what he was going to do about his growing feelings for her. It would be nice to know how she felt about him too. The only way to figure her out was to talk.

  After leaving her last night, he’d regretted not kissing her goodbye, but at the time it hadn’t seemed right. Especially when she shot down any hope of her moving back to Snow Valley. He didn’t get it. She loved her family and her hometown. Why wouldn’t she want to live here?

  Already the small Montana town was growing on him. He liked how down-to-earth the people seemed. The ER had been fairly steady last night, but everyone he treated had been appreciative and friendly.

  Since it had been busy, he’d had to sleep for a few hours after his shift ended, and missed church. After Sunday services, Uncle Will and Beverly went to another couple’s house for the day, leaving Cole a note that dinner was in the fridge.

  They would be back in time for the firework show tonight, and invited him to go with them if he didn’t already have other plans.

  Cole was losing track of how many Christmas events this small town had. If Lucy hadn’t already altered his opinion of her favorite holiday, he would eventually have to embrace it just to survive living here.

  Cutting the engine, Cole exited his car and slipped the Christmas present he’d bought for Lucy in his pocket. The slender rectangular box had been expertly wrapped by the girl at the jewelry counter. The charm bracelet he’d found her was perfect. Each of the charms—a Christmas tree, a train, a tiny reindeer bell, and a sprig of mistletoe—represented their time together. He especially liked the reindeer bell because if you held it up to your ear you could hear it jingle.

  He made his way up the walkway. He really should’ve texted her, but didn’t want to chance her blowing him off, or asking him to meet her somewhere other than her house. Besides, it was time he met her family, including Lucy’s mother.

  The temperature had dropped a little with the clear skies, and the air felt like it penetrated through his parka. The wool jacket he’d loaned Lucy was a little warmer, but he liked the idea of her wearing his coat.

  He pushed the doorbell, and smiled when he heard the chime of another Christmas song. His pulse accelerated when the door swung open, and he recognized Lucy’s brother, Landon.

  “Hey, you here for Lucy again?” the kid said before Cole could introduce himself.

  “Yeah, is she home?”

  “Luce, someone’s at the door for you!” he shouted. Then he stepped back and motioned for Cole to come inside.

  Just then Lucy’s mother came into the foyer. “Landon Phillips. That is no way to answer a door.”

  Landon rolled his eyes. “Sorry, Mom.”

  “Please go and get your sister.” She turned to Cole. “Pardon my son’s manners.” She held out her hand. “Dr. Taggart. It’s good to see you again.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Phillips. It’s good to see you too.”

  “Please call me Lila.”

  “All right, but only if you call me Cole.”

  She smiled brightly. “Please come inside and have a seat.” She led him to the living room. Cole sat down on the couch, and Lila took a seat in the chair next to the Christmas village.

  “We can’t thank you enough for taking care of Lucy last night,” Lila said. “It was kind of you to see her in your office instead of making her sit at the ER.”

  “I was happy to do it.” Cole wasn’t sure what all Lucy had told her mother. He decided it would be better to keep quiet until Lucy joined them. “How is her finger?”

  “Sore, but the pain medicine is helping her stay comfortable.” Lila sent Cole a warm smile. “I must say, it’s so wonderful to have a doctor willing to make house calls.”

  Making a house-call wasn’t exactly what Cole was here about, and he hoped that didn’t get around town. He’d never have any time off if people thought he made a habit of making home visits.

  “Actually—” He didn’t finish his sentence as Lucy rushed into the room, her eyes wide.

  “Lucy,” Lila said, “Dr. Taggart came by to check on your finger.”

  “Oh.” Lucy pinned questioning eyes on Cole. “How nice.”

  The bewildered look on her face contradicted her words. Cole felt slightly annoyed that Lucy didn’t want her mother to know she and Cole were seeing each other. His gut clenched with uncertainty. They were seeing each other, weren’t they?

  Lila stood up, and motioned for Lucy to come take her seat. “Dr. Taggart…er, Cole, can I get you something to drink?”

  “No thank you.”

  “Well,” Lucy’s mother looked at her daughter and then Cole. “I’ll just leave you two alone.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” Lucy said.

  Lila hesitated for a brief moment before pivoting and leaving the room.

  “What are you doing here?” Lucy whispered.

  “Coming to see you.”

  “Are you crazy?” She cast a furtive glance to where her mother had been. “I’ve finally gotten through to her about Lance, and now she’ll set her sights on you.”

  Irritation worked its way through Cole. He leaned forward. “Would that really be so horrible?”

  Her face softened. “Don’t take it personally. I’ve already told you it’s me, not you.”

  “Lucy, I like you, and—judging from the exceptional kisses we’ve shared—I think you like me too.”

  “I do like you.” Her eyes strayed to his mouth for a brief moment. “That’s not the issue.”

  “Then what is?”

  She opened her mouth, but her mother came back into the room. “Excuse me, Cole. We’re about to have dinner and we’d love to have you stay and join us.”

  Cole purposefully avoided looking at Lucy. “I’d like to. Thank you, Lila.”

  “Wonderful.” Lila backed out of the room her face glowing with satisfaction. “I’ll set another place.”

  Once she left, Cole slowly met Lucy’s eyes. She looked both confused and bothered. “This is a mistake, Cole.”

  “How is it a mistake?”

  Lucy’s gaze narrowed, and she took a few seconds to answer. During that time her father came into the room.

  “Hello,” Lamont said. “It’s nice to see you again.”

  “Thank you.” Cole stood up and took his outstretched hand, giving it a firm shake.

  “I understand we have you to thank for taking such good care of our Lucy.” He turned and winked at his daughter. “She said quite a few nice things about you last night.”

  “I did?” Lucy said, sounding alarmed.

  Her father grinned. “Yep. About an hour after you took your pain medicine you came into my office and told me all about the cute doctor who took care of you. You might have also mentioned something about mistletoe and kissing too.”

  Cole felt his neck flush with embarrassment. Mr. Phillips had to be questioning Cole’s professionalism. To be fair, though, he hadn’t kissed Lucy after she’d been injured.

  “Please tell me you didn’t tell Mother,” Lucy said, her face a tad on the pale side.

  Her dad laughed. “Not yet.”

  “But you won’t say anything, right?” Lucy asked.

  Smiling, Lamont looked at his daughter and then to Cole. “I have a feeling I won’t have to say a word.” He chuckled as he left the room.

  Lucy sat there staring after her father. Cole felt bad. Maybe he should just go home and warm up his dinner, and forget about Lucy Phillips.

  “I’m sorry, Lucy.”

  “It’s not your fault. Obviously, I should avoid narcotics from now on.”

  He wanted to laugh, but he felt sick inside. She might have issues that had nothing to do with him, but he couldn’t risk his heart again. Falling in love had never been part of his transition plan to Snow Valley. His work would keep him busy, and converting his practice to what he wanted would require a lot of his spare time.

  “Hey, I’m not looking for any kind of relationship, a
nd neither are you.” He tried to gage her reaction, but couldn’t tell what she was thinking. “We’re friends. Let’s just keep it that way.”

  “I’m the one who’s sorry.” Her voice trembled. “I know I’m a little screwed up.”

  “Aren’t we all?” He gave her a soft smile. “So can we be friends?” He held out his hand.

  “Yes.” She moistened her lips, and slowly placed her palm against his. He ignored the zing of attraction and gave her hand a gentle squeeze before dropping it.

  “By the way, how is your finger?”

  “Better.” She smiled, and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “It really hurt like crazy once the lidocaine wore off, hence my use of Lortab. But this morning, as long as I keep it elevated, or don’t bump it, it seems to be okay.”

  “Good.” They stood there for a few uncomfortable seconds. He went to shove his hands in his pockets, and felt the box containing the bracelet. Should he even give her the gift?

  “Oh,” she said brightly. “Allie and her children were at church this morning. Pastor John introduced them to the congregation, and people were very welcoming. Lance’s mother Vivian invited Allie and the children to Sunday dinner and my mom said she accepted.”

  “That’s great. I wish I could’ve been there. People are going to think the new doctor is a heathen. This is the second week in a row I haven’t been able to attend.”

  “Doc Taggart has your back. He proudly told everyone how you covered for another doctor at the last minute.”

  Cole hated how stilted their conversation felt, but it was necessary in order to preserve their friendship, and his heart.

  “I think Uncle Will is going to enjoy retirement.”

  There was another awkward pause. She glanced around the room and then said, “My mom and some of her quilting friends have gotten the word out, and donations have come pouring in to Pastor John. There are a lot of people who want to help, so getting things for the family won’t be hard.”

  Cole had looked forward to shopping with Lucy, but now he didn’t think he could take being around her, knowing she’d return to California soon after Christmas.

  “I’m glad people are willing to help. I don’t know how busy these next couple of days are going to be at the office, so maybe your mom and some of the women can help you out with the shopping.”

  Lucy stared at him for a few heartbeats. He thought he saw her bottom lip quiver before she gave him a rigid smile. “That’s a great idea. I’m sure they’d love to help.”

  They were spared from further conversation when Lila came in. “Dinner’s ready.”

  “It’s smells delicious,” Cole said, as he and Lucy followed Lila into the dining room.

  Lucy’s parents made Cole feel welcome, and introduced him to her younger brothers. Throughout the meal, Cole marveled at the family dynamics. They loved each other, and weren’t afraid to show it. He knew it wasn’t an act. Someday he hoped to have a family like this, and it gave him hope that it was possible. He just needed to find the right woman. Once Lucy returned to California, maybe Cole would meet someone else.

  He and Lucy maintained the facade that they were nothing more than friends. When the family questioned him about attending the fireworks with them tonight, he declined stating he needed to catch up on sleep after pulling an all-nighter at the hospital.

  Just as the meal finished, Cole got a call from his mother. Never before had he been so grateful for her timing. “I need to take this call,” he said, silencing the phone and scooting back from the table.

  “I suppose as a doctor you get called away often,” Lila said kindly.

  “I do, and I apologize for having to eat and run. The meal was delicious.” He couldn’t bring himself to look at Lucy. “Thank you for having me in your home.”

  “Any time, son,” Lamont said.

  Cole noticed the amusement from before was replaced with concern. He could probably sense the tension radiating between him and Lucy. After telling Logan and Landon goodbye, he finally met Lucy’s gaze. “I hope your finger continues to heal. I’ll be in the office Monday and Tuesday if you need anything or have any concerns.”

  The usual light in her eyes was absent. She scooted back from the table. “Let me walk you out.”

  Thankfully his mother was persistent, and Cole’s phone started buzzing again. “Thank you, but that’s not necessary.”

  He waved, and quickly left the room. On his way out the door, he passed by the sofa table, and noticed a Christmas gift sitting there. Impulsively, he pulled the wrapped box out of his pocket and put it on the table.

  The conversation with his mother went about as well as it usually did. She ranted for several minutes about his breakup with Nikki, and ordered him to apologize and make up. When Cole calmly refused, explaining once again why he’d broken off the engagement, she belittled him about being judgmental and unforgiving. In the end, he realized his mother only wanted him back together with Nikki to save face with another couple joining them in France.

  By the time Cole got back to Uncle Will’s house, he really was exhausted. He shut off his phone, and left his uncle a note saying he had a headache and had gone to bed early.

  It took Cole a couple of hours to actually fall asleep. He made several plans about his medical practice to keep his mind off of Lucy. With the help of the Internet, he was confident he’d find an IT company that could make the changes he wanted for his office.

  When he got off work tomorrow, he’d follow up with Lucy about the Parkers, making sure he kept everything on a platonic level.

  Chapter Fourteen

  LUCY WOKE UP MONDAY MORNING feeling depressed. She’d thought about Cole all night long. At the firework display, she’d run into Doc Taggart and Beverly. When she asked about Cole, Doc told her that he’d gone back to bed to catch up on his sleep. At least he hadn’t been lying about that.

  She couldn’t believe how rotten she felt. Christmas Eve was only two days away and she was moping around instead of humming Christmas music and making sugar cookies. Her finger felt a little better but she still couldn’t use it. She wouldn’t even be able to help her mother and the other ladies wrap the presents for Allie and her children.

  A knock sounded at the door. “Come in,” she said.

  Her mother poked her head in the door. “While everyone’s at the 5K breakfast, the girls and I are going to hit Dove’s and get the shopping done early. Are you coming with us?”

  Lucy wanted to back out, but decided serving someone else would help get her out of her funk. “Sure. I just need comb through my hair and I’ll be ready to go.”

  Her mother studied her for a second. “You seem a little blue. Are you regretting your decision about Lance?”

  “No, Mom. Lance and I are friends. It felt good to finally get everything out on the table.”

  Lucy’s talk with Lance had gone remarkably well, considering their past. He’d been hurt when she confessed to kissing Cole after only knowing him on the plane ride out. Lucy couldn’t bring herself to admit how far-reaching that statement was, but figured Lance didn’t need to be hurt any more than he already was.

  She’d also discovered Lance had grown up quite a bit over the past year. With his father still struggling to regain his strength from the stroke, Lance had taken over managing the ranch and was very successful.

  “All right,” her mother said, watching her closely. “What about Dr. Taggart? He’s a nice looking young man, and already established in his career.”

  Lucy’s stomach tightened at Cole’s name. “He’s a good friend, Mom. Besides, I’m going back to California. It would never work since he lives here now.” She stood up and crossed the room to her vanity. “I won’t be long, okay?”

  Her mother sighed loudly, and said, “Okay, I guess I just need to accept you’re more interested in your career than getting married.”

  Tears stung Lucy’s eyes, and she was glad her mother couldn’t see her. “I’m young still, Mom, and I’v
e worked hard for my career. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to have a family of my own. I’ll marry and settle down when the right guy comes along.”

  Her voice quivered, and she covered it up with a cough. Lucy had a feeling the right guy had come along, and she’d just blown it big time.


  Shopping for the Parkers had been therapeutic, and Lucy felt much happier by the time they finished up a few hours later.

  Lance’s mom had talked non-stop about how adorable the children were, and how well-mannered they’d been at dinner the night before. Vivian also said that Allie was a beautiful girl who’d been in an abusive marriage. Her divorce had been finalized the year before, and her ex had disappeared without ever giving her any kind of child support. Allie didn’t have any family left, and was trying to do the best she could.

  Recently, she’d lost her job as a waitress in Wyoming when her kids had gotten sick, and she’d missed too many days. That’s when a Christmas miracle happened. A letter from an attorney in Montana came two weeks before, stating the Carpenter house, which had been her great aunt’s home, had been left to Allie as the only living relative. She’d sold everything she could and loaded up her kids and moved to Snow Valley.

  The most interesting bit of news Vivian had to say was how well Lance and Allie had gotten along. They’d talked for a couple of hours while TJ and Hailey made sugar cookies with Vivian.

  By the time the family left, Lance was smitten with Allie as well as with her children.

  Lucy was happy for Lance, and was glad she could honestly tell Mrs. Christensen exactly that. She really hoped the best for him.

  After completing the Christmas purchases, the quilting ladies came to Lucy’s house and started wrapping all the presents for the entire family. Lucy’s finger throbbed from not keeping it elevated most of the day, so she was resting in her room while the women concocted a plan to deliver the Christmas goods.

  She glanced at her phone, hoping Cole had messaged her. He’d said he wanted to be friends, but obviously that wasn’t true. Since her finger hurt so much, she thought about texting him so he’d have to talk to her, but decided against it. Being deceptive hadn’t gotten her anywhere this past week.


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