Christmas in Snow Valley

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Christmas in Snow Valley Page 24

by Cindy Roland Anderson

  Kazlyn had to swallow at the sudden dryness in her mouth. He looked really good. “If I had the time, I think I could teach you a few things.”

  “That’s the best offer I’ve had today.”

  She flushed and fumbled unzipping her coat to try and cool off. A few of Kazlyn’s classmates walked passed, eyeing Ty with undisguised admiration.

  “Somehow, I doubt that.” She brushed by him and took her seat in the class. When she looked toward the open doorway he was gone.

  All throughout class, Kazlyn struggled to focus on anything the teacher said and caught herself smiling remembering the interaction with Ty. When the lecture finally ended, she left with another assignment to add to her growing list. She said a quick prayer that she could keep up with everything. She had enough time to choke down a granola bar and race across campus to work. Four hours at her on-campus job and then she could focus on assignments and study all night. Whoever said college life was fun must have signed up for a different experience than her.

  She walked out the doorway of her class with her right shoulder bowing to the pressure of her bag. Her backpack had broken last week and she didn’t have the time or money to buy a new one. Hopefully one of her grandmas would send Christmas money.

  Tyrese leaned against the wall with a smattering of beautiful girls surrounding him. He should give up basketball and sign some modeling contracts. He was too handsome for his own good.

  She forced herself to turn and walk away, though she was sorely tempted to join the girls and sign up for the Tyrese Fan Club, or maybe start her own.

  “Excuse me,” his deep voice sounded behind her as he extricated himself from his adoring groupies. Ty didn’t follow so much as leap next to Kazlyn. “Are you ready to tell me your name yet? This is the second time we’ve met, so we aren’t strangers anymore.”

  She shook her head. “I’m sure one of those girls would be thrilled to give you her name, number, and anything else you want.” She blushed. Nothing like revealing jealousy.

  He grinned. “But I don’t want their names or numbers. I want yours.”

  She failed at hiding her smile. “That’s very flattering, but I’m too busy to date and if you keep talking to me I’m going to be late for work.” She descended the stairs as fast as her shorter legs would allow.

  “Will you get in trouble if you’re late for work?” He effectively ignored her comment about not dating, took her bag, and slung it over his broad shoulder.

  Kazlyn shouldn’t have let him take her bag, but the way his hand had brushed hers had her grasping for words. “Um, I don’t know. I’ve never been late before.” She imagined her boss, a sweet lady everyone called Momma Rue, would just tease her if she was late, but it wasn’t in her makeup to not do everything she was supposed to do.

  “You’ve never…” His steps faltered, but he caught up to her quickly. “Wow. You’re one of those, huh?”

  “A contributing, responsible member of society? Yep. I’m one of those.” She cursed herself; that came out really rude. But maybe it was for the best. She couldn’t let herself fall for anyone right now, let alone a player who had women following him like puppies.

  “Ouch. Just for the record, I’ve never been late for practice either.”

  She glanced up at him. “So basketball practice is your job?”

  “For now.” The sparkle left his eyes. “But I’ve been working since I was eight.”

  She stopped just inside the glass doors and turned to face him, trying to keep the mood light. “No child labor laws where you come from?”

  “Where I come from, you grow up quick.”

  “I’m sorry.” Kazlyn knew not everyone could grow up on a ranch in Montana. She’d done chores since she could walk, but her dad and brothers had always been there to help her. It didn’t sound like Ty had experienced that kind of childhood.

  She zipped up her coat and pushed through the door, a blast of wintry air biting her exposed cheeks.

  Tyrese stepped next to her.

  He didn’t touch her, but stayed in just the right spot for his large frame to block the wind coming from the east.

  They walked across the road and through the parking lot. He held the door for her to enter the student building. Once inside, she exhaled and turned to face him. She didn’t want him following her into the office where she worked. The teasing would be unbearable.

  “Thank you. That was really nice of you to protect me…from the wind.”

  The twinkle in his eyes turned to a smolder. “It was my pleasure to protect you.”

  Dang, this guy was good. Kazlyn licked her lips and held out her hand for her bag. He gave it to her, brushing her fingers again.

  “I’ll see you later,” she managed to whisper.

  He reached out and stopped her, his brown hand searing warmth into her. “If you won’t tell me your name, will you at least come watch me play tonight?”

  “I can’t. I’ve got a lot of homework.” She swung her bag onto her shoulder.

  “So you’re one of those?”

  She mimicked his nod. “Those contributing members of society who take far too many credits so they can graduate early, get a master’s degree, and go change the world. Yes, I am.”

  His deep chuckle came again, warming her almost as much as his touch. “If you won’t tell me your name and you won’t come to my game, I’m going to have to make up a name for you and stalk you.”

  “Now that sounds inviting.” She scowled at him. “No stalking, but I’d like to hear what name you’d make up for me.”


  “Natalya?” She shook her head. “Why Natalya?”

  “You have an exotic look to you.”

  “Dirty blonde hair and green eyes are exotic?”

  He smiled down at her with a look that was already becoming familiar and something inside her thawed more than just from coming in out of the cold. “Golden locks like a princess, eyes of emerald, and skin so smooth, just aching to be touched.” He brushed his long fingers down her cheek.

  Kazlyn caught a breath, tingling from his touch. “Okay, um, now I’m just, like…disconcertiated.” What did I just say?

  “Disconcertiated?” He laughed. “Didn’t know that was a word.”

  “When you spend your life in the library, you get to make up your own vocabulary.”

  He grinned.

  “I’ve got to go to work.” Kazlyn backed up a step. She had to get out of here before she tripped over her own tongue again.

  “Can I walk you?”

  She shook her head. “Absolutely not, I don’t need to be teased.” She turned on her heel and left. Of course, he was right by her side.

  “Why would they tease you, because I’m black?”

  “No.” She turned, wondering if he was being serious. Everywhere they’d walked other students tried to get his attention and were over-the-top friendly with him. Did he also have some who discriminated because of his ethnicity? Just the thought made her want to go to battle for him. Like he needed her protection. “They’d tease me because a man with giraffe legs tried to walk me to work.” The truth was; they’d be shocked to see her with anyone of the male variety.

  “Okay, Natalya, I won’t embarrass you, if you’ll promise to come to my game tonight.”

  She stopped halfway down the hallway from her office and gnawed on her lip. “I have a ton of homework.”

  He tilted his head to the side regarding her. “Could you at least come for a few minutes?”

  “Is it so important for you to show off to me?”

  He blinked. “I’m not…trying to show off. The games are just a lot of fun and you seem like you could use a break.”

  “A lot of fun because you’re the star?” How did he know she could use a break? Did stress just radiate from her or was it something she’d said?

  “No. The students make them fun. We have the best spectators in the nation.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’ve heard they�
�re the meanest.”

  “They don’t try to be mean. They’re just having fun and supporting their team.”

  “If you went to play at another school where the fans were cheering like ours, what would you do?”

  “I’d think it was hilarious.”

  “You would!” She shook her head. His easy grin attested to the fact that he was telling the truth. How would it feel to be that confident?

  “Yeah, I would, but I know it’s hard on some. My mom’s philosophy is, ‘If you can’t handle getting razzed, get off the court.’ I know that sounds harsh, but we’re collegiate athletes. We’re mentally tough and don’t let a little teasing bug us.”

  “I never thought of it like that.”

  “If you can’t laugh at the fans and the refs, you’re going to have a pretty miserable time playing.”

  “That’s probably a good attitude.”

  “So, you’ll come for a minute tonight?”

  She tilted her head to the side, regarding him. “What was your end of this deal?”

  “I won’t come into your office and tell everyone you tried to tackle me this morning so I would ask you out.” The sparkle in his dark eyes was irresistible. She could see why women flocked to him, but she didn’t want to be another number.

  “You wouldn’t dare!” Kazlyn folded her arms across her chest and stared him down, or rather up.

  “Try me.” He arched an eyebrow.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll come by…for a few minutes.” Kazlyn wasn’t sure if she believed him or not, but as much as he’d teased her, she wouldn’t put it past him.

  “Come at the end of the game, so I can talk to you after.”

  She shook her head. “You’re lucky I’m coming at all, no demands.”

  He held up his hands. She marveled at the size of those palms and couldn’t resist lifting her own hand to trace his index finger. He visibly shivered and she dropped her hand in embarrassment.

  “Is it a requirement of basketball players to have plate-sized hands and giraffe legs?” she asked.

  “Nice to know I’m so attractive to you.”

  Kazlyn blushed furiously, not sure how to respond to that. He would be attractive to anyone who called herself a female. She gave him a quick smile before turning and walking toward her office.

  “See you tonight,” he called after her. “If you smile like that at some of the male students, they’ll help you sit down close so I can see you. If I knew your name I could get you tickets in the patrons’ section.”

  “No demands and no names,” she shot back at him.

  He held up those plate-sized hands again and gave her one more tempting grin. Her mouth watered and not just because she’d skipped her granola bar to talk to him.

  Chapter Two

  TY WAS STILL SMILING AS HE changed in the locker room that night. The girl with no name was not only beautiful, but fun to talk to. It was rare he met a girl who didn’t know who he was. Rare and kind of nice. He appreciated his fans, but he knew most girls dated him because of his semi-stardom—not what he was looking for and definitely not what he would be taking home to meet his mom.

  Jamison bumped into his shoulder. “Hey, you going to wake up and join us for warmups?”

  “Not sleeping, just daydreaming.”

  “Ooh. Care to share?”

  “Nope.” He thought of Natalya’s sweet smile and large green eyes. How even though she looked weighed down by her bag, she seemed to dance instead of merely walk. Then, there was the way he’d felt when he touched her. He wasn’t sharing those memories with anyone.

  Jamison pumped his eyebrows. “She must be impressive.”

  Ty nodded his agreement. Natalya was definitely impressive.

  “Maybe you’ll spill the details on the drive to my house for Christmas.”

  Ty kept the smile on his face, barely. He appreciated not having to stay in his apartment alone during the break, but he wished he could afford to go home and be with his mom and little sisters. Graduation was only four months after Christmas, then he would drive his beat-up Toyota home for the summer.

  “You really need me in that three on three tournament, don’t you?” he asked Jamison.

  “Ha! I could win it by myself, I’m just trying to keep you in shape during the break.”

  “You promised your momma could cook. I’m planning on gaining a bunch of weight.”

  “She can and she will love to spoil you.” Jamison’s tone softened. “Your mom would want you to come with me.”

  “I know,” Ty exhaled. “She told me so last night.”

  “I wish you could see them, man.”

  Ty nodded and forced a smile. “Me, too.” He threw his warm-ups into his locker. “Let’s go beat up on some Utes.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Ty jogged next to his friend. He forced his thoughts from his mom and a feisty blonde who wouldn’t tell him her name. It was time to play ball and remind Coach Anderson why he’d recruited a no-name from Alabama.


  Kazlyn stared blankly at her book. Her roommates were all at the basketball game and for once, she could study in her apartment in peace and quiet. Why couldn’t she concentrate? She said a quick prayer, asking for help getting through the next two weeks of school. She pushed out a long sigh, knowing exactly why she couldn’t focus. The reason was tall, dark, and handsome, and she could remember every cute and teasing thing he’d said to her today.

  Her phone beeped. A text from her oldest brother, Luke. Do I need to come visit you and send the wrath of big brother into all those boys who are chasing you?

  She smiled and typed a quick reply. No time for boys, so no worries.

  Then I can go to bed in peace tonight.

  Sure thing. See you in a week.

  Sounds great.

  Kazlyn stared at the pile of homework and wished Luke did have something to worry about. Ty’s face came into her mind again. She shoved away from the small kitchen table, grabbed her coat, and hurried out the door. The icy wind hit her as soon as she exited the building. Luckily, The Spectrum was only a few blocks up the hill.

  The wind pushed her through the glass doors as if it wanted her to see Ty as much as she did. The lobby was deserted. She walked up the empty escalator to get there faster. The ticket takers had already deserted their posts and as she drew closer to the stadium, the roar of the crowd almost pushed her back. The Aggie fans were screaming, “Left, right, left, right.”

  Kazlyn peeked through an opening and saw one of the red-jerseyed Utah Utes walking to his bench, obviously he’d just fouled out. He paused for a second and the crowd paused with him. He resumed his steps and the, “Left, right,” started again. As soon as he reached his seat, they all screamed in unison, “Sit down!”

  The player shook his head, but sat down. Kazlyn laughed. The students were organized, she’d give them that. She scanned across the standing, pulsating student section for a seat, but couldn’t see a break in the bodies and really didn’t want to push her way through. Looking at the section below filled with families and older couples, she saw a few open seats down by one of the portals to the locker rooms. She picked her way down the stairs, settled into an open seat, and focused on the game.

  Ty’s tall form was close to the three-point line. USU’s guard had barely crossed half-court before he drilled the ball at Ty. Dribbling straight in, Ty dodged two defenders, leaped, and dunked the ball. Kazlyn jumped to her feet to cheer with the rest of the crowd.

  The students erupted together and drew out his name, “Tyyyy-reeese.” Kazlyn got the feeling they did that cheer a lot. A couple of teenage girls sat behind Kazlyn. They giggled and she heard the one say, “Ty is so hot. I love him!”

  She, and probably most of the other females in the crowd, had a hard time looking at anyone except Ty. One other player stood out, a huge redhead. He looked like a farm boy who could’ve been from Snow Valley. When the announcer said, “And Jamison Hall grabs another rebound,” Kazlyn did
a double-take. Jamison had been a few years older than her, but he was from her hometown. Crazy. She remembered the big fuss in Snow Valley about him being good at basketball, but she didn’t realize he was this good.

  Jamison gave Ty an assist and the crowd went crazy with their Ty-rese cheer again. Kazlyn was amazed at the way Ty moved. She’d watched a lot of basketball with both of her brothers playing for their high school team, but Ty was better than anyone she’d seen. His hands seemed to know where the ball was going to be as he pulled in rebounds or was in the right spot for someone to pass it in and score. She’d noticed how big he was, but in a jersey and shorts she couldn’t help but look at his nicely-defined shoulders, arms, and calves. He definitely didn’t have giraffe-legs and she could understand why the girls behind her kept talking about him.

  With only a minute left in the game, one of the students yelled out the score of each team, the other students repeated it as one, then they pointed from the Aggies to the Utes, and in a deafening roar screamed, “Winning team, losing team.”

  “That’s just mean,” Kazlyn muttered.

  The game finished with the Aggies winning 86-78. Kazlyn joined with everyone in cheering. The team ran down the tunnel she was sitting next to, slapping the hands of the children hanging over the edge. Ty jogged at the back of the pack. She wished she could get his attention, but was too embarrassed to hang over the tunnel. The girls behind Kazlyn screamed, “Ty!” He looked in their direction, but instead of seeing them, he focused on her.

  “Natalya!” He grinned, holding his large palm up.

  She leaned over and grabbed it. “Great game.”

  “Thanks.” His coaches were behind him and obviously waiting. “Will you wait for me?”

  She shook her head. “I can’t.”

  He nodded, his dark eyes dimming. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  As Ty followed his teammates out of sight, one of the coaches eyed her strangely. Kazlyn forced a smile at the guy.

  “What is wrong with you?” One of the girls behind her demanded.

  Kazlyn whirled to face her. “Are you talking to me?”

  “You bet I am.” The cute brunette’s bottom lip jutted out. “Tyrese just asked you to wait for him and you told him ‘no’.”


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