Alpha's Claim

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by 10 Author Anthology

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2014 Evernight Publishing

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-708-6

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Edited by Karyn White


  One Bite by Avril Ashton

  Taming Duke by Melissa Hosack

  Crazy for You by Persephone Jones

  Love's Rescue by Morgan King

  Dance for Me, Princess by Elyzabeth M. VaLey

  Extinction by Jorja Lovett

  Panther Ridge by Jessica Jayne

  Tatum's Tiger by London Saint James

  But Fear Itself by Giselle Renarde

  Cait's Buffalo by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy


  Avril Ashton

  Copyright© 2014

  Chapter One

  Loud bangs reverberated through the house and Brie Huntley, heralding danger. She grabbed her father’s arm. “Father, what’s happening? What’s going on?” Fear twisted her insides as she looked from her father’s grim face to the front door.

  She inhaled the musk of her own sweat, born of fright, and her cousin Rory’s as he stood next to her, waiting for an explanation. Her father didn’t speak, but he held her hand with a sad smile.

  “It’s going to be okay.” Joseph Huntley tried to sound soothing, but the stupid words only served to jack up Brie’s fear more. Her wolf whined, sensing the impending danger.

  “Open the fucking door, Huntley, otherwise it’s coming down.” The thick oak door cracked and shuddered as the people on the other side pounded on it.

  Brie smelled the aggression. Her wolf rustled at the hostility and paced, restless. She swallowed the fear in her throat and tried to keep calm.

  “What did you do?” Rory asked her father. “What the fuck did you do?”

  She wanted to caution Rory against speaking to her father in such a way, but the question wasn’t a farfetched one. He wasn’t a nice man, her father. She loved him. He was the only parent she had left, since her mom walked out on them, but her father didn’t know how to keep out of trouble. His attitude and criminal activities were the reasons they’d been kicked out of the pack they’d lived in her entire life in California, and were now taking refuge in someone else’s territory in upstate New York.

  “Don’t forget your place, Rory.” Joseph narrowed his eyes at Rory. “I’m still the one in charge here.”

  Brie held her tongue when she wanted to shout at her father to answer the question. Rory wasn’t asking anything she wouldn’t ask if she could find the courage to tell her father how much he disappointed her. Rory didn’t think she knew how much and how far her father had fallen, but she did. She simply chose to turn a blind eye. It wasn’t right, but, except for Rory, her father was all she had. Rory could have left long ago. He wasn’t happy; he wasn’t content; and he hid who he truly was, but he stayed for her. She recognized that. He remained where he was because Rory wanted to protect Brie from her father. She loved her cousin for it. He’d been her best friend from the moment he came to live with her and her parents when Rory was fifteen. His father, Brie’s uncle, had died, leaving Rory all alone. She’d welcomed him into her family and considered him a brother. He’d been especially strong, a sturdy shoulder to lean on when her mother walked out months ago. Her father had been M.I.A. emotionally, always had been, but he grew colder then. Made more mistakes, and through it all, every time Rory begged her to run away with him, Brie turned him down. She loved her father.

  “That’s Alpha Moyer out there.” Joseph cupped Brie’s cheek. “He’s here for you.”

  The words took a second to register, and when they did, she gasped and staggered backward. Alpha Moyer. The alpha of the Moyer pack. Brie had never seen him personally, but she’d heard enough rumors to know the alpha ruled the small town of Oneida, New York. They’d been in town only a month, but knew all the gossip about the man. Her father, as head of household, had been the one to approach him and ask for permission to live there, as all wolves did when entering another alpha’s territory.

  A gentle hand on her shoulder made Brie stiffen even more. She didn’t know what to make of her father’s words. She didn’t understand them. Why would the alpha be there for her? What had her father done?

  “What do you mean?” Her voice shook, but she asked the question. She hoped her father would start making sense.

  “We made a bargain. I took something from him, and I agreed to give you to him as payment.”

  Oh, my God. Brie whimpered. Rory cursed next to her. Oh, my God. How could he? Her own father. He gave her away? Handed his own flesh and blood over to someone neither of them knew? Who was this man? Even for her father, that was low. She wanted to curl into a ball and hide, cover her ears so the words wouldn’t register, but it was too late. Echoes bounced around inside her head. I agreed to give you to him.

  “Huntley!” The door splintered under one more blow. Wolves poured into the house, some in human form, some on all fours, growling, canines dripping with saliva. Eyes yellow-green and blood thirsty, they circled Brie, Rory and Joseph.

  Her heart threatened to jump out of her chest. Her wolf whined, already aching to offer its throat up to the power radiating from the voice alone. Brie wrapped her arms around her middle, trying to stop the terrible shaking in her limbs. Rory hugged her close, but she didn’t have the wherewithal to appreciate his protection right then.

  “I came for my prize, Huntley.”

  Rory stiffened against her. The alpha’s voice was low but deadly. Brie didn’t want to look at him, but she couldn’t look away. The power in his voice brought goose bumps to her skin, and her heart wouldn’t stop racing. The speaker had to be none other than Kellan Moyer, and he was huge. Menacing and huge. He’d kill her.

  The alpha scowled, nostrils flaring as he stared at Joseph. She didn’t like him. Brie didn’t like him at all. The crooked nose, angular jaw, and thin lips didn’t give him a pleasant visage. He looked scary, angry, and dangerous. The danger rolled off him, making her wolf whimper. She curled her fingers into her palm to fight the urge to drop to the floor, shift, and offer up her belly to the powerful man before her. He wore his dark hair at shoulder length and was dressed in all black: t-shirt under a leather jacket, jeans ripped around the knees, and black boots. He kept his gaze on Brie’s father

  “I’m not a patient man, Huntley.” The alpha stepped forward.

  The closer he got, the more Brie whimpered. The fear of him choked her. What kind of man agreed to just take someone like they were some kind of wrapped Christmas gift? He was a bastard. Like her father was a bastard. She thought to be near him since he was the one who stayed around, but she realized now she should have turned tail and run when she had the chance. Maybe now she could understand why her mother left.

  “Shh.” Rory shushed her.

  Moyer’s nostrils flared, but he didn’t stop. “You stole from me, Huntley.” His eyes flashed gold. “Did you think you could just offer up your daughter and we’d call it even?”

  “But you said—”

  The alpha’s hand shot out. Joseph clutched his neck and dropped to his knees.

screamed. Alpha Moyer’s claws dripped with the same blood running through Joseph’s fingers and soaking his clothes. Brie stared wide-eyed at her father. The gurgling sounds he made tore at her heart. She wanted to reach for him, but moving might bring unwanted attention. Alpha Moyer might decide she wasn’t worth the trouble and kill her, too. But her stomach recoiled at the image of her father, suddenly helpless.

  She’d never seen him helpless.

  “You’re new to this area.” Alpha Moyer looked down at Joseph. “Someone should have told you to never fuck with me. You can never pay my price.” He struck again, this time ripping out Joseph’s throat with his bare hands.

  Brie collapsed onto the floor, a scream locked in her aching throat. Her eyes burned. He’d killed her father. This man, this man who now owned her, had killed her father right in front of her. He’d kill her, too. She was supposed to what? Be with him? He’d kill her, too. She wanted to throw up. Her chest heaved, bile bitter at the back of her throat.

  Her father. Dead at her feet by the man who held her fate in his hands. Rory dropped next to her on the floor. Alpha Moyer kicked her father’s lifeless body then nodded to the guy standing next to him. A man Brie hadn’t allowed her gaze to settle on until now. They had the same menacing features, but where the alpha’s hair was long the other man had short, dark blond hair. He was shorter than the alpha, but power radiated from him as well.

  “Clean this up, Darien.” Moyer turned toward the door. “When you’re finished bring me my prize.”

  The other man—Darien—raised his gaze to Brie. The hairs on her nape shot up. Her wolf growled low in her chest. She tore her gaze away.

  “No,” Rory said.

  Was he crazy? He couldn’t tell the alpha no, not if he wanted to live. Brie didn’t want to go with Alpha Moyer, but she didn’t want to die. She took a breath and accepted her fate. She’d go with him. Of course she would. There wasn’t any other choice.

  Alpha Moyer’s eyes flashed fire when he turned around to look at Rory. The look was so intense, Brie’s wolf whined. Rory knew better. He had to keep his mouth shut. She’d do what needed to be done. If Alpha Moyer wanted her as a slave, to work for him, she’d do it. She couldn’t allow her mind to go to the other place, the other reason for why he might want her.

  “Did someone say no?” The alpha asked with a lift of his eyebrow.

  Oh, God. Brie covered her face with her hands. Rory had to keep his mouth shut. Brie didn’t want him getting in trouble for her. Not when he wasn’t the one responsible for keeping her safe. That had been her father’s job. Piss poor job he’d done. She chanced a glance around. The other wolves in the room stared at them, silent, watchful. Denying and defying an alpha was a death sentence.


  “Speak up.”

  That voice perked up Brie’s wolf. Who was the speaker? Her body tingled at the growled sound.

  “Did you just defy your new alpha?”

  “P-please, don’t take her. She’s innocent.”

  Rory needed to be quiet. Why didn’t he see he was courting disaster? By trying to protect her he could get them killed even faster.

  “That’s a tick in the pro column, boy. I like innocents,” Moyer said.

  Brie lifted her head. She brushed her hair from her forehead. “Don’t hurt him.” She looked over Rory’s head to the guy, Darien. His hand was fisted in Rory’s hair, a menacing scowl on his face. “Please.”

  Rory shushed her, but she ignored him, staring at Darien. The scowl on his face melted into a smirk as he held her gaze. Her wolf whined at her, and she frowned. Darien was just like Alpha Moyer, but her wolf appeared fixated on him.

  “What’s your name?” Alpha Moyer asked Rory.

  “Rory, sir. Rory Huntley.”

  Moyer nodded. “Rory, your alpha stole something from me. Something irreplaceable. He offered up his daughter as payment. I accepted.”

  “Why did you kill him?”

  “Because I can. I’m now in control of this little hovel you call home.” He waved a hand. “She’s my consolation prize, and I aim to collect.” He touched Brie’s head, slid his fingers through her hair.

  Brie cringed. Her wolf didn’t like his touch at all. Now she knew what he wanted; his touch said it all. He wanted her as a sex partner.

  “No.” Darien’s hand in Rory’s hair prevented him from lurching forward. “Please. Please don’t do this. She’s not ready for any of it.”

  Moyer laughed. “You’re not helping your case.” He looked from Rory to Brie and back. “Is she your lover, Rory? That why you’re so hell-bent on keeping her from me?”

  “No. She’s my cousin. Joseph was my father’s brother.”

  “Still.” Moyer shrugged. He tugged Brie’s hair.

  She glared up at him. She wasn’t going to be a coward. She couldn’t be, not anymore. She had to find her spine and fast, if she wanted to survive.

  “What’s your name, pretty wolf?”

  Brie bared her teeth. “Brie.”

  Moyer smiled. “You’re a beauty, Brie. I’d have no problem breeding you.” He winked. “You’d give me pretty pups.”

  “No.” Rory struggled against Darien’s hold, but the large man didn’t ease up. “She’s not strong enough. Please.” His voice broke. “Don’t.”

  “Rory. Hush.” Her heart broke at the despair in his voice. Of course he would think that. She’d never had to fight. She’d never shown any strength. She’d never stood up for herself. Of course Rory would think her weak. She had to show him differently.

  A growl erupted in Rory’s throat.

  Moyer cocked his head and met Rory’s gaze. “You thinking of challenging me, boy?” His eyes twinkled with amusement.

  “Take me,” Rory whispered. “I’ll take her place.”

  What? Brie hadn’t just heard that, had she? Rory wasn’t thinking. Why else would he even think that, much less say it? Alpha Moyer obviously wanted a woman and Rory … Rory didn’t like women. He was attracted to men. He couldn’t disclose that to someone as completely alpha as Moyer. The alpha frowned, surprise in his eyes and on his face. Then Moyer threw his head back and laughed. Darien chuckled, too, and the sound washed over Brie’s skin like a slow, heated wave.

  Her wolf whined. She gritted her teeth. Attraction. Was that what she felt for that Darien guy? God, she hoped not.

  “Take you, Rory?” Moyer laughed again. “Yeah, I don’t think you get it.” He yanked on Brie’s hair. Pain lanced through her skull, and Brie cried out.

  Rory tensed against her. His anger and aggression bled through to her, but she prayed he’d think before acting. It was only the two of them, surrounded by Moyer, Darien, and shifted wolves.

  “It’s time I fathered some pups, and the pretty Brie just might be the right choice.” Moyer winked at Rory. “No offense, Rory, but you don’t have the right equipment.”

  “Please, just…” Rory held up both hands. “I’ll come with you, pledge myself to you. You can own me, do whatever you want with me. Just let Brie go.”

  “Rory, be quiet. I’ll do it.” How would he pull off going to the alpha and being his what? Mate? Slave? Rory liked men; Moyer didn’t. Rory could get himself killed, and that was unacceptable. She needed her cousin alive. It was her time to protect him like he’d protected her. She’d go with Alpha Moyer, and she’d endure whatever he threw her way. She knew her strengths. They didn’t really lie in sex, or at least she didn’t think. She’d never actually been naked with anyone, so her virginity might be of value to the alpha. Some men liked that, didn’t they?

  Taking a woman’s virginity.

  Her heart ached. She’d waited to sleep with her mate, someone she loved. She’d wanted her first time to be special, unforgettable, memorable.

  “You saying you want me to fuck you, Rory?” Moyer moved away from Brie and stared down at Rory with an impenetrable gaze.

  “No,” Brie said in a rush. “That’s not what he’s saying.” She glared at Rory

  “I-I’m offering up myself in exchange for Brie’s freedom.”

  “Hm.” Moyer rubbed his chin. “You don’t say. Brave, aren’t you?”

  Alpha Moyer’s gaze lifted from Rory’s to Darien. They communicated silently, and then Moyer grinned. He rose to his feet and addressed the wolves standing guard, everyone quiet except for their claws on the floor. “Watch them.”

  Darien released Rory and stepped beside Moyer, and the two men walked out the house. Rory grabbed Brie’s hand. She glared at him.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?”

  Chapter Two

  Rory gaped at her, and Brie asked the question again. “What the fuck were you thinking?”

  He shook his head. His gaze darted around the room then stopped at her father’s dead body. “I’m sorry.”

  A sob hitched in her throat, but she waved away the platitude. Her father was dead. It was now only Rory and her, and her cousin appeared to have his own death wish. “You can’t go with the alpha, Rory, and you know why.”

  He paled, but didn’t back down. “I can’t let him take you. You won’t—you won’t survive.”

  The fear in his eyes, fear for her, humbled Brie. She patted his hand. “I will survive. It’s about time I fought for myself, don’t you think?”

  Rory frowned. “What?”

  “I’m going with the alpha, Rory.” She hurried on when he opened his mouth to argue. “This is about me, my life, so I’m making the decision to go with Alpha Moyer.” She forced a smile. “He wants me to birth his pups. That right there makes me the safest woman right now.” Pups, to an alpha, were no small thing. As the mother of his children she’d be protected. The thought bolstered her decision more.


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