Scarred: A Mountain Man Romance

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Scarred: A Mountain Man Romance Page 20

by J. R. Ryder

  My fingers tangled in his long, blonde hair, pulling on it slightly as I tried to get him to move even further down. All this teasing was sure to drive me insane.

  He smirked. “So eager…” He nibbled on my collarbone once more, leaving behind small love bites as his fingertips danced across my skin. First, my waist, followed by my hips, and finally my thighs. His hands snuck between my legs, rubbing me gently until I found myself spreading my legs for him.

  I needed him. So bad.


  “Earth to Hope, are you still with us?” Darla waved her hand in front of my face, breaking me away from the vivid memory.

  I looked at her, a little disoriented. It had felt so real… like I was back in bed with him.

  that was impossible.

  “Come on. Let’s go dance. After all, we didn’t come here to just drink all night.” She grabbed me by the wrist, hoisting me off my seat.

  I nearly tumbled into her, unsteady on my high heels. She was just about to drag me into the sweaty crowd of dancers when I pulled back. “I don’t want to.”

  “What do you mean, you don’t want to?” She questioned, resting her hand on her hip. “You don’t actually think I’d let you mope around and stare at your old ex all night, do you?”

  “That’s not what I was going to do.” I protested, crossing my arms over my chest. “What gave you that idea?”

  “The fact that you’re looking at him right now.”

  Okay. She had a point. I just couldn’t help it. I hadn’t seen him in ten years. It was like one day he was there and the next, he had disappeared off the face of the planet. Just looking at him now felt like I was staring at a ghost.

  He was dressed differently. Very differently. When we were together, his outfit of preference was a pair of fitted jeans and a comfortable black t-shirt. I swear, his wardrobe didn’t contain an ounce of color. He probably didn’t even know what a dress-shirt was.

  Even now, he still wore black, but his clothes looked like they belonged to an expensive fashion brand. If I had to guess, his button-up shirt was made of silk. I bit my lip, noticing his rolled-up sleeves, exposing his chiseled forearms. Was it me or had he gotten even more muscular over the years?

  “Okay, you have to stop drooling already. Or, did you forget what that jerk did to you?”

  Darla was right, but it was almost as if I couldn’t look away. Everything from his high cheekbones, to his chiseled jaw and broad shoulders, and even his well-styled man bun made him look so well put-together. Like he had finally grown up and gotten his life together.

  What had happened these last few years that could have changed him so much?

  A part of me wanted to march up to him and demand answers, but at the same time, I knew speaking to him would only open the wound that had barely healed.

  Before I could decide what to do, Darla grabbed my wrist once more, tugging me toward the dance floor. “Okay, so maybe he’s even hotter than he was before, even if that doesn’t seem humanly possible, but that doesn’t matter. Because you don’t need him. I’m going to make you have fun whether you like it or not.”

  Suddenly, I was in the heart of the crowd. Sweaty bodies pressed against me whilst roaming hands occasionally wandered over my body, making me very uncomfortable.

  Darla, however, seemed to be having a blast. She was cozying it up against a tall, dark-skinned individual with a striking smile. He already had his hands on her ass, cupping it in his palms as they grinded the night away.

  Ugh. I couldn’t stand this. Figuring that Darla would find herself in this man’s bed by the end of the night, I didn’t feel so bad about ditching her. I sneaked my way through the maze of people, heading for the exit.

  Once outside, I took a deep breath, refilling my lungs with fresh air.

  Ah, that was better, much better.

  Feeling safe under the gaze of the nearby bouncer, I fished my phone out of my purse, requesting an Uber to bring me home.

  As I waited, Andre emerged from the club. He passed me by without a single glance, his stride long and confident, like he ruled the world. His expensive leather loafers thumped against the ground as he crossed the street toward the parking lot.

  To my surprise, he approached a black Maserati. He paused, almost as if he knew I was staring at him. His head turned in my direction.

  For a split second, our eyes locked.

  And then, he got in his car, disappearing behind the dark tinted windows. I kept looking at the car as he drove away.

  Chapter 2 (Andre)

  It couldn’t possibly be her.

  My mind was just playing tricks on me.

  My fingers tightened on the wheel as I manually shifted gears. Once I was on the highway, I switched gears again, pushing my car to the limit as I weaved through late-night traffic at a breakneck speed.

  I had always loved to drive fast, but whenever I was upset, I drove even faster.

  Well, upset might not be the right word. More of an emotionally-heightened state. After all, I had just seen Hope, after what, ten years? It was enough to shake up a guy, even a guy like me.

  Behind me, a red Ferrari was riding my tail, flashing his hazard lights at me. It was obvious he wanted to race. Funny how he thought he could beat me.

  I slammed on the breaks, causing him to swerve into the neighboring lane to avoid collision. He rolled down his window. As expected, it looked like a young college kid, out on a thrill ride. The car had probably been a gift from his father.

  Knowing it was pointless, I didn’t bother to roll down my window. Instead, I pressed on the gas, doing almost double the speed limit at this point. A slow car that was cruising in the fast lane threatened my victory. Glancing quickly at the side mirror, I took my chances.

  I jerked on the wheel, shifting to the middle lane, narrowly cutting off the Ferrari who slammed on his brakes, nearly flipping forward. Seconds later, I heard him peel out, trying to catch up with me.

  Up ahead, the highway was framed by two 18-wheelers. I’d have to shoot the middle.

  Without hesitation, I shifted into 5th gear. Just as I entered the gap, one of the trucks decided to switch lanes, threatening to sandwich me between the two. I kept my cool but pressed on the gas just a little harder.


  I made it out – barely – but I did.

  The truck driver honked at me, flipping me off.

  The Ferrari was nowhere to be seen, but I knew he’d show up sooner rather than later.

  “Police reported up ahead!” My police-scanner compatible GPS warned me.

  Quickly, I slipped into the slow lane, bringing my speed to an excruciatingly slow 65.

  This gave the Ferrari enough time to catch up to me. He rolled his window down, looking smug as he passed me by. that look of smugness quickly disappeared once the police sirens sounded.

  Now, it was my turn to look cocky as I drove by, ticket-free, while he was being frisked on the side of the road.

  For the rest of the ride, I stayed in the slow lane, thinking that if Hope ever found out about what I had just done, she would probably kill me. She hated it when I put myself in risky situations. Nearly had a fit when I told her I was going whitewater rafting with some of my frat buddies. She claimed I would get myself killed, but hey, I’m still alive and kicking.

  She always worried too much.

  Maybe that’s why I never told her about my decision to join the Navy. She would have started ranting about how I’m an idiot for putting my life on the line for a country that would never do anything for me. She never would have understood the need I had to go. The desire to prove my worth as a man. To make my country proud.

  I sighed.

  was it all worth it?

  Was my time as a Navy Seal worth losing all the lost time with Hope? The destroyed relationship? Sometimes, I wasn’t so sure I had made the right decision, but it was too late to change things now. What was done, was done.


  Eventually, I
pulled into my new home. After serving my time in the Navy, I took advantage of every benefit they offered – including free education. I rethought my major and went into business management instead, with a minor in chemistry. The end result was a startup project in defense against chemical warfare. Already, my products were being used in war-torn countries such as Syria and Egypt. My goal was to equip every country in need with the tools and equipment required to combat chemical warfare.

  My success allowed me to go anywhere in the world. I could have built my headquarters in sunny California, but instead, I came back to my hometown of Baltimore. I managed to convince myself it was because property was cheaper in Maryland, but deep down, I knew the only reason I decided to move back here was because of her. For the tiny hope that maybe, just maybe, I’d be able to see her again and reconcile everything that had happened between us.

  Well, I got that chance tonight, and what did I do? I walked right past her as if she didn’t even exist.

  Feeling disappointed, I got out of my car and headed inside. My footsteps echoed through the whole mansion.

  What was the point of wealth and fame if you had no one to share it with?

  I shook my head and took off my jacket, hanging it on the coat rack. I then took off my shirt, draping it on the back of the couch before I settled in my recliner.

  The TV turned on automatically when it sensed my presence, asking if I wanted to watch a movie.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  It browsed through the selection before randomly picking one and showing me the synopsis.

  Of course, it would be Hope’s favorite movie. The Big Heat. An old noir film starring Glenn Ford as a private eye. I honestly never understood what she liked so much about it.


  The TV promptly started the movie.

  As I watched it, it almost felt wrong not to have Hope by my side. My arm would be wrapped around her slender shoulders and her head laying on my chest, the smell of her shampoo wafting up to my nose.

  Why did I ever leave her?


  In the morning, I arrived at work, feeling like I hadn’t slept a wink last night. Hope kept haunting my dreams. I had only seen her for a second, but that was enough to make me feel all the guilt I had been trying to ignore for the last decade.

  I thought coming back and seeing her again would be a good idea, but so far, it’s been nothing but a nightmare.

  Thinking that work would help ease my stress, I settled myself behind my desk, waiting for my personal assistant to fill me in on any pressing matters.

  Right on cue, there was a knock on my door.

  “Come in.”

  Cassidy tumbled in with a stack of papers in her arms.

  “You know, I bought you a tablet for a reason. It was supposed to stop you from printing out a bunch of unnecessary documents.”

  She blushed. “I know sir… but…”

  I shook my head. I didn’t have the patience to argue with her about it now. I’d just let her do things the old-fashioned way for the time being.

  “What’s on the agenda today?” I asked, making space on my desk for her to set down the stack of papers.

  She nodded appreciatively, plopping them down. With her hands free, she took a moment to adjust herself. Somehow, Cassidy always had a way of looking discombobulated, no matter how much she fixed her skirt or adjusted her glasses. She was just that kind of a person.

  Feeling my gaze, she quickly shuffled through the papers, finally pulling out a bright pink sticky note. “Right. Here we are. Today, you’ll have to decide on who you’d like to hire as your personal interpreter. Your Spain trip is right around the corner and I don’t think we can keep putting this off.” She said, a little hesitant, as if afraid she might offend me. “Since your schedule is pretty open today, I thought it might be a good time.”

  “Very well. I expect you narrowed down the options for me?”

  “I did.” Again, she shuffled through the papers until she pulled out a folder and handed it to me. “I’ve chosen ten of the top candidates, based on their level of proficiency in the languages you specified, whether they had criminal records, and of course, their overall compatibility with you, sir.”

  I nodded. Since I planned to take quite a few trips overseas, to negotiate the expansion of my company, I needed someone who was comfortable speaking a wide array of different languages.

  “Are these in any specific order?”

  “They are. I put them in order from most qualified to least qualified.”

  “Perfect. Thanks, Cassidy. That’ll be all for now. Once I’ve made my decision, I’ll let you know so you can expedite the hiring process.”

  “Of course, sir.” It took her a second to realize that I wanted her out of my office, but when she did, it was like someone had zapped her with a cattle prod. She jumped forward, scooping the papers into her arms, and scampered out of the room.

  I chuckled slightly before I opened the folder of applications.

  To my surprise, Hope’s picture stared at me.

  Hope Griffith

  Masters in Language Studies from Columbia University.

  Proficient in Spanish, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, and Italian.

  Spent five years as a medical translator.

  Spent two years in Paraguay in a Red Cross Relief Program.

  Currently working as a freelance translator.

  this is what Hope has been up to since I’ve been gone. Carefully, I slid out her small, passport-sized photo from under the paperclip, staring into those bright green eyes of hers. Even though her face had grown more mature and her hairstyle had changed, those eyes were still exactly the same as I remembered them. Vibrant. Full of life.

  I stared at the photograph for a long time, like I was committing it to memory.

  I saw her at the first night club I went to. Then, she just happens to show up on my desk as the best-qualified applicant. It almost felt like fate was slapping me in the face.

  This couldn’t be a mere coincidence.

  Maybe, this was my chance to make everything right again.

  Still, I couldn’t just hire her without at least considering all the other applicants. In comparison, however, everyone else looked sub par. Or, maybe, I was just biased. Whatever the case, Hope seemed to be the best person for the job. Now, the question was, would she be willing to take the job if she knew she had to travel the world with me?

  Something in my gut told me ‘no.’

  She probably wanted nothing to do with me. I didn’t blame her. Ten years ago, I had up and left without saying a word. I just couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye.

  Making my decision, I paged Cassidy back into the room.

  She appeared a few moments later, a coffee cup in her hand and her tablet in the crook of her arm. The charging cable was still hanging from it.

  I raised an eyebrow in question, causing her to look down and realize she hadn’t properly unplugged the device. She blushed slightly, trying to remedy the situation without spilling the coffee. Things didn’t go very well.

  “Cassidy. It’s fine.” I told her before she could stain my brand-new carpet.

  Still flustered, she placed the coffee cup in front of me. “Two sugars and a splash of cream, just the way you like it, sir.”

  “Thank you.” I took a sip, but the coffee was still bitter. Even I faked a smile, knowing that if I expressed any displeasure, Cassidy would fret about it for weeks. “It’s good.”

  She beamed with pride before she stood at attention in front of my desk, waiting for me to say something.

  “I’ve made my decision about the interpreter.”

  “That was quick.”

  “The choice was obvious.” I handed her back the folder. “I’ve marked who it is. Please give them a call and see if they can start Monday morning.”

  She nodded. “Right away sir.”

  With that, she left my office, about to give my ex-girlfriend a call.r />

  By the end of the day, I had gone through so many budget reports and other mundane paperwork that I had practically forgotten about Hope.

  The only thing I could think about was getting home and enjoying a few laps in the pool. I couldn’t even remember the last time I had gone swimming. Work was really starting to take its toll.


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