Under The Hood

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Under The Hood Page 14

by Juanita Kees

  She’d put up a solid wall between them. Now that Tiny was gone, there was no reason for him to stay on at the house, but TJ hadn’t asked him to leave yet either. Maybe she would after the funeral.

  He didn’t want to leave. He loved the house, the land, the feeling of peace … and he loved being with TJ. His life was so different here.

  The office door opened and his heart leapt in his chest. It sank again as he realised it was Serena, not TJ, who stepped through the door.

  “What do you want?”

  “Oh, now, Scott! That’s not the way to greet a friend.”

  Scott didn’t bother to reply as she sashayed over to his desk. She perched on the edge, her skirt lifting to mid-thigh and showing an expanse of shapely leg. He sat back in his chair and glared at her. To his annoyance, she laughed. The sound skittered along his nerve ends and set his teeth on edge. Had he always found her laugh so grating?

  “Don’t make me call my lawyer, Serena. You’re in breach of your AVO. Twice.”

  “I came to apologise for causing a scene at the dinner last week. I realised that you have a lot more on your plate than a new staff member to harass. Drugs, dealers, suicides.”

  “It’s none of your business. Get out.” He reached for his phone.

  “That could get very messy for you, Scott.”

  “I’m going to remind you of this one more time before I call the cops. You’re in breach of your restraining order.” He stood up to tower over her. “Get out.”

  She slid off the desk and adjusted her skirt as she came closer. “Oh come on! You don’t expect me to take that seriously do you? A girl does what it takes to survive in this world.”

  “And you take things a little too far. Now get out.”

  She stepped up and stood close, running a manicured nail down the row of buttons on his shirt. “There was a time when you enjoyed that.”

  “More fool me.” His hands covered hers to push them away. “I don’t know what you came here for, Serena, but whatever scheme you’re cooking up in your head … forget it.”

  She pouted in a way he’d once found attractive. Now it annoyed him.

  “Oh, I think you underestimate me. I’m sure the media will be thrilled to hear of your latest escapades.” She sidled closer as her arms crept up around his neck. “Living with one of your female employees, harbouring drug runners who turn up dead after receiving a coveted award? Great fodder for the press.”

  He placed his hands on her hips to push her away. “Your threats don’t scare me.”

  She stretched up against him, her lips inches from his. “Well, they should. I can make your life hell.”

  “And once again, I think the ball is in my court here because I’m not the one in breach of a court order. You are. So you might want to get your claws out of my neck.” He met with resistance as he pushed her away.

  Whatever she meant to say next was lost as with a soft knock, TJ entered the office. The surprise on her face was followed by a mocking sadness in her eyes. Scott shoved a little harder at Serena as he tried to catch TJ’s eye.

  “Excuse me. When you’re done here, Scott, I need you to sign off Tiny’s file so I can submit it to the apprentice board.”

  Her eyes were trained on the view out his office window as she refused to meet his eyes. He sighed at the resignation in her voice as he glanced down to catch the self-satisfied smile on Serena’s face.

  As TJ turned and left the office, closing the door behind her, Scott shoved Serena away, not caring if she fell flat on her conniving arse. If she wanted to sue for that too, she was welcome to try.

  “Get out!” Picking up his phone, he dialled the number for the local police station. When the constable answered, he said, “I’d like to report the breach of a restraining order please.”

  Serena’s eyes narrowed on his as she stood. “You’ll pay, Scott. One way or another.”

  “You’ve cost me enough already.” To the officer on the other end of the line he gave Serena’s details and said, “She has two minutes to leave the premises before I take action.” He paused to hear the officer’s response. “I’ll let her know. Thank you.” Quietly he put the mobile phone down on his desk. “They’re on their way.”

  Without a word, she turned to leave, smashing the office door against the frame behind her. Scott took a deep breath. His hands were shaking. Not because he was afraid of her threats but because he’d been so angry he’d wanted to throttle her.

  It had taken all his restraint not to throw her against the wall. Disgust tasted sour in his throat at how the scene must have looked to TJ when she’d walked into the office. That she thought he actually welcomed Serena’s touch. That she might believe he enjoyed it, when the only woman he really wanted in his arms was her.

  But he was a long way off understanding or admitting to that himself, so how could he make TJ see that right now when everything was so messed up? He stepped over to the window and saw Serena talking to TJ on the driveway. It didn’t look pretty.

  “You’re just another notch on his bedpost, you do realise that, don’t you?”

  TJ stiffened as the cold, shrill voice lanced through her. She straightened from under the bonnet of the car she was checking the oil and water levels on. Taking her time, she turned to meet Serena’s narrowed eyes full on. She shivered at the meanness that lurked in the silvery gaze.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Quite the little plain Jane when you’re not all dressed up. Don’t think I don’t know what your game is. Oh, you might think you’re clever now, but wait until he drops you like a hot potato when someone more…” Serena’s insulting gaze travelled from TJ’s worn boots, up over her grease-stained overalls to her tangled hair bunched into an elastic band, “…interesting and attractive comes along.”

  “Thanks for the advice.” There was no point telling her that they weren’t sleeping together. Serena was in no mood to hear the truth. “I’ll try to remember that in the heat of the moment.” TJ turned back to the car, dismissing her wordlessly.

  “You little … cat!”

  TJ felt rather than saw Serena strike out at her. In an instant, she spun around and blocked the swing, catching the woman’s thin, bony wrist with her hand. “You really don’t want to hit me.” With the other hand, she lifted the wrench from inside the engine bay and slipped it into her pocket, enjoying the fleeting fear that crossed Serena’s face. “I fight dirty.”

  “The cops are on their way. I’ll tell them you threatened me.”

  “Go ahead .. but my suggestion is that you get back in that car and leave before the police run a plate check and find out who it really belongs to. You’re on my turf now. You made a very stupid move coming here today in that. There’s a lesson to be learnt from digging holes for people, Serena. Be careful you don’t fall in one yourself.”

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” She moved forward threateningly. In her heels she was a few inches taller than TJ.

  “Try me.” Around Serena’s shoulder she saw Scott push through the doors towards them. In the opening to the workshop, her team stood waiting for a sign to rush in and help. The blue lights of the police car flashed as it turned into the drive and TJ added, “If I were you, I’d go quietly and maybe they won’t ask questions. With a bit of luck, they won’t recognise the car or the driver. … but I wouldn’t count on it.”

  Serena’s eyes narrowed. “Watch your back,” she sneered.

  TJ smiled and waved to the officers as they got out of the car. Serena pushed past her, nudging her shoulder hard as she swept by.

  “I’m going,” she said and got into the black car. It started to back out slowly.

  Scott reached her side. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Her hand was shaking a little so she buried it in her pocket. “She’s out for blood.”

  “I know. I thought she’d go away after the court case. I guess I was wrong. There has to be an ulterior motive
for her showing up here. Serena never does anything without a motive.”

  “Seems like an awful lot of nastiness in return for unrequited love.”

  “She’s ambitious. It’s about money and trophies. Love doesn’t come into it at all.”

  “You must be quite a catch.”

  He smiled at that. His heart-stopping, dimpled smile that curved those firm lips into a sexy upward curve and invited fingers to touch them. “Want to find out?”

  TJ’s heart thumped back to life as heated blue eyes seared into hers, their message unmistakable. The memory of their heated kiss in her kitchen warmed her cheeks. Yes, he would be a good catch. Just not for her. She said nothing as the policemen approached them.

  “Hey TJ,” the young constable greeted. “I see the lady left.”

  “Yes, Tim, although you use the term ‘lady’ loosely. You might want to run the plate number on the car though. I think she’s got herself into some nasty company.” She repeated the vehicle registration number for him.

  Tim nodded and looked at Scott. “Mr Devin? Do you want to press charges?”

  “I’ll talk to my lawyer first. If you could, please record the incident and note that she was in breach of her restraining order by coming here? I’m not sure pressing charges will stop her.” He looked back at TJ. “Who was in the car with her?”

  “Gino Bennetti, a lawyer with a questionable record. One who’s not opposed to slinging mud to win or manufacturing evidence. Rumour has it he has strong ties to the underworld.”

  “We’ll check it out, TJ,” promised Tim. “Now what about you? She shoved you pretty hard.”

  TJ shrugged. “I can handle it. I think it was an empty threat.”

  “She threatened you?” Scott took her by the shoulders and turned her around to face him.

  “She told me to watch my back. Not much of a threat.”

  “And she meant it. Serena doesn’t play by the rules.”

  TJ stepped back so that his hand fell to his sides. She ignored the heat of his touch as it burned through her shirt to sear her shoulders. “Neither do I.”

  “Let me know if you change your minds.” The constable looked from one to the other. “If it’s all okay here, we’ll move on. I’ll check that plate.”

  “Thanks, Tim. You might want to pass the details on to Detective Mark Johnson too. Miss Snow made some threats that might impact on the investigation into Tiny Watts’ death. I’ll report those to him myself.” Scott reached out to shake the constable’s hand. “Thank you for responding so quickly.”

  “Sure thing,” said Tim and they turned to leave.

  “My office. Now!” ordered Scott as they pulled out the driveway.

  TJ looked up at him. “What for?”

  “I want to know exactly what Serena said to you.”

  “Go to hell, Scott.”

  He grabbed her arm as she went to sweep past him into the workshop. “Later. First we need to sort this out.”

  “There’s nothing to sort out. What you do need to decide though, is exactly where your loyalties lie.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” His voice was low, a growl between them that raised the hair on the back of her neck and sent shivers down her spine.

  She stepped up so that they stood toe to toe, the tips of her dusty boots a strong contrast to his highly polished, expensive leather shoes. “You and Serena looked pretty cosy when I walked into your office. How do I know this isn’t something the two of you are cooking up together? You didn’t seem to be fighting it too hard.”

  “You’re wrong. I know how it must have looked but I’m not prepared to discuss it standing on the driveway with the whole dealership looking on.”

  TJ looked around and saw that they’d attracted attention from the staff. Gossip was the last thing they all needed. She sighed and stepped back. “Give me five minutes to clean up.”

  Scott nodded and walked away leaving her to take several deep, calming breaths as faces disappeared from windows and went back to work. Whichever way they looked at it, their situation had just got a whole lot worse. Serena’s appearance would bring a lot of unwanted attention to Scott and, in turn, to the project.

  The circumstances of Tiny’s death already threatened the program as the media started asking questions. It wouldn’t be long before the mayor would rethink his involvement too. But whatever happened next, her commitment to Marty had to remain strong. She wasn’t about to lose him as well.

  Serena’s arrival had not been timed well. Or then again, perhaps it had. TJ realised she’d been leaning a little too much on Scott. She’d become too used to having him around. Too used to hearing him moving around in the room next door, seeing things like his aftershave and soap in her bathroom. Too used to smelling him, fresh after his shower.

  His very being had slowly permeated the property. Little things, like tools he’d left in the shed when he’d tinkered under Bruce’s bonnet. His work shirt that hung on the hook in Cabin One, covered in sawdust. And, of course, his dog, Sarge, who was there ready to welcome them home every night, hyped up and keen to play. Like a real family. TJ realised it was the happiest she’d been since Pop died.

  But there was no point in chasing windmills. Scott might be easy to talk to and great company, but their worlds were poles apart. A relationship would be a disaster. Why that thought sent a sharp burst of pain through her chest, she didn’t want to guess.

  Irritated, she tossed the rag she’d wiped her hands on in the recycle bin and walked up the corridor to Scott’s office with purposeful strides. It had to end now.

  Scott stood looking out his office window across the hills as she swept into the office. He didn’t turn around as she slammed the door behind her.

  “Easy on the door, Tiger. It’s taken a bit of punishment today.”

  He bunched his fists into his pockets. With his jacket off, TJ had a view of his broad shoulders that tapered down to a strong, muscled back that she’d seen ripple in the sunlight with each swing of a hammer, each slide of a wood saw every Saturday for the last couple of months.

  To follow his comment up with a humorous response would be too easy, so she bit her lip. She needed to stay mad at him. “What do you want, Scott? I’ve got a busy day ahead.”

  He turned from the window to face her as he leaned up against the sill. “It wasn’t what you thought you saw.”

  “I don’t care. Whatever.” TJ jiggled her hand in the air, waving the problem away.

  “I’m going to tell you anyway.”

  “I don’t have time for this. It doesn’t matter to me who you have an affair with as long as it doesn’t impact my project. I’m not losing any more of my boys. If the media gets hold of this story, it’s all over … again.”

  “Whatever was between Serena and me is over. I have no interest in rekindling it, and I’m certainly not interested in playing her games. What I want to know is what she said to you out there on the driveway. I saw her swipe at you.”

  TJ shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. She didn’t connect. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

  “I don’t doubt that for a minute.”

  He smiled as he pushed away from the window. TJ’s mind filled with a vision of a stalking panther as he walked casually towards her. She took a step back.

  “If we’re done here, I have work to do.”

  Scott sighed. “We’re not done with this, but I guess it will have to wait until you’re in the mood to discuss it. I won’t let her hurt you or the project. That’s my promise.”

  “Fine. Keep her away from me. That’s all I ask.” She slowly stepped back towards the door.

  “I spoke to Mark about the arrangements for Tiny’s funeral.”

  TJ stopped, backing up as tears surged into her eyes. She blinked them away. “And?” The words came out a whisper as the air between them hummed with tension.

  “The coroner will release…the body…on Friday. So I’ll arrange the funeral for Saturday.”<
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  Unable to force the words past the lump in her throat, TJ nodded. The reality of it seemed beyond her grasp. Everything she’d worked for with Tiny was lost. She’d failed to tame the tiger that had Tiny in its grasp. She couldn’t afford to do the same with the remaining three, especially Marty. Quietly she turned and left the office.

  Chapter Fifteen

  A watery sun broke out between heavy clouds and filtered in through the stained glass window of the chapel. Scott, TJ and Marty sat close together on the front pew as the celebrant read a blessing for Tiny. Behind them, a small group of mourners spread out across the pews.

  How sad that it had come to this, TJ thought. If only she’d kept a closer eye on him that night, maybe … just maybe … she could have prevented this. A tear slipped down her cheek and splashed on her hand. She wiped it against her skirt. Scott’s hand curled warm and comforting around hers as it lay between them. He squeezed it gently as he looked ahead.

  She wondered briefly what he was thinking. She dabbed her cheeks with the tissue scrunched in her free hand, surprised that there were any tears left to cry. Scott dropped her hand on his leg and placed his arm around her shoulders, along the back of the pew, drawing her closer. Too drained to resist, she leaned her head against his shoulder as his right hand closed over hers on his leg. He brushed a kiss against her hair as the celebrant finished the reading and the coffin slipped quietly through the doors of the chamber where Tiny would spend his last moments before cremation.

  Next to her, Marty’s shoulders shook quietly. She stretched out her free hand to hold his, the three of them finding comfort in each other. TJ wasn’t sure how long they sat like that. After a while the celebrant touched Scott’s shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, Mr Devin. Tea is being served outside. Please join the others when you’re ready.”

  “Of course, thank you.” He hugged TJ quickly before removing his arm from around her shoulders. “Let’s go, guys.”

  He held out his hand to her and she took it without hesitation. Marty walked beside them as they emerged into light drizzle. Tea and cake was being served under the gazebo in the chapel garden. Scott found TJ a seat and went to get her a cup of strong coffee.


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