Hunting the Rogues (Shadow Claw Book 8)

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Hunting the Rogues (Shadow Claw Book 8) Page 7

by Sarah J. Stone

  “You’re thinking of kissing me.”

  Goddammit, she cried out internally.“What? Dude, no.” she shook her head.

  “You’re a really bad liar,” he chuckled, leaning in closer.

  She backed away, but was met with the mirror.“Okay, so what if I want to kiss you?” she huffed as his breath slid past her ear, “I just got lost in the moment!”

  “Just say no if you don’t want it,” he whispered, lips brushing her lobe.

  She wanted it. But she didn’t. Well, she wanted it, but she didn’t want him to know she did, and she didn’t want this to be a distraction or hindrance to her work, but she didn’t want to tell him because she was so curious about kissing since she’d so easily forgotten her first one. And it wasn’t as if she wanted to feel what kissing was like in general because she’d forgotten, she just wanted it with him but she was sure it was just a momentary attracti–

  All thoughts flew right out of the window and his lips pressed against hers. Viria’s eyes closed instinctively, responding back slowly to him. He kissed her softly, large hands holding her at the waist. She could feel the warmth of his hands through the towel, and she sighed against his mouth. His lips moved against her, tongue sliding past hers and into her mouth. She gasped lightly at the intrusion and his kiss grew more intense as he dragged her body close to his, arm wrapping around her waist tightly as he sucked on her tongue and pulled the life out of her. Metaphorically, speaking.

  Viria was a needy mess, clawing at his back and hair for more of his taste as a fire lit up in the lower parts of her abdomen. She knew she had to pull away, but she didn’t want to. He was holding her and it felt like nothing in the world could ever get to her. No one could hurt her and Mitch would kill whatever that threatened to before it could reach them. He was aggressive yet careful, pulling away to give her space to breath, noses brushing as he looked into her eyes, scanning her red face and her swollen lips parting for air. He kissed her again because he’d never seen a sight so tempting in his life, gripping her thigh so tight because he was afraid she’d disappear.

  Chapter 9

  Kalen returned the Elder’s quarters where he was asked to go to Samuel’s office.

  “How’d it go?” he asked once the Faerie King entered.

  “He was pretty reasonable about it, I guess.” Kalen shrugged. “He told me to tell Heather to keep away from him, though.”

  Samuel looked at him dubiously. “He is the one who can’t keep himself away from Heather.”

  “Which is why he doesn’t want her visiting, but I don’t know why,” Kalen said. “I thought they liked each other.”

  “Maybe it wore off?”

  “Oh, shut up.”

  “Come on, Kalen,” Samuel pressed on, “he lived with a woman he fell so in love with over the course of – what – eight years? Only to be betrayed in the end. Then he moved onto Heather so quickly, she could’ve well been a rebound and he didn’t realize.”

  “I was afraid of this,” he groaned. “Do I have to be the one to break it to her?”

  “Hey, I’m just assuming,” Samuel put his hands up. “Maybe he’s embarrassed because he’s an ordinary human and she’s a powerful shifter. The imbalance in power thrown in with the male ego is a dangerous combination to a relationship.”

  “Yeah,” he said, “I wouldn’t want my mate being more powerful than me.”

  “You’re a sexist piece of shit sometimes, but okay.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Whatever floats your boat, Kalen,” Samuel said. “Ammara is definitely more powerful that you.”

  “Wait, wait, wait – no one is making this a competition but–”

  A knock at the door interrupted them and the men looked back to see Cole leaning against the door frame. He looked very much like a womanizer, now that Kalen thought about it. Fitted black pants over his toned legs paired with a snug dark blue shirt with the top two buttons undone, it seemed as if he would go on to steal someone’s woman any minute now. On top of that, he was exceptionally handsome and it threatened Kalen’s unchallenged beauty. Well, unchallenged until now.

  “Samuel, has his Majesty filled in the compulsory forms?” Cole asked smoothly.

  “He was just getting started.”

  “Splendid, I just wanted to inform you that I’ve been called to the mansion. I have foreseen a visitor arriving.”

  “Sure, Cole,” Samuel said easily. “Abigail will fill in for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  And with that he disappeared. Kalen only grumbled under his breath as he snatched the pen from the holder and started filling in the documents.

  All this had taken place two days ago. And now Kalen stood behind Cole quietly, watching the vampire type away at his computer and intercepting calls, marking updates on various files and throwing darts that landed accurately on marked spots on a map of the world.

  “Thank you, Guillermo,” he spoke into a microphone while holding a headset to his ear. “Yes, it’s all been covered for… no, find a good reason to execute those transgressors. We cannot tolerate such abuse against the beings of our realm… Send aids to the Sprites then… I don’t care how nasty they are, just do it,” he ended with a chuckle.

  “They co-operate if you’re nice to them, trust me… No, it’s not the charms speak. Now, listen, I have other calls to take… Sure, thanks.”

  Nothing suspicious at all. If anything, he seemed like a really nice guy.

  The nicest ones are the evilest ones.

  He put down the headset and worked away. He got another call and Kalen assumed it would be like the other, so he turned to walk away.

  “You found them, huh?”

  Kalen stopped in his tracks. Cole’s tone had changed.

  “No, please don’t hurt him… thank you,” he continued, “I’d like to confront him for his actions… no, he shall be executed… I’m sorry, Ivanna, but someone of my own blood put my people’s safety on the line and I won’t have that.”

  Ivanna? Kalen thought.When did he meet her?

  “If I can meet with Viria before and she gives me a good enough reason then maybe I shall reconsider.”

  Kalen stayed and listened on.

  “Yes, I would like to meet Nina, too,” he continued, “Me being in the Council must’ve come as a shock to her. I would’ve thoughts her parents might’ve informed her already… yes, I kept them busy. I don’t think they’re aware of the conflicts you’re dealing with. Should I send in any assistance?... I can make it today, yes.”

  And that was all. He put his headset down. Kalen had to go visit his daughter.


  “Dad, are you serious?” Nina sighed, not taking Kalen seriously enough.

  “It’s true!” he hissed with a shake of her shoulders. “I have proof! That vampire in there recorded the whole meeting on a CCTV, okay?”

  “Even if they want me removed do you think that’s possible in any way with me being the Caillagh and all? Even they know that’s impossible.”

  “You already bear three titles of authority, Nina,” Kalen said, “The Luna of the Shadow Claw, Head of the Inner Circle, and an Elder. They’re probably jealous and can’t take it!”

  “I can’t take it, to be very honest,” she claimed throwing her hands up in the air, “I’m also a mother, for goodness’s sake. That’s the number one title. My child should be my number one priority but I only get to hold her at bed time! Who knows, maybe I could do without one or two of those titles!”

  “Don’t you want to be powerful, though?” he asked. “Don’t you want to have the authority and control over what’s happening? Can you really trust these people?”

  “Yes, I can,” she declared, “Are you seeing with the way they’re dealing with the vampire rogues?”

  “Oh, as if therapy gets criminals anywhere, Nina,” Kalen mocked with contempt. “Rogues are criminals and should be executed for all I care.”

  Nina was silent, not believing what s
he’d heard.

  “You’d let that happen to me?” she said as calmly as she could. Kalen stilled, realizing what he’d just done. His daughter was a rogue once.

  “Nina, I—”

  She put her hand up to silence him. “Here is where I’ll agree with Cole. You guys are far too old and far behind to catch up with the times. Maybe we do need new Elders. And it needs people like Viria who know how to deal with people and don’t center the system around their own beliefs.”

  “Are you listen—”

  “Yes, I am,” she snapped. “And I’m done listening to you because, you know what, I wouldn’t be in this shit if it weren’t for all of you guys not knowing what Asther and Morrigan were up to whilst being around them in the council. I had to go through one kind of hell, and you have those two children in there who’ve gone through fucking punishments of Underworld and acting twice as sane as you guys will ever be!”

  “Nina!” Kevin called to her as he came around the corner. “Is everything okay? I felt your distress signals.”

  “I’m fine,” she snapped over her shoulder and glared at her father.

  “I need my peace and sanity for my child,” she said. “I haven’t been through a lot but I’ve been through enough. I’d gladly give up any position and power I need to ensure that.”

  With that, she turned around and dragged Kevin away.

  Chapter 10

  Viria really did not want to stop kissing him, but she had to. She needed her breath. Yet the temptation was crazy. She was still pressed up against him, feeling the contours of his chest as his lips trailed softly over the skin of her neck.

  Her senses were coming back to her, but she didn’t push him away. His hands did not wander anywhere else, and his lips remained on her neck, the furthest to her cleavage but that was it. Burying his face in the crook of her neck, he breathed deeply as if he was trying his best to control himself. She loved how he was holding her. She hadn’t felt this safe and loved in quite a while.

  “I really should hold back,” he said, his voice coming out strained. It had dropped a few octaves and Viria had never heard anything so stimulating in her whole life. Her hands fisted his shirt instinctively.

  We’re teenagers with raging hormones and I haven’t so much as masturbated right in my life, she reminded herself, I should have foreseen this.

  “I really should push you away right now,” she breathed. He immediately pulled away and grabbed her face, nose to nose.

  “You should’ve told me no if you didn’t want it,” his demeanor came out panicked and Viria knew he’d misunderstood her.

  “No, no!” she gasped. “I mean physically. Not emotionally or whatever. I mean, what’s the point of denying this?”

  He sighed in relief and pulled back. “All right… that really did kill me for real down there.”

  She coughed and looked away, “That’s a good thing, I guess. I mean, you’re alive there.”

  “I’m leaving now,” he declared. “Get dressed and we’ll get you breakfast.”

  He hurried out of the bathroom. Viria watched the door close as she placed her head back against the mirror, the feeling of his lips like a ghost on hers. She really couldn’t believe that had happened. But it had. She shouldn’t have let it happen, nevertheless. She’d promised herself to maintain boundaries. No romance until this whole ordeal was over.

  She wasn’t against romance or love, but she felt there was a particular time and circumstance it could be allowed under. Now was not the time. She could not afford such distractions.

  Getting off the counter on surprisingly wobbly legs, she reached into the inbuilt closet of the bathroom and pulled out her clothes. She hardly had any comfort clothes or pajamas since she was working almost all the time. The most comfortable she could get was with grey fleece pants and black T-shirt. The only T-shirt that wasn’t shredded to pieces. She needed to send someone to buy her new clothes.

  Viria almost bumped into Ivanna’s chest as she opened the office door. Ivanna pushed her inside and closed the door behind them.

  “I saw Mitch acting weird and you cannot convince me otherwise of what I think has happened,” she said firmly.

  “It was an accident.” Viria rolled her eyes. “A little kissing won’t get me killed. Plus, It’ll be the last time.”

  Ivanna looked at her carefully, her thoughts calculating. “I mean, it doesn’t have to be the last time, you know? Is he a good kisser?”

  Viria’s face was getting redder by the minute and she tried to get away from her. “No details.”

  “Okay, but don’t you feel nice, though?” Ivanna asked, stepping in front of her.

  “Sorta.” Viria tried side stepping again.

  “You know you should really give sex a shot.” Ivanna smirked as she blocked her sister again. “It’s a great stress reliever.”

  “I’ll honestly flip you over and break something.”

  “What? It’s true!” She laughed. “Look at everyone else!”

  “For fuck’s sake, Ivanna,” Viria groaned. “I need breakfast. Also, you’re still hiding a lot from me and I need to know everything!”

  “If you rest and meet with Cole Grace tonight, then I promise I’ll put out everything in the open,” Ivanna said. “But you have to rest.”

  “Okay, I will!” Viria cried. “Now let me go, please?”

  “Also, it’s really obvious you and Mitch like each other a lot so maybe—”

  “I don’t even know how to properly masturbate, okay?” she cried out. “You want me to just up and ride his dick?”

  “You’re really crude for someone so young and innocent.”

  “I’ve watched porn, Ivanna. I know how it works.” she deadpanned. “Oh, my, God, please just let me go and eat.”

  “Want banana pancakes and milk?”

  “I hate you.” Shepushed past her.

  “It wasn’t even a reference of that sort!” Ivanna laughed as Viria slammed the door.


  That evening, Viria waited anxiously for Cole’s arrival. Ivanna had told her everything she needed to know without holding anything back, and Viria knew she had more missions to take on after that meeting. Her mind was a blur preparing and organizing the operations.

  Her train of thought was interrupted brutally by the doors opening with a rather uncomfortable creak.

  Did no one oil the hinges at all this week? She stood up to greet the man who’d walked in and her eyes instantly widened. Goodness, that was one handsome man she’d ever laid eyes on.

  Mitch was just as stunned at Cole’s appearances, but his heart churned in disdain as his eyes tore to look at Viria. He could see how Cole awed her with his beauty. He was with her when Ivanna told her all about Cole. Experienced in war, had many contacts, and was a genius. He took on a lot of mission abroad while on the run from his community’s traitorous leader and came back to overthrow and execute him. Mitch knew he was no match.

  Viria wasn’t so easy to win over. The charm only lasted a very short while before her eyes regained their serious demeanor and inspected him all over. His left shoulder was weak, which would make combating with the arm difficult. His eyes were his most important aspect in battle because those shoes would not feel any vibrations for shit and his ears shouldn’t be covered by his long hair that way if he wanted to use them efficiently. Viria knew she had an advantage over him because she could fight blind or deaf, even both. There were times she deliberately had to because some torture procedures would require deafness or blindness.

  Cole studied her eyes carefully. He knew they were the window to the soul, but he didn’t expect Viria’s to be so intense and damaged. There was a lot of trauma of all kinds she was hiding under her lopsided smile greeting him warmly into her abode. And from the way everyone talked and addressed her, they had not a single clue how dangerous she could be if she wanted to be. Suddenly, Cole did not feel very safe in her presence. He worked with people through empathy, kindness, and persuasi
on. Viria looked like she could walk into a room and people would know she was someone to be listened to with no questions asked. It wasn’t her small frame in any way, but the air around her. The way the members of the High Council stood beside her with the hands together and shoulders squared, bodies turned just a little toward her, ready for her commands. And Viria looked dangerously authoritative with her short messy brown hair, piercing hazel eyes, and arms crossed. It was the most disorienting sight to see and the oddest thing to consider a little girl had so much power. It was easier to believe when he’d heard about it, but seeing Viria in person blew him away.

  He didn’t even notice Nina standing beside Mitch.

  Mitch could see the fascination in Cole’s eyes. He knew Viria became a fatal obsession to all that met her. But the jealousy that erupted in him was just as lethal and he wanted to pluck out Cole’s eyes so badly.

  “Cole Grace,” Viria addressed him, “Welcome.”

  “It’s an honor,” he said with a slight bow of his head, hand to his heart. Mitch wanted to scoff, andViria’s expression only sparked a raging fire in his chest. She looked intrigued and maybe somewhat amused, but not disrespectfully. She nodded in acknowledgment and asked him to take a seat from across the round piece of marble that had lifted from the clock on the ground, the symbols serving as seats. Viria and Cole took a seat. Ivanna came to flank Viria from one side as Mitch did the other.

  “It’s in your knowledge,” Viria stated, “that some of your rogues teamed up with someone within the Inner Circle to partake in a political affair.”

  “I apologize profusely for such an inconvenience,” Cole replied, but Viria held her hand up and he stopped.

  “I understand they are not your responsibility, since you weren’t the leader of your community when they’d run away,” she said. “You’d asked Ivanna not to hurt them, so we took no further action against them. What do you plan to do with them?”

  “A public execution shall be in order for them,” he claimed firmly. Viria raised a brow and leaned over the table. A certain radius of the table disappeared, turning it into a ring. She looked over the edge and below into what looked like a pit.


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