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Hunting the Rogues (Shadow Claw Book 8)

Page 12

by Sarah J. Stone

  “What’s happening?” he asked as he put on his shoes.

  “Cassie and Luke have been captured by the chimeras,” she explained while strapping the sniper to her back. “We need to go in on a rescue mission and base annihilation.”

  “And Viria?”

  “No updates, but she’ll be okay. Her familiars and the High Council are on high alert for any of her orders.”

  Mitch felt something was off because they were supposed to receive bihourly alerts, but it had been five minutes past the designated time now. They left Viria’s office and were met by the High Council strapped in gear and heading for the stairs.

  “What’s happened?” Ivanna asked as she marched with them.

  “Viria’s phone has scheduled alerts and we’re receiving no signals on her end,” Blake explained. “I don’t want to think of the worst but we’re taking precautionary measures.”

  “Will you need anyone else?” she asked with a glance toward Mitch.

  “We’ll call.” He nodded. “Your situation.”

  “Don’t say a word to Nina,” she said. “Cassie and Luke are being held hostage by the chimeras.”

  Blake froze in his steps and everyone crashed into his back. He held his ground and turned to them. “Grippin, Yale, Fae, I need you to go with Ivanna.”

  No questions were asked as they left. The five of them headed toward the Council quarters and teleported straight to the den. Fergus was busy trying to get Diana to calm down so they got straight to work.

  “Wait,” Mitch said, “save your magic, I can see their energies.”

  “You can do that?” Ivanna asked, impressed.

  “It’s a pretty recent thing,” he explained. “The two must’ve been injured for it to flow out. Come on.”

  Mitch led the way right into the woods. The thick foliage kept out the moonlight and it was getting hard to see, but Mitch powered on past the tree trunks and over turned roots. The witches and wizard were finding it hard to keep up and had to resort to magic to see. It didn’t take long before they came to a large green container horrible rusted from the years. Nature had taken over it, vines and shrubberies climbing and twining around it to make a home, and it was almost impossible to make out if it was a container at all.

  The group approached it with caution, but Mitch held up a hand and gestured for them to stay away. Knowing their own kind, the chimeras wouldn’t be immune to a change in scent. Ivanna realized she should’ve brought the anti-odor spray Viria used on herself before every break in mission. Ivanna never had to break and sneak around for information like Viria had to, and she had no idea what precautions she had to take exactly. But Ivanna figured they wouldn’t be able to get away without a fight.

  Mitch backed away and waved his hand for the others to do the same.

  “Stick to the trees,” he said. “Stay there until I give the signal.”

  “What’s the situation?”

  “There are only two chimeras inside,” he relayed, “but from what I’m picking up, more are on the way. We’re going to either act fast while it’s just two of them, or wait it out until the others arrive and leave.”

  “What makes you think they’ll leave?” Blake asked.

  “They should to hunt to eatat some point,” he said. “They’re not all that strong and need to eat soon.”

  “Wow, you can tell all that?” Fae said.

  “Now, I can.”

  They took to the trees and stayed close by each other.

  “Listen,” Ivanna whispered to Mitch, “I think I should take them out with my tranquilizers. Viria was an absolute mess and she’d never taken such a beating before. I really don’t think we’ll come out in a fight.”

  “I was thinking the same thing…” he admitted, “but should they be immune to the tranquilizers?”

  “Let’s hope otherwise,” she said.

  Mitch zeroed in on the ground under the trailer. He knew the earth itself was a graveyard, and he could see plenty of animals and people beneath to call upon. He would have to get closer, but he knew the dead there could help.

  They waited. Mitch could see the chimeras energies falling lower and that they were starting to exit. He signaled to Ivanna to ready her gun and she immediately cocked the sniper onto her shoulder.

  “You really think this rescue mission should be all that easy?” Fae whispered.

  “Pray that it is,” Mitch replied. “Not everything needs to be extremely difficult.”

  A click, and a swish of air later Ivanna announced one down…

  “Or not,” she grunted. “They intercepted it.”

  Mitch looked toward them. The chimeras were looking right at them. With a sigh, he stood up and took control of as much dark energy as he could around himself, taking hold of every dead thing around him.

  “I’ll cover you guys,” he said. “I can’t be killed no matter what they do.”


  Cassie was trying to process the conversation she and Cicily, the female chimera, had just had before they left to hunt. It confused her, but she understood that there was a considerable amount of brainwashing done on them. These chimeras were lied to. They were born adults and fed only one thing repeatedly beforebein let out into the world to train. The shifter were their enemies. They could not accept beings that were in-between like he chimeras were.

  “Think of it as hermaphrodites in a community of cisgenders,” she said.

  “But we’ve never even come across a chimera in our lives until now!” Cassie cried out.

  “Chimeras are rare and I wouldn’t expect everyone to come across them,” she said, “but they have been treated as outcasts and it will be no longer tolerated. We know you want us finished, but this time, we will finish you guys.”

  “Who told you all this?” Cassie demanded. Cicily only looked away as she filled up a syringe with clear liquid. She approached her, squirting some of the liquid out of the needle.

  “We stand with those who understand our pain and accept the truth,” she said. What threw the Luna off was a hint of uncertainty in the chimeras eyes, “We are not mindless robots that follow orders unless we feel the need to. This cause is something all of us are willing to contribute to. Oppression will not be accepted and oppressors shall buckle.”

  Cassie said nothing but she knew that the hint of certainty in her would be enough to work on and expose her to the truth. She wasn’t sure how she was going to do it, but she knew someone could anyway. These people were simply misguided.

  She did not struggle against Cicily’s hold as she pressed onto her arm to pin point a vein. Nor did she wince when she pricked into her skin and ejected the serum.

  “We stand with the truth, Cassie,” she said. “And we turn easily when it is proven otherwise.”

  Cassie had some hope.


  Mitchcalled for the dead to rise. Skeletons of squirrels, birds, dogs, and other animals went scurrying after the chimeras. Dead roots sprung from the ground like snakes and shot themselves out of the soil. The chimeras were taken by surprise and it was obvious this was something they hadn’t yet deal with. But their claws shot out and cut through whatever it could, dismantling bones and slicing at dead plants. Mitch was quick and summoned more from behind them and they were soon wrapped up and held down by dead vines and carcasses. They struggled against their binds as Mitch neared them. Ivanna and her team had moved as soon as Mitch had let loose the attack. Fae couldn’t help but take a look behind her as soon as they reach the container’s door, and she regretted it instantly. The sight was the most scariest she’d seen in quite a while.

  Mitch’s skin was pulled apart all over as if someone had put droplets of acid on his it, eaten away holes oozing out black and purple energy from them. His eyes were liquid silver swimming around in his sockets, his hair a purple flame atop his head. She couldn’t comprehend what she was looking at, but the idea of evolution did not seem all too appealing anymore now.

  The chimeras withere
d, eyes going silver. They froze.

  “Rise,” he commanded them. The binds fell away and the chimeras did as Mitch asked. Fae was stunned. Mitch watched the two as he slowly returned to normal, but the chimeras stayed put and entranced. The ghoul was cautious as he circled them, inspecting them well.

  “You will follow us back and bring us no harm,” he said, “You will tell us about everything we ask.”

  “Yes, master,” they said in unison. Mitch looked uneasy and looked past the two at Fae. She was absolutely white.

  “This is another new thing,” he explained. “Anyway, get these two quick. There are more coming and I won’t be able to hold them all off.”

  Chapter 18

  Viria watched them all silently as they conversed further amongst each other while they ate. Apparently they all had underground bunkers, and the people working had no clue of the beings’ presence in the structure. They were all rogues as they were so easy to target. Viria knew none of them had slipped in with any packs into the sanctuaries otherwise the topic would have come up.

  A phone rang loudly through the room and it was answered. A tall woman talked quietly into her phone and put it away. Lydia looked at her expectantly.

  “There’s bad news,” she said. “The bear shifters are gone. They were rescued. Not only that, Cicily and Ted are gone, too.”

  Praise the Lord, Viria’s heart cried out.

  Lydia looked absolutely livid beyond measure.

  “That is it!” she cried. “All of you! I want you positioned at the remaining main bases and confronting these people head on! I WANT THEM DEAD!”

  “You’re telling us to fight people who actually managed to overthrow chimeras?” someone retaliated “They must either be growing crazy powerful or you aren’t doing your work right!”

  “Do you want me to let lose my creations upon you for defiance?” she threatened. The person fell silent. No one said a word and they packed up to take their leave.

  “We’ll inform you once we reach our bases,” a girl said and they all disappeared into the hallway one by one.

  Lydia walked toward her seat at the table, plopping down tiredly and holding her head.“That little girl…” she started with a silver of annoyance showing through her trembling form, “is ruining everything!”

  Gael was the only one who stayed behind. He stayed silent as he watched her.

  “I worked on this organization for years. Years! Only for it to start falling apart because of a seventeen year old rascal!”

  “I did say you underestimate her.” Gael shrugged. “You underestimate our kind completely. And Viria is hell to deal with in every way.”

  “But how did she manage so much damage?” she demanded. Viria tried her best to hold back a chuckle.

  “Flawed systems are easy for her to break down,” he explained. “Pin-pointing incompetence is a game for her.”

  “You dare say I–”

  “Lydia, the girl is a being with brains and powers beyond her years. And young creative minds are dangerous, whether good or evil. They are easy to manipulate, but Viria is not one of them. I do have someone who can do enough damage from within the systems she’s involved in and weaken her support.”

  Lydia looked at him with suspicion. “You are offering support.”

  “I am doing you a favor simply because I have something to gain from it as well,” he said. L

  ydia stood up and neared him.“Are you sure that’s what it is?” she said. It was in no way sultry or seductive. If anything, it was something along the lines of nostalgia. And Viria was starting to become very confused.

  Gael took a step back. “I know what you’re thinking, Lydia, but what we had was more than ten years ago. You left as soon as you found out I was a vampire and you work actively against my kind. I may not be a vampire anymore, but I am still a stronger being now. You may have all the others fooled, but I know exactly what you’re up to.”

  “And we shared so much with each other, Gael,” she said, looking away from him. “Do you miss nothing?”

  “I’ve moved on…” he said. Silence ensued and Lydia turned away from him. Gael only shook his head and moved toward the hallways to leave. “I will extend my support to you. Just make sure you actually get your job done.”

  With that, the former vampire disappeared. The walls came together to close, and all that dimly illuminated the room were the blue holograms. Viria finally relaxed her muscles and dropped to the floor. Lydia gasped and turned to look behind her where Viria had landed quite a distance away.

  “Goodness,” she chuckled nearing the woman, “if I knew there was so much drama involved when it came to being evil then I wouldn’t bother falling in love.”

  “Who are you?” she asked, her voice low. She snapped her fingers and the fluorescent white lights opened, almost blinding her. Viria was unfazed, but she stood still. The guards were still there with their guns poised ready, waiting for Lydia’s orders.

  “Do not shoot!” she said as soon as Viria pulled off her hood. A series of clicks echoed the room.

  “I REPEAT!” Lydia yelled. “DO NOT SHOOT!”

  “Ah, you recognize me, donchu?” The witch smirked.

  “How did you find this place?” Lydia demanded “How did you get in here?”

  “I have my ways.” She shrugged.

  “Who else is with you?”

  “Oh, I’m on my own, so don’t worry,” she replied, putting her hands up and waving them for assurance, “and see? I’m unarmed.”

  “You are mocking me,” the woman seethed.

  “I thought I was being fair, though,” she pouted. “I mean, you’re not armed, either. It wouldn’t be a fair fight.”

  “Oh, so you think?” Lydia laughed as she snapped her fingers. Vents opened up overhead and chimers fell to the ground, landing on their feet. The smell of fur filled the air with growls and snapping of jaws.

  “Don’t kill her, children,” Lydia said with a smile. “I want her in the dungeons alive.”

  The chimeras lunged at the witch.


  Diana was once again a mess when she saw an unconscious Cassie and Luke coming toward them. Luke was draped upon Blake’s back, and Cassie on Ivanna’s. Fergus called for the medics and they immediately came in with gurneys, where they spread out the bear shifters.

  “What’s happened to them?” Fergus asked.

  “They’re just unconscious,” Ivanna said. “Give them a few hours or so to come around. Diana, they’re okay now, come on.”

  Diana couldn’t stop crying. Fae only sighed and went to hold her, her hands glowing as he patted her back down. The wolf shifter slowly fell silent, breathing deeply to compose herself.

  “I’m sorry, guys.” She sighed. “I’m just really stressed out. We’d been overlooking the moving process and tending to shifters all day.”

  “You should rest,” Fae suggested to which Diana almost shook her head until she saw Ivanna’s stern look. It unnerved her how the witch had so much command simply through her gaze. Fergus put an arm around his mate and took her away. With a sigh, Ivanna moved toward one of the couches and plopped into one.

  “I don’t think any of us has even eaten yet,” she said. Two heads popped around the corner from across the short hallway. They exchanged looks before coming into the room.

  “Do you want us to arrange for something?” Ian asked them.

  “We’d appreciate it if you did.” Fae smiled at them. The two quickly headed toward the kitchen and there were soon clangs of pots and pans ringing around the entire den, and the smell of fried chicken soon filled the air. There were a few more noises and the sound of glass shattering.

  “Are you sure they’re just cooking in there?” Blake raised a brow and Ivanna threw her shoe at his head, which bounced right off.

  “I’m just saying!” he cried out.

  Fae laughed as Ivanna shook her head with a smirk. “Yeah, like you don’t go crazy over your wife when you finally get
to go home from work.”

  “These are college kids,” he retorted.

  “Hormones, Blake,” she said. “It dies with age so let them.”

  “Look, I just don’t want them using their hands on the food after–”

  “WE’RE FUCKING LISTENING!” Kayla yelled from the kitchen and Ivanna threw another shoe at Blake’s head.

  “Ow!” he cried.

  “Shut up,” Fae laughed, “you’re jealous of a bunch of kids?”

  “WE’RE DOING NOTHING BUT COOKING IN HERE!” Kayla yelled and Ian popped his head around.

  “I mean,” the boy started with a hint of humor, “if you can manage the food for yourself then I wouldn’t mind. I kinda need to go and – ow!” A slipper came at his head and he slipped back into the kitchen muttering a string of apologies.

  Ivanna and Fae stared at Blake.

  “What?” he said and crossed his arms. The women stared harder until he sighed and threw his arms up in the air.

  “Fine, I’ll go apologize, jeez…” he said and disappeared mumbling into the kitchen. The three came out later and set up the dining table. Ivanna pushed herself off the couch and tried exerting some self-control as she walked toward the food, ready to gobble it down. She knew she had to keep it light since they might be travelling or fighting soon again.


  Mitch stood guard outside. He didn’t want the chimeras arriving at the sight to follow their scent. It wasn’t something he could cover, but now that he knew what he was capable of he wouldn’t have a too hard time defending them. Plus, he had two pretty strong chimeras standing side by side with him. He heard Ivanna’s familiar footsteps behind him.

  “Hungry?” she asked as she reached out with a plate piled with pieces of chicken.

  “Wouldn’t mind tasting it,” he said and picked up one. “I don’t get hungry, though. These two definitely need some food.”


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