Old Ladies Club 1

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Old Ladies Club 1 Page 5

by Erin Osborne

  “Kind of like summer camp, but more feminine?”

  “Exactly! We can pamper ourselves and not have to answer to anyone for what we’re doing that day,” I reply. Now the wheels are turning in my head, I wonder if any of the other old ladies we’ve been speaking with would like to join us.

  “I have to run, Bristol. Justice just walked in the door. I’ll talk to you later,” she says to me.

  “Sounds good, I hope you don’t get the verbal smackdown that I did.”

  “Nah girl, he knows better.” I laugh at her statement as we end our call.

  Deciding that I’m not going to sit and stew, I pick up my e-reader and pick a book to read. I need some fantasy in my life, so I choose not to read an MC series and instead pick a shifter book. I get lost in the story, and don’t hear when Ghost comes in the house.

  “Sweet lips, I’m sorry for getting onto you earlier. The thought of something happening to you, while I’m not aware of what’s happening, doesn’t sit well with me.”

  “You could’ve handled that so much better, Brady,” I say to him. I’m only allowed to use his real name when it’s the two of us, and never when I’m speaking about him. Something else that irks me to no end, but it’s a club thing so I have to go along with it.

  “Babe, we don’t know these women. How do you know it’s not a club rival impersonating a woman? Anything can happen in this life, we have to have all of our bases covered here. It chaps my hide that you don’t take things more serious than you do.” Oh, no he didn’t!

  “What?” I whisper out.

  “Huh? What part of what I just said are you questioning?”

  “If you don’t know the answer to that question, you’re more clueless than I’ve ever given you credit for. Just go away, Ghost, and leave me the fuck alone.”

  “The fuck did you just call me?”

  “Ghost, it’s your name isn’t it?”

  “Not with you, not when we’re alone and you know better.” Ugh! I just want to stomp my foot and give the biggest hissy fit in the history of temper tantrums, but what will that accomplish? Nothing!

  “I’m not going anywhere until we talk this out,” he states. He’s being calm, but even I know that’s a deception. He’s fuming mad, but he never shows his anger where I’m concerned. And that’s pissing me off even more! I’m not some damned china doll that needs to be stowed on a shelf and protected at all costs!

  “Fine! You want to talk?” I ask, with a smartass attitude.

  “That’s what I said, isn't it?” he responds, crawling on the bed and sitting next to me. I want to shove his smug face into the bed.

  “You need to back off right now, I don’t want you so close to me.”

  “Haven’t you learned by now, that there is no getting rid of me? I’m always gonna be by your side no matter how pissed off you are with me, Bristol. Always. So get used to it, y’hear?”

  “Stop it! Stop being sweet and understanding. I’m so mad at you that I want to fight this out!”

  “Fine! If that’s what you want, let’s do this!” he all but hollers out at me. I may have bitten off more than I can chew because I forgot how scary he can actually be when he’s pissed off. Then again, make-up sex after a fight sounds kinda hot. What? Where did that thought come from? Be strong, Bristol, channel your inner Skylar, that woman goes toe to toe with Ryder all the time and comes out the champion.

  “Why do you always have to treat me like a child? I hate that, Ghost, I’m a grown ass woman.”

  “Call me Ghost one more time, and I’m taking you over my knee!” he bellows.

  “Fine! Brady, why?”

  “I don’t do that, I protect you because I fuckin’ love you!”

  “Stop! I want you to not be so protective, and I love you, too,” I say, holding my head down because the tears I’ve been holding off are trying to surface.

  “I can’t stop, I can’t because if somethin’ were to ever happen to you, I’d never forgive myself. There’s no way I could go on with life without you beside me. I just can’t, Bristol.”

  “Give me this, Brady. Give me talking to other women who are in the same shoes that I wear on a daily basis. Let me vent, cry, laugh and enjoy time with them. They give good advice and they understand where I’m coming from.”

  “You have the other Ol’ ladies,” he says.

  “And they’re great, don’t get me wrong. I love each and every one of them, but sometimes they don’t get it. They’re club, and all about their men. What if it’s their man I have an issue with and need advice on?”

  “Then you come to me,” he says.

  “You just don’t get it, Brady. Sometimes women need advice from other women who are outside of their inner circle. I promise that I’ll never divulge club activities or business, I’ll never say what club I belong to or who my man is. I need this, please, give this one to me.”

  “And how are our other Ol’ ladies gonna feel if you’re posing questions on some social media site instead of going to them directly?” he asks.

  “Private chats,” I say, in a duh manner.

  “Watch the sassiness.”

  “Why? What’cha gonna do about it?” I just realized, I waved the red flag in front of a bull...a very pissed-off bull at that.

  “You want me to tell you, or show you?”

  “Umm...neither,” I begin to backpedal.

  “Too late, darlin’,” he whispers, coming closer.

  “First, answer me, are you going to allow me to have this?”

  “As long as you're comfortable with me monitoring the activity and keeping you and the other ol’ ladies safe, I have no problem with it.”

  “What? Wait a minute, what if I wanna vent about you?” I ask.

  “I won’t pry into it too much, but I want to keep an eye on who these women are. I’ll make you a deal,” he says, and I nod my head for him to continue. “I check out who these women are, make sure they’re legit and then I’ll back off...some.”

  “Is that the best I’m going to get?”

  “Sure is, sweet lips. Now, where were we?” he replies, crawling on top of me and shoving my e-reader to the floor. Luckily, it’s in a protective case, so I’m not too worried about its well-being. “Now, give me those lips,” he says, leaning over me and capturing mine with his. I moan into his mouth and he crawls between my legs. His hips begin to grind into mine and my body responds in kind. We begin dry-humping each other and I’m on the verge of an orgasm from that alone.

  “More, Brady.”

  “Take your clothes off, sweet lips.” I rush to do his bidding once he’s climbed off me. We’re both standing there in all our naked glory and he begins to pump back and forth on his large shaft. “Play with yourself, show me what’s mine,” he huskily says. I run my hands down my body, stopping first to pinch my nipples, he loves it when I play with my breasts first. This is a game we play in the bedroom quite often. When I make my way down to my clit, I circle it, pinch it and begin to convulse from its sensitivity. “Enough!” he yells out. He picks me up and tosses me onto the bed before he climbs on top of me, positioning himself right where I need him the most. “You want this?” he asks, while sliding himself through the lips of my pussy.

  “Yes, please.” As soon as the last word leaves my lips, he slams inside of me. He hits my sweet spot when he swivels his hips. “Right there,” I gasp out. He begins a rhythm of in and out...swivel hips, and repeats that over and over again.

  “Like this?” He has the nerve to stop and ask.

  “Why are you stopping, keep going!”

  “You want it? Beg for it!” He knows I hate begging, but at this stage of the game, I’m willing to give him whatever he wants.

  “Please, Brady. Please bury that big cock of yours inside of me and make me cum.”

  “Ask and you shall receive,” he says as he picks up the pace and causes my back to arch off the bed. After a few more thrusts, he pulls out and grabs my ankles and indicates he wants me to
turn over. I give him what he wants, because he reaches deep inside of me in this position and I love the pain and pleasure I receive. I lean up on my arms and legs and look over my shoulder and love the visual of watching him line himself up to enter me. He winks at me, I love it when he does things like that. He enters me slowly this time and I nearly cry out in frustration.

  “Don’t hold back, Brady. Give me everything you’ve got.” He picks up the pace again and hits my g-spot with every forward thrust. When he begins to hammer inside me, I lose strength in my arms and they collapse under me. He pulls my hips up higher and I call out his name from deep inside of me. “Brady!”

  “Fuck yes, fist my cock with that tight pussy of yours.” Something I’m not purposely doing, but something I start to pay attention to once the words leave his mouth. I use my kegel exercises and squeeze him as hard as I can. “Fuck! Fuck...fuck...fuck!” he hollers out. “I’m goin’ to cum, get yourself there.” I move my hand from under my head and snake it down my stomach until I find my clit. I reach down and grab some lubrication from our combined juices. Once I have the right amount, I use it and circle my magic button and feel the orgasm taking hold of my body. I feel tingles travel up my spine and through my tummy and sparks fly behind my eyes.

  “Brady, yes!” I holler out, trying to catch my breath from the intensity of my orgasm. He thrusts a few more times before he calls out my name.

  “Bristol,” he calls out finding his own release.

  “I love you, sweet lips,” he says.

  “I love you too, Brady.” I say, as sleep takes over from being sated.


  Justice walks through the door and gives me a funny look. “What?” I ask him.

  “Got something you’d like to talk to me about?”

  “Not really,” I tell him.

  “Wanna try that again, beautiful?”

  “Why don’t you tell me what it is you think you know,” I say, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

  “Lizzie, no secrets. Remember?” I sigh, knowing he knows, so I might as well come clean now.

  “Why is it you have to have your hand in every aspect of my life?”

  “That’s easy to answer, because you’re mine. Plain and simple, now share.”

  “Bossy motherfucker,” I say, under my breath.

  “And that will never change, so you might as well get used to it, because you’re stuck with me. For life, beautiful.”

  “I know, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.”

  “Good to know,” he tells me. “Now spill, gorgeous.”

  “If I must,” I say grouchily. “We found a forum on social media where Ol’ ladies can connect and share stories and give and get advice from one another. We’re not sharing any club information. No names have been shared other than our own. I haven’t said what club I belong to, what my Ol’ man’s name is...nothing of that nature.”

  “Then share with me what kind of information you are sharing?”

  “We aren’t really. We ask questions about how do you handle your men when they’re in alpha mode? How do you deal with everyone sticking their noses in every aspect of your life? What would you do in this situation, those types of things.”

  “Are you still havin’ issues clicking with the other Ol’ ladies?” he asks me.

  “Not all of them, but I can’t stand that the older ones try to stick their noses in my personal business.”

  “Meaning Ashton?” he asks, with his eyebrows raised.

  “I just feel like she watches and criticizes my every move, Justice. I’m scared to do the wrong thing. She’s so damn judgmental!” I say, slamming my hand down on my thigh.

  “She’s really not,” he states. “What is it exactly that makes you so standoffish when it comes to her?”

  “She criticizes and questions everything I do! What else do I have to do to prove my loyalty? Give you my blood oath or something?”

  “Now you’re being a bit dramatic, don’t’cha think?”

  “You’re blinded by her, all of them!” I shout.

  “Do you really think that little of me?” he questions. I think about the right way to respond to that.

  “I feel like you’re always on everyone else’s side. You don’t try to see things from my point of view. They still see me as the outsider, Justice. I want to belong, I really do, but I don’t feel like I’m given the chance.”

  “Some are still a little sore about how we got together, beautiful. Give them time, when they truly see how happy you make me, they’ll back off some. I promise, because you do make me happy. If I’d known I could be this happy, I woulda tracked you down much sooner than I did.”

  “Are you mad that I’m getting advice and connecting with others?”

  “Not mad, just worried. I will let you know that we’re checking into each of the ladies in the group, as soon as we’re satisfied you women aren’t in any danger from being in contact with them, we’ll back off. Doesn’t mean we won’t check in every once in awhile. You women are our top priority in this.”

  “Thank you, I love you, Justice.”

  “I love you, too, just don’t keep things like this from me anymore. I trust you, it’s everyone else I don’t.”

  “Thank you, thank you for not taking this away from me.”

  “Yet, I’m not taking it away from you yet. Keep in mind that if we find anything nefarious going on, I will have Bomber shut that site down as quickly as you can blink.”

  I giggle at the word he used before I reach up and kiss him in gratitude. I’m glad he’s not as hard-headed as all the other men are in the club when it comes to their women.

  Chapter Seven


  After a long day at the tattoo shop, I walk into mine and Ty’s apartment and the aroma of lavender and eucalyptus engulfs my senses. I take in a big whiff and let the aroma from my diffuser work its magic. Ty usually turns it off when he leaves, but I’m glad he didn’t, he must’ve forgotten.

  My cell phone pings and I look at it and see a message from Jenalyn telling me ‘to just go with it’. For the most fleeting of moments, I hesitate because I have a need to question her. My sister-in-law is always up to no good where Justice is concerned, or at least in his eyes. So, I know this must have something to do with him. I send her the thumbs-up emoji and wait.

  After several minutes pass, I conclude that I’m not getting any further information from her tonight, so I make my way into the bathroom and begin to draw myself a bath. As I’m gathering my clean clothes to put on afterward, my phone pings again and I look at it and notice Jenalyn’s sent me a link. Puzzled, yet curious, I open it. It’s some sort of online forum for other ‘Ol ladies. No wonder she’s scheming. Justice is probably having a complete meltdown right about now. I can instantly feel a headache coming on, so I reach into the bathroom medicine cabinet and grab my roll-on bottle of essential oils and apply some to each of my temples.

  “Not today, Satan,” I tell myself out loud. “At least not right now.”

  After stripping my clothes off, I slide slowly down into the warm, silky bubbles of my bath. I shut my eyes and begin to appreciate the complete silence as I allow myself to get into a deep meditation. Lord knows I’m going to need it after whatever it is Jenalyn’s getting me involved in. Not only will I have Ty breathing down my neck, my brother will assuredly spread his dominant wings and put an end to this quickly. What is that girl thinking?

  Roughly ten minutes pass, and the bathroom door flies open, ripping me out of my meditation. “What do you know about this online site, blondie?” Ty asks me firmly.

  It’s times like this that I feel he’s lucky that I take time for myself to relax deeply. Otherwise, I’d probably channel my inner-bitch because she’s always just one snide remark away from making an appearance.

  Pushing myself up I reply, “Nothing...yet.” I make sure our eyes are locked onto one another, and that he knows that I indeed have every intention of finding out. Good g
rief these men are worse than most women. Wonder just how long Jenalyn's known about this site? Word sure does travel fast around here. Or, at least I’m assuming. “How do you know about this site anyway? I haven’t even had time to check it out for myself, yet somehow you already know about it? Is there some sort of threat I need to be aware of?”

  While I stare at him awaiting his response, I convince myself there must be because Ty never barges in on me and speaks to me in this manner. “Well?” I prompt a response from him with a gesture of my hand.

  He crosses his arms. “That’s the thing, blondie, we don’t know what this is exactly.” He relaxes his arms and walks over to the side of the bathtub and kneels down. “I didn’t mean to come across as harsh in my tone. I just know we’ve been through hell lately, and I don’t want you in any danger. It’s my job to make sure you’re protected and I couldn’t live with myself if anything ever happened to you.”

  He’s realized his tone was too harsh and he’d most likely be getting the couch and no pussy tonight, so he’s going in for the softer approach. I lean forward and place my lips on his. Barely pulling away, I tell him, “That’s better, my love. Oh, and hello to you, too.” He smiles, but I’m nowhere near done. “You’re right, Ty. We have been through hell, but not just lately as you put it. And furthermore, I do and always will appreciate the fact you protect me with your own life, but I’m quite capable of protecting myself too. Just because you know me as this delicate flower, surely you realize at least on some level that is all due to how much time I take caring for my mental and emotional well-being.” I gently fall backward into my bath and tell him, “I do very well at keeping my inner-psycho hidden. Now, would you mind leaving me to my bath so I can finish unwinding? Or, would you prefer to meet my alter ego?”

  He stands and once again crosses his arms, expressing his dismay and quite possibly his confusion at my last statement. “Sure, but we need to finish this conversation as soon as you’re done.”

  I swiftly cut my eyes in his direction as he is now playing with a ball of fire, so I make that well-known with the intensity of my glare.


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