Old Ladies Club 1

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Old Ladies Club 1 Page 9

by Erin Osborne

  “Anything for my everything,” he replies through a mouthful of French toast before laying a soft kiss on my forehead.

  This forces a grin on my face and I ask him, “So, have my odds gone up anymore?” I ask and add a small pout for good measure.

  “Sixty to forty still,” he answers, before taking another bite.

  I can feel my lips thin at his declaration and persistence to continue to dig his heels in on the matter. Please, please let the club call so I can call Vanna and vent about this shit. I already know he’s going to snoop on all of my private messages with the other women, and an idea suddenly strikes me. I’ll use reverse psychology so when he reads them, he will think he’s won and I’ve thrown in the towel. Maybe adding in some pity about how stressed out I am having two small children and working has made me will help too. Looking over him, he turns to look back at me and I just smile. Inside I’m plotting and hopefully he’ll come to the realization sooner rather than later that I, too, am digging my heels in on this one.

  Chapter Twelve


  I sighed as I sat back in my office chair, rubbing the ache that was forming between my shoulder blades. The younger two kids played in a soccer tournament over the weekend and it caused me to burn the midnight oil in order to get the changes my beta readers had suggested done in enough time to re-read my manuscript before I send it to my editor.

  “Gorgeous? You in here?” Hatch asks, coming into our room. I love the house we found so very much. Each of the kids has their own space as well as a playroom, I have a sitting area that’s kind of turret-shaped with windows that let the light in but don’t allow anyone to see inside, and a man who works his ass off daily to make sure we have everything we could want or need.

  “Yeah, in my office,” I reply. Not like he wouldn’t have found me, he seems to have that unerring ability to track me down. I look up as he comes closer and smile. Damn, I’m one fucking lucky woman. I may talk tough and in so many ways I am and have been because of how I was raised, but when this man came into my life, I found that I had another side. One that melted into a puddle of goo whenever he was in my vicinity. “What’s up?”

  “Had some information come back on that club you girls are so intent on being involved with on the internet.” He starts rubbing my shoulders and neck, kneading the knots and lumps out that formed from being hunched over my laptop.

  “Mmmm, that feels good, baby,” I state. “Just sent it off to the editor so you’ve got your woman back for a few weeks.” He laughs because he knows better than that, I’ve got so many works in progress that I will most likely take a couple of days off before I jump into another one. It’s one of the ways I’ve been able to publish so frequently because at any given time, I have manuscripts that range from just being a synopsis to get back to someday, to documents that have tens of thousands of words already written. My goal is to try and get several ready so that I don’t feel like I’m always chasing my tail. Right now, I have two in the hopper that are up for pre-order that are already completed. The promotion company that I hired have the blog tours and release blitzes scheduled for both of them.

  “You’re working too hard, DJ. Don’t like when you’re running yourself ragged.”

  “Nature of the beast, baby, you know that by now.” And he did. He came into my life when I was mid-manuscript and he saw the insanity that became my life close to deadline time. After he put his foot down, I talked for a long time with my personal assistant and we devised the new plan. So far, it seems to be working. I have a book that’s about to release, then the next two in the series up for pre-order that were already completed, and now this one. We’re shooting to get four to five books ahead but honestly, I’d settle for two at any given time. The income stream has been nice too, because I had veered off my original contemporary romance series that revolved around a New England coastal town and the fishermen who worked the docks. It was still my main bread and butter, so to speak, but now, I had a series set in Alaska with the bush pilots who served the communities. I was hoping I could talk Hatch into a research trip, but wasn’t going to hold my breath.

  “C’mere, gorgeous,” he says, turning the chair around and pulling me up to stand before him. I lean into his arms and he bends down and kisses me until I’m breathless. “Let’s go soak for a bit and I’ll tell you what we’ve found, yeah?”

  Soak in our awesome, four-person bathtub with jets and all sorts of bells and whistles? Absofuckinlutely! He leads me into the bathroom and to my surprise, the tub is already full and he’s put in some of my essential salts. Slowly, the light in his eyes growing, he undresses me piece by piece. Once I’m standing in front of him, naked as the day I was born, he quickly divests himself of his own clothes before he leads me over to the tub and helps me in before sliding in behind me. I relax into his arms and he starts talking.

  “Okay, gorgeous, y’know I said we were going to check into things, right?” At my nod, he continues, “Bandit ran every IP address from each woman who has posted on that site so far. And before you get pissy, he didn’t really read anything at all because that’s not what we were wanting to do. Anyhow, there are three other clubs whose old ladies have been regularly posting and while several may have some questionable practices, all appear mostly on the up-and-up. The other three have all had issues with clubs they’re rivals with, but it appears most if not all have been settled.” He gives me a look that clearly says that they settled it in a manner that did not involve ‘getting together and breaking bread’ but most likely, in a way that left folks with broken bones or worse.

  “So, what does that mean for us? The RGMC old ladies?”

  “Each of the clubs, the Rage Ryders, the Wild Kings, and the Soul Shifterz, love and cherish their women and children, just like we do, so for the time being, we’re going to allow you ladies to continue. But...if anything changes, that could change as well,” he cautions. His hands have been slowly stroking me and my body is nearing a fevered pitch.

  “Thank you, Hatch.” Yeah, that may have cost me something, but I love my man and I know he only has mine and the other RGMC old ladies’ best interests at heart. I lean back on his shoulder and turn my head so that I can kiss the underside of his jaw. He’s so sensitive there and I love the growl that emanates from somewhere deep inside.

  He bends closer and takes my lips in a kiss that promises that today, I’m gonna get some afternoon delight. As we explore one another’s mouths, his hands are stoking a fire that only he can put out. “Jayden,” I murmur, my voice all breathy from what he’s doing. He tweaks each nipple before grinning and standing up then getting out of the tub. Reaching his hand out, he pulls me up and out and then proceeds to thoroughly dry me off before he dries himself. Seeing his masculine perfection has my breath now coming in pants. While I’m drooling over him, he surprises me by scooping me up in his arms and carrying me out to our bed. He gently tosses me so I land in the middle and I can’t help but start laughing at how I bounce a bit. “What?” he asks as he crawls up so he’s laying next to me.

  “All of my bits were jiggling,” I reply, pointing to my chest.

  His eyes heat up and he replies, “Love your parts that jiggle, gorgeous.” The kiss he gives me starts out sweet, almost chaste, before the heat factor ramps up and our tongues start dueling. My man is a master with his lips and tongue and I can feel my body responding to his touch. As his hands start stroking me, he drops kisses on my cheek, my jaw and then, that spot below my ear on my neck. I find myself arching into his mouth as my hands grip his shoulders. Part of me wants him to pick up his pace while the other part wants to take some time so that when we explode, it’s earth-shattering.

  “Mmm, God, I love your touch, Jayden,” I murmur.

  He lifts his head and grins, but it’s the heat in his eyes that has my thighs clenching. Without saying anything, he lowers his head and takes one of my nipples into his mouth. Holy shit, he’s pulling out all the stops today with his hand teasing and
tweaking the nipple he’s not currently licking and sucking on. My moans and unintelligible words are the only sound in the room right now. He switches sides to give the other nipple the same attention and I find myself gripping his head and running my fingers along his scalp.

  “Your sounds are so fucking sexy, DJ,” he whispers, lifting his head up and looking at me. “My cock is weeping right now and harder than cement.”

  At the mention of his cock, my pussy clenches and I can feel my juices flowing. Before I can say anything, he’s managed to flip me so I’m in a position to see that weeping cock. And what a sight it is, too. He’s arguably the biggest I’ve ever seen or had and he knows how to use it which is a bonus as far as I’m concerned. I lean down and take him in my mouth but before I can do anything, I feel his tongue swipe through my folds.

  “So wet for me, gorgeous. Thinking we’re going to be going a few rounds.” Oh my fucking word! I love it when he’s in this mood. Who am I kidding, unless I’m on my period, we go at it like rabbits most of the time. The only time that didn’t happen was when he was pissed about the site. Glad that mood has passed, that’s for sure.

  I lose myself in sucking on his cock, running my tongue from the base to the tip before I pull the head into my mouth and lick. I can’t get all of him in my mouth, but I take it down as far as I can while my hands stroke the rest and fondle his balls. I’m lost in the sensation of pleasuring him when I feel two fingers enter me. “Fuck, that feels good,” I moan out, the words garbled around his cock.

  He starts moving his fingers in and out while his tongue attacks my clit and I feel my first orgasm of the day roll through me. Moaning around his cock as the spasms overtake me, I find myself flipped around again so we’re face to face and before I can say anything, he enters me in one thrust. “Fuck,” he mutters. “So fucking warm and wet and tight, DJ.” My ability to speak has left the building so I moan at his words.

  Wrapping my legs around his hips, I angle my hips up. He takes the hint and grabs a pillow and puts it underneath me before he grips my hips and starts thrusting. “First round isn’t gonna take long, baby,” he warns as his pace increases. I kinda figured as much because I can already feel the tell-tale signs of another orgasm.

  “Right with you there, lover,” I say, my voice breathy with passion and desire. I reach down where we’re connected and start rubbing my clit. He glances down and sees what I’m doing and completely loses control, pounding into me so hard that I see stars. When it hits, I feel as though I’m a ship tossing at sea. “Jayden!” I scream just as he stills. I can feel his cock emptying into me and hope that maybe this time, one of those little suckers will find a home.

  Chapter Thirteen


  It’s been days since we had the little gathering about the website. Cage and Joker, along with the rest of the men, aren’t exactly out of the doghouse because of their asshole ways. Today, we’ve been informed that they want to talk to us some more about the site and let us know their final decision. I’m sure the rest of the girls know, but I want to make sure they do.

  I type out a message to them before I open my laptop and post something about the men in there. At this point, I’m sure they’ve read what we’ve been posting and commenting on others’ posts. I could care less because we haven’t lied about anything, we haven’t mentioned any club names, and we’ve kept it strictly about our men and what we go through and shit like that.

  My post reads: We’re about to find out what the men have decided. I don’t care what they say. I’ll still talk to you all regardless of their decision. I think we all need this.

  Closing the laptop, I get the kids ready to head over to the clubhouse. Alice is going to be watching them while we’re all talking. Pops will more than likely be helping her. He’s still a full patch member, but he’s slowly stepping back. I don’t think he’ll ever step away though. Pops will always be all about the club.

  As soon as I enter the clubhouse, I see the rest of the girls and the guys sitting off to one side. They’re waiting on me, but I’m not going to make it easy on them. They can continue waiting until I know my kids are settled in and ready to play. I may put a few extra steps into my motions to take time that I don’t necessarily need.

  “Baby girl, this isn’t goin’ to go away. Let’s go!” Cage hollers out.

  I glare at him over my shoulder and throw him my best death glare. He and Joker chuckle behind their hands, but I know what they’re doing. Guess it’s a few more days in the doghouse for them! But, I speed up what I’m doing and make my way over to the table. Instead of sitting with them, I pull up a chair between Bailey and Kiera. It seems we’re all separating on opposite sides of the table. The girls against the guys if you will.

  “So, I’ve done my search through the different IP addresses and it seems that everyone you’ve been talkin’ to are legit,” Tank begins. “You’re talkin’ to women from the Soul Shifterz, the Rage Ryders, and the Rebel Guardians. Nothin’ seems to throw up any red flags other than one club has a cop in it. We may be legit and on the up and up, but it may cause some issues down the road.”

  Tank tells us the last part, but he’s mainly looking at the guys. I’m not even going to begin to guess what they’re talking about. So, I take this as a win and I glance around at the other women surrounding me. They all have smiles gracing their faces. We all know we’ve won this round, but it’s not over with by a long shot.

  “You’re goin’ to be allowed to continue on with the site and makin’ friends with these women. I don’t want anythin’ club-related talked about though. I’m sure they know who we are, just like we know who they are. Our business is ours though,” Grim states, standing up and making his way over to the kids.

  I guess this impromptu meeting is over. We get to keep the site going and help one another out. That’s all that we’ve ever wanted to accomplish with this. If I can help one old lady out with things that we’ve all gone through, then my job is complete. Which leads me to thinking about the houses that we are starting for domestic violence victims. Maybe we can get some of the other clubs on board with this. Who knows? I’ll save this discussion for a different day.

  “Baby girl, are you happy?” Cage asks, wrapping his arms around me.

  “Yep,” I answer, making sure to pop the P.

  “You’re still pissed,” Joker says, wrapping his arms around me.

  “Yep. It’s going to be a while before you guys are out of the doghouse.”

  “What can we do to change that?” Cage asks, nuzzling my neck and hitting my sweet spot.

  “I don’t know,” I tell them, pulling away and walking over to the kids.

  I’ll let them think about it for a while longer before I give in to them. They’re going to have to grovel and understand that this isn’t about me. It’s about helping one another. Something that they seem to be on board with when it comes to them helping other clubs out. This shouldn’t be any different other than we do it online.


  Skylar is still giving her men the cold shoulder. I can’t blame her because she feels slighted by the way the men have been treating this. They act like we’re kids instead of grown women. I’d be giving Blade the cold shoulder, but I happen to like getting some from him. I want to keep getting it from him and being pissed isn’t going to change that.

  “You good?” Blade asks, coming into my office.

  “Yeah. I’m glad that we get to keep the site up and running. Skylar doesn’t like the way you’re all treating us about it though. We’re not kids, Blade,” I tell him, looking away from my computer and new manuscript.

  “We know you’re not kids. It isn’t about that, it’s about protectin’ you all and makin’ sure everythin’ is legit,” he says, sitting in the chair opposite of me.

  “You all could’ve handled it better though. Skylar is really pissed about it.”

  Blade nods in agreement and stands up. He rounds my desk and takes a quick peek at my latest
book. I don’t let him read it, though. Kissing me, he makes his way out of the office and it’s not long before I hear his bike roar to life. He must be going to work for a while today. When it gets closer to my deadline, he’ll pull back and be home more to help me with Kenyon and Cory. For now, I have enough time to spend with my kids and work while they’re napping.

  Taking a few minutes, I get on the site and check out some of the posts that have been written recently. Skylar’s pops up first and I respond.

  My response: I’m glad that we get to keep the site up and continue to connect with other old ladies.

  Skylar responds: I am too. I just can’t give in to these two men yet. We know how to be safe in most every situation. They need to stop trying to overrule us.

  I respond: I know they do. It will die down in a little bit. Just give it some time. And try not to be too hard on your men. Don’t you miss sex?

  Skylar: Oh, I still get that. They’re just in the doghouse with everything else.

  I can’t help the laugh that escapes. Skylar is definitely letting her sass show more and more as she becomes more comfortable with everyone. I’m glad that we get to do this so she can hopefully continue to come out of her shell. Or help someone else come out of their shell that has been through similar situations she’s been involved in.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Why am I being dragged along again?” I ask Lizzie.

  “Because I don’t trust the old biddy and I need a witness in case she pulls something crazy!” Lizzie calls out to me.

  “You really don’t trust her, do you?”

  “She doesn’t treat me like she does the rest of you and you know it...you’ve seen it.”

  “She is just cautious where it comes to you. It’s not you, it’s the situation, Lizzie. You and Justice were thrown together without even meeting until your wedding day. That’s not done in this day and age. She believes your father doesn't have the best of intentions when it comes to the Rage Ryders. Try to see it from her point of view. Just be yourself and she’ll love you like the rest of us do.”


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