Buying Love (Forever Safe Romance Series Book 3)

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Buying Love (Forever Safe Romance Series Book 3) Page 2

by C. M. Steele

  “Then maybe you need to find yourself a sugar daddy. I’m sure there are hundreds of men here tonight. There’s got to be at least five that want a hot young girl to keep them company.”

  “Are you telling me to be someone’s paid whore?” I screech. Not that I haven’t considered the option, but I don’t think I can do that. Well, unless it’s the guy with the beautiful eyes. I’d do anything he asked if I ran into him again.

  She shrugs, continuing to fill the next pitcher with ice. “Hey, when you’re married, you give it away for free. Might as well get paid for it.”

  “So what are you waiting for?” I ask, knowing damn well she doesn’t need a job like that.

  “I’m a trust fund baby. I don’t have to spread my legs, but I’m just tossing ideas out there since you won’t let me help you.” Angie has some crazy stipulation in the trust that she has to work for an entire year before she can claim the money, so she took one of the easiest jobs to do while in college.

  “Let’s just get to work,” I mutter, taking the next one from her only to accidentally drop it onto the others.

  Rushing to pick up the mess, I apologize, “Sorry.”

  “See that’s what I’m talking about. Good luck.” She pats my hand and shakes off my blatant denial. Angie and I go back to work without another word about my attitude, but she watches me several times with concern on her face.

  The event is just getting started, and the hall begins to fill with guests. Suddenly, I feel that overwhelming sensation that took hold of me on the bus. My body heats up all, tingling from head to toe. Could he be here?

  I have to stay back and wait until we’re supposed to serve the food, but my soul demands that I peek through the door and see if the man with the dark eyes is in there. It’s stupid because he’s obviously out of my league. I barely have a dime to my name and riding the bus while he’s riding in limos. Different worlds. No way could he be interested in me and probably has a girlfriend.

  Just as I enter the ballroom, his eyes meet mine and widen. He’s in a dark gray suit with a blue dress shirt and matching tie. He grabs the ends of his sleeves, tugging on them, highlighting his sexy hands. Lust roars through me as he stalks my way. I freeze as I try to understand what my body is doing, but he keeps moving toward me. He doesn’t stop until he’s nearly on top of me. His dark hair falls slightly onto his forehead as he looks down at me.

  “Your name,” he growls, his voice is deep and demanding with those chocolate eyes blazing heat into me.

  “Jenna Lane,” I answer.

  “Jenna, I’m Jacob Harrison, and I have to ask you a question…Will you marry me?”

  Chapter Three


  I can’t believe I just blurted it out. Yes, I want her to marry me and have my baby, but I wanted to have a few more words with her before I threw out my proposal. I couldn’t stop myself if I tried. I want her in my bed. From head to toe, she’s beautiful and has been on my mind since I lowered the window in the limo.

  “Um…excuse me?” she questions, her head jerking back in surprise. It’s a little jarring to me as well. I wasn’t expecting to be so brazen about it. I have to tone down the romantic feelings in me and offer her a logical reason for a quick marriage.

  “I have a proposition for you,” I reply. It’s already in the works as we speak.

  Her hand comes up, and I catch it before she smacks me. Holding her hand in mine, I pull her against me. Her ample chest hits mine, and I can feel her nipples harden. “It’s not like that. Well, I suppose it is. Let’s go somewhere we can talk,” I demand; my voice deepens with lust. Her reaction should be expected, but I hope she gets over the shock. My body only makes things worse. I wonder if she can feel my cock throbbing against her stomach.

  “I can’t. I have to work,” she tells me. It’s not the answer I want, but it’s more than a flat out, “Go fuck yourself.” So I’ll take that as a good sign. She doesn’t need to work again if she doesn’t want to, but I’ll give her the night. I can feel the quickening of her pulse and the uptick in her breathing as I hold her to me.

  “Fine, finish your shift, but I want you to know that there will be a million-dollar payout if you agree to marry me and…”

  “Jenna. You’re needed in the kitchen,” a young woman says from the kitchen door.

  “I’m sorry I have to go.” She steps out of my grasp. The loss is felt instantly. It takes all my self-control to hold back.

  “Think about my offer. You have three hours to decide. My lawyer’s already drafting the contract as we speak.” She nods and turns away. I let her go into the back before I cracked and pulled her into my arms and slam my mouth on hers.

  I’m losing my mind. This is the most outrageous thing I’ve ever done, but it’s the easiest decision I’ve ever made. Not once did I question myself. Jenna’s going to be my wife no matter if I have to kidnap her sexy ass. That may sound crazy, and maybe it is, but from the second we saw each other, something happened. I know she felt the same shift because it radiated in her eyes.

  Now to get her to sign the document and head over to the nicest chapel available and get her to be mine. I don’t care how much it costs me. She’ll give me my heir and so much more.

  I take my seat, which is near the stage because my brother is one of the speakers tonight. “What was that?” Jack asks as he pulls up a chair.

  I’m about to explain, but my phone goes off, and it’s an important call—my lawyer. “Excuse me.” Standing up, I move to the edge of the room where it’s a little quieter. “Give me the details, Theo.”

  “Jacob, as your lawyer and friend, I must say from the very start that I really advise against this,” Theo states. He’s probably freaking out about my sudden decision, and he’s rightfully nervous because it’s so out of character for me, but nothing is going to change my mind.

  “Yes, I get that, but you’re here for my legal work, not my emotional state.” I don’t have time to deal with him acting like a friend.

  “Fine. Be that as it may, the contracts are ready and with a friend of mine who owns a law firm. He’ll call you when he’s in your lobby with the documents,” he surrenders.

  “Great. Remember, this is just between us until I’m ready to make the announcement.”

  “You should at least tell your brother since you are with him and you share the company.” It’s in the contract that she can’t have access to the company assets even in a divorce, so it’s a non-issue, but he’s right again. It’s only at my lawyer’s recommendation that I add it for Jack’s sake because it’s his company too.

  “I will.” Maybe after it’s done, so he can’t try to talk me out of it. Jack won’t be successful because she’s mine, and I won’t give up on making her mine permanently. It’s hard to describe what she’s done to me in a matter of seconds after I spent a lifetime of avoiding relationships.

  “Be careful, Jake. She’s gonna have access to the fortune you amassed.”

  “As long as the company is protected, I’m okay.” I haven’t even tasted her lips and yet, I know if she left me I’d be destroyed. My money would mean nothing to me.

  “It is. That’s one of the many assets she will not be able to touch. It’s in the contract.”

  “Thank you, Papadopoulos.”

  “Good luck, my friend.” I end the call and go back to my table just in time for the dinner to begin. My eyes scan the room for her, but she’s not there. Fuck, I hope she hasn’t fled. At least I know where she works and her name. Jenna Lane. I can find her address in minutes and stalk her ass as long as necessary. Hell, I’ve become obsessed, and I welcome it.

  It’s been twenty minutes since we met, and I can’t take it anymore. Just as I’m about to go looking for her, she comes to the table next to us, delivering another pitcher of water. Her eyes meet mine, so I toss her a nod and a smile. She nervously bites her red bottom lip. I ache to taste those lips.

  I’m counting the hours down. The dinner will be over soo
n, then the socializing will begin. The only one I want to talk to is her.

  The hours that pass are pure torture. My phone is my enemy as wait for time to fly. However, every time I check it, time seems to drag on slowly. The entire time she circled the room serving the tables far away from mine. Many of the men ogle what belongs to me or very soon will be mine, and I want to break their jaws, their hands, and so much more. I grab onto the edge of my chair until I hear it crack. It brings me back to reality. I’m slipping into the crazy zone. I get a hold of my self

  My eyes drink in the way her white top clings to her ample breasts, cupping and presenting them to me. Her black skirt sculpts to her ass just as wonderfully as her top. My balls ache, and my cock is so hard that I’m about to come if I touch my bulge even lightly.

  Greg Stevens, a competitor in the Chicago area, approaches me and takes a seat on an empty chair. He’s a piece of shit who plays dirty and is just as sleazy. “Jake, so rumor has it you and your brother are both eligible bachelors. We have lots of lovely ladies that will be at the after party if you’re interested.” I hate that fucker. “Maybe some of the staff, too.” He tilts his head to the woman who was speaking to Jenna earlier.

  “Thank you, but no thank you. I’m not eligible anymore.” I’m not interested in sharing a bed with anyone other than Jenna. Her perfect body is tempting, but it’s her eyes that call me toward her. I stand up, ignoring the jackass at my table, and storm in her direction. I’m done waiting for an answer. She’s mine, and I want her spread out wide on my sheets with my cock buried between her slit now.

  I pull out my phone as I walk and dial the number from the text message I got from my lawyer. “I need the document in my hands two minutes ago.”

  “I’m outside the ballroom, Mr. Harrison.” Good. He got my message to meet me here.

  “Good. Limo ready?” I ask. It’s not his job, but fuck if I care. I want Jenna tied to me as soon as possible. She lives in sin city; I’m surprised she hasn’t been snatched up already. I’m taking her back home and finding every way under the sun to keep her mine.

  “Yes, Mr. Harrison.” My eyes haven’t left Jenna the entire time as she moves toward the door to the backroom.

  “Great.” I hang up because I have more important shit to do.

  “Enough,” I bite out, reaching for her arm and spinning her toward me. “Answer?”

  “I have questions that I need answered before you get yours.” She’s all mine. Even if she hasn’t realized it yet.

  “Okay. Let’s go,” I command, pressing my hand to the small of her back. Her waist is so tiny that my palm nearly spans the distance.

  “I have to get my bag,” she stammers, moving out of my hand and pushing through the door. She’s muttering to herself and shaking her head at herself. “I must be losing my mind,” she grumbles.

  “Fine. It makes two of us. Now, lead the way. Our limo is waiting outside.” I’m a step behind her because I don’t want a soul getting between us.

  She stops, spins around to face me, and glares with her hands on her hips. “Are you going to be this bossy all the time?”

  I shrug and answer her, truthfully, “Maybe. It depends if you’re going to give me shit on everything.”

  “I haven’t yet,” she reminds me. In all honesty, she hasn’t given me a lick of trouble, making me wonder why she’s so eager to get married or even listen to my proposition. None of that matters because I’m determined to make her mine.

  “Well. I’m a man on a mission,” I respond.

  As I’m about to ask her a question, a man in a nice suit with a hotel name tag approached “Hey, Jenna, where are you going? Your shift isn’t over.”

  “Yes, it is. She no longer works for you,” I tell the guy. Let him say anything, and I’ll choke his ass out.

  “Go get your bag,” I tell her. I’m not interested in waiting around. The man in a suit comes back up to her and hands her a check.

  I can see he’s telling her something that put an instant frown on her face, which makes me furious. When she looks my way, she washes that sad expression away.

  “I hope you’re for real. I needed this job,” she exclaims.

  “Well, you don’t need it anymore. No matter what your decision will be.” From now on, she’s mine to take care of, and I’d gladly give her whatever she wants or needs.

  “Good because I’ve just been fired.”

  “He can go fuck himself.” I grasp her chin gently and ask, “Is that all he said?”

  She nods, stealing a glance back, and then adds, “We should go.” I’m choosing to ignore that because I don’t want her running on me.

  We get back into the dining area, and we run right into Jack. “Shit.”

  “Jake, where you going?” His eyes move to Jenna’s and then down to our hands connected. His brow cocks as he waits for me to explain.

  Wanting to get the fuck out of there before he tries to steal my woman, I reply, “To get married, bro. Talk to you later.”

  A wide smirk crosses his face. He winks at her then says, “Wait, I’m coming for this. And you must be the lovely bride. I’m Jack.”

  “Hi, I’m Jenna.” She nervously plays with the strap on her shoulder book bag.

  Jack extends his hand, but I swipe it away as he turns up the charm. “Sexy name.”

  “Back the fuck up, Jack. In fact, excuse us. Jenna and I have things to discuss that don’t include you. We’ll let you know where to meet us for the ceremony.” I slide my hand around her waist, amazed at how slender it is, pulling her to my side.

  As I start to walk away with my bride, Jack chuckles, “Wow, that’s how it is, bro? Cool. I’m telling mom.”

  “Oh no,” Jenna says with a gasp.

  “Ignore him.” I flip off my brother and add, “Don’t be a dick. I have a lot to do, but I promise to include your dumbass.”

  “Fine, but if your ass doesn’t call me in an hour, Mom will be getting a late-night call.”

  “We have a deal. Now, excuse us.” I leave my brother standing there as Jenna and I walk into the lobby.

  A man in a well-tailored suit holding a manila folder sees me and approaches. “Mr. Harrison?”


  “I’m Henry Morrison.” We shake hands.

  “Paps said you would have everything ready for me.” I comb through the folder to see the key documents I need. “This is everything?”

  “Yes, Mr. Harrison. It’s all been taken care of. The limo driver knows where to take you,” he informs me. His reservations are written all over his face as he adds, “I have to advise you, sir.”

  “I know. I know. I promise everything is fine.”

  He nods. “Very well, then. If you need anything else while you’re in Vegas give me a call.”

  We shake hands as I mutter a rushed, “Thank you.” I’m too busy to wait any longer. I grab Jenna’s hand and lead her out of the hotel. The limo driver has a sign with my name. “Hello, I’m Jacob Harrison. I need you to drive around the strip for a while until we’re done talking.”

  He nods and smirks, thinking we’re going to fuck in the back. He holds the door open for us.

  “Please step in,” I tell her. She looks hesitant but gets in the limo. Her round ass is in my face. It’s only the tight black material separating us.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she says to herself as she yanks her skirt down. My dick throbs in my pants as I watch her cover the thighs that I want wrapped around me.

  “Neither am I, but here we are,” I grunt out. The driver closes the door, and we’re in here all alone. I can feel the heat between us. She’s got to feel it too.

  She looks up at me, knitting her brows, seeming completely confused. “You don’t even know me. Why do you think we should be married?”

  I grab her hand in mine, squeezing it before trying to explain without giving myself away. “One perfect reason is that I’m very attracted to you. Two is I need an heir. That’s all the reasons
I have for this. I know your motive is obviously money. Don’t look offended. I get it, so let’s go ahead and get married. I want to start on making our baby as humanly possible.”

  “Yes, but you don’t know if I’m not already pregnant with someone else’s kid or I have a fiancé, boyfriend, or anything.” I see red at her words and let go of her hand. The thought of someone putting a baby in her makes me so angry, I could kill this bastard. I look out the window just as the driver pulls away.

  Getting my temper under control, I ask with gritted teeth, “Are you trying to piss me off?” She sure as fuck found a way to piss me off. I hardly ever get mad and never get jealous, but here I am possessive than a motherfucker. I ache to slide her down onto my cock to prove that I’m the only one she should want.

  She shrugs. “No, I’m just being rational.”

  Quirking my brow, I ask the critical question. “Well do you?” I need the answers like I need my next breath. My heart’s in my throat as I wait for her to tell me.

  “No to any of the above. In fact…” she pauses, playing with the hem of her skirt. She needs to stop drawing my attention to her sexy legs. I press my hand to hers, stopping her movements because I can’t even think straight when my cock is throbbing out of control.

  “In fact…what?” I blurt out.

  “I’m a virgin.” It’s barely a whisper, but I heard her loud and clear. It rings in my ears like a siren’s call.

  “Are you fucking shitting me?” I exclaim, staring at her in disbelief. My eyes rakishly run down her slender yet curvy body.

  “No, I’m not shitting you. Is that a deal breaker?” she asks while looking down at her feet.

  I cup her chin and raise her gaze to mine. “Are you crazy? Deal breaker? Not in the least.” I pull back to reach for the papers, catching a smile cross her lovely face. It immediately does things to my heart that I can’t even begin to explain.

  We’re both on a level playing field, but I’m not ready to reveal that to her. Maybe one day…when I have her love and trust.

  Clearing my throat, I hand her the folder and say, “Please read through this and sign below.”


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