Free Fridays

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Free Fridays Page 12

by Pat Tucker

  Unable to control her emotions, Leela rushed to the cave in hopes of finding Riley passed out on one of the theater-style seats. He needed to be somewhere inside their house. If he’d spent the night with some woman on their very first Free Friday, Leela was ready to kill.

  “So, he didn’t even come home?” Leela said aloud after her eyes scanned the empty space. Her heart sank to her toes. She frowned as she dragged herself back to her empty bedroom.

  As she showered, every little sound made her think her husband had finally made it home.

  By the time she tied her hair up and lay down, it was close to 9:30. Nine-thirty in the damn morning after a night of guilt-free, no-questions-asked outing. Leela was beside herself. Determined not to call him, she pulled the sleep mask down and curled herself up into a fetal position on the massive bed. She couldn’t remember a time when she’d felt so lonely.



  Three days after the first Free Friday, Riley still walked around his house like the floors were made of delicate eggshells. He was cautious, but he was also livid. He thought Leela would’ve called several times throughout the day. It may have been their first Free Friday, but what or who, had kept her so busy and occupied?

  Riley’s mind was all over the place. One minute he was mad that she didn’t resist after they agreed to give it a try. Then the fact that she’d obviously enjoyed herself was another point of contention for him.

  Was that bacon he smelled? He flicked his wrist to glance down at his watch. The date was correct; it was Monday morning, as he suspected. While his wife was often up before him, the best he expected during the week was a hot cup of coffee and toast, if he was lucky.

  He walked into the kitchen, saw a place setting at the table and frowned.

  “Oh. Morning,” Leela sang, as she turned to glance at him quickly.

  Wasn’t she cheerful?

  Leela hadn’t offered up details about her experience, so he wasn’t about to reveal anything about his own. The agreement was there were no questions and no strings. But, despite how hard Riley tried, he couldn’t erase the questions he had for his wife from his mind.

  They ate in complete silence. After a few moments, Leela bounced up from the table.

  Riley’s eyes followed her every move—closely. His mind raced with all sorts of thoughts about his wife’s first Free Friday. And none of those thoughts were reassuring.

  What had she done?

  Was she with another man?

  If she had been, was he bigger than him?

  Was it Samantha’s idea to hook up with another man?

  Was it one of the dudes who drove them to the house?

  Who was this dude and how did she know him?

  How long had she been planning to get with him?

  Had Bill been right all along?

  “You want more eggs?”

  Riley snapped out of a self-induced trance.

  “Nah. No more eggs. I’m good,” he said dryly.

  Leela gave a half-shrug and turned back to the stove. Riley watched the way she moved and wondered whether there was an extra bounce in her step.

  Had she been smiling more lately? He assumed he’d have to handle her delicately because she might harbor some anger over what he might have done. But this behavior had taken him completely by surprise. He never expected this, so he couldn’t figure out how to deal with it.

  “Okay, I’m about to get out of here, Honey. Have a great day,” Leela said.

  Riley’s eyebrows rose.

  He couldn’t remember the last time she had fixed breakfast on a weekday morning. What was up with that? When Leela walked out of the front door, Riley released he’d been holding his breath.

  “What the hell?” He smacked his forehead with his palm. He should’ve said more. He should’ve made her tell him exactly what had gone down. Why had he become so damn emotional lately? He needed to man up!

  Riley knew what he needed to do, but he had so much trouble doing it. He had warned Bill that this was not set up for Natasha to try and ease her way into Leela’s place.

  It seemed as if Bill just didn’t want to accept that.

  When his phone rang, he wanted to kick himself for thinking of his crazy friend.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Riley answered.

  “Dude, this Friday I’ve got just the place for us to go!” Bill exclaimed.

  “Sorry, Dawg, not gonna be able to make it,” Riley said firmly.

  “What? What the hell, man?” Bill said. “Don’t tell me Free Fridays is already over,” he asked. “Damn, we ain’t even gotten the chance to get it in.”

  “Nah. Nothing like that. But, Dawg, it’s only once a month! It ain’t every damn Friday,” Riley said. “And if it was, what makes you think I’d wanna spend my free time with your ass?” He blew out a frustrated breath, although Bill wasn’t the true source of his frustration.

  “Oh, snap! I totally forgot about that. So, what’s that mean? You can’t hang on Fridays anymore unless it’s the last Friday of the month?”

  “Nah. Nothing like that, but, Dawg, I was just away from my wife not even four days ago. I’m not gonna spend the very next weekend with your ass,” he said.

  “Dawg!” Bill yelled into Riley’s ear. “I’m telling you, Man, you don’t wanna miss this. Mark my words. If you do, you’ll regret it for a very long time,” Bill warned.

  As he spoke, Riley’s mind couldn’t stop thinking he was already living with regret and he had to admit, the feeling was nothing nice.

  • • •

  By the end of the week, things were still strained in the Franklin household. The tension that lingered in the air wasn’t because of Leela; she seemed to be adjusting well to the new arrangement.

  It was Riley who seemed to be having a hard time.

  “So, you have to go to the hospital again?” he asked. The tone of his voice held all kinds of emotions. He couldn’t shake it if he tried. “I mean, what happened this time?”

  “You make it sound like I spend lots of time at the hospital,” Leela said.

  “Nah. It’s not that. But you’ve gotta admit, ever since that first fall, she’s been back a few times,” he said.

  Leela gave him a knowing glance, but didn’t focus on his comment for too long.

  As if an afterthought, she turned back to him and said, “Actually, once she got out after the initial fall, she had a couple of follow-up visits. Now she’s back in from complications related to that same fall.”

  Riley shook his head. He eased a dismissive hand up as if to say she didn’t need to explain, but that didn’t stop Leela.

  “No. Don’t brush me off. I’m not sure what’s been up with you lately, but if you want to come to the hospital with me, you’re more than welcome to tag along. I’m sure Big Mama would be happy to see you. It’s been a while.”

  “It ain’t even like that. And I’m good. I don’t know what you mean by what’s been up with me, because it’s all good.” Riley offered what looked like a forced smile.

  Leela’s icy expression told him clearly that she wasn’t buying what he was selling.

  “So, how long are you gonna be over there?” Riley finally asked.

  “As long as it takes.”

  Leela added a couple of items to a large bag she was packing. When she followed her husband’s eyes to the bag, she stopped what she was doing, and released a deep and heavy breath. “What now?”

  When she huffed, Riley wondered how the power had changed in his house. Last he checked, he was still the man and still in charge. “You got a large bag filled with all kinds of shit. I’m trying to figure out how long you plan on staying.”

  Leela finally laughed a little. “Oh, no, this is some stuff my mother asked me to bring for her. Don’t worry, I plan to come home tonight,” she said, clearly making reference to the fact that he himself had stayed out all night on their first Free Friday.

  The comment caught Riley a little by surprise. He was
n’t sure whether he should address it or act like he didn’t notice the dig. He’d be dammed if he started answering for his actions. It wasn’t even the point that she behaved as if she didn’t remember the rules of Free Friday; it was that he was still the man of the house and could do what he saw fit.

  “Is there something you wanna say?” he asked.

  Leela frowned. She shrugged as she returned her focus back to the contents of the bag.

  “Is there something you wanna tell me?”

  “I keep telling you about answering my questions with a damn question! It’s like you trying to hide shit!”

  “Babe, you’ve been acting real weird lately. I’m not hiding anything, and I don’t need to discuss anything. If I had something to say, I would say it, but now I’m a little confused because I don’t know what it is you think I’m hiding,” she said. “Besides, you’re the one who’s acting all strange. What’s up with you?”

  “I told you. I’m good,” Riley insisted.

  “Okay. Well, you’re good, I’m good, it’s all good,” Leela joked.

  “Cool then. Okay, well, I guess I’ll go chill with Bill for a little while then. At first I told him you and I would be chilling, but I didn’t know Big Mama was back in the hospital.”

  Nodding her head, Leela didn’t add anything else to her husband’s comment. Still, he watched her every move closely, and she noticed.



  “It’s like she’s giving up,” Linda said somberly.

  She and Leela stood off in a corner of the hospital room where Big Mama was being treated for yet another issue related to the fall she had sustained. It was as if the elderly woman couldn’t muster up the inner strength needed for a full and complete recovery.

  “I think I know what will help,” Leela said. Leela was uncomfortable about the lack of progress with her grandmother’s health. Big Mama’s frail condition seemed to worsen weekly. After the fall, she seemed plagued by other health issues. Leela felt like the hospital staff was getting to know them all on a first-name basis.

  “At this point I’m willing to try just about anything. I hate to see my mother heading down this path. I thought once we got that live-in, things would get better, but it seems to have gotten worse,” Linda complained. “I wish she’d shake it off!”

  “What is the doctor saying?” Leela asked. She ignored the “shake it off” comment because she wasn’t in the mood to argue.

  Linda looked around the room. It took a long time before she made eye contact with her daughter again.

  “They’re kinda confused too.”

  “Wait. Don’t tell me they think she’s faking it,” Leela asked.

  “No, they’re saying she might need a hip replacement, but emotionally, they’re not sure if she’ll be able to do what’s necessary to recover,” Linda said. “And I agree with them. What’s the point of her having any kind of surgery if she’s still so frail?”

  At that moment, Leela knew what she had to do. She didn’t want to run the risk of telling her mother because she didn’t need Linda’s negativity. She told herself Big Mama’s future depended on what she did next.

  “I’m gonna run and grab something to eat. You hungry?” she suddenly asked Linda.

  “No. I ate before you got here.”

  “Okay, well, I’ll be back,” Leela said and rushed out of the hospital room.

  Leela walked down the hall and rode the elevator to the hospital lobby. She knew she’d need help if she wanted to pull off her plan before visiting hours ended.

  After she made the first call to tell her grandfather to get ready, she needed someone else to help execute the plan.

  When she dialed her husband’s number, she remembered that he was hanging out with Bill, but figured she needed to try him anyway.

  Riley answered the phone, but the music blared so loudly in the background, Leela could hardly hear her own thoughts. It frustrated her that he was out partying while she was dealing with family issues, but there was nothing she could do.

  “Hey what’s up? Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. I just thought you could help with a favor for Big Mama,” Leela said.

  “You wanted to do what?!” Riley yelled.

  “I needed you to do a favor for Big Mama!” Leela raised her voice.

  “Babe, speak up, I can’t hear you,” Riley said.

  “It’s okay. Hey, I’ll talk to you later,” Leela said.

  “You sure?”

  It was clear, Riley was out having a good time, so Leela ended her call with him and dialed Samantha instead. For a fleeting moment, she wondered whether he understood Free Fridays was only once a month. But she needed to focus because the clock was ticking.

  “Hey, Girl, I was just thinking about you. But since you were free last Friday, I didn’t know if that meant you had to be on lockdown this Friday,” Samantha said. “You know I don’t want to cause any trouble.”

  “No. I’m fine. But I’m calling because I really need a favor from you,” Leela said. “Do you think you can go and pick up my grandfather and bring him to the hospital? Big Mama is back in again, and I think he might be able to help us.”

  “Girl, of course I can,” Samantha said. “Is Riley there?”

  “No. He’s out with Bill. I would’ve asked him to do it, but they’re at a party or something, so it would really help if you could pick up my grandfather and bring him here.”

  “Okay, let me have the information and I’ll call you when we get there.”

  “Sam. Thank you so much.”

  “Leela. Don’t even mention it. Now, let me go so we can hurry up. I’ll be there soon.”

  • • •

  Nearly two hours after her call to Samantha, Leela’s phone vibrated and she jumped to dig it up out of her purse. Linda sat next to Big Mama’s bed and talked on her own cell phone.

  Leela answered the phone and moved toward the window in the room.

  “Hey, Sam, what’s up?”

  “Girl, your grandfather is a real riot. What’s the room number?” Samantha asked.

  Leela told them how to get to Big Mama’s room and quickly ended the call. She needed to talk to Linda before they made it up to the room. She was not prepared for the drama that was sure to unfold.

  “Hey, Ma, we need to talk. Can you wrap up your call?”

  Linda pulled the phone from her ear. “Don’t you see me on the phone?”

  “Yes. I do. And that’s why I asked if you can wrap up your phone call,” Leela said.

  The look Linda tossed her way made Leela unsure of whether her mother would ignore her. But Leela stood her ground. She knew the clock was ticking and she didn’t have a lot of time.

  She stood over Linda as her mother reluctantly told the caller she had to go.

  “Now, what the hell is so important?” Linda asked. She frowned as she pulled the phone from her ear.

  Leela was about to answer when Big Mama stirred. The women looked in her direction. Big Mama had been drifting in and out of sleep for the past few hours.

  “What you two over there hemming and hawing about?” she asked.

  Seconds later, there was a soft knock on the hospital door. The door swung opened before anyone could answer. In walked Samantha, followed by Leela’s grandfather.

  Instantly, Linda’s expression changed from hope to bitterness.

  Leela looked at her. “That’s what I was trying to tell you, but you wouldn’t get off the phone.”

  If looks could kill, Leela would’ve been an instant corpse. Awkward glances flew around the hospital room.

  But, it was the expression on Big Mama’s face that said it all. Her sunken eyes brightened almost immediately. She seemed to pull herself upright even more and began to fidget with her hair.

  “Hey, Ol Timer, what brings you here?” Big Mama asked. If Leela didn’t know better, she’d think her grandmother was flirting.

  The only face in the room that was stoic and voi
d of any emotion at all was Linda’s. She crossed her arms at her chest and planted her feet like it would take several muscle-bound men to move her.

  Leela watched as her grandparents fell into a knowing and comfortable conversation. As she and Samantha whispered to each other, Linda looked on with something similar to hatred in her eyes.



  Beneath the massive green awning at Memorial Hermann hospital’s main entrance, the sounds of vehicles, chatter, and the outdoors came to a screeching halt for Leela. That’s when she saw Samantha’s Range Rover roll to a stop near the valet stand. The moment her eyes connected with the person in the passenger’s seat, she felt her knees go weak and threaten to buckle.

  “Www-hat’s he doing here?” Leela asked nervously.

  “Oh, Malone? Kent drove us,” Samantha said innocently. “We were on our way to a vehicle auction when you called.”

  In that moment, unable to move, Leela felt like she had to make a split decision. Should she bolt back inside to the safety of Big Mama’s room and leave later with Linda, since she didn’t drive to the hospital, or take her chances and go with Samantha and the guys? She didn’t need another dose of Malone. She didn’t think she could handle it.

  When Malone got out of the truck, then walked up and pulled her into his strong arms, Leela wanted to melt right where she stood. His mere touch sent an electric spark through her; he smelled so good, and felt better.

  “Hey, Sweetness, I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother. I hope she gets better soon. Is there anything I can do to help?” he asked as their embrace ended. The sincerity in his voice made her heart nearly skip a beat.

  Leela struggled to find her voice. Through her peripheral vision, she could see Samantha. When their eyes connected, Leela noticed the hint of mischief that flickered across Samantha’s face.

  What the hell was this woman trying to do to her?


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