Bad Choices and Heartaches: A New Adult Sports Romance (Alpen Springs Book 2)

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Bad Choices and Heartaches: A New Adult Sports Romance (Alpen Springs Book 2) Page 23

by Casey Diam

  “Wow,” she said.

  “If you don’t charge too much, I’d really like your help. So . . . how much am I looking at?”

  She smiled. “Hmm, few hours of shoot, few hours of edit, that’s going to be about—free.”

  “Really? I’ll pay you. I don’t want you to work for free.”

  “Really. It’s fine. As long as you don’t mind my adding the shots to my portfolio.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “Thanks. I really appreciate it.”

  “Yeah, no problem. The guys and I are meeting up later for drinks and food if you want to join us.”

  “I wish I could, but I’m working.”

  “Okay. Well, I’m this way, I’ll see you later. Just hit me up when you need me.”

  I smiled as she walked away. I didn’t know what I did to deserve it, but free was perfect. Holy shit.

  I pulled my phone from my pocket and saw I had a missed call from Gabby, but as I was about to call her, I saw two of my teammates approaching.

  “You heading over already?”

  I hated not being one of the first ones at the gym or the practice field, but time had gotten away from me today.

  “I’ll be there soon.”

  My eyes lifted and caught sight of a pregnant girl, her phone pressed to her ear as she leaned against a railing on the short staircase leading up to the student-athlete dorm. The strong thighs of an athlete were exposed in those jean shorts, and for some reason, my mind ran to Gabby even though I knew it couldn’t be her. This girl’s black hair was just past her shoulders, and Gabby’s was halfway down her back, and Gabby was in Alpen Springs, so there was no way—she turned and looked up and . . . oh shit, oh shit. My heart raced, and my feet picked up their pace.

  “Gabby,” I said.


  “Oh my God,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around her and inhaling, wanting to soak up everything I’d missed about her at once. “I can’t believe it’s you. Holy shit. How long have you been here?”

  “Not long, about fifteen minutes.”

  “I’m sorry, I was across campus.” I shifted and touched her belly, looking down. “Holy shit.”

  “We’ve grown a bit,” she said, covering my hand with hers.

  “You have, and you cut your hair. I like it.”

  “Stanley, you coming to practice or what?” someone called.

  “Yeah,” I said, looking up. It was our quarterback, Killian. “Shit, practice. Damn it, I need to go.” I groaned. “How long are you here for?”

  “Is this Gabby?” Killian asked as he walked over, and before I knew it, half the football team was surrounding her and introducing themselves.

  I might be the only one on the football team whose girlfriend was pregnant, but they really had my back and didn’t judge me for it. In fact, since they found out about Gabby a few months ago, they had been my defense team when it came to the girls on campus.

  “Oh, she’s even prettier than you, Rookie-Ry!” one of the guys joked.

  Sighing, I shook my head.

  “I have to go, babe,” I said as the guys started to navigate away for practice. “I’m glad you’re here, but you should have told me so I could have planned for you. How did you get here from the airport?”


  “Damn it, um.”

  “Damn, bro. Just have her stay in the room until you’re done. Can’t have the lady waiting on you out here in the heat.”

  I didn’t know if it was okay, but it wasn’t as if she was staying in my room overnight, and I didn’t have beef with anyone who’d want to snitch, so she should be fine.

  “You want to do that? You want to stay in my room until I get back?”


  “Okay, come on,” I took her hand in mine and led her inside, pointing out my snacks in case she got hungry and giving her my iPad to play on or watch shows in case she got bored.

  “And let me just—” I grabbed my comforter and tossed it on top of my dirty laundry. “Now you can sit. Sorry, I need to do laundry, and I didn’t want you to lay on it since it’s all gross.”

  “I’m fine, get to practice. I’ll be here when you get back.”

  I let out a breath, still shocked as hell that she was here. “Okay.”

  I took her in my arms and pressed my lips to hers, seconds turning into a whole minute as our lips melded.

  “Going now.” I leaned down, cupping her belly and whispering. “And I’ll be back to talk to you later because I definitely missed you too.” After a quick kiss on her stomach, I headed to the longest practice I’d ever had. In reality, it was the same two hours as usual, but I was anxious as hell to get back to Gabby, to hold her, kiss her, see her.

  Chapter 46


  The door opened, and I turned to it with one of Ryker’s T-shirts halfway folded in my hands. A smile spread across his face.

  “Hey, that was fast.”

  “Fast? It was the longest two hours of my life.” He glanced at the bed and pile of clothes I was folding. “Babe, those are dirty.” He cocked his head. “Wait, you did my laundry?”

  I shrugged. “I just wanted to do something while I waited.”

  “How did you know where to go?” He closed the door behind him.

  “It’s a dorm, there was a guy down the hall who showed me where the laundry room was, and I figured out the rest.”

  “A guy?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes.”

  “Did he see your belly?”

  I laughed. “You sound ridiculous, of course he saw it.” I shook my head even though I thoroughly enjoyed this side of him. His dominant nature was refined in a way that made it refreshing and even funny instead of being smothering.

  “Just checking.”

  He kissed my cheek as he passed by me to set his water bottle down on the desk by the window. “Sorry, I’m sweaty and gross, let me jump in the shower real quick, and then I’m all yours.”

  “Okay. Are you working later?”

  “Yeah, at six. How long are you here for?”

  He stripped his shirt off and shorts, and I stood there, gawking at his ripped body, one that was all mine. He was all mine.

  “Babe?” he asked.

  “Oh.” I gave a small laugh. “One month.”

  “What? How?”

  “I found a cheap room to rent nearby. Please don’t be mad, I know we’re supposed to be saving, but—”

  “Are you kidding me? I’m not mad. I wish you could stay. Forever.” He looked at his clothes. “Don’t put those away.”

  I nodded, my cheeks hurting from how hard I was smiling as he went into the bathroom.

  He came out with a towel around his waist a few minutes later to find me propped against his newly-cleaned comforter and pillow.

  He picked up a pair of boxer shorts and sniffed them.

  I chuckled. “What are you doing?”

  “I can’t believe you did my laundry. You’re the best.” He leaned down and kissed me, his lips moving against mine in a delicious caress as his hand grasped my hip. As my hand moved around his neck, he groaned, “Damn, I love you.”

  He paused, probably realizing what he’d just said, but I pressed my lips to his, not wanting the moment to become something awkward if he hadn’t meant to say that. My palm flattened and pushed against his chest. “I love you too. Now, are you going to get dressed? I want to see what we’re working with.”

  His head cocked, and he smiled, a hint of disbelief in his eyes, as if he hadn’t expected me to say those words. “You want me to get dressed or naked?”

  “Both. You have to get naked to get dressed, right?”

  With a smirk, he pulled the towel off and tossed it at me. “Hey!” I laughed, my eyes lowering to the trimmed patch of red hair above one of my favorite body parts of his. I bit my lip. “How are you hard already?”

  “You’re here, isn’t that enough of a reason?”

/>   My nipples tightened beneath my blouse as my body hummed with need.

  A knock sounded at the door. “Can I come in? Is it safe?”

  “Yeah, you’re good,” Ryker responded, winking at me as he grabbed his boxers.

  “What the hell, bro?” Ryker’s roommate said. “How is walking in here and seeing your white ass safe?”

  “Because you’re going to miss it,” Ryker retorted. “I’m staying with Gabby for the next month. I can stay with you, right?”

  “Yes,” I said, trying to divert my eyes from his crotch as he pulled up his boxers and adjusted himself.

  “You look so fucking cute lying there.”

  I blushed and peeked at Trey, who was grabbing something from the dresser on his side of the room.

  “Hear this, dude, I can’t believe we thought you didn’t have game,” Trey remarked.

  “This isn’t a game, look at her.”

  I crossed my hands, effectively hiding my face from view, even though I loved how he was with me. I’d missed this while I’d been away from him. Our interaction and the added confidence from how he saw me. We were just okay long distance, but in person, nothing could compare.

  “You were right,” Ryker said, his palm smoothing over my naked tummy beneath the sheet.

  “About what?” I asked.

  “The Olympics.” His eyes met mine. “It’s going to be crappy not having you and the baby here, but going there or attempting to is probably the best decision you’ll ever make. The amount of money I’m making and will be making once the season starts just won’t be enough to cover more than a few months out from now. The startup cost won’t be much since it was something I was already kind of doing with my custom stuff, so I’m kind of rebranding or branching off?” He laughed. “I don’t really know the term for it, but now that I’m moving into drop shipping, it’s going to be more promotion heavy to get it off the ground. That’s why I’ve been posting so much on social media and building my following.”

  “You mean those shirtless good morning selfies?” I joked, even though I knew he was just feeding off his natural charisma.

  He and his brother already had a huge following because of their talent, but they were also fun and enticing to stare at. And judging from the hundred thousand comments and likes they got every day, their content was a daily guilty habit for a lot of people, including me.

  His story post was the first thing I watched upon waking, every single day. It was addicting, and better yet, all this yumminess was mine.

  I nudged his shoulder. “I’m kidding, babe. I like your posts.” If anything, they made me want him even more. “Continue. I like listening to you.”

  I brought his hand to my lips as he explained more on the brand that he was creating and launching next month.

  Last month, he’d sent variations of the logos to his friends and me to vote on, and it was tough because they were all really good.

  The design would be used for the male line that included T-shirts, joggers, sweatshirts, hoodies, shorts, caps, and beanies. His business plan was to build his social media following and release different pieces of the line every few months to keep the buzz going. He also mentioned wanting to add phone cases, water bottles, and other accessories later on, and I just loved hearing him talk about it, the passion behind it and how excited he was. I was also freaking proud of him and realized how lucky I was that this complex, astute person was my guy.

  “I know the guys on the football team will help me out with wearing the products and posting pictures,” he continued. “Ash and the guys are ready to help with that too, but it’s going to take at least a year with constant push to gain some momentum.”

  My fingers lazily moved over his chest as I listened.

  “If we follow your plan, these next few months might be tough on our relationship, but I also know we can do it, we’ve been doing it, and I know it seemed what I’d said earlier seemed like it was an in the moment thing, but I meant it. I do love you.”

  My eyes lifted.

  “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. When we stopped being friends I—” His Adam’s apple bobbed. “It sucked for the longest time. I was mad at you, but when that passed, I knew I needed you back. I figured one day, a few years from now, we’d meet again and I’d ask you out. I didn’t know how it was going to happen, but I knew it would. I’ve never been able to connect with any other girl the way I do with you. I love being around you, I love talking to you—”

  I pressed the back of my hand to the corner of my eye. “You’re going to make me cry.”


  “Because I love you.”

  Smiling, he kissed me until it was time for him to get ready for work. “To be continued,” he whispered against my lips. “I love you.”

  Chapter 47


  One month later . . .

  “What’s wrong?”

  Gabby winced, placing a hand on her stomach.

  “Bunny?” I asked.

  “I’m fine. I think it’s just another Braxton Hicks.”

  “Is it because we had sex, I told you—babe, that’s it, I’m cutting you off.”

  “You can’t cut me off.” She chuckled. “I’m going back to Alpen Springs in two days, and then you’re coming back here, so I think it’s okay to have sex until we’ll be forced to take a break.”

  I sighed.

  She was right, but I was also concerned. “Do you want to sit up?”

  “Yes, please.”

  I got up on my knees and extended my hands to her. As she took them, I pulled her forward before shoving all the extra pillows behind her.


  Once she was settled, I lowered my head to her stomach. “You know you still have a whole month left, right? I know you’re ready to come out, but I need you to be nice to Mommy, okay.” My gaze lifted and met hers. “You don’t have to come to my game if it’ll be too much.”

  “It’s your first game of the season and probably the only game I’ll be able to make. Of course I’m going.”

  “I’m not even going to play.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ll come watch you sit on the bench, and it’ll still be the best college game I’ll ever go to.”

  I chuckled. I loved this girl.

  “He’s moving,” she whispered with a smile.

  I placed my hands on her stomach.

  “It’s just a little, I don’t know if you can feel it.”

  I stared at her in silence, waiting until her stomach moved under my palm. When it did, my chest tightened.

  “I feel him,” I whispered back.

  Her smile widened. “Chase Stanley?”

  “Chase Haigen.”

  Her head cocked. “What?”

  “I’m going to change my last name to Will’s.” This was the first time I’d said it out loud since considering it. “We kind of bonded while Ash was in Los Angeles. You know, since I was sleeping there and stuff, and I don’t know, it feels right, having that name on a jersey and as mine.”

  “I’m glad you worked things out. You always sounded so happy when you talked about working on projects with him, and even when you showed me his workspace with all his art and stuff this summer. It was like you were finally home.”

  She touched my face and ran her fingers up my jaw and through my hair.

  I leaned into her touch. “That’s exactly what it felt like. Even before Ash left, those first few nights with the three of us, it was surreal.”

  “Hmm. Ryker Haigen and Chase Haigen. I like it as long as you aren’t trying to give me some random last name for our baby.”

  I laughed. “Can you imagine?”

  “No. I don’t want to.” Her face lit up as she chuckled. “Does Ash know?”

  “Nah, not yet.”

  “He’s going to be so happy. He’s going to freak out.”

  “I know.”

  “I love you, Ry, and I’m so proud of you.”

bsp; “I love you too, Bunny.”

  The days and weeks flew by after my short trip to Alpen Springs. I’d thought time was going to slow down without having Gabby here, but between classes, practice, recovery, meetings, traveling for games, and my clients, I was stretched thin. It felt as if I had several full-time jobs to attend to in a day.

  Someone poked the top of my head. “Wakey. Wakey. Wakey.”

  My eyes opened, first taking in the scene of our campus through the window of the bus.

  We’d finally made it back from our away game in Texas.

  I turned my head and was met with a camera from one of our teammates, who was also a YouTuber, and it looked as if I would be on his next video. I threw up a peace sign before yawning into the back of my hand.

  Picking up my phone from my lap, I blinked when I saw the two missed calls. One from Ash and the other from Gabby. My heart thumped. I couldn’t believe I’d forgotten to take my phone off silent. I couldn’t afford to miss a call from her when she was due any day. Technically, her due date was tomorrow, and I had scheduled a flight accordingly, but there was also the possibility of the baby coming early.

  A voice mail was left, but I clicked the call button instead.

  “First, don’t freak out,” Gabby said as she answered.

  “Don’t say that, that’s like telling me to freak out.”

  “Okay, my water broke an hour ago, but I’m not having any contractions yet. I think our little guy is going to be here soon. Well, not soon, soon, but you know, maybe tonight or tomorrow.”

  Realizing I’d been holding my breath, I exhaled. “Oh shit. I’m getting on the next flight.”

  “What?” someone asked.

  “Baby’s coming.”

  “What? Whoo! Baby is coming! Coach!”


  Gabby laughed. “Oh my God, what’s going on?”

  “My teammates are freaking out.”


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