Gregor's Search-The Filament Makers: Stories from the Filaments

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Gregor's Search-The Filament Makers: Stories from the Filaments Page 3

by Saxon Andrew

  “I’ve not told you about it because I knew you’d react this way.”

  “Well, now I’m in it and you need to honest up.”

  “I had a vision of Gregor and I confronting a giant warship in a small vessel.”

  “You don’t know that was a real vision! I didn’t have it!”

  “Mom, I’m older now and my visions aren’t dependent on you. The vision was real.”

  “You don’t know that?”

  Gregor stared at them and knew their visions were something important. He said softly, “It will be easy to find out.”

  Angel and Elena both turned toward him instantly. “HOW?” Angel asked.

  “Before I answer that. Would it make a difference, Angel?”



  “Because if it’s a real vision…”

  “I will have to go with you,” Elena finished.

  Gregor looked at Angel, “Is that true?”

  Angel looked at Elena and then turned back to Gregor, “Yes.”


  “The visions we have cannot be changed. They will happen one way or another. They are a look into the future and they cannot be changed.”

  Gregor looked at Elena, “But you don’t know how far in the future they will happen, do you?”


  “We could be confronting that giant ship a long time from now, or tomorrow, right?”

  Kaylee was back with Deuce and had put him in his highchair. “What are you getting at, Gregor?”

  “Well, it could be she was seeing the freighter.”

  “The one that came last night?” Elena asked.

  Gregor rolled his eyes, “Is there anything you don’t know about?!”

  Angel sighed, “I saw it, too.”

  “It wasn’t the freighter, I can tell you that.”

  “What did you mean by you could determine if it’s a real vision?” Elena asked.

  Gregor hesitated and asked, “What did the ship we were in look like.”

  Elena focused and said, “It didn’t look like a normal ship.”

  “What do you mean?” Angel interrupted.

  Elena shook her head slightly and closed her eyes before stating, “It looked like…well…two giant wings stuck together in the middle. The middle of the ship was slightly higher than the two wings connected together.”

  “We don’t have a ship like that!” Angel said forcefully. “Tell her, Gregor.” Gregor was silent, and Angel saw his expression. “Please tell me we don’t have a ship like that.”

  “We don’t.” Angel fell back in her chair in relief. “But…”

  “But what?” Angel asked, as she sat back up.

  “Let’s settle this.” Gregor went to a device on a table next to the wall, pressed a button, and said, “Connect me with Senior Scientist Gamgel on Romania.”

  Angel’s eyes widened, as she heard, “Good morning, Gregor. Thank you for your assistance last night.”

  “Gamgel, I have a question that I need you to answer.”

  “What is that?”

  Gregor glanced at Angel and asked, “What is the shape of the ship you’re building for me going to be?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “I have an issue that I need to resolve. What shape?”

  “It’s going to basically look like two-wings joined in the middle.”

  Gregor muted the communicator, “Elena, what color is the ship?”

  “It’s the color of the filaments?”

  He unmuted the communicator, “What color is it, Gamgel.”

  “We’ve been able to match the color of the filaments.”

  Angel put her face in her hands and Elena put her arms around her. Gregor sighed and said, “Gamgel, you probably need to put two-chairs on it.”

  “How did you know that?”

  “Know what?”

  “It’s going to take two-people to fly it.”

  “Just a lucky guess.”

  “No, it isn’t. How did you know?”

  “Elena had a vision of her being on board with me.”

  “That’s not good.”

  “I know; Sam will never allow her to do it.”

  “Then choose someone else!”

  “It’s not that simple, Gamgel. You know how Angel’s visions operate, don’t you?”

  “Yes, but it’s not Angel’s vision you’re talking about.”

  “Elena’s visions function the same way.”

  “That’s not good.”

  “I’ll deal with this when the time comes. How is it going with the modifications?”

  “I won’t know until they’re done. I’ll have an answer in three-months.”

  “Please don’t rush it, Gamgel. I’ll make sure you are given enough time to do it properly, even if I have to call this whole thing off.”

  “Fair enough. I’ll keep you up to date on the progress.”

  “Thank you.” Gregor turned to Angel, “What does this mean?”

  “I’m so sorry, Mom. But I have to do this.”

  Angel kept her face in her hands, “I know.”

  Kaylee came over knelt beside Angel’s chair, and put her arms around her neck, “What would happen if you just didn’t let her do it?”

  “She would end up on that ship no matter what we tried to do to stop it.” Angel raised her head, “That vision will be a reality and nothing we can do will change it.”

  Gregor shook his head, “I hate to disagree, but we could send her to Romania and make sure she isn’t on board.”

  “Gregor, if it takes Romania being destroyed and that ship is her only escape, she will be on it. She is going to be there when you confront that ship no matter what you, I, or anyone else does to try and stop it.” Gregor looked at Elena and she nodded.

  “What if I don’t go?”

  “You will be going! You can’t avoid this destiny either.”

  Angel turned to Elena, “Focus on that vision! Were you frightened?”

  Elena stared at the wall for a moment and answered, “No. I wasn’t.”

  “Thank goodness for that.”

  “Why?” Kaylee asked.

  Angel turned to her, “She would have been if that vessel represented a danger to her.”

  Elena sighed, “There’s something else.” Everyone turned to her. “I heard someone else there with us?”

  Everyone was silent, and Gregor finally asked, “Could it have been my computer?”

  “No, I heard it as well.”

  “Who was it?” Angel asked.

  “I don’t know. I couldn’t see them.”

  “Were they behind you out of your vision?”

  “No. The bridge on that new ship is too small to miss seeing anything.”

  “What did they say?”

  Elena looked at Gregor, “They said, ‘Stay where you are; they can’t see you.’”

  Chapter Three

  Gem looked up from his desk at Ana and asked, “I just tried to contact Gamgel and he didn’t answer.”

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you. He notified us a few months back that he was going to take an extended vacation and use up all of his accrued time. Said he needed a break in the worse possible way. Asked if I would take his calls.”

  Gem shrugged, “I guess that’s why I got a busy signal.”

  Ana smiled, “You called yourself.”

  Gem looked back at his computer and said, “When did he go?”

  Ana looked up, “Ummm…it was around the time Kaylee visited with Gregor and their baby.”

  Gem nodded and looked back at his computer. “Why did Gregor and Kaylee come here?”

  “GEM! You know I’ve been screaming at her to bring Deuce to visit.”

  “Who’s Deuce.”

  Ana’s expression turned angry, “Gregor MacGregor the Second! He’s their son! Are you so out of it that you don’t care about your best friends and their families. I thought you were getting better, but it appears I’m wrong!”

  Gem jumped up, “I’m sorry, Ana. I didn’t know they called the baby Deuce.”

  “You need to take a break as well!”

  Ana stormed out and left Gem rolling his eyes. He sat back down at his computer and just couldn’t stop himself from thinking, “Why would Gamgel take a vacation around the time Gregor showed up? He started to look into it but didn’t want to run the risk of Ana finding out, and she would find out. Heather would tell her if he made inquiries. It was probably nothing. But he just couldn’t let the thought go. He’d check into it later.

  • • •

  Gregor looked at Angel, “What do you want me to do?”

  “Provide a good hiding place for me when Sam finds out about this. I’m surprised he doesn’t already know.”

  “Outside of this room, no one knows but Gamgel and the ones he’s chosen to build the ship.”

  Angel snorted, “Gamgel won’t be able to hide from Gem very long.”

  Gregor looked at Kaylee and said, “She’s probably right about that.”

  Kaylee looked at Angel, “So, you’re telling me their going is not optional.”

  “It is not.”

  “So, we have no free will.”

  “It’s more complicated than that, Kaylee.”

  “Try to explain it. I need to know why.”

  Angel sighed and looked at Elena, “You give it a try. I’ve failed miserably at explaining it in the past.”

  Elena sighed and looked at Kaylee, “I’ll try, but I don’t know if I’ll do any better. Try to imagine all of creation as a bolder rolling down a steep mountain, ok.” Kaylee nodded. “As it rolls downhill, other rocks or variations in the surface will deflect it in different directions.” Kaylee nodded. “The rocks and variations are what free will does to the path the bolder is taking; they move it out of its current path. However, there are times when there are no rocks or variations in the surface to change its course and where it’s headed can be determined. It’s at that time that the future is fixed. My mother and I can see where the bolder is moving during that time and can see what lies ahead. That is where our visions come from.”

  “What if the bolder is deflected before your vision happens?” Gregor interrupted.

  Elena looked at him, “Then we would not have received the vision. There won’t be a change in the vision if its real. We only see things that have happened.”

  Kaylee looked at Gregor, “We need to go to Romania and distract Gem.”

  “Why are you jumping on this train?”

  “Because I know the power of their visions and this has to happen. Besides, I like the idea of Elena going with you.”

  “Why? I work best alone.”

  “You never work alone.”


  “You always have your computer with you. You’re never alone and the two of you are better than you are alone. Elena will add her talents to keeping you safe.”

  Gregor thought about it and sighed, “I understand. Let’s pack up and you can call Ana.” Gregor turned to Angel, “Where is Sam?”

  “He left yesterday to visit Leonidas and Desiree.”

  “How long will he be gone?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I’ll suggest to Gem that we go and join him while Kaylee is visiting Ana.”

  “Then Elena and I need to go with you to Romania.”


  “Sam won’t feel so pressured to come back.”

  Gregor nodded, “This also gives us another reason to go to Romania. Angel and Elena haven’t seen the twins in a long time and it might buy us more time.”

  “You need to tell Gamgel what’s going on. He should probably check in with Gem.”

  “Good idea, Elena.”

  • • •

  Gem was sitting with Ana at the dinner table when his communicator vibrated. He pressed it and saw Gamgel on the small display, “Am I interrupting anything?”

  “No, Gamgel, we’re about to sit down to supper.”

  “I wanted to apologize for going on vacation and leaving everything for you to handle. I feel guilty about doing that.”

  “No, it’s not been a problem.”

  “I just need some time to recharge and get away from the equations, engineers, and stress.”

  “Don’t apologize! Enjoy your time off and I hope you’ll not worry about this.”

  “Thank you, Gem. I really appreciate it.”

  The call ended, and Ana looked at him, “He should have done this before.”

  “Yes, I suppose so. I just never envisioned Gamgel as ever needing a vacation. He appeared to love his work.”

  “I love you but there are days where I need to get away from you.”

  Gem sighed, “You make a good point, my love. I can be hard to bear occasionally.” Ana raised an eyebrow, “OK, maybe more than occasionally.” Ana smiled and sat down.

  The next morning, Ana came into Gem’s office smiling from ear-to-ear, “I’ve just talked with Kaylee and she is coming here with Gregor, Angel, and Elena!”

  “I thought they were just here!”

  Ana’s smile disappeared, “Gregor says he feels bad at not being here when you returned, and Angel and Elena haven’t seen the twins in more than a year. Of course, that doesn’t matter to you!”

  Ana stormed out of his office and Gem wondered how he always seemed to say just the wrong thing at just the right time. It had to be due to the insectoid part of him. It would be good to see Gregor. Maybe he could manage an escape from the squealing and cooing women. Darn it, he did it again.

  • • •

  Gem and Gregor were standing on a balcony on the top floor of the mansion overlooking the vast metropolis and Gem sighed. They could hear the women inside laughing and the children yelling at the top of their voices. Gregor looked at him, “Angel tells me that Sam has gone to visit Leo.”

  “Wish I was there with them.”

  “Why don’t we take a ship and go?”

  “If you think I’m going to suggest that, you’re out of your mind. Ana would deep fry me and then eat me.”

  “I’ll do it.”

  Gem stared at him and said, “Really?”

  “Sure. Wait here.” Gregor left the balcony and left the door open, so Gen could hear, “Ana.”

  “Yes, Gregor.”

  “I’ve been trying to convince Gem to take a short trip to go and visit Leo and Desiree. Sam is there, and it’d really be good to see them. Gem says he wouldn’t want to leave you and the children to go.”

  Ana looked at Kaylee and she smiled, “We’re going to stay here for a while; they should go and say hello to Leo and Desiree. She’s going to have her baby soon and we can all go.”

  Ana stood up and walked out to the balcony. Gem saw her coming and flinched. “Gem, Gregor says you don’t want to go with him to visit Leo and Desiree.”

  “Ana, I’ve been gone a lot and I don’t feel it’s right to leave again.”

  Ana went to Gem and hugged him tightly, “I love you so much, but you should go. It’ll be good for you and the boys to get together now and then.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I am.”

  “Well, only because you’re asking, I’ll go with Gregor.”

  Ana kissed him and pulled him by the hand off the balcony. She announced, “Gem is going!” The women applauded, and Ana said, “Let’s take the children out!”

  They started talking at high speed and Gem glanced at Gregor and nodded slightly. Gregor smiled and nodded back.

  • • •

  Gem lifted the small vessel off Romania and sighed, “Thank you for making this happen.”

  “No problem, my friend. It’ll be good to see John as well.”

  “I must confess that I was surprised when Leonidas and Desiree decided to leave Romania to live on Fellowship.”

  “Gem, you know Leonidas is a pirate at heart. The cosmopolitan life on Romania isn’t his cup of tea.”

  “I think he was just bored and wanted to try and find a good fight.”

  “The former pirates are still escorting commercial ships and they do sometimes have to remove threats to them. They weren’t the only pirates lurking around.”

  “With the number of commercial ships getting force fields, that occupation won’t last much longer.”

  Gregor nodded, “They’re adapting to the new order. Fellowship is now one of the larger commercial shipping planets in this sector of the universe.”

  “They can afford to buy all the ships they need with the wealth they’ve accumulated.”

  “It’ll be good to see Leo again.”

  Gem was silent, and Gregor decided he needed to distract him, “Kaylee has spoken with Desiree.”


  “Yes. Keep this to yourself but if they have a girl they’re going to name her Gem.”

  Gem’s eyes flew wide open, “REALLY!”

  “She says that your training is what saved her and Ana numerous times.”

  “What if it’s a boy?”

  “He’ll be another Deuce or Junior.”

  “Why is your baby named Deuce instead of Junior.”

  “The Clans don’t recognize Junior. The sons named after their fathers are always called the Second or Third or whatever.”

  Gem smiled broadly, “Would I be wrong to hope for a girl.”

  “Not at all. Just don’t let them know you know about it.”

  “I won’t.”

  • • •

  They arrived at the filament intersection to Fellowship and were met by a fleet of warships. “Welcome back Admiral Gem and Admiral Gregor. You’ve been cleared for Fellowship approach.”

  “Thank you.” Gem replied. He turned to Gregor, “Why are they still defending the intersection?”

  Gregor shrugged, “Old habits die hard or it could be that they have pirate fleets they’ve attacked that represent a danger to the planet.”

  Gem tilted his head, “You make a good point.”

  “Are the Insectoid planets still defended?”

  Gem looked at Gregor, “Of course. They’ll always be defended.”

  “Why. We’re at peace.”

  “It’s our nature to never trust the universe won’t throw something nasty our way.”

  “Then the pirates are very much like your former species.”


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