Vampire Nation 2: Titan Rising

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Vampire Nation 2: Titan Rising Page 12

by Joe Fowler

  “Dmitriy was telling some interesting stories about what happened at Tristan’s event. He confirmed the rumor that Titan and Gronk fought.” Caleb informed them.

  “Really! Why didn’t Gronk kill him? It would have made me sleep easier. I know most old ones feel the same way.” Abel sounded worried.

  Thankfully, this cheerfully depressing conversation was put on hold. Hermes approached with Agda by his side.

  “Agda, have you met Darius? He is a new addition to our ranks.” Hermes asked.

  “I was at Feng’s when he bought his facility. We didn’t speak much but we did meet. How are you liking things so far, Darius?” Agda asked.

  “Last night was fantastic. I can see I will enjoy this new way of life.” I tried for a light smile.

  “I hoped Dorian would take good care of you. He is generally good about such things.” Agda said, offhand. I could see she wanted to limit our part of the conversation.

  “He was very receptive. The other old ones like Caleb and Emelia were very welcoming as well. We got along splendidly.” I turned to gesture as I spoke. I hoped that would be a good enough cue to get someone else to speak.

  “We enjoyed having Dmitriy there. It is great to have council members present. I was just telling these others about what Dmitriy shared with us last night.” Caleb began.

  “I hope it was something appropriate. Dmitriy can be quite a ham when he wants to be.” Agda said, causing a round of laughter.

  “He told us of the fight between Gronk and Titan. I was beginning to relate his words when you joined us.” Caleb looked a bit nervous like he was afraid Agda would consider that to be inappropriate.

  “Do tell. I wasn’t a part of that trap. We were afraid that having too many council members there would be suspicious. I only heard some of what happened.” Agda was a good actor. She put enough truth into her statements to allay any doubt.

  “According to Dmitriy, Titan and Arria seemed to be breaking up which was all part of the trap they were setting. Gronk took offence to something Titan said when he and Arria argued. Dmitriy stressed that it was one hell of a fight. He called it an even match. Dmitriy himself was the one who broke it up. He was worried the fight would interfere with their plans for the night.” Caleb enlightened his attentive audience.

  “You mean Titan is already a match for Gronk?” Phoenix put a worried hand to her chest. She was visibly shaken.

  “While I enjoyed Caleb’s telling, I remember that night a little differently.” Hermes said, his smile beaming.

  “You were there? Why haven’t you told us?” Flora asked.

  “I knew some wouldn’t like my point of view. You see, I met Titan that night. I liked him.” The old ones gathered around him were stunned. They were acting like they were amazed he survived meeting me. Agda was keeping an unbiased appearance. “We spoke briefly at the after party. I could tell he was worried about something. I don’t know if you’ve been told enough of the story. Agda, if I am saying too much, please let me know. I don’t want to say something I shouldn’t”

  “Much of what happened that night is being told widely anyway. Feel free to tell what you took from that event.” Agda had a different motive.

  I saw some of my fears coming true. Dmitriy’s warning was real.

  Hermes had to wait to tell them. Petra was announced and Hermes needed to fill the requirements as host. He greeted Petra as the other old ones all stood waiting with the anticipation apparent on their faces.

  As the two of them slowly approached, we could all hear Hermes bring Petra up to date on the most recent conversation. By the time they reached us, she was as interested as the others in what he was about to say.

  “Most, if not all of the old ones at that event knew the break up between Arria and Titan was fake. We didn’t know why. I spoke with Titan before his ‘argument’ with Arria. He was almost sick with worry. He was hiding it well enough but I could see it. At one point he looked at Arria with so much love, well, I was moved by it. As we talked, he displayed great perception. He read me well. It was surprising since others have failed at that. What made me like him was the softening he displayed. He actually broke character slightly.” Hermes thought for a second before he finished his speech. “The best way I know to say it is simple. Titan is good. He isn’t the type to go on a killing spree like Ares. He is the type to stop someone like Ares. I know everyone has so much fear about what he can do. It makes me feel safer knowing he is around.”

  Hermes couldn’t have made me happier. After hearing nothing but hatred from other old ones, his words gave me strength.

  The others seemed stunned. I could see they were trying to process it all. They hadn’t even considered that it might be a good thing to have me around. I wished their minds were open to me so I could know if their views were changing.

  “I hope to be at an event with Arria soon. I keep hearing so much about Titan that I want to meet him and decide for myself.” Emelia looked at Hermes. “Thank you for sharing that. Almost every old one I’ve talked to fears Titan. I’m glad to hear such good words about him.”

  Hermes smiled in response. He then went to greet another old one as the announced arrival rang out.

  The others stood in silence. I snuck a peek at Agda and saw a determined look on her face. It would help if I knew what she was determined about. I looked at the others and saw the deep thoughts apparent on their faces. With Hermes’s help, at least a little of the fear and hatred might subside.

  In all, eleven old ones were part of this event. Once everyone was present and had some time to mingle, we headed to the rear of the room to decide the card.

  “Does anyone have any exceptions to announce?” Hermes asked as he set the drum in motion. None spoke at first.

  “Only that I don’t want to face Darius in the second round.” Caleb joked. “He’s lucky and she has speed. It isn’t fair.”

  After the laughter stopped, Hermes began drawing.

  “Agda versus Caleb will be the first fight.” Hermes went through two more fights before he announced mine. “Flora versus Darius for their first rounders.”

  The rest of the first round was completed. Hermes was gathering the slips again when he asked about who wouldn’t have a second rounder.

  “Well, Darius took care of mine last night.” Petra gave me a fake mean look. She earned a few laughs.

  Mine was the last of the second round fights announced. Lucy would face Agda’s fighter. The rest of the card didn’t concern me. I stood respectively keeping my attention on the draws anyway. I wanted to stay on the good side of these old ones.

  As with the previous event, bets were made between old ones. Flora and I bet on our first rounders. They reminded Agda that my second rounder had speed. They encouraged her not to bet against me. She agreed with them. I didn’t mind.

  We stuck around talking for some time after the betting. I ended up in a group with Emelia, Abel, and Petra. The conversation turned the direction I wanted it to go.

  “I’ve been asked to join more fights but I don’t see how that is possible. I go from event to event without fail. I haven’t been home in months. That time was only so I could hold my own event.” Petra was saying.

  “I’ve heard of fights that shouldn’t be. I heard some things.” Abel stopped to tap his forehead to remind the others of his mind reading ability. “At first it was disturbing but I have been warming to the idea. I’m not sure I would join them because of the council. I like the idea of two teams that I heard some thinking about though.”

  “Two teams? How would that be possible?” Emelia asked. She naturally lowered her voice as Abel had done. None would forget that Agda was in the room.

  “They hold illegal fights. The council would kill all involved if they found out. I was invited to join but declined. I’m like Abel, it sounds great but I don’t know if it is worth dying for.” Petra watched Agda fearfully as she spoke.

  “I might have to think about that for a while. These ev
ents are like a drug to me. It is all I look forward to anymore. I know I’m still new but I can’t get enough.” Emelia shared.

  “Let me know if you decide it is worth the risks. I may be able to get you in. Your youth might keep it from happening though.” Petra made a pointed look as she finished speaking. Hermes was joining us.

  “I’m still stuck on what you told us, Hermes. It is hard for me to see Titan as anything more than a threat.” Abel admitted. He was making the point of conversation change more than anything else.

  “Wait until you meet him. That’s all I ask, Abel. We shouldn’t judge someone until we know both sides.” Hermes responded.

  “I think it would be wonderful to have all those gifts. I have fun with my invisibility but to be able to do all of it must be fantastic.” Emelia mused.

  I stood there listening to them debate my merits and detractions for much longer than I wanted to. I made my exit once I felt I had stayed long enough. I finally heard some useful information to share with the council. I would call that a win and be done for the night.

  I walked the khaki hallways to my suite with some pep in my step. I planned to call Arria again. I half smiled as I walked.

  “Hey, Blur. I just wanted to check in for a minute.” I decided to get this call made first. Blur might have heard something.

  “Anything new from your end?” He asked. “Was one of the known violators there?”

  “A little news that might help. None of the known ones are here but Petra and Abel have both heard in one way or another about the illegal fights. Petra may even be able to get someone invited. They both said they were too scared of the council to get involved themselves.”

  “Did you believe them?”

  “I think Abel was telling the truth although he still looked like he was contemplating it. Petra was hard to know for sure. I’m going to move forward like she was being truthful.”

  “Understood. For the most part, everything just needs to keep going the way it is now. We knew this would take time. We can’t expect an invitation so soon. Play it by ear and see what happens. Let me know if you hear anything else.” Blur instructed.

  “Will do.”

  We disconnected. I had a growing doubt about him. He had done nothing wrong but I didn’t trust him.

  “Hello?” Her immediate answer brought my smile when not much else could.

  “Hey, beautiful.” I said.

  “Why Darius, you should be careful what you say. My boyfriend is pretty tough.” Arria laughed. I could see her having plenty of laughs with this.

  “Wow, I wasn’t expecting that.” I said, as I laughed.

  “Got to have what fun I can. I miss you.”

  “I know the feeling. I can’t go more than a few minutes without thinking about you. I know it will get worse but it can’t be avoided.” I spoke the truth. I hated it but I knew it.

  “Any progress?”

  “Maybe. Petra and Abel both admitted to hearing of the illegal fights. Both used the fear of the council as their reason for not participating. Petra was telling Emelia that she might be able to get her into those fights.”

  “Petra and Saul are close friends. He is one of the violators. I’m sure he would be her link. Work on that angle but don’t be obvious or pushy. You might need to wait until you’ve entered a few more events before you broach the subject.” Arria warned.

  “I’ve had a few ideas running through my head to hint about it. I know to be careful. The fear of the council was real in Petra’s eyes. I still saw she might be a part of them anyway. She was hard to read.”

  “What about Abel?”

  “He heard through his mind reading. He wasn’t approached exactly. He admitted his liking of the idea but, again, the fear of the council was apparent. I don’t know if he would ever risk it.”

  “I think you’re right.” Arria hesitated. “How is Hermes? Is he being a good host?”

  “Definitely. He made my night. The others were talking about the real me again. Hermes defended me very well. He told them of our meeting at Tristan’s before the old ones started dying. It is good to know I was right about his character.”

  “Hermes can be counted on. I told you I always liked him. He is a lot like Apollo.”

  “That is a huge compliment. I’m beginning to feel the same way.”

  We sat quietly. We knew we shouldn’t talk too much. It would only make things worse. Neither wanted to say it though.

  “What about this Emelia? I don’t know her.”

  “She is on her fifth event. She is just starting out like me. She looks sort of like Sweetie but is the opposite where the fights are concerned. Emelia is overly zealous and loves it. I believe she will join the illegal fights if she gets the chance. She is actually fun to be around and basically good. It is her love of the fights that might cause her to cross the line.”

  “Keep an eye on her.” Arria took a breath. I knew what was coming. “Call me if you find out more.”

  “I will. I’ll talk to you then.”

  “Love you.” Arria disconnected before I could say it back.

  Chapter 12

  I woke to empty arms, again. My ache for Arria was growing. I thought back to all those mornings of watching her sleep. If only she were here now.

  I made myself get out of bed and take a shower. Once dressed, I pulled the cord for a donor. My thirst was understandable. It wasn’t like when my mind was unravelling but it was more intense than normal. The constant illusion took a small toll.

  Once the donor left, I wondered how I would pass the time. I knew some of the old ones would gather in the meeting hall. That didn’t appeal to me. They would inevitably talk about the real me again.

  It was a conflict that was getting to me. I needed to speak with the old ones as often as possible but I hated the way they talked about me so much.

  The only requirement for today would be the meeting hall tonight. Until then I was free. Unfortunately, I saw a really boring day in the works.

  I thought back to my time as a fighter before my freedom was earned. We trained each day. Well, the others on Arria’s team trained. Sweetie and I watched the others. Some days I slept. This line of thinking brought Lucy to mind.

  She wouldn’t be able to train if there was no other member of my team yet. She would be like me, stuck in a room with nothing to do. I had an idea but wasn’t sure of the protocols for such a thing.

  Petra and I had exchanged numbers. She made sure I knew to do so with as many old ones as I could. I decided to give her a call to ask if I could have Lucy train with another old one’s team.

  “Darius, it’s nice to hear from you.”

  “You’ve been great to me since we met. I’m hoping you won’t mind answering a question for me.”

  “Sure, I’m always willing to help. We were all where you are at one point. What can I help you with?”

  “Since I only have my one fighter at the moment, would it be possible for her to train with another old one’s team?”

  “Wow. You know, I actually don’t know. Hmm. Emelia and I are on our way to the meeting hall right now. Why don’t you join us and we’ll ask the others. Agda would definitely know.”

  “I would like that. I will meet you there.”

  She disconnected.

  Damn. I didn’t want to go there and spend my day hearing how scary I was. Well, this was for Lucy’s benefit. I would try to help her.

  I headed out. I made myself actually walk faster even though my preference would have been a snail’s pace. I tried to take the point of view that this would be better than sitting in my suite all day, alone. It didn’t work.

  Petra, Emelia, Abel, Caleb, and Phoenix were there when I arrived. I looked for Hermes but didn’t see him. At least I could skip those protocols this time.

  “I just posed the question to the others. They don’t know either. We’re all stumped.” Petra said, to bring me up to speed.

  “If it is allowed, your fighter can train w
ith my group. I only have three fighters. She would give them an even amount so they can get more done.” Emelia suggested.

  “That sounds great. I hope it is allowed. I was thinking she would be stuck in her room all day with nothing to do. This would help her prepare for the fights as well as keeping her busy.” My words brought a smile to Emelia and Caleb.

  Caleb’s smile confused me. He seemed the hard hearted type. He wasn’t bad, really he just seemed to be unfeeling.

  I saw Petra’s eyes light up as she looked to the door. I knew someone had entered. I turned to see Agda approaching.

  “Great timing, Agda! We have a question for you. Darius here has stumped the lot of us. Is it possible that his one fighter could be allowed to train with another old one’s group?” Petra asked. The others all turned to hear the answer.

  “Wow. I don’t think that has ever come up before. Each beginning old one has left their fighter to sit by their self all day.” Agda looked at me funny. I had trouble figuring out what her look was for. “Can I ask why you came up with this?”

  “Lucy, my fighter, is just starting out. I’m sure she is going be nervous still. Being alone must be hard on her. I remember my time in the fights, I’m sure we all do. I didn’t always like the others on my team but it helped to train and have others around who were facing the same thing. I would want Lucy to have that if possible.” I explained.

  “If one of these others will consent to allowing her to train with their fighters, I will allow it. I will also be bringing this up with the council to hear their views.” Agda still had an unreadable expression. I wasn’t sure if it was good or bad.

  “I am willing. I think it would help my three fighters too.” Emelia volunteered.

  “If you don’t mind, I would like the two of you to speak with your fighters personally. You must stress the need for self-control. We can’t have real fights breaking out in the training room.” Agda suggested.

  I looked to Emelia. She smiled and nodded.

  “That sounds more than reasonable. Thank you, Agda.” I said.


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