The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles

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The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles Page 11

by Audra Hart

Gullveig resumes as though she had not been interrupted. “You will stay with Aideen and help her deal with her guilt and mixed up feelings. She needs a Vanir with her at all times, we thought of Agnar, since they are in love anyway. The two of you must be able to work together, to help Aideen. Can you do that?”

  “Sure, I could work with the devil himself to help Aideen. Besides, I can tell Agnar has really changed. Who is the Vanir with her now?” Rinda asks, all business now.

  “Guldfey and her sister Rowena are with her. They have been waiting for Valliant to get back with Ganessa. I really should go relieve them.” Gullveig looks at Luca and Morna, “Are you two okay with that plan?”

  Morna and Luca look at each other for a few moments. Both wonder who Ganessa is, but they are more interested in their daughter. The lovers nod at each other and Luca speaks softly, “Yes, it sounds fine to us. Heimdall, may we continue to impose on your hospitality until Aideen is well.”

  Heimdall looks at Morna pointedly, and then says; “Sure, sure. Morna and her family always have a place here Asgard. No worries on that score Lucian.” Heimdall is smiling.

  Agnar stands up and says, “Well I am relieved you are willing to let me help Aideen. Morna I truly do love her. I will do everything in my power to help her recover. She is my whole world.”

  Morna nods and smiles at Agnar. She believes him and has to admit he is probably a perfect fit for his daughter. She knows how strong willed he can be. She chuckles as she recalls some of the knock down drag out brawls she has had with him over the years. He is one of the few men that she has fought with and beside over the centuries who has been strong enough to stand his ground with her, on and off the battlefield. Luca, Thor, Valliant, Fionn, Brian and Carrick being the others. “I am sure you will do your best for our daughter Aideen. Besides, you know full well that if you hurt her, I will make you pay for it.” Morna says with the sweetest of smiles on her face.

  Everyone in the room laughs at that, but they all know it is true. “Heimdall is there any change in Aideen’s condition?” When he says no, she continues, “Well, this pregnant woman is exhausted. I am going to go take a nap.”

  “Yes Morna you should rest. There is to be a banquet tonight in honor of Ganessa being returned to her parents,” Heimdall informs Morna.

  “You mentioned this Ganessa before, who is she?” Morna asks.

  “You know her as Samantha. Kyera kidnapped her as a small child. Apparently she was able to escape when she was ten years old. She had been bounced around the foster care system in your Oklahoma for years before she found you. Her parents are Guldfey, a Vanir witch like Gullveig and a mountain dwarf named Godfrey. They are overjoyed to have found their child.” Heimdall happily shares.

  Rinda smiles at that news but her mind is still on Aideen. She turns to Luca and Morna; “Aideen will need to know both of you want her to get better and are giving her time to do it. Can you both honestly say you have forgiven her?” Rinda meets their eyes and says, “Yes, I can see that you have. No problems there then. Good!” Rinda turns her attention to Heimdall. “Can you show me where I will be staying? I want to shower quickly and then go sit with Aideen.” Rinda effectively ends the meeting with that authoritative action.

  Gullveig chuckles. “Yes, Heimdall, my friend, you are right, Rinda is the perfect person for this job.” Everyone is getting up to leave when Gullveig pulls Morna off to the side and says quietly, “Darling girl, you do understand that you were cursed when you let Aideen beat you. And the times you contemplated suicide after you children died. You were cursed then as well.”

  “Yes, of course of I do. But I know how curses work. They can only amplify what is already there. Kyera’s curse worked because I feared losing Luca or hurting him. Her curse makes me repeatedly do those very things. Val’s curse worked because I don’t feel worthy. I must correct these things in myself. They make me vulnerable. I just don’t know how to fix them.”

  “You are wise beyond your years and experience to understand that. Most Vanir’s must live several centuries before they understand that. But take heart brave Baby Girl, we can fix those things. I can help while I am with you. Between Breena, Maria and myself we can help you get to the point in your magic you would have attained by now if you had not been cursed. You are capable of it. You are much stronger than you can even dream of right now.” Gullveig says earnestly, and pats Morna’s cheek.

  Luca hears the last part and asks, “Can she handle all that while she is carrying my baby? We all know this will not be a typical pregnancy.” He asks, his voice rough with concern for his mate’s wellbeing.

  “She will be fine, and so will the baby. With my help, I think even Breena will have a pretty smooth time of it, barring unforeseen complications, of course.” The Vanir witch says confidently.

  Luca extends his hand to his mate. “My love, I believe we have a banquet to get ready for. Samantha must be chomping at the bit to see you.”

  Morna stops on the way out and whispers something to Heimdall. Heimdall shakes his head no and looks stern. Morna looks very sad and disappointed. She looks like she is about to argue with him, when he says, “NO! It’s not the right time. Morna, go to your room and get ready for the banquet. And for heaven’s sake, try to sleep a little.” Morna looks angry but obeys Heimdall.


  Luca and Morna walk back to their room in silence. Once there Morna sits on the bed, and it’s obvious that she very is tired, but it is also obvious she has something she needs to say. Luca is pretty sure that he knows what she wants to tell him. And he wants to hold her off until Rinda can get there, so he says, “How come you so readily obeyed Heimdall, but you regularly ignore my good advice?”

  “Because Heimdall used to spank my butt when I wouldn’t mind him. I suspect the old bastard would gladly do it to this day if I didn’t listen to him.” Morna says petulantly.

  “So that’s all I need to do to get you to listen to me? Spank you?” Luca says incredulously.

  Morna laughs, rises to stand before him and starts unbuttoning his shirt. “Love, all you would get if you spanked me is some hot loving.” She pulls the shirt off of his perfect body in one smooth motion and starts caressing and kissing his chest.

  “We might have to test that theory sometime, baby.” Luca chuckles and nuzzles her ear before whispering, “I might enjoy spanking your gorgeous ass.”

  Morna stops caressing his chest and, and walks away. She’s fidgeting nervously. “Luca, after today, I feel compelled to confess something to you. You have a distorted view of my purity. You need to know the truth about me before we ever make love again.” She sits on the foot of the bed and pats the spot beside her.

  Luca comes to her, and picks her up and scoots her back onto the bed. He hovers over her and kisses her lingeringly and lovingly. He gently caresses her left breast with his right hand through the cotton of the borrowed tee shirt, and shifts his body to rest on the bed by her right side. He uses his right hand to caress her belly. He kisses her belly and looks back at her face and then moves up to kiss her lips, before looking into her eyes. He is saddened by the fear he sees there, and he is eager to reassure her. “Morna, I know everything. I have known since before you and I even became lovers. It is has never bothered me.”

  Morna looks at Luca in surprise. “What, exactly, do you think you know, Luca?” she asks quietly.

  “That you and Rinda were lovers. That you two still have a very, very intimate connection.” Luca kisses her when she starts to protest. “Darling, I didn’t say you are actively still lovers. You broke that off before you and I ever declared our love, shortly after you and I met, in fact. I had understood from early on that you two had a more intimate connection than you did with your other friends.”

  Luca traces her bottom lip with his thumb. “But once I saw you two together, as you loved each other, I understood it completely. You were best friends with absolutely no barriers between you, physically or emotionally. From wha
t I observed, I have always felt that Rinda was more into the sex aspect of it than you were. But you were very eager for the sharing, the love, the respect, the openness, and the gentleness of your relationship. Am I wrong in any of this?” Luca asks softly.

  “No. How come you never mentioned that you knew?” Morna asks softly.

  “Because you never brought it up. I found out by accident. Besides, I would have had to admit that I had watched you two the day you broke it off with her. It was a weak moment of mine, one I am not proud of. But I must confess, it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever witnessed.” Luca says softly.

  “You watched us make love that day?”

  “I did. I also heard you tell her afterwards that you believed that I was your destiny and that it was time to end the affair. Rinda was more devastated than she let on. She has always loved you since you were very young girls. Over the years, she and I became very close and I know how you two came to be lovers at age 14. She has had other loves in her life, but you were her first and greatest. You know that, right?”

  Morna nods and feels shame over it. Luca kisses her gently and then pulls back to look deeply in her eyes, and asks quietly, “Do you miss loving Rinda? Physically, I mean.”

  Morna takes his face in her hands and kisses him passionately. The fires of need for her mate rage quickly with in her body. “Not in the least, my darling.” She vows breathlessly. “You are all the lover I will ever need. I promise you.”

  Luca nods at that. He knows she speaks her heart. “Then do not fret over your past with Rinda. I don’t. I admit I have had momentary flashes of jealousy over the years, but I feel that way for anyone who has ever had feelings of love or lust for you. You are mine!” he growls deep in his throat.

  “All yours! Always and forever,” Morna assures him.

  He smiles contentedly and nods. “Wife I think you and I have had the strangest love affair in the history of the world.” he whispers softly as he gently removes her tee shirt and devours the sight of her. He kisses her willing mouth deeply and savors her taste, her texture, her warmth, her eagerness. He slowly peels her jeans off and begins to caress her legs, working his way up her body with painstaking care and veneration.

  “Baby, I have loved you since before I saw you with Rinda, and heard you say I was your destiny. I have loved you as eleven other women. With each incarnation I have grown to love you more.” He kisses her voluptuous hips and belly and moans, “I have always loved Morna, the woman in here,” He sits up and puts his hand over chest, and then over her head.

  “But I must confess, baby, I love this body so much. It is so soft and supple, yet strong and powerful. I love kneading your pliant flesh and burying my face in it. You are so strong and yet you yield so beautifully to me. You respond so passionately, so hotly, so fervently.” He trails kisses from her chin, down her neck and across her collarbone. “I adored this luscious, beautiful body even before the exposure to my venom. When I still had to be so damned careful and cautious with you, always holding back! Ever fearful of hurting you, my beloved.”

  He kisses her lips tenderly again, and then nuzzles her neck, inhaling deeply of her scent. “Your scent is even richer now since your partial conversion. It no longer makes me thirsty to the extent that it did before, but it still drives me wild and makes me want you.” He slowly takes her bra off so he can tease and caress her breasts. He suckles on each nipple, and smiles when she moans his name. He moves down, trailing kisses until he buries his face at the apex of her legs, inhales and growls, deep in his chest. He smiles carnally as he slowly peels her panties off of her body. Moving down her body to gently pull the panties off of her feet before looking up at her and saying, “Wife, you are a true thing of beauty to behold and cherish.”

  Working up her strong, long legs, Luca revels in the freedom to really use his mouth on her. He can even nip her gently with his sharp, venomous teeth. Not only does it not do any harm to her, but she is wildly excited by it. Just thinking about it causes him to nip her inner thigh as he moves back up her legs, making her moan loudly, and spread her legs wide for him. “That’s my girl!” he whispers as he gently reveals her clitoris and licks it wetly. She roughly weaves her fingers through his hair and draws his ardent mouth even closer to her willing, ready flesh.

  “Oh yes, Luca! Please!” she moans loudly.

  He sucks on her clit as he slides his thumb into her eager body and moves it in and out rhythmically, in a deep, circular pattern until she reaches an orgasm, panting his name and telling him that she loves him. He moans in intense satisfaction as he lowers his mouth to suck the tender flesh and lap up her hot wetness from her engorged, excited flesh. And then he gently, lovingly kisses the swollen lips of her sex several times, and inhales deeply of her scent and growls deep in his chest as raw animal excitement rips through his body. When her body relaxes after the orgasm he hovers over her and whispers in her ear, “Do you want more, baby?”

  She looks at him lovingly, “You know I do Lucian,” she answers him breathlessly. She reaches up and grips him behind the head and pulls him to her so she can kiss him. Ever so gently and tentatively at first, then more passionately. She sniffs delicately and purrs, “You enjoyed yourself, my love.” Then she begins to delicately lick her scent off his face. Morna purrs, “I certainly enjoyed it.”

  He growls a purely animal sound and rasps, “Morna, you drive me wild!” He starts to kiss her mouth deeply and roughly as he forcefully kneads her left breast. She groans loudly and claws at his back as she tries to position herself so that he can enter her. “Not yet woman!” he growls, but softens his tone when she looks so disappointed, “God, baby, you are always so damned impatient.”

  Morna giggles in embarrassment. She knows he’s right and it drives him crazy sometimes, and not in a good way. She forces herself to calm down and take it slow, let him set the pace. She smiles tentatively at her beloved and says, “I know I am too forceful, too pushy, and too impatient at times…but Luca, I love you so much.”

  “I know, baby. And I love that about you. I like my aggressive lover, my warrior wife, my assertive mate. But I just need us to take our time right now.” He smiles when Morna nods happily at him. He kisses her again, very gently and captures both of her hands in his and moves them to her breasts. He uses her own hands to cup her breasts. He groans loudly when she realizes what he wants and she starts to knead them roughly while he watches.

  She enjoys watching the excitement build in his eyes as she firmly rolls her nipples between her thumb and forefinger. Her exhilaration is racing to match his. When she starts to squeeze them hard and push them upward, he groans loudly and mutters, “So beautiful, my Morna!” He leans down to suck each breast in turn, as she moans and arches her back into his warm, adept mouth. And then he puts his hands over hers and kneads them again, roughly. Morna’s arousal has reached its pinnacle and her hips rock steadily against his thigh as she achieves another orgasm.

  Luca smiles in satisfaction. He knows no other, not Rinda nor any man that Morna ever had sex with in her various incarnations, has ever excited his mate or satisfied her as he does. Luca gently takes her right hand, brings it to his lips before he cajoles it slowly down her belly and uses her own hand to caress her feminine mound. And then, he moves her hand lower to her own hot, eager center. “Let me watch, baby. Please.” She hesitates momentarily, then brings her left hand down and gingerly uses her fingers to open the lips to expose herself to his view. Then she slides the fingers of her right hand up and down. She is so slick and wet it makes sucking noises as she moves her fingers up and down the swollen inner lips. She uses two fingers to rapidly rub her clitoris for several long moments, but stops just short of orgasm. Her breathing is ragged when she stops.

  He leans up and kisses her tenderly, then whispers in her ear. “Please baby, do it. Make yourself come.” She nods and turns to kiss him again. He kisses her gently, lovingly and trails kisses down her throat, and lovingly suckles each breas
t in turn and then trails kisses down her belly. Then he gently takes her hand into his, and caresses it gently and plants little kisses on each fingertip, before slowly taking the two fingers she had used on herself into his mouth and leisurely sucking the remnants of her juices off each finger.

  Then he gently exposes her clitoris and kisses it lovingly and gently sucks it for a few seconds and nips it with his venomous teeth, and then he pulls back a little to watch what she will do. She moans loudly as the burn and tingle build in intensity. She moves her hand back to her sensitive center, and slowly inserts two fingers to get them wet and drags her slick fingers over her clit and then back down to plunge them inside again, pushing deeper. She uses the fingers of her left hand to pull the swollen outer lips out of the way so he can see everything and increases her tempo as she repeatedly slides her fingers over her erect clit and deeply inside her eager body. “Yes baby,” Luca encourages as he kisses her upper thigh. “Oh fuck, Morna that looks so good!” She smiles wantonly and continues until she feels like she’s losing control.

  She is breathing very hard, her heart is racing and she is struggling mightily to stave off her orgasm, she wants to prolong this for him, so she slows her movements slightly. Then she begins to concentrate only on her sensitive clitoris. She moves her fingers over it very gently in slow, circular motions. She is languidly moving her hips in gentle rocking movements. She again varies her routine of movements to curb her building climax. She slowly inserts two fingers inside again and works them in and out very slowly.

  “How does that feel, baby? It looks beautiful. You look beautiful. “She is amazed at how hot and slick her vagina feels around her fingers. She’s trying hard not to rock her hips to meet the thrusts of her own fingers. But she wants more.

  “It feels good,” she breathes, “But Luca, I want more… I want you…”

  She moves her fingertips up to rapidly rub across her engorged clitoris. Her orgasm is building and she is now eager for it. She increases the pace as she rubs her clit. “I need more,” she begs Luca and he quickly inserts his index and middle fingers into her hot, wet body. “So hot, so wet, so sweet!” He growls and they moan as one. Her because his larger and longer fingers fill a need she could not, and him because she is so hot and so wet there, and so eager to please him. She continues to rapidly rub her clit and she rocks her hips to meet his fingers as they rapidly plunge in and out.


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