The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles

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The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles Page 14

by Audra Hart


  Morna smiles reassuringly at her mate and follows her daughter into the room that she shares with Agnar. “Wow! That was intense,” Morna thinks to herself. She sits on the sofa when Aideen indicates she should. Aideen takes the chair directly across from her mother. “I was going to call for a coke, do you want anything?” Aideen asks shyly.

  Morna laughs, and says, “A coke would be great! I guess we have that in common.”

  “I hope we have a lot more in common than just that.” Aideen says hopefully.

  “Aideen, I am sure we have a great deal in common, if not, well we have eternity to get close. I don’t think I will be going anywhere this time. I love you child. I want to know you, and for you to know me. I want desperately to be close to you.” Morna says softly, earnestly. Aideen nods and smiles nervously. The women sit in companionable silence until Ingrid brings the sodas. Ingrid looks at Morna and says, “Lady Morna, should I go and get another for you?”

  “This one will be fine Ingrid. Thank you so very much for remembering my fondness for Cokes.” Morna squeezes her hand gently and smiles warmly.

  Aideen watches her mother with the serving girl. After Ingrid leaves Aideen says, “Mama you have a way with people that has always made me envious. You seem to know just how to handle everyone.”

  “Not really sweetheart. Mostly, I just try to treat people in the way I would want to be treated if I were in their position. It doesn’t always work, but often it does.” Morna says quietly.

  The women grow quiet again as Aideen thinks about what her mother just told her. Suddenly silent tears start rolling down her face and her mother gets up and goes to her and takes her into her arms. “Really Mama, after all I have done to you? How can you forgive me?” Aideen asks fearfully.

  “Because I love you darling. Because my mate loves you so much. You are precious to both of us.” Morna assures her daughter.

  “But Mama, I was in love with Daddy and I tried to kill you.” Aideen says in a small voice as she looks at her hands.

  “Aideen, we both know you have an overly strong attachment to your father and harbor resentment towards me, but being in love with your daddy and trying to kill me, you did those things because you were cursed. I did things when I was cursed I am ashamed of too. Like not protecting you from yourself when you went after me. I could have easily outran you or put a binding spell on you. I could have left your daddy free to deal with you, but I didn’t do any of the things I should have. Instead, I let you do whatever you wanted. We must face up to what we did, accept the role our deepest feelings played in those actions, and resolve to do better in the future.” Morna tells her daughter quietly. She reaches out and caresses her daughter’s face, very tenderly, very lovingly.

  Aideen turns her head away and says very quietly, “Mother, I do not deserve your love. I have harbored intense feelings of resentment towards you for centuries.”

  “I know that darling. And I understand the source of those feelings. Fate has been harsh. I have hurt your father and you a great deal, without ever meaning to. I haven’t really had many opportunities to be a real mother to you, and when I have been able to be around you, I confess that I allow myself to be obsessed with your father. Darling, I just can’t make you understand what he and I mean to each other. We are so tightly, so permanently bound to each other. We can’t help it. But that doesn‘t mean we don‘t love and adore you. But the bonds between mates comes before the bonds between parent and child. Does that make sense to you?” Morna asks quietly.

  “Yes Mama, it does. It makes more sense now that I am reunited with Agnar. He told me long ago what a spitfire you were when you were younger, and that since you mated with Daddy no other man has even caught your eye. I argued with that, repeatedly. I told him about your husbands, and lovers in your various incarnations and he stalwartly defended you. He said that if you had known your mate existed at those times you would never have even looked twice at another man. He admitted to not getting along with you very well at times, but he said that you were always a devoted mate to Daddy.” Aideen says excitedly.

  Morna is somewhat disconcerted hearing that Agnar has been her champion for so many years with her own daughter. “I didn’t realize Agnar respected me like that. We have always respected each other as warriors, but I thought that was all there was to it for him. Off the battlefield, I always thought he just saw me as a conquest that got away.”

  “He feels guilty about that night Mother. He knew you were resolved to remain virgin until you met your mate. But Loki had bet him that he couldn’t seduce you. He was determined to prove Loki wrong.” Aideen informs her mother.

  Morna laughs, and says, “I should have known Loki or Valgullveig had a hand in it. I wish I knew why those two are so dead set on ruining my life, and lives of those I love. Loki has had it out for me ever since the first time I came to Asgard.”

  “Mother, Agnar says that Valgullveig is motivated by jealousy or insanity. He says that she has not acted like herself for centuries that something dark has happened to her. And Loki simply sees you as a pawn in his efforts to undermine the Norse gods.” Aideen says quietly. “He doesn’t think you could have ever done anything to make him or Valgullveig react to you differently.”

  Morna hugs Aideen and says, “Let’s not waste any more of our time together talking about them. Tell me how you and Agnar came to be lovers.”

  “I was in a pout because I thought Daddy was fawning over you, even though you were getting older. This was the Audrey period,” Aideen explains with a chuckle. Morna smiles too, sadly she is intimately aware of the private joke. “I just couldn’t believe he still loved you so passionately when you were aging and he was not. You were fifty-four and Daddy still thought you the most beautiful woman in creation. I was being a selfish brat. I had lived with the two of you for twelve years, and during that time you were a devoted and loving mother to me. But one day, I just got angry because I couldn’t see Daddy ever not loving you so completely, and without reservations. I was very, very selfish Mama. I am sorry.” Morna squeezes her daughter’s hand reassuringly, but doesn’t say anything.

  “Heimdall summoned me here to Asgard. He saw that I was determined to make your last years as Audrey a misery, so he removed me from the situation. He ordered me to stay here and out of your life until I was ready to behave like an adult. I dwelt here for over twenty years, as a house guest of Heimdall. Well I came across Agnar several times, I had heard his reputation with the ladies and I was intrigued. Actually, I was feeling slighted because he had not tried to make a move on me. Then one day on the practice field Thor was teasing Agnar that he was afraid to approach me because I might break his nose as you had. I don’t understand why exactly, but that made me pursue him all the more.”

  “When we finally hooked up, he admitted it was only because I was nothing like you. I didn’t realize at the time that that was not a compliment. He has always respected you a great deal, ever since you broke his nose anyway. But me, at first he saw me as a conquest, a beautiful woman to enjoy and then just move on when he became bored with me. But over time, we fell in love. We both went into it for purely physical, selfish reasons, but our feelings and relationship evolved over time. We lived together quite happily for many, many years, and then one day, about 12 years ago, I just walked away. I wouldn’t explain why, I couldn’t admit it to him. I left Agnar because I was determined to find Daddy and make him love me as much as he loved you.”

  “I went back to Middle-world went to medical school. I wanted to accomplish more than you ever had. You had always been a teacher and I thought that was less important than being a healer. I was a fool in that too Mother.”

  “Rinda tried to make me see reason many times over the years. But I had avoided her whenever she was here, I didn’t want anyone in the Guild to know that I was involved with Agnar. She was often here with Heimdall. They love each other very much, it’s only Rinda’s love for
Middle-world and her love for you that draw her away from his side. Rinda misses being a healer, and she misses her friendship with you when she remains up here.”

  “Mother, you looked uncomfortable when I mentioned Rinda’s love for you. Why? Everyone knows what you two meant to each other as girls and young women. It’s just something everyone knows and accepts, in our circle from Airendell I mean. I guess Daddy is the only reason you two are not still together.” Aideen says thoughtfully.

  “When your daddy came into my life, my feelings for Rinda changed to friendship. A very deep, loving friendship, but just a friendship all the same. You don’t resent that?” Morna asks skeptically.

  “No. I have always accepted that. It was Daddy’s single minded devotion to you that has always made me so angry. I don’t know why. Am I just a jealous little brat?” Aideen asks miserably.

  “I don’t think so. Your Daddy is a very special man. He is loving, fair minded, generous, caring, fierce in defending those he loves, and there is the powerful physical allure he has for human women because he is a vampire. I am sure it has been very confusing for you. Especially since we have both been in and out of your life since you were a small child. I am sorry honey, it is horrible what you have been put through because of me.” Morna chokes.

  “Mama, not because of you. You didn’t curse yourself. Agnar has made me see that if you had not been cursed, we would have had an idyllic life as a family in Airendell. You would have happily been a devoted wife to Daddy and loving mother to me. Did you know that he can give someone visions of what might have been? He won’t often do it, because it can be very painful to see what one’s life could have been like, if only…” Now Aideen is crying. Morna takes her into her arms and holds her child as she mourns for the life that she could have had with both of her parents.

  The two women remain like that for a long time, grieving for their shared loss when Morna finally says, “Aideen, we can’t get back what might have been, but we can still have a happy life together. I will not allow my mother, Valgullveig or Kyera to hurt anyone that I love ever again. I promise you, as soon as I am able, I will find and neutralize Kyera. Then we can deal with Valgullveig.”

  “Mama, I am a good warrior. Agnar and Thor have trained me well. Can I join you in hunting down Kyera?” Aideen beseeches her mother sincerely.

  “Perhaps… Yes, I think that might be a good idea. I will monitor your training and help you prepare, but yes, I think that is only fitting that we take her down together. She has taken so much from both of us. We were planning to go back home, but maybe we should stay here so I can make sure you are ready. We should have a good four or five weeks before I can go after her, to get you ready. Maybe longer, I don‘t know.” Morna says warming up to the idea. Then Morna pauses and looks at her daughter thoughtfully and asks, “Can you take orders from me? I am the First Warrior of Airendell, Ireland, Wales and the New World, and the First Protector of the Talismans of Airendell and the Gateways of Ari and Almeda, there is no doubt, I would have to be in command.”

  “As a sworn and bound warrior, I would follow you, and obey you without question or hesitation. I would undergo the fealty rites and ceremonies to assure it Mother.” Aideen promises.

  Morna hugs her daughter again and kisses her forehead. “Yes, we will indeed be a formidable combination.”

  Morna hugs Aideen again and then smiles, “Your Daddy is coming.”

  “How do you know that Mama?” Aideen asks skeptically.

  “Because I can hear him, smell him and sense him. My ‘evolution’ that we didn’t explain to you before, came about because your Father accidentally exposed me to his venom. I did not become a vampire, I don’t thirst for blood, but I seem to have many of the attributes of a vampire. We are even more connected than ever. When he is nearby, I can get a sense of everything he says or does. The same for him. He is also aware of you at all times when you are near. So if you ever want true privacy, put up a buffer spell. My awareness is growing to include you too. But I am befuddled today, because it feels like my other children are here too.” Morna sighs sadly. “Just wishful thinking.” .

  Aideen hugs Morna and says, “Mama you really miss them don’t you?”

  “Desperately darling girl. I don’t love them anymore than I do you, but I have been with each of them since birth. And they were so tragically and cruelly stolen from me. I can’t explain the emptiness I feel until I can see them again.” Morna admits.

  Morna suddenly jumps up and says, “Someone is with Luca… can it be?” And she jumps up and runs to the door without another word and runs out into the hall. Aideen is amazed that her mother moves just as fast as her father. But doesn’t have time to dwell on it as she follows her mother out into the hallway.

  The scene that greets Aideen in the hallway is amazing. Her father was indeed coming to join them, but he comes bearing guests. Three children; the oldest is a boy of about 15. He’s as tall as Morna with reddish-brown wavy hair and Morna’s brilliant green eyes. He’s very handsome and strong looking, for a gawky teen. Morna is hugging him and swaying side to side. “Oh my babies!” She strokes his face, “Kyle, is it really you, son? Do I really have my babies back?”

  The second child is about 12, he’s a boy in a wheelchair. He has light, reddish brown hair and Morna’s emerald green eyes. He is very small and frail, but alert and intelligent looking. Morna moves to embrace this frail angel and checks him over, “Aiden! Sweet, sweet Aiden! Baby, you look so good! You seem so well, my little man!”

  The final child is a tiny girl. She looks just like Morna did at age seven except for the brilliant green eyes. Morna’s eyes were blue when she was a child. Morna is still kneeling and the little girl crawls in Morna’s lap, “Mama!” Morna hugs her and holds her closely as she continues to try to hold the boys at the same time. “My Babies!”

  Morna is laughing and crying and trying to hold all of her children at once. She races back and grabs Aideen’s hand and brings her into the fray. “My babies! Kyle, Aiden, Nora - this is your big sister, Aideen! My babies! All of my babies here together! God is indeed merciful!” She asks each child if they are well and happy. If they have been eating and sleeping. When Morna has finally hugged and kissed each child thoroughly she notices two men with her husband. One she recognizes, of course, it is her father, Valliant. The other is obviously an elvish envoy, who seems rather familiar. Morna turns to look at her father, “Did you do this Father? Bring my babies to me?”

  “I only went to retrieve them. It was Luca’s idea. He raised nine kinds of hell with Heimdall and Albreich, and the Elvish council until they all consented. He made them see that First Warrior of Airendell could surely protect her own children in the middle of Asgard!” Valliant declares proudly as he slaps his son in law on the back with obvious affection. “We were planning a grand reveal at the banquet, but Luca said you could sense them being here that we should let you be reunited with them in private.”

  Morna draws her mate into her arms. “Man of Light, you continue to amaze me! Thank you Darling, thank you!”

  Morna looks at the Elvish envoy, bows her head and says, “May they remain with me, Sir?”

  The envoy bows his head in return, and says, “Lady Morna, you don’t have to bow your head to me, you out rank me, but you know that don’t you?” Morna only smiles at this. “I am Collingwood. I have been honored to act as caretaker to your children while they have been at Alfheim. They are permitted to stay with you. The Council is finally convinced that you are now able to protect them. However, we would all be calmer about it if you would remain here in Asgard with them until the baby arrives and you can dispose of Kyera. At least, we assume you will do that after the birth of your latest child.”

  Aideen gasps, “Baby?” So do Kyle, Aiden and Nora.

  “Oh dear! Forgive me madam. I should have given you time to tell the children yourself. I am too forward. I am very fond of your children and consider myself a part of their family. Forgive me.�
� When Morna sees Kyle and Nora move to reassure Collingwood she smiles because they obviously feel the same way about him. Even Aiden is looking at him fondly.

  Morna looks at each of her children and smiles radiantly, “I am having another child! A child with my mate, my husband; Luca. You are getting a new brother!”

  Morna turns her attention to the Elf; “Nothing to forgive Collingwood. It is obvious my children adore you too. Well, let us find a place big enough to accommodate us all and spend a little time getting to know each other, shall we?” Morna looks at Valliant, “Any suggestions Father?”

  “I think your hall would suffice nicely,” Valliant says a little smugly.

  Morna starts in confusion, “My hall?”

  “Yes, I built it for you when you were born. But you never seemed interested in dwelling here in Asgard, so I never told you about it. It has fifteen bedchambers and the Master’s chambers, and a small but adequate hall, so it will certainly accommodate all of you and your growing family.” Valliant chuckles warmly at his daughter. “Brynhold has requested permission to run it for you while you are here. He is a very competent man, I am sure it is more than ready for you all right now.”

  Morna looks at Collingwood, “You are welcome to join us there if you don’t have to go back to Alfheim immediately.”

  “Thank you Madam, I would enjoy that very much.” Collingwood says warmly.

  Morna looks at Aideen, “You too, darling girl. Please join us?”

  “Of course, Mama I would love to join you. Can Agnar come with me?” Aideen asks quietly.

  “I assumed you two were a package deal these days,” Morna chuckles.

  Morna turns to her father, “Father, can you escort everyone over there and get them settled in? I need to see Samantha and Breena. Luca and I will find you soon.”

  “But you don’t know where the house is…” Valliant begins, but breaks off in laughter when Morna taps her nose. “I forget that you can track our scent in a hurricane.”


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