The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles

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The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles Page 17

by Audra Hart

  Aideen catches her mother watching her and is pleased that Morna seems so proud of her. She blushes and looks away from Morna and sees Luca also watching her with pride. And she feels all the years of jealousy, resentment, and yearning fall away. She feels at home now, at peace. She finally feels free to live her own life, to love her man and move on to face whatever the future holds for her and her family. She is indeed grateful to God also.

  After a while, Morna notices that Nora has fallen asleep in her Grandpa’s arms. She looks like a perfect little porcelain doll in his embrace. She offers to take Nora to bed. Valliant whispers, “May I come too? I never got to do this for you when you were a wee one.”

  “Of course Father, I would be delighted. Nora may not turn loose of you voluntarily at any rate,” Morna giggles. Ingrid appears seemingly out of nowhere to show Morna to the child’s bedroom. It is right next to her own. She smiles at that thoughtfulness. She asks where Aiden’s room is and Ingrid indicates the one across the hall. Both within hearing distance for Morna. She is delighted at the obvious thought and care that went into room assignments and mouths thank you to Ingrid. Ingrid points to the room on the other side of the master suite and mouths Kyle. Morna nods and takes Nora to her bed. She was already wearing her nightgown since they were having a late supper, well, by the standards of a seven year old. Morna pulls the covers down and Valliant lies the little girl in bed. Morna tucks her in and kisses her forehead.

  Nora is mostly asleep, but says, “Mom, pray with me.” Morna kneels by the bed and they recite her night time prayer. “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray to God by soul to keep.” Then Nora continues in her tiny, sweet voice, “Please bless Mom, Luca, Grandpa, Aideen, Aiden, Kyle, Auntie Breena and Uncle Damian, Mr. Agnar, and Mr. Collingwood. Thank you for bringing Mommy back. I love you, God, amen.” Morna kisses Nora again, and says, “Yes Lord, Amen! Can I ask why you call Damian uncle?”

  The sleepy little girl shrugs and says, “Because he is going to marry Auntie Breena, and they will have many babies.” Morna smiles at her daughter’s words and wonders if she could possibly be right. She kisses the little girl again and watches her for few more moments. She has missed her little girl so much, and is so grateful to have her back.

  Nora is sound asleep when Morna leads her father out into the hall. Once out in the hall Morna collapses in tears. Valliant gathers her up in his arms. “Now, now Baby Girl, what is all this about?”

  “Father, it is joy, pure unspeakable joy! Thank you for helping Luca get my children back to me!” She hugs her father fiercely. Then she chuckles at herself and says, “Joy and pregnancy hormones.”

  “That’s alright lass. No mother should be without her children. Luca did the hard work, convincing Heimdall and Albreich that he could keep them safe. He is a good man.” Valliant says quietly. Morna hugs her father again and agrees wholeheartedly with his assessment of her mate. They walk back to the dining room hand in hand.

  When they get back, Breena has made a rainbow above the dining room table and is telling the story of how she got Morna to teach her how to do it in her sleep. Nearly everyone laughs because it is a long standing joke about Morna talking in her sleep. Morna laughs and says, “Yes, we got into quite a bit of hot water for developing and weaving non guild approved spells. My goodness, if they could see some of the other spells I have figured out how to weave over the years they would all faint in their mead.” Morna and Breena laugh heartily at this inside joke.

  Kyle looks at Morna and says “What else can you do Mom?”

  Morna looks uncomfortable, and squirms in her chair. “Most of my magic is defensive and offensive in nature. I can do some parlor tricks, and some healing, but nothing on the magnitude of Luca or Breena. And Aideen is the strongest healer of us all, unless I am badly mistaken, and I rarely am mistaken about a Spell Weavers strengths.” Morna says thoughtfully.

  “Mom, you are a warrior right?” ask Kyle.

  Morna meets his eyes. “Yes son, I am. I have unfortunately had to kill many beings in my life times. But I never kill if I can keep from it.”

  “No duh, Mom! I know you. You wouldn’t even offend someone if you could make a point without it. I can’t imagine you would take any life if there was another option.” Kyle asserts.

  “Thank you Kyle, your confidence is gratifying. I hope I deserve it.” Morna says sincerely.

  Agnar laughs loudly and says, “Don’t let that humble exterior fool you boy. Your mom is as dangerous as any being can be. Thor, the thunder god gives her a wide berth.”

  Morna snorts and says, “Don’t fill my son’s head with nonsense.”

  Kyle looks to Luca for the truth and Luca nods. Kyle understands, his mom is truly a fierce warrior. He has always respected his mom, but now he has a new level of respect for her.

  Aiden taps the table and when Morna looks at him he asks, “You are not a good healer?”

  “Sorry Aiden, I am not the strongest healer. I think it’s because my life’s mission is to defend and protect our Guild and humanity. Breena’s and Aideen’s missions are to heal. As a Spell Weaver, Luca was a much stronger healer than me, but still a very strong warrior. Now he is still an equal pairing of healing and defending. Why?”

  “Back at Alfheim, Collingwood offered to try to heal me, but when I asked him if you might be able to do it yourself, he said possibly. I was just wondering if you could.” Aiden tells Morna telepathically.

  “I am not a good enough healer right now, baby, to heal you. Maybe someday, but Aideen, Breena or Luca would be better for the job than me. Especially Aideen. She is an excellent healer. She is a Spell Weaver of the First Order and a world class surgeon back in the human world.” Morna tells her son honestly.

  Aiden is thoughtful for a few minutes, then he asks, “Mom would you mind if I asked Aideen or Luca to heal me? I wanted to wait for you, but I am growing impatient now that I know I could probably be restored to better health. I get tired a lot Mom, way more than I used to.”

  “Aiden, honey if you are getting tired more easily, that isn’t a good sign. We should act now. Do you want to ask her or do you want me to ask her?” Morna asks softly.

  Aiden looks at his oldest, and newest sister, “Could you heal me Aideen?”

  Aideen starts crying and hugs her little brother. “Aiden, I would be honored to try. Tomorrow, I will examine you. I want Brigid to come assist with that. And then we can decide what spells might work best. But you understand, I may not be able to heal you completely, right? Cerebral Palsy is very tricky, and I understand that you have a seizure disorder too. Daddy, we might need you too, you seem to know your way around a brain very well, and you are so precise in your spells.” Aideen turns back to her brother, “We may want to take you to Chicago for tests.” Then she looks at her parents, she is very excited by the prospect of helping her little brother, “Can we do that?”

  “Yes,” says Luca confidently. “I was planning to take Morna back for tests anyway. We could do them all at Brigid’s clinic. Valliant, George and Damian could come along to help me with the protection detail. Agnar, would you stay and protect the other children?” Agnar nods. “Brigid and Aideen can come as the healers, and whoever else you might need from our group. Yes, we can do it.” Luca assures them calmly.

  Aiden asks Luca, “Could my brother and sister come with me?”

  “Sure son, if you want Kyle and Nora with you, we will just bring enough people along to protect them all. Don’t worry, now that we know who our enemies are, we are better able to defend ourselves against them.”

  “Wonderful!” says Morna. “Luca and I will see to all the arrangements. As soon as we can set it all up, we will go to Chicago.”

  “We have another event we need to plan,” says Kyle thoughtfully.

  “What’s that baby?” asks Morna. “Oops, sorry, I forget I am not supposed to call you baby anymore. Forgive me, Kyle!”

  Kyle rolls his eyes at his mom and says, “The event I am thinking of
is a wedding. I know you guys got married way back when, but I think you should renew your vows, and include your children in the ceremony this time.”

  “Hear, hear!” Says Luca and Valliant in unison.

  Morna blushes and says, “It sounds like a plan to me!” Morna happily watches Aideen and Aiden with their heads together, obviously in deep conversation. Morna is easily hearing everything Aideen is saying and can surmise most of what Aiden is saying. Finally after about ten more minutes, Morna says, “Aiden, you look tired little man. It’s time I take you to bed. You can see Aideen first thing in the morning. She is staying with us.” Aiden nods at his mother and holds his arms out to her.

  When she picks him up, Aiden sees how tired she looks, and he looks at Luca, “Will you come too Luca, maybe carry me for Mom, she looks tired too.”

  Luca approaches his mate and says, “Your son is a wise lad, he says you look tired. I agree. Let me carry him for you love.” Morna allows Luca to take her son out of her arms, but looks saddened by it. Luca hugs her with one arm and kisses her forehead, guessing what she is thinking.

  “Mom, I am sorry. Did it hurt your feelings?” Aiden asks telepathically.

  “Not at all Aiden. I have just missed taking care of you and your sister and brother. I missed you rotten rug rats!” She giggles with him at that and takes Luca’s hand as they walk to his bedroom.

  Luca sets Aiden on the bed and Morna changes him into his pajamas. “I am sorry, but I don’t have any of your favorite books with me.”

  “Can Luca tell me a story?” Aiden asks. Morna looks at Luca and tells him what Aiden wants.

  “Sure I can, kiddo. I can tell you about a hapless wanderer who literally stumbled into a very magical place where he met a beautiful girl who later became his bride.” Morna and Aiden chuckle at that. Morna lies beside Aiden as Luca tells his fairy tale. In truth, it was a lovely G-rated version of their own love story, courtship and wedding. When Luca finishes telling about their magical wedding he is delighted to see that both mother and son have fallen asleep. “Morna, do you want to stay here, or should I carry you to bed?” Luca whispers quietly.

  “I will walk across the hall later.” Morna says in her sleep thickened voice. Luca sits on the bedside and watches mother and child in their restful sleep for over a half an hour before he reminds himself that he has guests to attend to.

  When he steps out in the hall, he meets Kyle. Kyle chuckles and says, “Just like old times. She fell asleep beside him, didn’t she?”

  Luca laughs and nods. “She is so happy to have you children with her again.”

  Kyle gets serious, “I am just glad to see her alive. The last thing I saw of her was that huge piece of steel sticking out of her chest. I thought she was dead for sure. The sprite had me and was carrying me off and I was trying to fight it. I didn’t understand that I wasn’t in my human form any more. It was very confusing. The elves took good care of us, and explained everything that had happened, and assured me that Mom was alive. But I knew she had been hurt bad. It took them several days to restore our bodies from the damage from the wreck and the flames, I just couldn’t believe Mom had survived. I knew Dad had not, the Elves told me he didn’t deserve to be rescued. I knew why, and didn’t argue the point. But it is good to see her well, but she really looks tired. How long did it take Mom to get well?”

  “Almost a year.” Luca says quietly. “My venom healed a lot of the damage that was lingering. A little over two weeks ago she still had a limp and horrible scars and a lot of pain, but she is much better now. I am grateful for what I am because it healed her. She wouldn’t ever admit how much pain she was in. But she couldn’t hide all of it from me.”

  “How long after the wreck before you found her?” Kyle asks.

  “Too long!” Luca says vehemently. “It was a matter of days. She was in a coma for a few months. Then in the hospital another three months after that. After she checked herself out I kept an eye on her, but she wouldn’t accept any help from anyone. It hasn’t even been three weeks since she got her memories back of who I am and who she really is. Everything is pretty new to her too. But since we are here in Asgard, her home world, most of her memories from all of her life times are back and fresh. She has a good grasp on almost everything now, but she still struggles.” Luca tells Kyle honestly.

  “Thank you for being so honest with me Luca. I really appreciate it.” Kyle says sincerely.

  “You are a young man and not a child. You need the truth.” Luca says earnestly.

  “Well my body thinks it is still a kid, and I am sleepy. I will see you in the morning.” Kyle hugs Luca and goes quietly into his bedroom. Luca smiles hugely as he watches him go. His heart is full, he is eager to further develop a strong bond with that fine young man. “Morna, you did well.” He whispers, and turns when she mumbles from Aiden‘s doorway, “Thanks, but he did it all on his own. He is an awesome kid, always has been.”

  “How did I not hear you, love?” He asks as he kisses her softly.

  “Vampire stealth, ever heard of it?” Morna chuckles. “Let’s go see our guests settled. And then I need to go to bed, for real this time.” She chuckles again.

  They walk hand in hand to the dining room. The adults are enjoying a brandy, except for Damian and Breena, they seem to be intent on enjoying each other. ‘Well, it‘s happened,’ thinks Morna. They have mated. She knows her sister and Damian well enough to know that it will be a life mating.

  Morna looks around for her father, and asks, “Where has Valliant gone? “

  Breena chuckles, “I think he had a hot date with Gullveig.”

  Ingrid appears instantly with an icy coke for Morna. “Jeez Ingrid, it’s spooky how you do that! Thanks sweetie. We will clear out of here in a few moments. But she notices that most of the dishes have already been cleared away.

  “Aggie and Brynhold have gone on to bed. I was just waiting to wash these last glasses and see if you wanted anything else before I go to bed.” Ingrid says.

  “Ingrid, go on to bed. I will clean the rest of this up.” Says Luca quietly.

  “Oh no sir! I couldn’t let you do that! You need your rest.” Says Ingrid.

  Everyone laughs and Morna says, “Ingrid, sorry honey, we aren’t laughing at you. Luca and Damian can’t sleep.”

  “Oh I forget he’s a, I mean… sorry, I am putting my foot in my mouth. But you just seem like all the other gods around here Sir Luca. I forget you are a vampire too. You don’t act like one would expect a vampire to act.” Ingrid blushes, and says, “Thank you sir, I would love to go to bed. Good night all.”

  Collingwood stands and thanks Morna and Luca for their hospitality, and bids them a good night. Then Agnar and Aideen rise and head for bed too. Aideen hugs and kisses her father and then clings tightly to her mother, and whispers in her ear, “Thank you for my brothers and sister! They are awesome! I love them and I love you so much Mama! I will work hard to be a good sister to them and good daughter to you.”

  Morna hugs her daughter and says quietly, “Sweetheart, just try to be happy and be yourself. Then being sister and daughter will come naturally.”

  Agnar smiles proudly at Morna and kisses her cheek and whispers, “Thanks Mo-Mo. She needs your loving acceptance. You are awesome with her. I am sorry I underestimated your abilities as a mother, I really should have known better.”

  “You twerp! I told you a hundred times, I hate to be called Mo-Mo!” Morna laughs as she throws a napkin at him.

  After Aideen and Agnar have had plenty of time to get out of earshot, Morna looks at Breena, “Is he now really as good of a guy as he seems? Is he for real?”

  “Yeah sis, I really think he is. I know he loves her like crazy. And she feels the same way for him. And all of her feelings for Luca tonight were totally appropriate, not over the top like they have been in the past. I think Agnar is really, really good for her.” Answers Breena thoughtfully.

  Luca literally sighs in relief. Morna smiles happily at him
. Then she looks at her sister. “I guess we have two weddings to plan?” Breena blushes and Damian shifts uncomfortably under Morna’s gaze.

  “Chill out Damian. I am really happy for the two of you.” Morna says and rushes over to hug her sister. And then turns to Damian. “Can I hug you?” He nods happily and she holds him close for a long moment. She is so grateful that she met this young man.

  Morna goes back to sit down by her own mate and says, “Well, mine and Luca’s will be super simple. I hate pomp and circumstance, so these Norse ‘gods’ will just have to deal with it. Besides, it is a renewal ceremony, not an actual wedding.”

  Breena chuckles and says, “Well if what Gullveig and Heimdall say about me is correct, I better plan something quick or it will look like a shotgun wedding.” Damian hugs her to him and lovingly kisses the top of her head as he trails his hand around to her tummy and caresses it gently.

  Morna looks at Damian proudly and says, “Son, I am so glad you had the courage to confront Luca and I at Mad Mike’s that day. Bringing you into our family has truly been a blessing for all of us.” She smiles brightly at him and says, “Don’t worry, I plan to work on my habit of calling you Son, I just feel so damn maternal towards you and these hormones aren’t helping any.” Everyone chuckles at that.

  “Mother, er I mean Morna, I don’t care what you call me. You can call me Mud and I will still feel the same exact way about you that I feel right now.” Damian says with feeling.

  Tears silently roll down Morna’s face at Damian’s heartfelt words. Luca chuckles and fondly chides Damian, “Now you have done it boy. I am taking my emotional and pregnant wife to bed. She is exhausted and really needs some rest.” He gets up and kisses Breena’s cheek and pats Damian’s shoulder then turns and scoops his wife up into his arms. “Don’t you dare try to argue with me woman, you need sleep!”


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