The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles

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The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles Page 48

by Audra Hart


  Luca and Morna join the others in the front yard. Collingwood is waiting there for them. “When you have left the perimeter of the residence, I will erect my barrier spell and Heimdall will erect his over it. We will keep the children safe while you are gone.” He assures Luca and Morna. Morna kisses his cheek and says, “Thank you.”

  Morna looks around at the fighters assembled. She has fought many times alongside Luca, Valliant, Vali, and Agnar. She has been in a fight on two occasions with George. She has never gone into battle with either of her grown children. She looks directly at Kylor and Aideen and says, “Any second thoughts?” When neither responds, Morna exhales. “I should have my head examined for allowing you two to come along.”

  Morna paces for a few seconds in silence then throws her hands up. “Fine, stick close to Luca and me. If either of us tell you two to do something, do it immediately. Do not think about it, do not question it, and definitely do not argue. Got it?” Morna says firmly. When Aideen nods wordlessly, and Kylor smiles, Morna mutters again that she should have her head examined. “Let’s go.” Morna takes off running toward Heimdall’s without looking back.

  The group runs along in silence until they reach Heimdall’s gate. Morna says, “I bet I know what they want.” Lou and Annie are waiting at the gate, with their battle gear on.

  “Annie, Lou, what can we do for you?” Morna asks pleasantly.

  “Morna, we want to come along with you. We are both skilled warriors. We have a stake in this too.” Annie says bluntly. “If mother is there, we want a chance to talk her out of this madness.

  “Fine, I would actually be glad to have you along,” Morna says sincerely. “I hope you can reason with your mother, if she is there… but…”

  “You are probably right Mo, but we would like the chance to try,” says Lou sincerely. “If not we can either back you up or bow out, whatever you prefer.”

  Morna nods at Lou and Annie, she understands what they are seeking, but she fears they won’t find it. She isn’t very eager to have to decide whether or not she wants them at her back. She will go with her gut when the time comes. She meets Luca’s gaze and suspects he is thinking along the same lines. She knows he will keep a close eye on them, and Agnar can monitor their emotions. Morna turns to her godfather and asks, “Where exactly will you set us down?”

  “A mile south of his palace. He knows you are coming and has a garrison lining the road to his palace. He’s a showy bastard, but he is not a coward. I don’t think he will have the garrison attack. I believe they are just for show,” Heimdall informs to the fighters with a chuckle.

  Kylor nods. “I expected as much, mother.” Kylor turns his attention back to Heimdall and asks, “Is his son Quirinus with him?” When Heimdall nods, Kylor sighs, “Now, he is the more devious of the two. And I believe he is a coward who relies on sneak attacks and underhanded tactics. But that’s my opinion.”

  “Isn’t Quirinus the ascended, god-form of Romulus?” Luca asks.

  Kylor is impressed with his Father’s knowledge and says, “Yes, that is the general belief. But Mars has never publicly said where Quirinus came from.” Kylor looks to his mother. “Mars will try to ignore you. He will probably address one of the Norsemen before he even looks at you. He will be insulting, and will do anything he can think of to degrade you, and make you lose your temper. Because of his association with Valgullveig, he will be fairly knowledgeable about your past lives and things you have suffered. Be prepared Mother. I suspect he will have something unsavory to say about your being pregnant, and about me as your son.”

  The group have been strapping on their weapons as they talked. Now Morna kisses her son and says, “Darling boy, you are stating the obvious.” She looks at everyone to see if they seem ready. Morna and Luca have taken the lead. Kylor and George behind them. Agnar and Aideen after that. Annie and Lou are behind them, with the two Norse demigods bringing up the rear. Morna is pleased that everyone seemed to understand where their best position would be.

  Morna smiles and tells Heimdall, “Godfather, I wish to go visit my in-laws.” Heimdall laughs uproariously and opens the gate to the Bi-frost. They enter the Bi-frost and walk toward whatever awaits. Everyone in the group knows that they will be watched as soon as they step off of the bridge. Luca and Morna whisper “Love you,” simultaneously as they step off the rainbow bridge.

  The countryside is green and wild looking. There are gently sloping hills in the distance, but this area is relatively flat, and Morna can see for miles. The sun is already high in the sky and beats down mercilessly. She nods and smiles at the warriors lining the roadway. The group strolls leisurely toward Mars’ realm. As the Airendell/Asgard group goes by the warriors fall into step behind them, to provide escort and send a strong message of Mars‘ strength. Morna smiles at the ploy. She would the very same in Mars’ position.

  Morna contacts Heimdall, she had been expecting this move but wants to confirm that her Airendell warriors are assembled where she had ordered them to be. One garrison is led by Elias and Micah and is stationed around Airendell, a second garrison is led by Brian and Bronwyn and is stationed inside the gateway ready to march on the Roman gateway if needed. The third assembled garrison is led by Carrick and Enya and is assembled on the plain south of Morna and Luca’s glen, awaiting the Bi-frost to transport them to Mars’ realm if necessary. Heimdall reports all garrisons, including the Asgardian garrisons of Valhalla and Thunder Mount are on standby. Morna nods in satisfaction. She doesn’t believe any of them will be needed, but she would have been a fool to come without back up.

  The walk to Mars’ palace is over rather quickly. Morna’s group halts before the massive doors to a truly majestic looking palace. The doors open slowly and an intricate flourish sounds. A man who looks almost identical to Luca, except that his hair and complexion are much darker, steps out and announces, “Behold Mars, the Roman god of war, Ruler of the seven plagues, King of the Vampires, and Guardian of the gateway to the underworld.”

  A longer flourish sounds again as Mars slowly walks out to meet his visitors. He is slightly shorter than Luca and not as powerfully built. He has dark hair and eyes, but it is obvious where Luca got his looks. Mars walks directly to stand before Luca. Luca nods his head slightly. Morna chuckles softly when Mars pointedly ignores her, and the warriors in the middle, but turns his attention to Vali and Valliant. “Greetings my Norse brothers, and welcome. I see you brought my prodigal grandson home to meet me.”

  Morna laughs gaily and steps forward, “Mars, you damned old airbag. You know my father and grandfather came only to watch my back.”

  Mars looks at Luca and says, “Your brood sow has pluck, I’ll give you that. Though she isn’t much to look at. She’s rather fat and soft looking.”

  Morna laughs heartily at the taunt and places her hand gently on her mate’s arm to still him when he advances on Mars. “Lucian my love, you know Mars is playing a child’s game. When he is ready to act like the great god of war that he is reputed to be we can address the matter we came here to discuss.”

  “Of course, Morna. I was simply going to ask him when was the last time a soft, fat brood sow kicked his arrogant little ass for him. Because if he continues in this manner, I know I will not stop you from teaching him a lesson in manners.” Luca says calmly.

  Mars laughs richly at the couple’s byplay and says, “I can see that you choose to function as equals. Come on inside, take your rest with me and tell me what matter you came here to discuss.”

  Morna looks at Mars and says, “It’s such a lovely day, and I am so enjoying the scenery in your realm. We would like to remain outside, or perhaps you would like to show your amphitheater to us. We have heard it is a masterpiece and has no equal in all the realms.”

  Mars chuckles and says, “Very well, Lady Morna. I can see that either you are wise or very well coached. We may remain here, if you so wish. Please do me the honor of offici
ally introducing me to those in your party.”

  Morna smiles regally, but her belly is doing flip-flops. She hadn’t expected Mars to play nice this quickly. He must have something up his sleeve and is playing nice to give his minions time to relocate since Morna would not follow him into his palace. Morna stretches her senses out, searching for Valgullveig or Kyera. She also uses her telepathy to relay her suspicions to all in her entourage.

  “Of course, Mars, Roman god of war. I would be happy to do so.” Morna turns slightly towards her mate. May I present Lucian Invictus Bellona Michaels, 2nd Commander of the Warriors of Airendell, Ireland, Wales and the New World, Spell Weaver of the First Order of Airendell, Master Healer, Vampire of the Moonlight Blessing, and finally Son of Bellona, a Roman goddess of war, standing defender of women and children. I believe you may be familiar with the noble lady.”

  Mars chuckles at Morna’s dig at him for treating his daughter badly. He nods his head respectfully to his grandson and turns his attention to the tall man standing behind Morna. “Mars, I am proud to present Lord Verona, Kylor Michaels. Assistant and companion to the Lady Bellona in her fine work for over six hundred years. Self-trained healer and warrior, extraordinaire. Son of Lucian and Morna Michaels, of Airendell.”

  Mars chuckles and says, “Yes, I have experienced your son’s warrior skills, they are indeed respectable. Welcome back to my domain, great-grandson.” Mars favors Kylor with a warm smile. And turns his attention to George.

  “Mars, I am proud to present Lord George Welborn. Stone Breaker of the Gila Order of the Anasazi, Grandson to Maria, the Grand Shaman of the Gila Order, Grandson to Odin Allfather, the king of Norse gods and man alike, and my brother.

  Mars hisses at George, but murmurs a polite sounding, “Welcome, Stone Breaker.”

  At this point Morna decides that she is tired of playing these pointless games and snaps impatiently, “Are your people not in place yet? What is taking them so long?” She has already located Kyera, 100 feet off to her left, hidden among the crowd. And she can sense Valgullveig deep within the palace, moving away from their position. A garrison of archers have positioned themselves to rain arrows down on her group’s position. “I’m dragging these tiresome introductions out, but I am growing bored with this silly game. Shall we talk like adults or not?”

  As soon as Morna says this, she hears a voice in her head warning, “Kyera is about to attack!” The voice is female and one that she doesn’t recall ever hearing before. But she thinks she knows who it is.

  “Valgullveig?” She asks uncertainly.

  “Yes!” the voice hisses, “But don’t focus on me, protect yourself and your children!” And then the connection is gone.

  Morna feels Kyera turn her magic against herself and Luca. Morna growls deep in her throat, and raises her hand to deflect the witch’s spell with a powerful spell of her own. She orders Agnar to erect a barrier to other spells over the group, and for the others to stand their ground via telepathy. She somersaults out of her assembled group and lands 20 feet in front of Kyera with her hands stretched out before her, ready to repel the witch’s assault.

  Morna releases the beast inside of her and hisses at Kyera, “Come on sweetheart, I know you want to come out and play. You have been tracking me for nearly six hundred years. Mars has given you plenty of time to get into place. You don’t want him to realize that his confidence in you was ill placed, do you?”

  Kyera loses control instantly and charges at Morna. Her rage explodes when her second attempt at a spell gets tossed back into her face, nearly blinding her. Morna easily avoids the dark witch, and Kyera crashes into a group of spectators. She rights herself with a scream of pure rage and dives at Morna again. Morna dodges the assault and wonders where the real danger will come from.

  That is when she realizes that Quirinus is charging at her with a sword drawn. She quickly wraps Quirinus in a binding spell and tosses him at the feet of his father. And she focuses her full attention on Kyera, quickly wrapping the silver-haired witch in another binding spell.

  “Come on, you insane little harlot. You and I have much to discuss. Too bad I had to kill your lover, Magdrid. You two could have had a nice little reunion.” Kyera screams in rage and tries frantically to free herself from the binding spell. Morna knows it is only a matter of time until the witch is able to free herself, so Morna must get her taunts in quickly. “Oh my, it just occurred to me, I seem to be making it a habit to kill your lovers off for you,” Morna continues mockingly.

  “Today I will successfully murder your two children that you foolishly brought along and then I will kill you,” Kyera screams in rage.

  Morna laughs mockingly. “YOU? You think you can kill me? Sorry to tell you, but I am not a twelve year old mortal child today. And don’t count on your little vampire entourage for assistance. My daughter is an excellent Spell Weaver and has them immobilized in a binding spell.” Morna continues to laugh mockingly at Kyera as she mentally counts, “Five, four, three, two, one… come and get me sweetheart!”

  Morna lets the binding spell slip slightly and Kyera flies at her in a rage with a witch’s dagger drawn. Morna momentarily delays moving to the left to get out of the way for a split second so that the dagger can shallowly pierce her chest on the right side. Morna quickly brings her left hand up and over to snap the witch’s right arm, the dagger falls to the ground with a clatter. Morna bites a massive chunk of flesh out of the witch’s throat, severing the major blood vessels. Morna viciously kicks the witch in the stomach and sends her flying into the wall of a nearby building.

  Morna laughs as she watches the blood pump out of the silver-haired witch’s body and pool around her. She can feel Kyera’s life force leaving her body. Morna bends down and retrieves the witch’s dagger and walks up to stand five feet from the dying witch, smiling a friendly little smile. “That little love bite was a little gift from my mate and me. This is on behalf of my sons Kylor, Kyle and Aiden, and my darling daughters Aideen and Nora.” And she throws the dagger, burying it deep in the witch’s heart.

  Morna soothes her inner monster, and urges it back deep inside of herself as she retrieves a dainty little handkerchief from her pocket and wipes the blood off of her lips. She neatly folds the handkerchief and returns it to her pocket. She straightens her jacket, wipes her hands together negligently, as though brushing dust from them, and turns back to face Mars. She walks calmly over and resumes her spot next to her mate.

  Mars laughs riotously and addresses his grandson. “Your brood sow has style too. And she’s pretty smart. After that little display, I will be forced to testify that the witch, Kyera, was attempting to take your mate’s life when she ripped her throat out. She is in no danger of being stripped of her magic or titles. She certainly knows how to deal with the insane. I wonder if she can stand up to someone who has their faculties intact.”

  Luca laughs quietly. “My mate and I never speak for each other. Why don’t you ask her yourself? But I am curious as to whom you are willing to risk losing to answer that question?”

  Mars is silent for a moment, and he reluctantly turns his attention to Morna. “Lady Morna, I have been rude. You said you came here to discuss something with me, what might that be?”

  Morna laughs, “Well, since you have successfully kept me busy while my sister stole away from this realm, would you allow me to indulge one small curiosity?”

  Mars laughs again, “You don’t miss much, do you, girl? By all means, satisfy your curiosity.”

  “Thank you. I am truly tired of playing games. I want to get directly to what I most want to know. Will you refuse to meet me in a combat challenge because I might win or is it just because your mother taught you that it isn’t nice to hit girls?” Morna asks so quietly that only Mars, Quirinus, and Luca can hear her.

  Mars scoffs derisively. “Very well Lady Morna, I accept your challenge. Where would you like to meet? My playground or yours?” Mars demands with a sneer.

  “How about some
place neutral? Perhaps the Plain of Terminus?” Morna asks politely. Terminus is less than a mile east of the gateway in this vicinity and only a half a mile from where Heimdall sat them down on the Bi-frost. And it is still close enough for Mars to call in reinforcements if he so wishes, but it is open enough that they would not be able to sneak up on Morna’s group of warriors.

  “Very well Morna. I shall meet you there on one condition. I am not certain that my grandson can even speak for himself, much less fight for himself… So Lucian, would you agree to meet your uncle, Quirinus, on the same plain, before I face your little brood sow, excuse me, your mate,” Mars asks Luca insolently.

  Morna chuckles softly and telepathically tells Luca to keep his cool. “Of course, my love.” Luca responds in kind to his wife, and smiles happily at his grandfather. “I believe I would enjoy that, but it hardly seems a challenge, since my little wife already knocked him on his ass. But I am a guest, and will follow the lead of my host.”

  Mars chuckles. “Good! Neither of you are foolish enough to rise to insults, and are quite talented at giving them out. Verona is similarly talented. I will bring myself and seven others to the plain in a half of an hour. That way we will be on equal standing.

  Morna smiles, “It’s a date.” And Luca nods at Mars. The couple turn on their heels to walk back out of the city the way that they came. Their group of warriors part and let them walk through them, and fall in behind them.

  Morna hears chuckling in her head, “Well played, Baby Girl!” says Heimdall.

  “Well, don’t get too excited, godfather, we are not out of the woods yet.” Morna says cautiously. “Where did Valgullveig get off to?”

  “She slipped off into the Roman’s underworld, their land of the dead, of all places. Seems fitting. But I can’t see down there and she knows it. So we have no idea where she will turn up next.” Heimdall informs Morna.

  “She warned me about Kyera,” Morna tells her godfather.

  “Interesting. Maybe there is hope for her yet. I pray that’s true. But don’t trust her,” Heimdall says.


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