The Waiting Room

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The Waiting Room Page 6

by Annabel Lucas

  They came back to her in order of utmost distress. Micah! Micah’s breath ceasing on the floor in the lobby of the hotel, her waiting alone at the hospital without answers, watching Tess kiss Ryan from across the hotel lobby, and then there was the dream.

  The dream. Her body stirred with the memory, the dream of Tess and Ryan, and how she's pleased him almost against his will. Holding him at bay between wanting and not wanting her until she'd broken through and pleased him and taking his pleasure to heights beyond, well beyond what Shane had imagined. Shane’s lips curled into a smile.

  Honestly, she hadn’t seen his pleasure. She’d just experience hers. Little slutty voyeur. “Where can I get more of that?” She asked out loud to the empty room. Her voice was deep with sleep, unused and rusty.

  She shifted in her bed; Shane felt the cold of the unused sheets against her skin and tried to find the warmth again while searching for her phone. What time was it anyway? She’d missed three calls, two from Lila and one from Ryan about ten minutes ago. That may have been what woke her.

  Shane flung back the sheets and slid out of bed. Twenty minutes later, she had showered and dressed. She texted Ryan.

  “How is everyone this morning?”

  His response was prompt. He’d been watching for her response.

  “Good. I’m heading up to the hospital. Can you come? No business today, recovering from last night’s events.”

  "Of course." She responded. “See you in the lobby.”


  She dropped her phone and applied the final touches to her makeup. Her reflection stared back steadily with indigo eyes, her dark hair a tumble of curls. She’d dressed in jeans with low black boots and a black off-shoulder top. Dark colors always set off her eyes. She looked good like she wasn’t trying.

  That was her favorite look.

  Ryan was waiting in the lobby. She felt his eyes on her when she stepped off the elevator. Her stomach tightened, caught between wanting and not wanting as he had been in her dream. What had happened when he’d stepped on to the elevator with Tess? The dream had done away with any trace of jealousy, only raising her curiosity.

  His eyes were ringed with dark circles and boasted of a sleepless night. His dark hair tousled carelessly, combed with worried fingers. He was also dressed in denim and boots. His hiking boots paired with a t-shirt and black pullover. She spotted Vino’s logo. Nice touch, working them while not working.

  He was on his feet and moving toward her with two cups of coffee, not able to stay still and let her come to him.

  She slowed her pace as he approached and reached for him as he leaned in to kiss her cheek. Her hands found his waist, and he paused a bit longer than he should have. She recognized the beat now as desire. She’d seen it clearly but had been unable to name it when he greeted Tess. Deep - this motherfucker was deep, and this morning, he was nervous. A whirlwind of worry over Micah and guilt over what he didn’t even know she’d witnessed, she guessed. Shane sought his worried and tired eyes.

  “How did you sleep?”

  “Not great. Once we got back from the hospital, I tossed and turned. The sleep I did get was restless.” He smiled wistfully. “I needed you.”

  Nodding, she returned a warm smile.

  “Listen,” his tired eyes shifted from hers to the floor, to something over her shoulder and back to her eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t connect with you while we were waiting during Micah’s surgery. Everything happened so fast.” He paused. “Tess was so upset.”

  She wanted to soothe him, and when she said the words, she meant them. "It's okay." He searched her face, and she leaned into him. “Come on. Lets’ go. It’s okay.” He was her friend. He was incredible in bed. Her body stirred at the thought. He was her co-worker…her delicious co-worker. She pushed that away wanting to focus on the task at hand. She was so good at completing the task at hand.

  “How is Micah this morning?”

  “He had a good night.” His fingers brushed her hand and intertwining with hers. He nodded to an SUV that had come to a stop a few meters ahead of them.

  “Our ride is here.” Shane let him usher her into the SUV. He reached for her again, and she allowed him to pull her close as she tucked into his side. His fingers curled around her leg, absently tracing patterns on her thigh. The heat between them was ever-present. She basked in it during the ride to the hospital, grateful for his attention and the distraction. By the time the driver pulled into the drop off at the hospital, her desire was warm and nicely stoked. He hadn’t even been trying. It was not the same as looking good without trying.

  Brother better try.

  Shane slid out of the SUV first and stepped aside to make space for Ryan. He caught her hand in his and led her through the hospital’s automatic doors. His fingers radiated heat like the sun. She followed, quickening her steps to match his.

  He led them through the maze of hospital corridors to the elevator bank that would take them to the ICU. She wanted to comfort him. Her mind a tumble of thoughts. She pressed into him, his well-muscled arm hard against her belly and breasts, and his fingers tightened against hers.

  “Any last-minute updates?” She asked.

  “No, not really. No word since,” He paused and took his phone out of his pocket, seeking the answer “Six-thirty this morning when the doctors came by. He’s still under observation. Breathing on his own. No news is probably good news.”

  She was nodding along. Yes. No news was probably good news.

  An elevator dinged, doors opening. She started in, pulling him along.

  “Oh, wait.” His feet remained planted. “I wanted to get flowers.”

  Shane smiled, pleased with herself. "I sent some last night" while you were with Tess. “They’ll be delivered this morning.”

  “Thank you.” The gratitude in his expression was deep and genuine.

  “Of course.” His feet were moving again, and now he led her into the empty elevator. This one did not shimmer with gold. It was stark and bright. It was a hospital elevator.

  Just before the doors closed, a security guard slipped in, except when he “slipped in,” he clunked with his uniform shoes. He had a thick belt cinched tight around his tiny waist, emphasizing a beer belly that flopped over the buckle. He nodded at them, his eyes pausing a moment on Shane before turning his back to them to wait for his floor.

  Shane shifted her eyes to meet Ryan’s. A smirk was rising to her lips. He met her gaze and let his eyes drift to her breasts; she felt the heat of his gaze and shook her head. He stood close enough to touch her, their bodies touching without intent, simply drawn together. Ryan shifted his gaze and stared straight ahead, and mirrored the security guard’s forward-facing stance, patiently waiting for their floor. She felt her belly rise and fall with the elevator as they reached the guard’s stop at the maternity ward.

  Ryan’s fingers grazed her thigh. A slow stroke was riding from her hipbone down the curve of her leg as far as his hand could reach. A pair of soccer moms with little ones in tow skittered into the elevator.

  They were gushing over their friend’s darling baby, too distracted to notice they were going up instead of down. The oldest child, a sweet looking four-year-old, seemed to notice first. Her mother cooed a cranky toddler soothing the fussy two-year-old while pacifying the distressed four-year-old on the direction of the elevator without interrupting her friend and their conversation. Shane shook her head. Master of multitasking.

  Ryan’s hand strayed over her curves. Shane moved away from his touch. He moved into her space, as they continued their ascent to the observation floor, and his finger continued to trace a burning line into her thigh.

  The elevator dinged, and the soccer mommies and little ones moved aside to let them pass.

  It was time to work.

  Shane could hear Tess’s voice down the hall, Micah’s room was at the end of the hall. The nurse was there, taking Micah’s vitals. An older woman, with shoulder-length light brown hair, stroked his a
rm as she told them about his night. She nodded to Ryan and Shane as they entered. Her name was May. She was the day nurse, and he was one of her two patients. Her other patient was yet to arrive, so she was pleased to offer Micah all her attention.

  Her demeanor was gently instructional. The message was clear; she was in charge of his day. Tess sat beside Micah, sometimes holding his hand, occasionally rubbing his arm or shoulders. She flitted about him with nervous energy and waited politely for May to finish her report before she stood to welcome Shane and Ryan.

  Shane could not help but read into the details. Tess moved across the room to Ryan first, with the confidence and ease of a longtime connection. Shane could see Ryan will her in without moving his hands. They leaned into each other for a moment, and then he lowered his voice to ask her how she was. She was smiling. Her eyes dark and restless, just like the others, but she was smiling.

  Shane stood back, not wanting to intrude on the moment. Quiet and watchful. Tess moved away from Ryan, her brown eyes searching for Shane. Shane smiled.

  “Hi, Tess.”

  Tess stepped around Ryan to embrace Shane. Her hair damp and fresh from the shower slid over Shane’s face like silk. Shane hugged her back as the gentle curves of the taller woman’s body pressed against her. Tess’s breath was warm on her neck.

  “Thank you for taking care of us yesterday.” Her words were soft, spoken into Shane’s hair, and when Tess pulled away, her eyes were full of tears “For the food and the flowers.” She nodded to the vase filled with wildflowers. “They are beautiful.” She stepped away from Shane, to address both Shane and Ryan. “The doctors say he’s going to be fine.”

  Returning to her seat beside him, she squeezed his hand, repeating her words “just fine.” The words were intended to reassure Micah, as much as the rest of them. Michael and Drew came forward to exchange their hugs, content to let Tess champion his care and share updates.

  Shane smiled, letting her gaze fall over Tess. Later, when she thought of the visit, she would remember the softness of Tess’ sweater, how it clung to her curves and, how she wished she could touch it again.

  There was no more talk of the deal, although, Vino was going to sign the contract. The rest of their visit was more of waiting and paying homage to the man as he recovered. The forward motion of life was entirely affected by his heart attack. Without the day to day motion to propel them forward, everyone seemed a little lost. Shane and Ryan stayed longer than they should have, Ryan out of love, Shane, out of obligation and respect. They listened to the family chatter, a little too cheerful, accompanied by the beep of the machine monitoring Micah’s vitals.


  His blood pressure.

  His heartbeat.

  The quiet day was a respite to the traumatic night—no more business talk.

  Shane let him decide when it was time to return to the hotel, and together, they retraced their morning steps descending to the hospital lobby, riding back to the hotel through the Vegas buzz. Her head throbbed with the hum- so many people. The neon lights lightening up the night where there is no sleep. The driver pulled into the now-familiar curve to drop them off.

  Shane moved toward the door as it opened automatically. She sought relief from the heat and paused only to wait for Ryan. The driver would not stop talking. She could see Ryan, nodding, yes, and yes. Thank you very much. With each nod, he stepped further away in an attempt to follow Shane.

  She moved into the darkness of the hotel lobby seeking rest from the afternoon heat. Suddenly, she was so tired. She wanted to shed the weight of the day and ached for Ryan, without being entirely certain she wanted him present. It was becoming a trend, her body at odds with her emotions. He followed, having purchased his escape from the chatty driver with a better than an average tip.

  His fingers slid into hers, and she let them.

  “I checked in with Amanda. She’s aware of the situation. She said to ride out the trip as planned, even though we won’t be walking through all the things we intended.”

  “Okay.” Her voice was soft. She didn’t want to think about work.

  They approached the spot where Tess had kissed him. The bellman smiled at their approach and waved them over. The elevator doors slid open to reveal the shimmery golden walls of the elevator’s interior.

  “Going up.”

  She followed him in. Obedient, as she let him lead. The door closed behind them.

  Alone in the elevator, he closed the space between them. His lips were pressing into hers, the kiss gentle and probing, a stark contrast from the Ryan in her dream, his body hard and unyielding.

  She kissed him the way he had kissed Tess- lips barely moving, a kiss without kissing. Eyes open enough to keep a close watch on him, body barely wanting to accept him, yet, not quite able to do that. He kissed her deeper, her lower lip caught between his. His tongue was rough against hers. Her body betrayed her with its desire for him. She wanted to find the words- kind words, curious words. Words that could relay the dream she’d had where she wanted to watch. She wanted to share the desire; she'd found in watching Tess please him; control him.

  Those words didn’t come. His breath was hot against her neck, in her hair. His lips moved over her skin, leaving goosebumps and kisses.

  “I saw you kiss her.”

  He went still, and pulled back, seeking truth from her eyes. She stared at him; the bright light of the elevator circled his head, creating the illusion of a halo. Shane closed her eyes. Heart pounding.

  She smiled- a sad, understanding smile. "I watched her kiss you. I know she initiated it." She took a deep breath. "I watched you kiss her back."

  His eyes fell before finding hers. “You did?” Behind him, the elevator door opened. A group of the rivaled golden girls waited as they exited the elevator.

  She laughed. “It was a pretty awesome way to end the day.”


  She shook her head. “It’s okay. You don’t have to explain,”

  His eyes were filled with compassion imploring her to listen. “Actually, I do.”

  She shook her head again. “Why?”

  "Why?" He paused, pulling her gently toward his room “because I want to.”

  She allowed herself to be led. His words soothed the uncertainty that lay behind the curiosity. “What is between you and I is just starting, and what was between Tess and I was over a long time ago. Please let me explain.”

  She nodded. “Okay.” When he leaned in to kiss her, she let him. “I’d like to wash this day away first.”

  He nodded. He would give her space. He drew her bath and closed the door. Shane let her clothes drop to the bathroom floor, not caring about picking it up or her jeans getting wet. She wanted to ease the tension in her muscles and let the headache slip away. She sank into the steaming water and felt the tension unwind. She lay back with a cold towel over her eyes. Her headache soothed by the cool of the tub against the back of her neck. She heard him come and go quietly, checking on her. She drifted in the relaxation of the tub, loving the heat and the contrast of the cold against her neck. She heard the door click and opened her eyes. Instead of Ryan, she was pleased to find three tablets of Excedrin and a chilled glass of sweet wine to wash it down, all within easy reach of where she lay in the tub.

  This man. Shane put the pills on her tongue and chased them down with the sweet wine. The wine brought a buzz that dissolved the headache. An hour later, when the steam no longer rose from the water, she stepped out the tub happily buzzed. She rubbed her wrinkled skin dry and wrapped up in a fluffy towel and considered redressing in her rumpled clothes. Rubbing hotel lotion on her legs and hands, she reached for a clean towel and was rewarded with a bathrobe that tumbled down from the top shelf. Nice. She slid into the soft fleece and left the wet warmth of the bathroom.

  He'd had dinner delivered. A charcuterie plate filled with meats and cheese, breads, two bottles of sweet wine, and chocolate-covered strawberries. He lay on the bed, dressed in a
t-shirt and flannel pajama pants.

  “You’re wooing me.” She smiled and arched her eyebrows as the accusation hung between them. She sank on to the edge of the bed, cinching the belt tightly around her waist.

  “Wooing you?” He smiled and winked. “Are you hungry?”

  Her stomach growled. “A little.” A lot. He slid the tray full of assorted meats and cheese before her.

  “Eat. I’ll tell you everything.”

  She nodded, consenting to his request. Shane tucked her legs underneath her, taking a roll in hand.

  “Hold on, just a minute.” He reached for the bread and pulled it from her hand before she could get more than a whiff of the fresh-baked smell.

  Uhhh, her breath escaped in a whine. He pushed the fruit toward her. “Let me make it better.”

  “I went to school with Drew and Michael. Michael and I are the same age.” Shane nodded.

  This she knew. While he spoke, he slathered the roll with ground mustard, his thick fingers layering prosciutto and cheese on top before he replaced the top and handed her the tiny sandwich. She took a bite and felt her body respond to the flavor- warm and savory.

  Storytime. He talked about the depth of his relationship with Drew and Michael, blah blah blah, loyalty and working in the vineyard. While she nibbled on the delicacies, her hunger dissipated. She felt farther and farther from him- his past friendships and nonsense. He didn't mention Tess. She finished the sandwich and stood up, wobbly from the wine, and moved toward the bathroom.

  He sat up, startled. “Where are you going?”

  “To get dressed.” Her anger flashed hot inside her. “You are supposed to tell me about Tess. You want me to understand, and yet you say nothing. I thought I meant more to you.” She shook her head. Not wanting it to come out this way, unable to stop it. “I thought fucking me mattered more to you.” He was on his feet now, his hand on her wrist, trying to slow her down.


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