Aidan: Loyal Cowboy: Aidan: Loyal CowboyThe Family Plan

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Aidan: Loyal Cowboy: Aidan: Loyal CowboyThe Family Plan Page 37

by Cathy McDavid

  Letting her gaze wander the length of him from head to toe, she knew exactly how he felt.

  With a quick jerk of his hand, he unzipped his jeans and stepped out of them. The cotton boxer briefs he wore did nothing to hide his erection.

  “Your turn.” He pointed to her bra.

  She undid each hook and slipped off her bra, dangling it over the side of the bed for several seconds before letting go and sinking back onto the mattress.

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  His words filled her with warmth.

  And as she watched him admire her body, the warmth inside her changed to the scorching heat of passion. Under his gaze her nipples beaded to taut buds. The sensation was exquisitely erotic, unlike anything she’d ever felt.

  Sliding his thumbs into the waistband of his boxer briefs, he slowly eased them down his lean hips until he stood before her, unashamed and undeniably aroused.

  “You’re wrong,” Jolyn whispered, helpless to take her eyes off him, desperate to touch him and feel the hard, masculine length of him flush against her. “You’re the one who’s beautiful.”

  He came to her then, and she lay back on the bed, opening herself to him. With one knee on the mattress, he reached for her panties and gently tugged them down her legs, his fingers caressing her skin.

  And then there were no more barriers between them, physical or emotional. Whatever problems they had to overcome were pushed aside, left for another day.

  Chase propped himself up on one arm, leaning over her to kiss her fiercely, then running a hand along her hip, up her stomach, over her breast. His thumb and forefinger closed around a nipple, squeezed and tugged softly until she arched into him. Then he lowered his head and took the nipple into his mouth.

  His lips and tongue were wet, hot and highly skilled. Sifting her fingers through his hair, she pulled him closer. He moved to her other breast, and this time when he sucked on her nipple, there was a greater urgency about him as if his control was starting to slip.

  He rolled onto his side and, locking an arm around her, tugged her to him. Nudging her legs open, his hand sought and found her feminine folds. His fingertips glided over her, gently probed, then entered her with less restraint. A low hiss of satisfaction escaped his lips when he found her damp and ready for him.

  Through a fog of desire, she realized he was leaning on one elbow, watching her in the semidarkness. Such intimate scrutiny should have bothered her, but it didn’t. Her languid movements and soft sighs of pleasure were obviously turning him on, and she was turned on by the very powerful effect she had on him.

  It was enough to send her toppling over the edge. The fall couldn’t have been any sweeter, any more satisfying, and was well worth the years of waiting and dreaming.

  “Mmm. That was…oh, wow.” She stretched and rolled onto her side to snuggle against him, her fingers exploring the patch of hair on his chest.

  “Pretty much how I feel, too.” His grin was smug, and why not?

  When her hand wandered lower, over the flat muscles of his stomach, he sucked in a sharp breath. Emboldened by his response, she pushed him onto his back and trapped him with a leg thrown over his.

  “Turnabout’s fair play,” she said, nibbling his ear while her hand closed around his erection.

  Chase’s response was a ragged groan.

  He lasted only a minute before he pushed her hand aside and grabbed one of the condoms off the nightstand. Quickly donning it, he lifted her by the waist and set her on top of him so that she straddled his middle.

  She didn’t take him inside her just yet. Rocking her hips, she slid back and forth over him, her slick heat a perfect match for his hardness.

  Pulling her down to him, he lifted a breast in his hand and drew the nipple into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue. Jolyn’s determination to draw out the foreplay cracked. With a thready moan, she elevated her hips, positioned him beneath her and came down fast, taking him deep inside her.

  Chase swore and went utterly still, then began thrusting into her with strong, swift strokes. Moments later he came, groaning her name and clinging to her as if she might suddenly leave him and not return.

  As if there was any possibility of that happening.

  * * *

  JOLYN BLINKED HER EYES, yawned and stretched. Seeing Chase, she smiled shyly and murmured, “What are you doing?”

  “Watching you.”

  And he had been for quite some time, still in a state of disbelief. He’d spent half the night having the best sex of his life and the other half sleeping with Jolyn cradled in his arms. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so happy.

  She was an incredible lover. She’d surprised and delighted him with her sensual nature and lack of inhibition. The memory of the hours they’d spent exploring each other’s bodies, touching and tasting every intimate place, incited a fresh hunger in him.

  Jolyn peered over his shoulder at the digital clock. “Oh, my gosh. It’s after eight already.”

  “We have time.” He cupped her hip with his hand, then caressed her thigh with long, intimate strokes.

  She pushed a tousled lock of hair from her face. “I’m a mess.”

  “You’re gorgeous.”

  Lying naked in his bedsheets, her golden hair spread atop his pillow, she’d never looked more stunning. If she doubted him, she need only move her leg three inches to feel his swelling erection.

  “I might be talked into taking a quick shower with you.”

  He chuckled, charmed by her brashness and admittedly relieved. There would be no morning-after discomfort. He’d worried about that as he watched her sleep.

  “A shower sounds good,” he said, dipping his hand between her legs. “But not yet.”

  Despite Jolyn’s claim that it was getting late, they didn’t hurry, savoring a joining that was somehow more tender than those of the previous night. Chase hadn’t been with a woman since his divorce, but he didn’t attribute his powerful response to—and insatiable hunger for—this woman to his long abstinence.

  She, and only she, was responsible for that.

  He wasn’t sure where their relationship was headed after today, only that it was headed somewhere.

  Showering and then dressing, they went out to the kitchen.

  “Coffee?” Chase asked.

  “One cup. I really need to get home.”

  “You could stay. The birthday party starts in…” He checked the clock on the microwave. “Six hours.”

  “I have Mandy’s gift at home. And I’d like to change. Everyone coming today saw me wearing this dress yesterday.” She absently smoothed the skirt. “My parents will be wondering where I am, too.”

  She’d called them the previous night from her cell phone. Chase hadn’t listened to the conversation, knew only that she’d given them some explanation for not coming home.

  He toasted English muffins while the coffee brewed. Anything to keep Jolyn with him a few minutes longer. She did need to leave soon, though, or they’d risk being caught by Mandy.

  Chase didn’t quite know how his daughter would react to him dating. He’d feel better easing her into the idea rather than springing it on her all at once by having her walk in on him and Jolyn enjoying breakfast together. Mandy might only be turning nine, but she was wise enough to figure out more was going on than a postconstruction meeting.

  “You up for dinner one night this week?” he asked. They sat at th
e kitchen table, drinking coffee and eating muffin halves.

  “A date?” Her eyebrows shot up.

  “Yeah. I was thinking spaghetti Wednesday at Sage’s.”


  “We could take Mandy. Make it a family outing.”

  “If we went to dinner at Sage’s, even with Mandy, everyone in town would jump to conclusions.”

  “Are you okay with that?” He was, but he shouldn’t take it for granted she felt the same.

  “I am.”

  “You don’t sound a hundred percent.”

  Jolyn fiddled with her mug of coffee, turning it in circles. Twice she started to speak only to snap her mouth shut.

  “Is it your mother?” he asked.


  Chase reached for her hand, folding it inside his and squeezing hard. “We can’t let her affect what we have. I won’t—”

  “She’s sick.”


  “Maybe very sick. We don’t know yet. She’s having outpatient surgery tomorrow. A biopsy.” Tears filled Jolyn’s eyes.

  Chase was speechless. Of all the possibilities he’d considered, serious illness wasn’t one of them. Suddenly Dottie’s cryptic remark at the open house yesterday made sense. After several seconds, he said, “I’m…sorry. Is there anything I can do?”

  “No, but thank you.”

  “I mean it. I’m not saying what I think you want to hear.”

  “That’s very generous of you considering how my mother’s treated you.”

  “What’s wrong with her? Can I ask?”

  Jolyn shook her head. “She made me promise not to say anything. I’ve probably revealed too much as it is.”

  “How long has she been sick?”

  “Five or six weeks, if not longer. She won’t say.”

  “That’s when she started to pressure me again about Mandy.”

  “Which makes sense.”

  “She didn’t look well yesterday at the open house.”

  “No, she didn’t.”

  “I thought it might be stress. There’s been talk around town of trouble.”

  “We’re all under a lot of stress.” Jolyn flashed him a brave smile.

  “I can’t even imagine what you’re going through.” Chase’s parents were in the best of health and enjoying their semiretirement. He always assumed they’d live to an advanced age like his grandparents.

  Just how sick was Dottie?

  Sick enough that she would come to Chase and demand he have DNA testing done on him and Mandy.

  “Is your mother’s illness treatable?”

  “There’s treatment.” Jolyn’s voice fell to a whisper. “But no guarantee of a cure.”

  “I’m sorry, honey.” Rising, he went to Jolyn, pulled her from her chair and took her in his arms. They held each other, offering and accepting comfort.

  “Are you going to the hospital with your mother?”

  “Dad’s driving her to Pineville this afternoon. I’ll go up tomorrow morning. The procedure’s scheduled for nine.”

  “Would you like me to go with you?”

  “I can’t impose on you like that.”

  “It’s no imposition.”

  “Yes, it is. You have a new clinic to set up.” She laid her head on his chest. “It means a lot to me that you offered. But I think it would be best if you didn’t.”

  He bent and kissed her, gently, lovingly. It was Jolyn who took the kiss to the next level, clutching him with mild desperation. Chase sensed it wasn’t sex she needed from him right then, but a physical and emotional connection. He gave it to her.

  So caught up were they in their kiss that the sound of the kitchen door opening didn’t immediately penetrate the haze surrounding them. When it finally did, Chase panicked.

  Mandy! She’d come home early from Elizabeth’s.

  He broke off the kiss and pushed Jolyn aside. Shielding her behind him, he spun around to confront his daughter, an explanation on the tip of his tongue.

  Only it wasn’t Mandy who stood just inside the door, suitcase in hand, an unpleasant smile on her face.

  “Well,” she said, setting her suitcase on the floor and crossing her arms over her chest. “This is unexpected.”

  “SherryAnne,” Chase growled. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “It’s my daughter’s birthday,” SherryAnne announced. “I was planning to surprise her. Guess I’m the one surprised. Or maybe not.” Her eyes narrowed accusingly. “How are you, Jolyn?”

  “You should have called,” Chase said before Jolyn could answer. He didn’t want SherryAnne talking to her, didn’t want SherryAnne within ten miles of his house.

  “What would have been the fun in that? And speaking of fun, where’s my daughter?”

  “At a friend’s house. She’ll be home any minute.”

  SherryAnne picked up her suitcase and strolled across the kitchen as if she owned the place. “I’ll wait.”

  “Not here, you won’t.” Chase intercepted her.

  “Are you saying I’m not welcome here?”

  “Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  SherryAnne mustered a healthy dose of indignation. “You’d deny me the chance to be with my daughter?”

  “Don’t try to lay any guilt trips on me. You’re the one who hasn’t seen Mandy in over a year.”

  “That wasn’t by choice,” SherryAnne objected. “Once you won custody—”

  “Don’t even go there,” Chase warned. “You’ve always had choices.”

  “Where am I supposed to stay if not here?”

  From the corner of his eye, Chase noticed Jolyn retrieving her purse and other things from the counter. He debated between insisting she stay—SherryAnne had no right running her off—and hustling her out the door. Things were bound to get ugly with him and his ex-wife.

  “You can stay at the inn,” he said to SherryAnne.

  “Only if you pay,” she answered flippantly. “Seems I’m a little strapped for cash these days.”

  Chase was a little strapped himself and would be until the new clinic took off, but he’d gladly empty his entire savings account if it kept SherryAnne out of his house.

  “Fine. Have the Meyers call me when you check in, and I’ll give them my credit card number.”

  Jolyn squeezed past Chase and mumbled, “I’ll see you later.”

  He waylaid her and stated rather than asked, “You’re still coming to Mandy’s birthday party.”

  “That’s probably not a good idea.”

  “No, it’s a fine idea,” SherryAnne said with forced joviality. “Oh, wait.” Her gaze went from Jolyn to Chase. “Unless Mandy doesn’t know about you two.” She tilted her head inquisitively. “Is that it?”

  “Don’t say anything to her,” Chase said, his tone harsh.

  SherryAnne put a finger to her lips. “Mum’s the word.”

  Chase didn’t believe her. Nothing he’d seen in the last five minutes gave him reason to think his ex-wife had changed.

  “I really have to go,” Jolyn said.

  “Okay.” She was understandably uncomfortable, and he didn’t feel right about having her witness him and SherryAnne hurling insults at each other. “See you in a few hours.”

  Her small nod didn’t fill him with confidence, so he decided to do something about it by planting a soft kiss on her mouth. Jolyn stiffened but didn’t retreat. Afte
r a few seconds, she placed her hand on his shoulder and increased the pressure of her lips ever so slightly.

  “That’s my girl,” he whispered in her ear when they separated. She hadn’t let SherryAnne get to her.

  “How sweet,” SherryAnne commented as Jolyn went past her.

  She stopped and turned to SherryAnne. “I’m glad for Mandy that you’re here,” she said with a sincerity SherryAnne didn’t deserve. “She misses you.”

  Jolyn may not have intended to stick it to SherryAnne, but her remark accomplished just that.

  “Bitch,” SherryAnne muttered once the door was shut.

  “Why?” Chase demanded. “Because she spoke the truth?”

  “I’m not shocked that you two hooked up the second she hit town. She always had a thing for you.”

  “Is that why you kept me around all those years even when you were tired of me? Because you didn’t want your best friend to have me?”

  “Oh, please.” SherryAnne made a face. “Like I was worried about any competition.”

  “You should have been.” Chase remembered the night he’d kissed Jolyn on her parents’ front porch. “I’d have started dating her in a heartbeat.”

  “Looks like you got your wish,” she quipped.

  “Don’t think you can spoil what Jolyn and I have.”

  SherryAnne swept past Chase and went to the counter, where she poured herself a cup of coffee without being invited. “I don’t want you anymore, Chase.”

  “For which I thank God every day.”

  “My, my. Still sore, are we?”

  “What do you want, SherryAnne?”

  “I’m here for my daughter’s birthday.”

  “Please. Unselfish acts of kindness aren’t part of your character.”

  “Why, I believe I’m offended.” She placed a hand over her chest.

  “We both know it takes more than a minor dig to offend you.”

  “My sole motive in coming here is to celebrate my daughter’s birthday and to spend a few days with her.”

  Chase was relieved to hear her visit would only be for a few days. However, he doubted her motives were as pure as she claimed.


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