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by Alex Ross

Cleveland Orchestra

  Clift, Montgomery


  Cobain, Kurt: Nevermind; in Nirvana; politics of; “Smells Like Teen Spirit”; suicide of

  Cohen, Isidore

  Cold Blue (label)


  Colloredo, Archbishop Hieronymus

  Coltrane, Alice

  Coltrane, John

  Columbia Artists Management

  Columbia Records; and Dylan

  Columbia University

  Community MusicWorks

  Concerto Italiano

  Confucius; Analects

  Cooper, Robert

  Copland, Aaron; Lincoln Portrait; The Red Pony (film score)

  Cortejo Afro

  Cortot, Alfred

  Costanza, Christopher

  Costello, Elvis

  Council of Trent

  Couperin, Louis

  Cowell, Henry

  Crass (label)


  Crimes and Misdemeanors (Allen)

  Crispell, Marilyn

  Cromwell, Oliver

  Crosby, Bing

  Crutchfield, Will

  Cuban Missile Crisis

  Cui Jian

  Culshaw, John

  Cultural Revolution

  Cunningham, Merce; dance company; How to Pass, Kick, Fall, and Run

  Curtis Institute

  Curzon, Clifford

  cylinder recording

  D-22 (Beijing)

  Damon, Matt

  Damrosch, Walter

  Dancer in the Dark (von Trier)


  Dante Alighieri

  Da Ponte, Lorenzo

  Dash, Damon

  Davis, Colin

  Davis, Miles; at Juilliard; Kind of Blue

  Davis, Peter G.

  Day, Aidan

  “Dazed and Confused” (Holmes / Led Zeppelin)

  Dazed and Confused (magazine)

  Dean, Brett

  Dean, James

  “Death and the Maiden” Quartet (Schubert)

  de Billy, Bertrand

  Debussy, Claude; Études; Pelléas et Mélisande

  Decca (label)

  DeLillo, Don: Great Jones Street

  Delta blues

  Deng Xiaoping

  Denison, Edison: Lazarus

  Deodato, Eumir

  DePreist, James

  DeRosa, Vincent

  Desrosiers, David

  Desrosiers, Ruth

  Deutsche Grammophon

  “Devil Got My Woman” (James)

  Dewey, John

  Diana, Lady

  Didion, Joan

  Dido and Aeneas (Purcell); Dido’s Lament

  Didone (Cavalli)

  Disney, Lillian

  Disney, Walt

  Disney Hall; building of

  Dobbs, Charlotte

  Dohnanyi, Christoph von


  Domingo, Placido

  Don Giovanni (Mozart); recordings of

  Donizetti, Gaetano; La favorita; “Una furtiva lagrima” from L’elisir d’amore

  Donne, John: Biathanatos

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

  Dowland, John; “Flow my tears,” ; Lachrimae (lute piece); Lachrimae (suite for viol consort); recordings of

  Dr. Dre: The Chronic

  Duchamp, Marcel: and Cage; and Dylan; Nude Descending a Staircase

  Dudamel, Elosa

  Dudamel, Gustavo; background of; conducting of; hired by L.A. Philharmonic; personality of

  Duffy, Matt

  Duluth, Dylan in

  Duluth News Tribune

  Dunaway, Faye

  Duncan, Todd

  Dvoák, Antonn

  Dyer, Richard

  Dylan, Bob; background of; and the Band; booed in mid-sixties; bootlegs; and counterculture; Dylanology and; early career of; folk music and; goes electric; gospel period of; hears “Judas!” shout; lament and; live shows of; Luddite tendencies of; lyrics of; Marcus on; marketing of; motorcycle accident of; 1980s decline of; personality of; politics of; Ricks on; songwriting of; works of: “As I Went Out One Morning,” ; “Ballad of a Thin Man,” Basement Tapes; “Blind Willie McTell,” ; Blonde on Blonde; Blood on the Tracks; “Blowin’ in the Wind”; Bob Dylan, (debut album); Bringing It All Back Home; Bootleg Series; Chronicles (book); “Desolation Row”; “Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright”; “Forever Young”; The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan; “Girl from the North Country”; “Gotta Serve Somebody”; “The Groom’s Still Waiting at the Altar”; “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall”; “Highway 61 Revisited”; Highway Revisited; “Idiot Wind”; “In the Garden”; “Knockin’on Heaven’s Door”; “Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat”; “Like a Rolling Stone”; “The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll”; “Mama, You Been on My Mind”; “Masters of War”; “Meet Me in the Morning”; “Million Miles”; “Not Dark Yet”; Renaldo and Clara (film); “Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands”; Self Portrait; “Simple Twist of Fate”; “Tangled Up in Blue”; Tarantula (book); Time Out of Mind; “Trying to Get to Heaven”; “Visions of Johanna”; “You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere”

  Ears Open!

  Eckhart, Meister

  Eddins, William

  Edelstein, Stefan

  Edge, Bryce

  Edison, Thomas Alva: and cylinder; invention of phonograph

  Edmonton Symphony

  education, music

  Egarr, Richard

  Egg McMarlboro

  Einhorn, Richard

  Einstein, Albert

  Einstein, Alfred

  Eldridge, Richard

  Elgar, Edward; Cello Concerto; Violin Concerto

  Elgar Sisters

  Eliot, T. S.

  Elisabeth (queen of Belgium)

  Elizabeth II (queen of England)

  Ellington, Duke; Ebony Rhapsody; Reminiscing in Tempo

  El Paso, Texas

  Emerson Quartet

  EMI (label)

  Eminem; “Lose Yourself,”

  Emmanuel Church, Boston

  English National Opera

  Eno, Brian

  Eric B.

  Eroica Symphony (Beethoven)



  Everett, Walter


  Faber, Marion

  Fairbanks Symphony

  Fantel, Hans

  Farwell, Arthur

  Fassbaender, Brigitte

  Feldman, Morton; and John Luther Adams; and Cage; on Haydn; Piece for Four Pianos

  Ferguson, William


  Ficino, Marsilio

  50 Cent

  Finckel, David

  Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich

  Fitzgerald, Ella


  Fleischmann, Ernest

  Fleisher, Leon

  Fleming, Renée



  folk music: American; Chinese; Eastern European; German; Icelandic; Inuit; Romanian

  Forkel, Johann Nikolaus

  Forster, E. M. 4’33” (Cage)

  Frampton, Peter

  Francis I (king of France)

  Franco, Francisco

  Franklin, Aretha

  Freire, Paolo

  Frescobaldi, Girolamo; Cento partite; Partite sopra ciaccona

  Frisch, Walter

  Fujii, Haruka


  Furtwängler, Wilhelm

  Galimir, Felix

  Galyon, Jeremy

  Gann, Kyle

  Garca Lorca, Federico, see Lorca

  Garnier, Tony

  Gatling, Donald

  Geffen Records

  Gehry, Frank; and Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao; and Disney Hall

  Genghis Khan


  George, Stefan

  Gershwin, George; Rhapsody in Blue; “Someone to Watch Over Me,” ; “Summertime,”

  Gesualdo, Carlo; Dolcissima mia vita; Moro lasso

  Gheorghiu, Angela

  Ghez, Aria

  Gil, Gilberto

  Gilbert, Alan

  Gilbert and Sullivan: Pirates of Penzance

  Gilmore-James, Terence

  Ginsberg, Allen

  Giulini, Carlo Maria

  Glass, Philip

  Gluck, Christoph Willibald; Don Juan; Orfeo ed Euridice

  Glyndebourne Festival

  Gnarr, Jón

  Gobbi, Tito

  Godfather, The (Coppola)

  Godrich, Nigel

  Goehr, Lydia

  Goerne, Matthias

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von; Faust; The Sorrows of Young Werther

  Goldstein, Elke

  Golijov, Osvaldo: Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind

  Gonzaga, house of

  Goode, Richard; recordings of

  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  Gordon, Kim

  Gordon, Michael: Decasia

  Gorme, Eydie

  Gossett, Philip

  Gould, Glenn: and Goldberg Variations; on recording

  Gramit, David

  Grandmaster Flash

  Grateful Dead: and Dylan; and San Francisco Symphony

  Greaves, Tim

  Green, Paul

  Greene, Maxine

  Greenwood, Colin: background of; bass playing of; personality of; on Radiohead

  Greenwood, Jonny: background of; and classical music; guitar-playing of; and ondes Martenot; personality of

  Gregory, Dick

  Grieg, Edvard

  Griffiths, Paul

  Grillparzer, Franz

  Grob, Therese

  Grohl, Dave

  ground bass

  Guarneri Quartet

  Gubaidulina, Sofia

  Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao

  Guise-Langlois, Romie de

  Gülke, Peter

  Guns n’ Roses


  Guo Wenjing; Chou Kong Shan; Poet Li Bai; Suspended Ancient Coffins on the Cliffs in Sichuan; Wolf Cub Village

  Gurewitsch, Matthew

  Guthrie, Woody

  Haas, Georg Friedrich: Torso

  Hagner, Viviane

  Hahn, Hilary

  Haines, John

  Hajdu, David

  Hale, Philip

  Halliwell, Ruth

  Hamrahlid Choir

  Handel, George Frideric; L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato; Giulio Cesare in Egitto; “Ombra mai fù,” Serse; Theodora

  Handy, W. C.: “The St. Louis Blues”

  Hanoi Opera House

  Hanslick, Eduard

  Hao Jiang Tian

  Hao Weiya


  Harbison, John: The Great Gatsby; November 19, 1828

  “Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall, A” (Dylan)

  Harris, Roy

  Harrison, Lou

  Hartt School of Music

  Harvard University

  Haydn, Joseph; on programs; “Quinten” Quartet; Symphony No. 96


  Hayes, Roland

  Heifetz, Jascha

  Heine, Heinrich

  Heisenberg, Werner

  Heller, Wendy


  Herrera, Francisco

  Herreweghe, Philippe

  Herrmann, Bernard

  Herwitz, Daniel

  Herzog, Werner


  Hess, Rudolf

  Heylin, Clinton

  Higginson, Henry Lee

  Highway 61 Revisited (Dylan)

  Hijo de Salvador, El

  Hildegard of Bingen

  hip-hop; Björk and; and technology

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hoffmann, E. T. A.; on Don Giovanni

  Hogan’s Heroes

  Hölderlin, Friedrich

  Holiday, Billie

  Hollingsworth, Amber

  Hollywood Bowl

  Holman, Peter

  Holmes, Jake: “Dazed and Confused”

  Holstein, Jesse

  Hong, Ben

  Hooper, Nellee

  Hoover, Marina

  Hopkins, Gerard Manley

  Horowitz, Joseph

  Horowitz, Vladimir

  Horszowski, Mieczyslaw

  “Hotel California” (Eagles)

  “House of the Rising Sun”

  House, Son

  Huckabee, Mike

  Hufford, Chris

  Hu Jintao

  Humperdinck, Engelbert: Hänsel und Gretel

  Humphrey, Hubert

  Hungarian folk music

  Hunt, Lorraine, see Lieberson, Lorraine Hunt

  Hupka, Robert

  Hurok, Sol

  Hurt, Mississippi John

  Hyperion (label)

  “I Believe I Can Fly” (Kelly)

  “I’m So Glad” (James)

  “I Saw the Light” (Williams)

  Iceland, music of

  I Ching

  Ickes, Harold

  Ilê Aiyê

  Indian music

  Institute for Advanced Study


  Inuit music


  I’ve Got a Secret

  Ives, Charles: Holidays Symphony

  Jackson, Mahalia

  Jacobs, René

  Jakobna Sigurðardóttir

  James, Henry

  James, Skip: “Devil Got My Woman,” ; and Dylan

  James, William: The Varieties of Religious Experience

  Jean-François, Jovanne

  Jiang Qing

  Jiang Zemin

  Jimenez, Carolina

  Jindong Cai

  Joachim, Joseph

  Jobim, Antonio Carlos; “Corvocado”

  Joel, Billy

  Jóga Jóhannsdóttir

  Johns, Jasper

  Johnson, Eldridge

  Johnson, Graham

  Johnson, James

  Johnson, James Weldon

  Johnson, Robert: “Cross Road Blues”; “Me and the Devil Blues”; “Walkin’ Blues”

  Johnson, Sarah

  Johnston, Jill

  Jones, John Paul

  Jones, Norah

  Jones, Quincy

  Jones, Vernon

  Jónsson, Asmundur, see Asmundur Jónsson

  Joplin, Missouri

  Jordan, Kahliah

  Joseph II (emperor of Austria)

  Josquin Desprez

  Joyce, James; Finnegans Wake

  Judge, Mychal

  Juilliard Quartet

  Juilliard School

  Kafka, Franz

  Kagel, Mauricio

  Kaluli people

  Kangxi (emperor of China)

  Karajan, Herbert von; Salonen’s dislike of

  Kashevaroff, Xenia, see Cage, Xenia

  Katz, Mark

  Kaunitz-Rietberg, Wenzel Anton von

  Keiler, Allan

  Kelly, Ellsworth

  Kelly, Grace

  Kemper, David

  Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

  Kenyon, Nicholas

  Kid A (Radiohead); Salonen on

  Kid Koala

  Kierkegaard, Søren

  Kiki and Herb; recordings of

  Kim, Kwang-Wu

  Kim, Soovin

  King, B.B.

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Kissinger, Henry

  Kitcher, Philip

  Kivy, Peter

  Kleiber, Carlos

  Kleiber, Erich

  Klein, Calvin

  Klein, Naomi

  Kleist, Heinrich von

  Klemperer, Otto; conducts Beethoven; in Los Angeles; recordings of

  Klemperer, Werner

  Knapp, Raymond

  Kodály, Zoltán

  Kohner, Frederick: Gidget

  Kokoschka, Oskar

  Konrad, Ulrich

  Konwitschny, Peter

  Kool Here

  Korngold, Erich Wolfgang

  Korvat auki, see Ears Open!

  Kramer, Richard

  Kraus, Richard

eisler, Fritz

  Kremer, Gidon

  Kubrick, Stanley; 2001: A Space Odyssey

  Kuhn, Laura


  Kurtág, Gyorgy

  La Barbara, Joan

  Lachner, Vincenz

  Lachrimae (Dowland)

  Lacy, Charles and Ellen

  Lali Puna

  lament, lamento bass: in Bach; in Beethoven; in blues; in Brahms; descending chromatic bass; in Dylan; in early opera; in folk music; in Led Zeppelin; in Ligeti; in Monteverdi; in Mozart; in Purcell; in Renaissance music; in Schubert; in Tchaikovsky

  Lamento della ninfa (Monteverdi); recording of

  Lamos, Mark

  Lang Lang

  Lansky, Paul: mild und leise

  Larkin, Philip

  La Scala

  Lascia o Raddoppia?

  La Selva, Vincent

  late style

  Lawrence, Steve

  Laxness, Halldór; Independent People

  League of American Orchestras

  Led Zeppelin: “Babe I’m Gonna Leave You,”; chromatic bass line in; “Dazed and Confused,” ; “Kashmir,” ; “Since I’ve Been Loving You,” “Stairway to Heaven,” ;“Your Time Is Gonna Come,” “Whole Lotta Love,”

  Lee, C. P.

  Lee, Priscilla

  Legge, Walter

  Lehmann, Lotte

  Lehmann, Stephen

  Leider, Frida

  Leif Eriksson

  Leifs, Jón; Hekla

  Lennon, John: criticizes Dylan; disturbs Cage

  Lenya, Lotte

  Levine, James

  Levine, Lawrence

  Li Bai

  Li Chi

  Li Yuchun

  Li Zenghui

  Liao, Martha

  Licitra, Salvatore

  Lieberson, Goddard

  Lieberson, Lorraine Hunt; background of; death of; meets Peter Lieberson; personality of; recordings of; as violist; voice of

  Lieberson, Peter; Ashoka’s Dream; Neruda Songs


  Ligeti, Gyorgy; analysis of Schubert; “Automne à Varsovie”; Horn Trio; Hungarian Rock; and lament; Musica ricercata; Piano Concerto; Viola Sonata; Violin Concerto

  Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts

  Lincoln Memorial

  Lindberg, Magnus: Kraft

  Lindbergh, Charles

  Lindsay, Arto

  Liszt, Franz; Brahms and; Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2, ; transcription of Wagner’s Tristan

  Little Richard

  Liu Shaochun

  London; Björk in; Mozart in; Salonen in; Uchida in

  London Symphony

  Long Yu

  Loos, Adolf

  Lope de Vega, Félix

  Lopez, Barry

  Lorca, Federico García

  “Lord Randal”

  Los Angeles, emigre community in

  Los Angeles Music Center

  Los Angeles Philharmonic: Borda and; Dudamel and; financial state of; Fleischmann and; founding of; history of; Klemperer and; Mehta and; playing of; programming of; Salonen and

  Los Angeles Times

  Louis XI (king of France)

  Louis XIV (king of France)

  Louisiana Philharmonic

  Love, Courtney

  Lovett, Lyle


  Lueger, Karl


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