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Dravincia Page 11

by Blake Severson

  “That is great news. Now to work toward leveling some of the skills some more and digging through their talent trees.” Arthur said.

  “Out of curiosity, do you know anything about magic?” Arthur asked.

  “Not many people know a lot of details about magic. It is a largely guarded skill and difficult to acquire. Those who can acquire it only manage to do so using great wealth or by serving their days in one of the dedicated mage guilds. I know that people who wield their forces can be of immense use, though. Their services can be costly, though, so are not commonly found outside of the major cities.” He replied offhandedly.

  “Do you know anything about the spells they use in particular?”

  “Not from first-hand knowledge. I have heard that many of them learn spells from fellow mages, but there is also a rumor that spells can be created or discovered. That could all be nothing more than gossip though, as I have never spoken to a mage for more than a few seconds before.” He said while eying Arthur. “Those are some rather specific questions. Anything I need to be aware of?”

  “No, I was merely curious is all. On my side of the world, I had never seen a mage. I can’t remember ever hearing much about one other than fanciful gossip and never saw one.” Arthur replied quickly.

  “Well, I can’t fault a man for curiosity. Have any plans for the evening?” He asked Arthur with a knowing look.

  ““I do have a house call that I expect to be rather eventful as soon as I finish this fantastic meal,” Arthur said with a grin.

  “Be careful with yourself, and don’t let that crazy she-devil do you any harm.” He laughed jovially.

  Arthur finished up his meal and stood up.

  “That was great, Daniel, but I’ve got to go see a man about a horse, or in this case, a woman.” Arthur waved to Daniel, picked up his bag, and walked out the door.

  Once outside, he felt the cool breeze on his skin, and it put a pep in his step. Feeling energized with the beautiful weather and the excellent food, he started down the road toward Dalia’s house. He noticed the streets were empty, and most of the homes along them were closed up, tight.

  He stepped off to the side of the road and was curious about his new Earth Magic. Now that he could wield magic, he just had to try it out. Honestly, what person wouldn’t want to?

  He focused on a patch of bare earth near his feet and stretched his right hand out to it. Within moments he saw the ground start to move, and it practically flowed with his will. He pulled up on the flow, and a small mound began to rise from the ground. He decided to pull some more and noticed he was getting a little tired. He looked at his mana bar and saw it was continually dropping while he was using three mana every second of his manipulation.

  He stopped controlling the earth, and it froze in the small hill he had last made it into. His mana usage stopped, but in the short time he had been using his magic, he had already burned through thirty-six mana. He wasn’t sure just how useful this magic would be if it burned mana continuously at that rate. He also didn’t see any increase in his Earth Magic experience.

  Deciding he would work with it later, he resumed his trip to Dalia’s. When he made it to her house, he walked up to the door. Raising his hand to knock, she once again opened the door right before his hand met the door. She was standing in front of him in a tight-fitting dress that accented her curves. It appeared she had cleaned up and even took the time to smooth out her hair. It now flowed and shone with intense red color. Her eyes had a deep hunger in them as she looked at him.

  “Do you have something for me, Arthur? I haven’t forgotten your promise of help and would love to get you your deserved reward if you have what I want.” She said and ran her tongue over her lips.

  He gulped and asked if he could enter to allow them to talk.

  She led him inside, and they sat at a sturdy and serviceable table, in what he assumed was the dining area.

  “I would like to discuss some of the details of our arrangement first, Dalia.” He said.

  She frowned at him but nodded for him to continue.

  “What was your family name?” he asked her.

  She gave him an odd look and answered, “Flamekissed, I am told it stemmed from our hereditary red hair.”

  “Do you know anything about a Delilah?” Arthur asked.

  Her face grew serious. “She was a distant relative of mine. It is not common knowledge, but my family has passed down part of her tragic tale. She was the wife of an abusive husband. She had three children, two boys, and one girl. One night, after one of her husband’s abuses, she snapped and went mad. She ended up killing one of her sons in her madness, and the other two children escaped the house.

  No one was ever sure what truly happened to her, but no one ever saw her again. A few people reported hearing her in the house talking for years following the child’s death, but before long, no one dared venture out there anymore.” She explained. “The abusive husband also fled the home but was later found dead by bandits along the road. No one made a fuss about it because they knew his reputation. Some adults in the community helped raise the children. The son died in a fight with an invading goblin tribe many generations ago, but the daughter is where my bloodline stems from.”

  Arthur had a message pop up in his view.

  Justice for the Slain II

  Requirements: Level 6

  Rewards: 400 experience

  Description: Delilah’s ghost has been laid to rest but what would drive a woman to murder her own children? Find someone who can provide information for this quest.

  You have successfully fulfilled the required objectives. Do you wish to complete this quest now? Yes/No

  Arthur smiled to himself and selected yes.

  “That is a rather specific topic to discuss with me and something almost no one knows. How would you even think to ask these questions unless...Were you successful? Did you make it into the house and return?” She asked with an excited tone in her voice.

  “I have one more question for you before I answer yours. What are your intentions if you are to be able to prove your family heritage?”

  She smiled coyly at Arthur and replied: “Why, are you looking to wed minor nobility for a better lot in life?”

  “No, I was considering a business deal,” Arthur replied with a smile.

  She pouted at him but said, “Well, you are no fun. To answer your question, I plan on gaining my title and trying to establish a small hold over the local village here. The people here have had a rough life and have not had any solid leadership in a while.”

  “I think we may be able to work something out then. I would like to propose a deal for you. If I can get you the proof you need, I would like your backing for me within the community. I also have plans to help this city. My Goddess wishes for me to help.”

  Dalia flashed a sour look on her face at the mention of a goddess.

  “Do not worry, this is not a Goddess that I believe is common in the land or any of the major cities so it shouldn’t draw any undue attention to the city. The Goddess I follow is Lianna, and I would like to dedicate our work for the betterment of the city to her. If you agree to help me in this endeavor, I will make sure to do everything in my power to restore your nobility and to also help support you with the town, now and in the future.”

  She looked at Arthur for a long while and then nodded.

  “I believe I can agree with that.” She said.

  “Well then, Miss Dalia, I do believe it is time for you to become a noble again.” He reached into his bag and removed the Patent of Nobility. He handed it to her and saw a hint of tears in her eyes. She looked it over quickly and then jumped at him with her arms spread wide. She wrapped him in a fierce hug and kissed him hard. Her breasts pressed against his chest, and he quickly started to feel hot and flushed.

  Another message popped up in front of him.

  Patents of Nobility II

  Requirements: Level 5

  Rewards: 800 experience, 5
silver coins, unknown rewards also possible.

  Description: You have recovered the patent of nobility from the decrepit manor. You have decided to entrust the patent to Dalia and grant her the titles to her family name.

  You have successfully fulfilled the required objectives. Do you wish to complete this quest now? Yes/No

  He selected Yes and heard trumpets blasting. He looked down at Dalia in his arms.

  She separated from him and looked at him in the eye. “I do recall promising you a reward, and I have the perfect idea for what that reward shall be.”

  She stood up and grabbed Arthur’s hand. He stood up with her, and she led him toward the back of the house toward what he assumed was the bedroom. They got to the room, and she didn’t even pause as her shirt magically disappeared. At least it felt like magic, as fast as she got rid of it.

  The view of her body was fantastic. She had a well-proportioned set of perky tits. They were by no means huge but not tiny things either. Her figure was also rather alluring. Just looking at her, anyone could see she was a beautiful young woman, but the clothes that everyone wore here didn’t do anyone any favors. Her body was so much better than he had imagined it to be. The large and ill-fitting clothing hid too much of her physique. Once that flesh was exposed, Arthur completely forgot about anything but this woman.

  He took his top off and threw it across the room. It appeared to Arthur that she was impressed with what she saw as well. The clothing didn’t do him any favors either. Since coming here, his physique had slimmed a bit around the midsection and looked more muscular than flabby. His broad shoulders were already well-muscled, and she took an appreciative look.

  He walked forward and grabbed her firmly around the waist. She melted into his arms as he kissed her. Her passion was apparent, and the rest of their clothes disappeared quickly. They fell onto the bed in a tangle, and Arthur thought that this was going to be a fantastic reward.

  Chapter 10

  A Strange Dream

  Arthur felt like he was floating. He couldn’t quite describe the feeling. Something between a dream and feeling tipsy from alcohol. He looked all around him, and it appeared he was just floating in a gray nothingness. Everywhere he looked, it seemed to be an infinite stretch of gray.

  “Hello?” he said out loud. “Anyone around here?”” Where am I?”.

  This was supremely odd. Arthur recalled a memorable encounter with Dalia and her beautiful breasts. She also had a tantalizing moan in her pleasure that made him even more aroused, but he was sure they had fallen asleep. If this was a dream, it was both odd and surreal.

  Arthur continued to look around but couldn’t find anything, so he settled on just reflecting on things that had happened. He recalled the manor fight and the ghost. Those disgusting giant rats still gave him small shivers when he thought of them. The boar chase in the forest got his pulse moving a little quicker. In the end, he settled on his parents. He wasn’t sure why, but more than likely, it was because he missed them. He hoped they were doing okay without him around. He doubted it would be easy losing their son, even if he was adopted. They had never treated him as anything other than a biological son.

  As he continued to think about his parents, he noticed a window in the gray expanse. He willed himself to float to it, and to his surprise, the scene inside was not something he ever thought he would see.

  “Everything will be fine, dear.” Said Arthur’s Father, Johnathan. “I am sure it is just the stress from us missing Arthur. You will be good as new before long.”

  “I don’t know Hun, I keep getting random body aches and am generally tired. The doctor expressed some concerns and wants me to come back next week to get a checkup and have some blood work done. I worry it could be something more serious.” Arthur’s Mom, Evelyn said.

  “Eve, don’t talk like this. We are both struggling a bit since Arthur is gone, but I have faith we will make it. I know it is hard not hearing from him, but we will see him again one day.”

  Evelyn sighed, “All of this at once is just too much to deal with. I still haven’t been able to get past losing Arthur. I am happy that he was able to save that woman and that he did the right thing, but I wish we wouldn’t have lost him in the process. Luckily the trial for the man that killed him ended quickly, and he got the death sentence he deserved. Now he won’t be able to harm anyone else.

  On top of that, now I have to deal with whatever this health problem is too? It just seems we cannot catch a break. I have always said bad things come in threes, so now just waiting for the final piece to fall only to make things worse.”

  “We will get through this together like we always have. We have made it through many tough times together before and can do it again. I do not doubt that.” Johnathan said, wiping a tear from her face. “Our friends have been very supportive of us as well and like to check on us often.”

  “I know, but they can’t bring him back John, no matter what they say or do, they can’t bring him back to me.” She cried and pressed her face into his neck.

  “I miss him too.” He said as he held her. “We have that appointment next week so we can find out more about all of this then. The doctor can do the few tests he needs, and then we can put this whole mess to bed as a bad coincidence. Probably an odd virus or something that you keep catching and never has a chance to fully go away.”

  “I truly hope that is all that it is.” She said.

  The picture faded, and soon he was looking into a vast ocean of gray again. He felt tears on his face and wished he could have held his mother at that moment. She was his rock back in life. His Dad had always been tough and was there for him if he needed help with something or just to hang out and go fishing, but his Mom always helped him through tough emotional things. Dad’s rarely had that kind of relationship with their boys. Maybe with their daughters, but not their sons.

  He had always found it amusing that daughters and sons usually went to the opposite side of the parents for emotional comfort when they could. He would bet that emotional support was a higher percentage on the mom side of every family, but that was honestly to be expected.

  He hadn’t been thinking about the situation long before the grayness disappeared.

  Arthur shot upright and looked around. From the look of things, he was back in Dalia’s house. It had been pretty late when arriving last night, and there wasn’t a lot of light around at the time, so Arthur hadn’t got a good look at the house. Looking around it now, in the morning sun, he could see that it was indeed similar to the rest of town. A patchwork of different styles of building and repairs layered over top of each other. A lot of places looked on the verge of collapse but had random boards attached, trying to hold them from different angles.

  Thinking about it, he hadn’t been around the entire village yet, but he wondered where they got their building supplies from. The citizens didn’t like the forest and seemed to be scared of it. He hadn’t seen any kind of lumber mill that he could remember, so where would they get the supplies for repairs? He also hadn’t met a carpenter here either, granted he had only talked to a few people in town so far.

  That train of thought faded, and his mind was drawn back to his strange dream. It had seemed so real. Being able to see his parents made him feel a little better, but it looked like he was trying to make up a future conversation for them. That was a bit concerning. It just showed how the mind can wander and come up with many odd things.

  He put the thoughts of that out of his head and continued to look around. To his delight, the beautiful form of Dalia was still in bed with him, and one of her breasts was currently exposed. It was a delightful sight to wake up to in the morning. His lower region seemed to agree, well that, and the fact he had to pee. Sadly, he was sure the urge to pee was causing most of that.

  He was debating on nuzzling up to her and stealing some kisses or going out back to relieve himself when she stirred and looked up at him. He smiled at her, and she smiled right back. Bending down, he gent
ly kissed her on the neck a few times and then a deeper kiss on the lips. Arthur’s hand drifted down slowly and cupped her exposed breast while rubbing the nipple with his thumb. She decided to reach down below, and discovering his predicament raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Happy to see me this morning, I see.” She said to him.

  “Anyone would have to be a fool not to admire the view no matter the time of day,” Arthur responded. He wasn’t about to tell her that much of it was him having to pee. He was going to suffer through it like a champ and pee after.

  From there, everything quickly escalated into a hot and steamy sex session that left both parties panting on the bed and heart rates going wild. Arthur couldn’t take it anymore and had to go out back to relive a different kind of pressure. Walking back in, he discovered she was already partially dressed and decided it was time for him to do so as well.

  “So what is this grand plan of yours?” she asked while putting her shirt back on.

  “Honestly, I am still working on what could best help the town. Being new here, I am not familiar with all the people here and what the main concerns are. I still need to get out and meet more of the people to get a general idea. I know that the place is partially starving due to the Lord’s men and, no offense, but most of the buildings look to be on the verge of falling.”

  “You are not wrong there. The Lord’s group of criminals keeps most of the villages either starving or right on the verge of it. People try and hide things from time to time, but it never works. They just do thorough searches of everything until they find it. As for the houses, you are also not wrong. We do not have a carpenter in town, nor do we have a sawmill, so all of the lumber used here was supplied from a neighboring town. Once in a while, we will have a tinker traveling through town with a caravan of lumber, which can make some quick repairs for people just to keep things standing, but people usually have no coin for such things.” Dalia said offhandedly.


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