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Dravincia Page 38

by Blake Severson

  Congratulations, you have successfully created Mage-crafted Iron Heel Bar Buckle (Unfinished). You have gained 100 experience in Arcane Smithing and Blacksmithing for creating this item (x20).

  Congratulations, you have successfully created Mage-crafted Iron Buckle Prong. You have gained 20 experience in Arcane Smithing and Blacksmithing for creating this item (x20).

  Congratulations, you have learned Leatherworking for a 100 experience bonus.

  Enchanted Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Bracer

  Armor: 25

  Block: 7-11

  Durability: 75/75

  Rarity: Rare

  Quality: Well Crafted

  Weight: 0.8 kg

  Slot: Forearm

  Traits: An Intricate Iron Bracer, created using magical techniques, and enchanted with special magical power. This armor will have more capacity for absorbing magical power.


  ● 10% increased chance to parry blows.

  ● This bracer loses durability 10% slower.

  It looked just as he pictured it. He grabbed the remaining three of them and finished the lining for all and completed them in turn.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 6 in Blacksmithing. You are granted a 15% bonus to forging speed. On your way to being a dwarf, are ye?

  Immediately after the satisfaction of finishing these bracers, he realized he was an idiot. Only four were made because there were only four of them in the party. The dilemma was each person needed two. He kicked himself for a moment and then ducked his head and got to work. Four more shells were quickly made, enchanted, and then assembled with linings. It took him a reasonable amount of time, but he managed to get it all finished.

  Arthur was excited to get that much experience in such a short time. That gave him another two points to play with for his Blacksmithing talent tree. He decided to put two more points in Weight Reduction. He wanted to make sure he could keep Samson well geared. The tank could make or break a whole team and had to be kept alive. Since they didn’t have a proper healer, as he would define one in a game, he decided this was even more important.

  He wished the bonuses were retroactive, but they were not. That would be too easy. It just meant Samson’s next set of armor would be even more amazing. He had honestly thought his Blacksmithing bonus was a complete waste of time since he used a spell instead of making the items the usual way, but the speed increase seemed to also apply to the Arcane Forging magic. The bracers he made were finished quicker than yesterday. He pulled out the rest of the pieces and got to work.

  The next thing he completed was the glove liners for the gauntlets. He finished those and test fit them into the gauntlets. He kept from attaching them so Samson could put the gloves on separate and then insert them into the gauntlets on need. It would make arming himself a bit faster, and if one were damaged, he would be able to get it off fairly quickly.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 2 in Leatherworking. You are granted a 3% bonus to crafting speed.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 7 in Blacksmithing. You are granted an 18% bonus to forging speed. One day you might make it to steel.

  Enchanted Intricate Mage-crafted Articulating Iron Gauntlet

  Armor: 30

  Attack: 5-8

  Durability: 90/90

  Rarity: Rare

  Quality: Well Crafted

  Weight: 0.8 kg

  Slot: Hands

  Traits: An Intricate Articulating Iron Gauntlet, created using magical techniques, and enchanted with special magical power. This armor will have more capacity for absorbing magical power.


  ● 10% decreased chance of being disarmed

  ● This gauntlet loses durability 10% slower.

  So far, everything was coming out just as intended, so he got to work and finished up the rest of the items.

  Enchanted Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Greave

  Armor: 35

  Durability: 80/80

  Rarity: Uncommon

  Quality: Well Crafted

  Weight: 1.0 kg

  Slot: Legs

  Traits: An Intricate Iron Greave, created using magical techniques, and enchanted with special magical power. This armor will have more capacity for absorbing magical power.


  ● This greave loses durability 10% slower.

  Enchanted Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Sabaton

  Armor: 30

  Durability: 80/80

  Rarity: Rare

  Quality: Well Crafted

  Weight: 1.2 kg

  Slot: Feet

  Traits: An Intricate Iron Sabaton, created using magical techniques, and enchanted with special magical power. This armor will have more capacity for absorbing magical power.


  ● 10% increased movement speed

  ● This sabaton loses durability 10% slower.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 3 in Leatherworking. You are granted a 6% bonus to crafting speed. You like animal skin as well, huh?

  Enchanted Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Breastplate

  Armor: 75

  Durability: 135/135

  Rarity: Rare

  Quality: Well Crafted

  Weight: 5.0 kg

  Slot: Chest

  Traits: An Intricate Iron Breastplate, created using magical techniques, and enchanted with special magical power. This armor will have more capacity for absorbing magical power.


  ● Adds +1 Strength to wearer

  ● This breastplate loses durability 10% slower.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 8 in Blacksmithing. You are granted a 21% bonus to forging speed.

  Enchanted Intricate Mage-crafted Iron Barbute

  Armor: 30

  Durability: 85/85

  Rarity: Rare

  Quality: Well Crafted

  Weight: 3.0 kg

  Slot: Head

  Traits: An Intricate Iron Barbute, created using magical techniques, and enchanted with special magical power. This armor will have more capacity for absorbing magical power.


  ● 10% decreased chance to be blinded

  ● This helmet loses durability 10% slower.

  Once the last piece was complete, Arthur heard an odd sound he had never heard before, followed by another notification. Needless to say, he was extremely pleased with it.

  Congratulations, you have successfully crafted a full set of high-quality gear. Due to the Rarity and the Quality of the set, it has been granted Set Bonuses. Your Mage-crafted Iron Armor Set has the following bonuses:

  2 pieces - Increase base armor of all parts by 5

  4 pieces - Increase HP of the wearer by 40.

  6 pieces - Unlock Ability - Indomitable Will - This ability allows the user to fight through any pain and removes all movement and disorienting debuffs for 30 seconds. Cooldown: 6 hours.

  That was the most badass thing he had seen since he got here if he was honest. He was sure that Samson was going to cry when he saw it. Arthur was so excited he had to take it to Rowan to show it to him immediately. The armor was quickly set down on a table near the man.

  “Rowan, I don’t know what you are working on, but you have to stop for a moment and inspect this armor I just made,” Arthur said excitedly.

  Rowan eyed him curiously, he set the chunk of metal he was working on near the edge of the forge so it wouldn’t get too hot and burn and then set his hammer down. Wiping his brow with the back of his arm, he walked over to the armor. As soon as his eyes took in the first piece, he stumbled for a moment. He froze in place and stared at the breastplate for a while. Taking two more steps, he reverently reached out to pick it up.

  “Arthur, dear Goddess, what have you done,” Rowan said in awe.

  “I was surprised myself. I wasn’t even aware you could make an armor set, but it was a happy accident when the last piece completed. I am rather plea
sed with how the items turned out.” Arthur said happily.

  “You don’t understand Arthur,” Rowan said as he shook his head. “This set of armor only has a handful of others, that I know of, in the entire kingdom that can rival it. It would be a set of armor the personal guard of the king would wear, if not the king himself. The only reason the king may not is that it is iron and not steel, but that would be the only reason, and it would be for petty reasons.”

  “It had to be done. I can’t lose Samson to the dangers here, and we will need all of the group to get through this. It would help if we had a proper magical healer, but I haven’t seen any here. Until then, our best chance is keeping him alive and protected.”

  Rowan chuckled, “Well, this should do it. I dare say he may be able to take out the entire group coming after us by himself, depending on how many they bring.”

  “I truly hope so. It would save me a lot of headaches. I have to plan and prepare for the worst, though. I plan on using the next couple of days to focus entirely on the wall. I can use my downtime waiting on mana to do a little leatherworking while I am walking around. This way, I am still productive most of the day. I might not be back by the forge for a few days. I also found out earlier that I can make multiple items at one time with my magical forging. I was able to make a bunch of sewing needles at the same time. I can probably do it for arrowheads, too, because I know how much of a pain they can be. Before the big fight, I’ll be sure to make plenty, so don’t worry about that.”

  “That is good to hear. Arrowheads and nails tend to be overly tedious wastes of time. I’d rather use my time working on farming tools, foresting axes, and the like. That is what I have been focusing on lately since you have managed to get industry running a bit.” Rowan told him.

  “Perfect, you keep focusing on that. I’m going to wrap this set of armor up and take it back to the inn. I imagine Samson will be there this evening and I want to present it to him in front of those at dinner. He is going to be the shining example for this village to look up to. I want them confident in their safety.” Arthur told him.

  “That sounds like a good plan, Arthur. I’ll try and swing by in a little bit.”

  Arthur nodded at him and grabbed a piece of canvas from the shop. He wrapped it around the armor and trudged back to the inn. While he walked, he checked on his progress this afternoon and was pleased to see he had managed to get 350 experience in Earth and Fire Magic, 560 experience in Arcane Smithing, 6,420 experience in Blacksmithing, 1,480 experience in Leatherworking, and 320 experience in Enchanting. There was a rather large crowd in the inn, which would do wonders for his plan. He took the bundle straight to the kitchen to keep it from being noticed too much. He waved Daniel over to him when he saw him tending a pot of food.

  “Daniel, I plan on making a bit of a surprise announcement tonight. I am going to name Samson Captain of the Guard of the city and present him with a new set of armor. I know he is technically the only guard right now, but I am hoping it will be a good morale boost for the village.”

  Daniel smiled, “That is a great idea. It should help calm the nerves of the city. Do you plan on telling them about the peril yet?”

  “Actually, yes. I plan on announcing that before naming Samson to his position. I am hoping his new position will give them confidence, and I plan to have him make his appearance in his new set of armor I just finished. I am sure you will be impressed.” Arthur said as he pointed to the bundle on the table.

  “It sounds good to me. What do you need from me?” Daniel asked.

  “Nothing right now. I just wanted to make sure you knew what was coming. On second thought, can you send a message to Dalia requesting her presence here? I want to make sure she is here for the announcement so she can show her support.”

  Daniel nodded in acknowledgment, “I’ll make it happen.”

  “I need to go find the man of the hour then. I assume he is around the inn somewhere? I didn’t get a good look around the place.”

  “He should be out there, somewhere.”

  “I’ll be right back then.”

  Arthur made his way back into the central area and looked around. It took him a few seconds, but he spotted Samson in the back corner. Oddly enough, he was sitting with Vana as well. Arthur made his way over to them.

  “Hi Samson, how are you this evening?” Arthur asked.

  “I’m doing good, yourself?” He asked.

  “I am doing alright. I am here to talk to you about something important.” Arthur said as he sat next to him and lowered his voice. “I plan on announcing the upcoming confrontation shortly. I need your help in this, though.”

  “What can I do to help?”

  Arthur chuckled, “Well, I need you to stand next to me and look pretty. That being said, I have a bit of a surprise for you, technically two of them. I have something I need you to wear, which is one of the surprises, the second is part of the announcement, and I need you to go along with it.”

  Samson eyed him, skeptically, “That sounds overly cryptic. I guess I’ll go along with it.”

  “My good man, do me a favor and grab your shield and bring it to the kitchen. Try and keep it covered if you can. Vana, you are welcome to come back with us if you want to.” Arthur said.

  “I’ll sit here and enjoy the show, thank you very much. The last thing I want is you trying to drag me into something sneaky as well.” She said with a laugh.

  “Fair enough,” Arthur said. He walked back toward the back and stopped before going into the kitchen. He turned and faced the crowd.

  “Can I have your attention, please?” Arthur called over the crowd. He gave everyone a little bit to quiet down. “I have an announcement to make. Can we please try and gather everyone possible in here in the next half hour? I would like to address as many as possible. Thank you, and I’ll speak to you soon.” Arthur said as a few people left the doors to gather others.

  Arthur made his way to the kitchen area, and Samson arrived just a few minutes after him. He was holding his shield, but it was wrapped up in a towel. He made his way in and looked around expectantly. Arthur looked his way and gestured for him to come closer.

  “Thank you for coming, Samson. I know it was rather vague, but I honestly wanted to see how dedicated you might be. It was plenty enough since you came with almost no questions asked. I did promise you a surprise, though, and quite honestly, I am just as excited for you to get it as I am sure you will be once you see it.

  Arthur walked to the table he had laid the armor bundle on. He carefully removed each piece and laid them out to make it look like a person who was lying on the table. He motioned Samson over and gestured to the armor.

  “I told you I needed you to protect us, and you were the first one to come forward to volunteer. I was going to let you hear the news when I announced it, but I think you should know ahead of time. This armor is now yours, and I am naming you, Captain of the Guard. I hope for you to protect the entire village and not just our group.” Arthur told him seriously.

  Samson slowly approached the table. He reverently ran his hands over each piece of armor, and Arthur noticed he was getting misty-eyed.

  “I don’t know if I am worthy of wearing this.” He said softly.

  “I saw your performance fighting that boss. There is no man I know that would do more justice to this suit of armor. You stood your ground wearing rags and still prevailed longer than anyone I know could have.” Arthur told him solemnly.

  Arthur noticed his sword was also bundled with his shield he had brought down, and it pleased him that Rowan had come prepared without being asked.

  “Let’s get you dressed. I want you to enter when I motion to you. I’ll make the announcement of the danger first, and then I am bringing you in and naming you to your new position. The people here need a beacon of hope. You will be that man.”

  Samson turned to Arthur, “I will not let you down,” he said with nothing but seriousness and came to attention and offered a crisp salute

  Arthur and Daniel helped get the man buckled into his new armor, and Arthur was beyond impressed. The man looked like an impenetrable wall. Not only that, but the scroll-work on the set seemed to blend well, making a very pleasing pattern to the eye when all assembled.

  “I’ll be damned if you were not right.” Daniel told him, “That is breathtaking.”

  “Time to get this show on the road,” Arthur said as he made his way out front. Everyone but Samson joined him out there.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen!” Arthur waited a few moments for everyone to quiet down. Everyone appeared to be in the room. He saw Vana and Allendria in the corner, and Rowan and Dalia were off to his left by the bar. The main people needed would be here. The room was pretty packed and looked like almost all the village was here.

  “I have some news I would like to announce. Most of you probably do not know this, but the village is under threat of attack. Some of the Lord’s goons are expected to attack the city in around three weeks.”

  A bunch of murmuring and worried looks spread through the people in the inn.


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