Wolf Spell 1

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Wolf Spell 1 Page 18

by M. R. Polish

  He must have sensed my urgency because he pressed harder against me. Everything around me became unknown. All guards down. No walls up. My body fit perfectly next his. My arms tightened around his neck. He picked me up, holding me close. He brushed kisses down my neck.

  I whimpered against his ear, and I heard him let out a deep sigh. It was too much to handle. My whole body burned as if it was on fire, and he was the water to quench it. My hands were up and down his back, then around his waist.

  His lips found mine once again, and I sensed his need for more as he deepened the kiss. His tongue darted in and out, teasing mine. Each time, the flames of desire grew higher.

  A sharp pain, like a lightning bolt, exploded in my back. I cried out against his lips, crumpling in his arms. The look of horror crinkled his face. It was the last clear thing I saw before my focus blurred.

  “Es, what’s wrong?”

  I could hear the panic in his voice. I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t even breathe. The pain was so fierce it ripped me apart.

  He carefully laid me on the ground, turning me on my side, and I could see his hands smeared in blood. I saw the vampire we’d been searching for standing behind him, and did my best to yell out and warn him, but it exhausted all my energy to gather enough oxygen.

  “Behind you.” I was finally able to whisper.

  He spun around and came face to face with the villain. I gasped, trying to fill my lungs with much needed air. I struggled to use the elements around me to stay alive. I wasn’t sure what he did to me, but I knew it wasn’t good.

  “Nicholas sends his leeches to do his dirty work?” Jarak’s voice strained. I knew he was furious but at the same time worried about me.

  The world wanted to go dark, but I refused to give up.

  The ugly crossbreed glowered at Jarak. “I bet you wished you had magic right now so you could save her. It’s a pity, really.”

  At that moment, I pushed everything I had to thrust a strong gust of wind their direction, picking the bloodsucker up and smashing him into a tree. Instantly, Jarak was there, holding him by the throat with his strength. At least it was truly him and not a spirit this time.

  Maztic appeared with Luna, and I watched as they helped Jarak with the vampire. My vision faded in and out. Then, Luna was next to me, talking to me, but I couldn’t understand what she said. The only thing I caught was the part about a knife.

  With blurry vision, I tried watching as Luna moved around me, and then there was a tug in my back. She returned to sit in front of me with her nose covered in blood and a knife she dropped from her mouth.

  Almost immediately, some of my strength returned with the knife gone. Jarak kneeled next to me.

  “Where is he?” I choked out. Breathing was still extremely hard and painful.

  “He’s dead. Maztic is taking him away now. Once we had him physically, he couldn’t dematerialize. That’s how we have to kill them.”


  He ran his thumb down my cheek. “I’m so sorry. I keep failing you. Every time we are close you almost die.”

  “Neither one of us knew he was here. You can’t blame yourself. You saved me.”

  He picked me up and carried me back to the house.

  “He got through my protection spell. I didn’t think of magical beings. I only protected the area from dark creatures like vampires. It’s my fault. He was a crossbreed. I should have known better. I knew he had magic,” I whispered against his shoulder. How many times had he gotten through and watched us from a close distance? The thought made me sick.

  Ailaina was at my side as soon as we walked in the house. “Oh my gosh! What happened?”

  “Vampire.” Jarak laid me on the couch.

  “Es.” I looked over at the door. Luna walked in the house, still with a tint of red around her nose where she tried to wipe the blood away.

  “Luna.” It relieved me to see her.

  “It’s not good.” She walked the rest of the way to the couch from the door. “I went to help Maztic dispose of the body, and we saw them. All of them.”

  “Luna says they saw them, and there are more of them.” My voice quivered.

  “More of what?” Ailaina stiffened.

  Being so weak made it harder to sit up, but each moment I felt better. My body began to heal itself, but it still hurt.

  “I saw Ree and also about twenty other vampires, but I’m not sure who they are. I know they are vampires because I could smell the metallic odor they emit. There is no telling how many have been turned into crossbreeds.”

  I pushed on the arm of the couch for support as I forced myself to stay sitting. “I bet some are the missing people from that bus.” I relayed what Luna said to Ailaina, knowing that Jarak could already hear her.

  Jarak nodded in thought. “How far away?”

  “They are hiding, about one or two days walk from here.”

  “If I could regain my strength we could surprise them. You know, have the upper hand.”

  “Es, do you know what you’re saying? This is Ree up there.” Jarak sat down next to me.

  “I know, but if she’s here it means she wants to kill me.” I hoped someone else would take her out for me. I was selfish. I wasn’t sure I could follow through with it, even if it wasn’t her, but I refused to say anything to Jarak. “Besides, you’re the one who told me no vampire is good, right?”

  “Okay. I just want you to be alright.”

  I leaned over and lay down. My strength still zapped. “How do you kill a vampire anyway?”

  “The usual. Stake to the heart—behead them, and then burn the body. If they are a real vampire you won’t need to behead them, they will turn to ash. It’s only the breeds that you have to do that.”

  “Oh yeah, the usual.” I wanted to gag at the thought of doing that to Ree—or even Meadow, when the time came. I needed to put my mind far away.

  “I’m gonna go patrol with Maztic for a bit. If you need me, call for me.” Luna licked my hand and disappeared.

  “I don’t think I told her thank you. I really love that wolf.” My eyelids felt heavy.

  Ailaina sat down next to me, running her fingers through my hair. “She knows sweetie.”

  The energy around the room filled me, and I focused it on my wound. I knew it would be better soon. As it was, there was no more sharp pain in my back, but I was still sore and worn out. She pulled the blanket from the back of the couch over me, and I closed my eyes.

  Ree’s Death

  – Esmerelda –

  November 11, 2012

  I sat down on the lodge pole swing outside on the porch. I enjoyed watching the silhouettes from the trees dance around the house as the sun began to set. My knife wound from earlier had healed, and I soaked in the energy from Mother Nature. I was still a little sore when I moved, but I was certain I wouldn’t feel anything by morning.

  “Hey beautiful.” Jarak walked outside and handed me a steaming cup of hot cocoa. I reached an arm out of the warm blanket I had wrapped around me.

  Mmm, I breathed in the sweet smell of creamy chocolate and covered the cup with both hands, savoring the heat as he sat down and wrapped up in the blanket with me.

  I rested my head on his shoulder. “I think I know someone who could help us.”

  “I’d been thinking about that too.” He stroked my hair as we talked.

  “Really? Who?”

  “We’re not the last of our kind, you know.”

  I hadn’t thought about other Guardians before. “There are more of us?”

  “Well, not like you. You’re one of a kind… Who were you thinking of?”

  “My dad. Well not Torres, although I’m sure he’d be useful too.”

  Jarak nodded. “I think that’s a good idea. You should have him here. Besides he might prove to be useful, he did work as a supernatural marshal. Okay, so you call Bry and I’ll make a call too.”

  We sat in silence, and watched the stars twinkle overhead while the cricket
s chirped. Somewhere in the distance, a wolf howled, but instead of fear, I felt peace. The wolves were family.

  I hesitated as I dialed the cell number I’d known since he’d gotten one. How would he react to me asking for help? What if he didn’t want anything to do with me, with everything that’s happened? My heart raced.

  It rang twice before he picked up. “Hello.”

  “It’s Arabeth.” I held my breath. It sounded weird to hear that name again. I had just gotten used to Esmerelda.

  “Ara.” His voice sounded worried. “Are you okay? Where are you?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I need your help though.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Its, uh, Mom… She’s a—um, vampire.” I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

  “Where are you?”

  “Outside of Stanley, Idaho. I don’t think I could give you directions, but we can meet you in town.”

  “Ara, I’m assuming you now know what you are. Use your power to make a protection barrier until I get there. I’ll call this number as soon as I’m in town. I’ll leave right now.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks.”

  We both hung up. I hoped Jarak’s call went as well as mine.

  – Jarak –

  I exhaled a deep breath; assuming this conversation probably wouldn’t go very well. Ian hasn’t talked to me since our father left me his fortune and property. It wasn’t my fault he never stayed around. He was older than I was by three years.

  “What do you want?” Of course he’d answer with his attitude.

  “Hi Brother, nice to hear from you too.”

  “Fine, you want a family connection. How’s this—Brother, what the hell do you want?”

  “Okay, I’ll cut the chit chat and get right to it. I need your help.”


  “It's about Esmerelda.”

  He was silent, and then I heard him clear his throat. “You mean Adonia’s daughter?”

  “If we can’t protect her then she’ll never defeat Nicholas, then we’ll all be slaves to him or die.”

  “You might be his slave, but I’ll die first.”

  “Look, I need your help to protect her. Your one of the best Guardians, or you would be if you ever cared for anyone.”

  “Fine. You still living up the mountain?”


  I heard a click then dead silence. I knew he’d come. I wasn’t sure what would happen once he got here, but at least he would be here and I’d deal with that when it happened.

  – Esmerelda –

  “I’ll meet you at the bottom of the mountain.” There was no way I’d go down that trail in a vehicle.

  “Es, come on, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think so. I’ll just figure a way to magic myself to the bottom in an hour. That should give you time to maneuver down the mountain.” I planted my feet in the dirt beside the truck. I wasn’t budging. I’d been practicing transporting myself in secret and felt confident I could do it.

  He sat in the truck’s driver’s seat, propping his foot on the side step, I scooted between his legs waiting for his answer. “Okay, but one hour and you be there, understand?”

  I nodded. He pulled me in for a kiss before twisting around and shutting the door. The engine growled as it came to life.

  “You two should just get together and get it over with.” Ailaina watched beside me, with her arms folded.

  “Oh stop it. I’m not even sure what we are. One minute it’s all kisses and butterflies, the next he’s moody and pushing me away. I don’t know. I know this might sound strange, but I’m not sure he’s the one for me anymore.”

  “Really? You think that?” We both turned to walk back into the house.

  I stopped, looking back at the truck. “I don’t know. It’s hard to explain.”

  I checked the clock on his cell phone he left for me. It was barely ten thirty in the morning.

  We walked back into the house and straight to the kitchen. I could easily magic food now, but it was enjoyable doing things myself. I closed the fridge door after snagging a cheese stick and a couple of bottles of water, handing one to Ailaina.

  I saw a movement from the corner of my eye and tensed. I used my finger to my mouth, telling Ailaina to stay quiet. She moved to the corner and waited. I set the water on the counter and pressed my back up against the wall. I tiptoed myself to the edge where I could peer around the corner by the stairs.

  A hand clamped over my mouth as soon as I leaned to look. I screamed out against the intruder’s hand as he pressed his tall body up next to mine, giving me no room to breathe between him and the wall.

  Ailaina flung herself on him, pounding her fists onto his back like a mad woman. “Let her go!”

  “Shhh, unless you want to be blood bait,” the stranger growled. She stopped hitting him and darted to the wall next to me.

  His deep whisper surprised me. Cobalt eyes stared down at me. They looked familiar, but I had no clue who he was. His almost black hair had a rough texture and tousled, giving him a sexy bad boy hairstyle. Small stubble showed off his five o’clock shadow.

  I stopped protesting, and he released his hand from my mouth, but he never moved his body away. “Someone’s broken your protective spell. There is two blood suckers right outside.”

  “How did you know about the spell?” I whispered back.

  “I could sense it around the property. I walked around until I found the break. It’s not a large one, so it has to be from someone who isn’t near as strong as you are, but it's still enough to let the dark creatures in.” He stepped back just a half step. It was enough for me to glance down and fully see his black jeans and matching t-shirt.

  His muscular arms were tense and ready to fight. I was all too aware of his closeness as his body heat radiated to mine. His legs pressed up against mine, and it took all I had to remember I didn’t know who he was. There was something about him that I knew, but I couldn’t place my finger on it.

  “Who are you?” I questioned.

  “Ian. Jarak’s brother.”

  My eyes must have given away my surprise that I tried to hide. That must have been where the familiarity in his eyes came from.

  He smirked. “So he hasn’t told you about me.”

  “He doesn’t talk much about his family… or past.”

  “Do either of you know how to kill a vampire?” His husky voice was quiet, but it spoke volumes of pending danger.

  I nodded. “Yes, Jarak told me how, but I haven’t done it.”

  He handed me a wooden stake from a duffel bag, his other hand holding two more, one he handed to Ailaina. “Here, take this and force it through the heart. After you do that, I’ll take care of the rest of the job.”

  I grabbed the stake and swallowed hard. They were about six inches long and fit easily in my grasp. At that moment, everything became real, and I wished I’d taken the death trail down the mountain with Jarak.

  A footstep on the wood floor sounded from the entryway. Ian held his finger to his mouth telling us to stay quiet. He peeked around the corner and raised two fingers.

  My heart sped up. I wasn’t sure I could do this. I took a deep breath as he slipped away from me. He nodded and took off toward the front door. I followed him.

  He flung himself on one of the prowlers, tackling them to the floor. I stood in shock. The other vampire was Ree.

  I gasped. The stake in my hand became heavy.

  “Surprised?” I didn’t have time to register what she said.

  Cocking her head, she gave a sinister laugh and threw herself at me, knocking me to the floor. I pushed at her, trying to get her off me. I didn’t have time to know if Ailaina was okay or not as I struggled to get Ree off.

  Her fangs brushed against my neck, but never punctured the skin. I fought with everything I had, but she was so much stronger. I pulled energy from Luna and held her up, keeping her away from my throat.

>   I didn’t have the strength or speed she had, but I had magic. It was hard, but I remembered my training with Victor and pushed all I had at her, sending her flying into the wall by the stairs. I held my hand out, keeping her there. I could feel the energy from Ian’s fight with the other vampire build in the room, giving me more than enough power to restrain her against the wall.

  Luna appeared by my side, her snarling growl rumbled through the house. I knew she’d be there to help if I needed it. I grasped the stake tight in my hand and walked toward Ree. Closing my eyes, I shoved the wood deep in her chest. Deep tissue tore under my pressure, then a resistance and a loud crack from the tip of her sternum breaking. Then I pushed the stake through a thick wall of muscle I knew was her heart.

  Opening my eyes, I didn’t let go but stood there immobile, staring at her face as she went limp. Warmth covered my hand as her blood flowed down it. I could no longer breathe. Everything around me spun, and I became sick.

  Ian came up behind me, removing my hand from the stake and I backed away, slumping to the floor on my knees. Ree’s body drooped to the floor. Her once pure skin turned dark and looked burnt. Her flesh became ash and crumbled away.

  I wasn’t sure how to feel as I watched him walk to the kitchen and grab something from his bag. I cringed. It looked like a machete, but I hoped I was wrong. Luna strolled over to me, and I buried my face in her fur, peeking out just enough to see Ian.

  He ambled over to the first vampire he’d taken down. Squatting beside him, he lifted his arm with the weapon and forced his hand down, beheading him. My stomach twisted. I turned away from Luna and threw up. I refused to open my eyes again, but clutched Luna’s fur in my hand. I breathed through my mouth not wanting to smell the pungent scent of death that filled the cabin.

  Ian’s hand rested on my shoulder. “Come on you need to get outside.”

  I gagged and fought to keep from throwing up as he led me past a headless body and outside the house. The smell of the metallic blood wafted through the air and clung to my skin.


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