All The Wrong Reasons

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All The Wrong Reasons Page 3

by JL Paul

  “Stop worrying about it,” he said. “Enjoy your weekend home with your friends. Worry about school on Monday.” The song ended and he wrapped an arm around my waist. “I’m going to head over to a friend’s house but I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  My cell phone! He couldn’t call my cell phone. I was pretty sure that I’d lost it in Spencer’s apartment but I wasn’t sure who had it or if it was still lying on the floor. “Um, I misplaced my phone so I’ll have to call you, okay?”

  He paused momentarily before removing his arm from my waist to clutch my shoulders. “Do you know where you lost it? Or do you think it’s gone for good? I can get you a new one.”

  “That’s not necessary,” I said trying to smile. “I think I left it in one of my classes. I’ll get it this week.”

  Doubt flickered in his eyes and gave my heart a mild panic attack. Could he see my lies? Did he realize what an awful, evil person I was? “Okay, sweetheart, but if you don’t find it, let me know and I can get you a new one.”

  I knew better than to object for when it came to gifts, Dustin was both generous and persistent. “Sure.”

  He bid his goodnights to everyone and I excused myself to walk him to the doors. He yanked me outside away from the windows and pressed his lips firmly against mine. Startled, I clutched his shoulders, not used to such force from him, but somewhat pleased.

  He ripped his lips from mine, a satisfied smirk covering his mouth. “That’s what I needed. Call me when you can and quit stressing over school. I’ll see you next weekend.”

  “Okay,” I said as I fingered my lips. I watched him disappear in the parking lot before returning to the dining room.

  That night, I huddled in a sleeping bag on the living room floor between Morgan and Bailey. My room was too small to accommodate us all so we were forced to camp out downstairs.

  “Bailey, I lost my phone Friday night,” I said as soon as my mother drifted up the stairs to her own bedroom. “I lost it in the apartment.”

  She laughed and folded her arms behind her head. “Well, guess you’ll have to get it back.”

  I groaned and fell to my pillow, grinding my teeth. “I can not go back there.”

  “Sure you can,” Morgan piped in. “Lucas doesn’t live there, Spencer does. Just knock on the door and ask Spencer if he found your phone.”

  I gnawed on my bottom lip. “I could do that.”

  Bailey chuckled in the dark and I turned my head, barely able to make out her features. “Do you actually think Lucas would leave the phone there?” she asked.

  “Why not?” Morgan asked.

  Bailey propped her head on her hand. “Well, if it was as good as Irelyn said it was, then he’ll want to see her again. Therefore, Lucas probably has the phone. He won’t want Spencer or anyone else to give it to her.”

  “Oh, this is so not good,” I whined. “I don’t want to see him again.”

  “Oh, cheer up, Irelyn,” Bailey said. “What’s the big deal? They play at Rusty’s every Friday night during the fall and winter. You go down there and ask him for your phone. He can’t very well convince you to sleep with him in a crowded bar.”

  “You say that now…” I said, my heart relaxing. She actually made sense. Maybe if I did confront him with a bunch of people around, I’d keep my head and not think about how amazing his lips felt against my skin. Little sparks of desire tickled my gut. “Okay, I’ll go over there Friday and ask him for my phone.”

  Bailey lowered her head to her pillow, a satisfied smirk on her face.

  I closed my eyes and tried to sleep – thinking that exhaustion would find me easily. I’d been far too busy the previous night to rest and it had to be catching up with me.

  But the minute my eyes closed, I recalled every touch; every kiss. I imagined his lips leaving my mouth to make a trail down my chin, over my throat and to my breasts. I shuddered and squeezed my eyes tighter, urging the thoughts out of my head. I needed to be thinking about Dustin and how wonderful he was. I needed to focus on school and getting my degree. I needed to remember that Lucas was exactly the sort of guy my mother probably slept with when she conceived me. He’d get what he wanted until he grew tired – then he’d throw me away and find someone new.

  Maybe he’d catch a break and get discovered, forcing him move away to New York or LA to sign a record contract. He’d forget all about me as he plunged into the glittery world of rock n roll. All the beautiful women throwing themselves at him…

  Or, maybe he’d take me with him and we’d rent a penthouse overlooking Central Park or a bungalow on the ocean. I’d accompany him to all his functions and afterwards, we’d return home and make love all night.

  I fell into an uneasy sleep, dreams of big cities, passion. And Lucas floating in my head.

  Chapter 3

  The next week was pretty much hell. Thoughts of Lucas drifted in my head only to be immediately washed away by guilt. I had to get over this little Lucas fantasy and concentrate on Dustin. I loved him, after all, and he loved me. What we had was the perfect fairy tale romance with me starring as Cinderella, only, minus the evil stepmother.

  Dustin was my prince. He’d rescued me from the snobs at St. Catherine’s and swept me off my feet. He’d showed me that not everyone who had money and nice things were evil and I, in turn, introduced him to my world.

  Our relationship had slowly evolved into something serious and eventually the hand-holding and sweet kisses had turned fervent. We’d succumbed to desire one spring night not too long ago in his bedroom while his parents were in Paris. It had been awkward, a little painful, but very sweet. He’d professed his undying love to me and I’d promised that someday we’d marry.

  Lucas threatened to ruin all of that - Lucas and my stupid phone that just had to fall out of my bag.

  By the time Friday night rolled around, my nerves were raw and my concentration shot. I couldn’t focus on a single thing. Morgan fretted over me while Bailey just laughed.

  “Girl, you need another roll with him – that will relax you,” she suggested.

  I shook my head furiously as I gathered my hair and fastened a rubber band around it. “No, not at all. That’s what’s got me all in a tizzy in the first place. I don’t need to do it again.”

  “Is that what you’re wearing?” Morgan asked, hands on her hips as she surveyed my jeans and Dunne-Browling sweatshirt. When I nodded, she frowned, tsking me. “You need to spruce up a little more, honey.”

  “Oh, no,” I said, holding up my hands. “No. I’m not going there dressed up in …sleazy clothes. I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.”

  “Sleazy,” Bailey snorted as she adjusted the neckline of her blouse to reveal a little more cleavage. “Do I look sleazy, Morg?”

  “You look rather lovely, Bailey,” Morgan smiled.

  Groaning, I dropped my brush in order to pick up my bag. “Ha ha. Now, will one of you please come with me?”

  “Oh, we both are, honey,” Bailey smirked. “We have a lot money riding on this.”


  Rusty’s wasn’t quite as packed – there was a huge football game that night and most of the student body was attending. Plus, we were early as I wanted to catch them before they went on stage

  I wanted to just stand around and wait for Lucas to arrive. I just wanted to get my phone and leave but Bailey insisted on getting a table and having a couple drinks. I relented – she was my ride. She chose the same table we’d sat at the week before and my cheeks started to burn. I chastised myself – the man wasn’t even in the room and I was already fantasizing about him – reliving the past Friday.

  Bailey nudged me while Morgan released a quiet squeal forcing me to snap to attention. I turned toward the stage and there he was, in all his sexy glory, helping his brother set up the drums.

  My heartbeat sped up and my palms started to sweat. My leg wiggled and my hands trembled. Desire burned my groin and spread throughout my body. I wanted him – badly.

  “Go ge
t your phone,” Bailey said, her eyes sparkling in amusement. Nodding, I urged my legs to take me to the stage.

  As it seemed none of the boys noticed me, I wondered if I should clear my throat or just call Lucas’s name. I glanced over my shoulder at the table but Bailey narrowed her eyes and waved her hand toward Lucas.

  “Did you need something, darling?” a voice asked behind me. It wasn’t Lucas but I still didn’t want to turn around.

  “What she needs, you can’t give her,” Lucas laughed. I closed my eyes, counted to three, and then faced him. He grinned, his teeth still as white and perfect, the corners of his eyes still crinkling.

  “My phone,” I said, my voice scratchy. I cleared it quickly. “I lost my phone last weekend. Um, do you have it?”

  Lucas jumped off the stage and perched on the edge, arms folded across his chest. He wore a t-shirt promoting some band I hadn’t heard of with its sleeves ripped off.

  “Ah, your phone,” he smirked. “How did you manage all week without it?”

  The hint of an accent lifted his voice driving my desire absolutely crazy. I wasn’t sure where it was from – possibly Australia – but it only added to his allure.

  “I got by,” I mumbled. “So, do you have it?”

  Tugging on my ponytail, he winked. “You look absolutely adorable and deliciously mouthwatering all at once.” I thought my heart was going to fly out of my chest. I had to remind myself to inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. He leaned closer and my eyes fluttered shut. “I have your phone, love. I’ll give it to you after the show.”

  “I, um, wasn’t really planning on staying,” I mumbled feebly as I opened my eyes and gazed into his. They were brown, yes, but with flecks of green. Unusual. I couldn’t look away.

  “That just hurts my feelings,” he said in a teasing tone. “I thought you were a fan.”

  I wanted him to kiss me in the worst way. Dustin was a million miles away from my head and Lucas was right there. And I wanted him to kiss me. “I’ll stay. I guess I’ll have to.”

  He laughed as he yanked me into a hug. “It’s in my bag in the back,” he whispered in my ear. “Once we’re done, I’ll get it for you.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “I’ll, um, let you finish.”

  “Sure,” he said as he released me. “I’ll see you after the show.”

  I nodded again before somehow making my way back to the table without tripping or knocking someone over. I plopped into my chair and watched Lucas finish setting up while my friends watched me.

  “Well?” Morgan prodded. “What did he say?”

  “He has my phone but it’s in his bag in the back. He’ll give it to me after the show.”

  Bailey’s heavily-made up eyes narrowed as her ruby red lips curled in a smirk. “Oh, I’m betting he will.”

  I glanced at her, confused, until she waggled her eyebrows. Her double meaning hit me like a brick, making me blush from the roots of my hair to my toes. My heart flopped, hoping she was right.

  As I watched the show, I kept the drinking to a very minimum. I didn’t need alcohol fogging my brain when I dealt with Lucas. I wanted to have a clear head so I could get my phone and just leave.

  I appreciated rock music the more I watched Lucas play. He was extremely gifted with his guitar and thoroughly enjoyed himself on stage. He and his band mate – the one who lived in the apartment above the bar – laughed as they strummed in time with each other and it made my heart spin.

  And when he sang, his voice so sweet yet rough and his lips ever so close to the microphone, shivers of lust crept up my spine. I fought them off before my friends could notice but I was almost certain Bailey caught one or two – especially when a knowing smirk appeared on her face.

  When they finished, I waited for the crowd to disperse before approaching him. His hair, as well as his t-shirt, was damp with sweat but his dancing eyes were lively and bright.

  “Did you enjoy the show, love?” he asked as he extended a hand to help me on stage.

  “Yes, it was great. You guys are great.”

  The other guitarist snorted and chuckled. “Don’t they sell thesauruses in that college bookstore of yours? If they do, you should purchase one.”

  A tiny smile cracked my lips as I rolled my eyes. “Okay, you guys were outstandingly fantastic and you sounded phenomenal.” I lifted a brow. “Better?”

  Laughing, the guitarist extended a hand. “Much, thanks. I’m Spencer Kelly, by the way. You must be Irelyn.”

  I blinked rapidly, wondering how he knew my name. I never thought Lucas would say a word about us unless it was to brag. I narrowed my eyes at Lucas as I shook Spencer’s hand. “I didn’t think you remembered my name.”

  Lucas narrowed his eyes back as a tiny smile flitted across his face. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and placed his mouth close to my ear. “Of course I did, love. I always remember the names I moan out in pleasure.”

  Lust flamed in my stomach as my heart performed intricate jumps and flips. The hair on the back of my neck stood straight up and goose bumps jumped out on my flesh. So much for not dressing sleazy – he wanted me no matter what.

  And I was thrilled.

  “Um, can I have my phone now?” I asked.

  “You know, if you wouldn’t have sneaked out on me in the middle of the night, you would have never lost it,” he said.

  “If I wouldn’t have slept with you in the first place, I never would have lost it,” I countered.

  “Touché,” he grinned as he slid his hand down my arm and tangled our fingers together. “Your phone is at my place. Come with me and we’ll get it.”

  I wriggled my hand, trying to wrench it loose, but he only held it tighter. “I thought you said it was in the back.”

  He lifted a shoulder, amused by my struggles. “Maybe it is.”

  “Then maybe you should give it to me,” I retorted.

  “Maybe I will,” he sneered, dragging me off the stage, toward a storage room. “Maybe I’ll just give it to you here,” he said as he towed me in the room and shut the door. He released my hand as I stepped back. He inched forward, lust in his eyes. “I haven’t thought of anything but you all week.”

  I froze, my mouth wide open. Wasn’t I just some…some girl? Someone to sleep with? “I…”

  “You, what, Irelyn? Did you think of me? Did you close your eyes and remember how amazing our bodies were together?” I nodded as my eyelids fluttered shut. His hands gently gripped my hips and eased me closer as his lips found the side of my face. “Did your week drag slowly as you anticipated getting together again tonight? Did you ache to have me again?”

  The stench of dirty mop water lingered in the air as I imagined us writhing on the filthy floor. A shudder wracked my body and not in a good way. I stepped back, eyes wide. “Not here, Lucas, please,” I begged. I didn’t want to be that cheap.

  He cupped my cheek, his eyes glazed in desire. “I wouldn’t think of it, love. I’ll take you home. With me.” He kissed me. “You game?”

  I was game for anything except rolling around on the dirty floor. Of course, I was quite positive that he could convince me if he was inclined. “Yes.”

  He kissed me again before bending to pick up a rucksack. He opened a pocket and produced my phone. He dropped it in my shaky hand, smirking the entire time. “Put it where you won’t lose it. After you call your friends and tell them not to wait for you.”

  I gaped at him, hardly hearing his words. He pushed the phone at me and I quickly flipped it open, finding Bailey’s number. She answered immediately.

  “I see you got your phone back,” she said, a definite smirk in her voice. “What did you have to do to get it?”

  “Nothing,” I snapped. Lucas raised a brow and traced my jaw with his mouth. “Um, nothing. Um, don’t wait for me, okay? I’ll be home later.”

  “Tomorrow,” Lucas murmured against my skin. “I’ll take you home this time.”

  “I heard that,” Bailey said. “See you then!”
  I snapped my phone shut, shoved it in my bag, and snaked my arms around Lucas’s neck. His lips kissed their way up my throat, to my mouth. I groaned in his mouth and melted against him. I ran a hand down his chest to wiggle it under his t-shirt but he stopped me before I could rip it off.

  “My place, love, remember?” he said between kisses. “Let’s go.”

  He released my body reluctantly to take my hand. When he opened the door, he cursed. “Damn it!”

  “What?” I asked huskily, still recovering from his kisses. “What’s the matter?”

  Smiling at me, he squeezed my hand. “Nothing. Wait here – I have to get my guitar. If I leave it again, Collin will be pissed.”

  Nodding, I watched as he sprinted down the hall. I leaned against the wall, hoping that no one would come down there and question what I was doing. I didn’t know how to explain that I was Lucas’s love toy, waiting for him to take me home to have his way with me.

  He returned about five minutes later, rucksack over his shoulder and guitar case in hand. He stretched out his free hand for me to take, my heart rumbling. He led me out of the back of the building to his truck. He tossed his things in the back and bit his lip.

  “Where the hell are my manners,” he said as he pushed a button on his keychain to unlock the locks and then opened my door. “Ladies first and all that.”

  I smiled a little as I climbed inside. He hurriedly got in on his side and started the engine. The squalling radio made me jump, hand to my chest. He pushed a button to shut it off, apologetic grin on his face. “Sorry, love, I forgot.”

  “It’s okay,” I said. He backed out of his spot and headed for the street. I watched the buildings pass my window through narrowed eyes. “Where do you live?”

  “Cross town a ways,” he explained as he fiddled with the temperature controls. “It’s not that far.”

  Biting my lip, I nodded, all my courage and desire from earlier slipping away. I was having second thoughts. And Dustin returned to my mind. I couldn’t do this. I’d have Lucas take me to the dorm. I would go home, call Dustin, and confess everything. If he dumped me then that was exactly what I deserved.


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