Hard Core (Onyx Group)

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Hard Core (Onyx Group) Page 1

by Jennifer Lowery

  Hard Core

  By Jennifer Lowery

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  Hard Core

  By Jennifer Lowery

  Copyright ©2014 by Jennifer Lowery

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  License Notes

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Hard Core: Previously published by Lyrical Press, 2012

  Cover design by The Killion Group, Inc.

  Editing by Piper Denna

  Author photograph by Trent Anderson of GreatScotMan Photography https://www.facebook.com/GreatScotManPhotography

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  About Jennifer Lowery

  Other Books by Jennifer Lowery

  I dedicate this book to my husband, Mike, and two children, Hunter and Jenna. I couldn’t have done it without you. Love you guys!

  During a writer’s journey there are many people who lend a hand and help bring a book to completion. For me, I never would have reached my dream without the loving support of my family. My sisters, Abby and Melissa, for their support and humor and fun times when we got together for coffee and great conversation. My mom for always being my biggest fan. My dad for being my biggest supporter. I still have the cards and kind notes, Dad! Thanks, guys, for being there for me.

  I don’t think Hard Core would have ever seen the light of day if it weren’t for the encouragement of Margo Hoornstra. If not for her encouragement and fantastic blue pen I never would have put effort into finishing this story. Thank you, Margo, for your 10-page critique at our MMRWA meeting. I am forever grateful that my paper bled blue that day.

  To the fabulous Rom-Critters out there, you guys ROCK! Your critiques were awesome and I thank you for all the time and patience you put into my chapters. I have learned so much from you guys and value your friendships beyond words. Humbly, I thank you. And for those late night FB celebrations-cheers, gals! You know who I’m talking about, lol.

  A special thank you goes out to my critique partner and dear friend, D’Ann Lindun. She served as beta reader, CP, sounding board, brainstorming partner and so much more. Whenever I needed her she was there with a good word, ear to listen and solid advice. Without her I don’t think I would have made it through the revision process! You rock, lady!

  To my awesome military research guy, RJ, you’re the best! I couldn’t have written the FFL and everything military without your help! Thank you so much for responding to my many emails so quickly-even when you’re a world away!

  And thank you, Ella Quinn, author extraordinaire, for introducing me to RJ! And for your research help!

  To the most fabulous editor in the world, Piper Denna, who makes me a better writer! Thank you, Piper, for your humor and encouragement, and guidance. My books wouldn’t be complete without you!

  And, to anyone I may have accidentally overlooked please know you are not forgotten. I appreciate each and every one of you who helped me get through the writing of this book.

  Last, but not least, I just want to send out a big THANK YOU to all my readers out there! Without you I wouldn’t be here. My wish is to one day meet each and every one of you so I can personally thank you for your generosity and support.

  All my best,


  Chapter 1

  Remote Island off the coast of Nicaragua

  Slade belly-crawled across the jungle floor. Patience and stealth: both were essential if he wanted to survive. He checked the Gerber knife strapped to his thigh, felt the weight of the rifle slung across his back. His gaze locked on the man casually smoking a cigar in the distance. Cuban, by the scent of it.

  Perspiration trickled between his shoulder blades. God, he hated the dark, dank jungle. His lungs ached when he breathed in the thick, wet air. He preferred his beach house on the west coast or penthouse in Chicago. At this point he’d be grateful for the rustic cabin he kept in the Rockies.

  He continued to drag his body through the dense underbrush. The sting of an insect bit into the exposed area of skin on his neck. His shoulders tensed with effort to resist slapping it. To slap at it and take his focus off the objective could be fatal. He let the insect take its fill and move on.

  Fifteen feet now. Close enough to see the color of the mark’s eyes. Slade settled into a prone position, body slack. He positioned the FRF-2 on solid ground and sighted down the scope, his finger wrapped feather-light around the trigger.

  The cacophony of monkeys screeching in the trees faded to the slow, steady rise and fall of his own chest. The soft thrum of his heartbeat. A bead of sweat trickled down his cheek. Bugs swarmed his head. Some went in for a bite or sting, but he didn’t waver from the target.

  The man in his sights crossed one leg over the other, inhaled deeply on his cigar and blew out a lazy stream of smoke, unaware he was in the enemy’s crosshairs. Slade’s finger tightened on the trigger.

  A noise which didn’t belong registered before he could pull the trigger. Cold steel of a gun barrel pressed against his temple.

  “Let go of the weapon.” A hard, accented voice gave the order.

  Slade let his hands slide off his rifle and drop to the ground.

  “On your back. Slowly.”

  Slade rolled and drove a booted foot it into the guy’s knee, bringing him to the ground with a grunt of pain. Within seconds Slade pinned the guy beneath him, a knife to his throat and an arm locked behind his back, dangerously close to breaking it.

  “You’re making a big mistake,” the guy choked out. Little drops of blood pebbled where the razor sharp edge of Slade’s knife pressed against his flesh.

  The distinct click of numerous guns cocking, one after the other, echoed through the jungle. Slade mentally counted ten of them, locked and loaded, and aimed at him.

e dropped the knife, let go of the man’s arm and raised his hands in surrender.

  “You should not have done that.” Pain exploded in the back of his head. The ground slammed into him before everything went black.

  * * * *

  A punch to the ribs knocked Slade and the chair to the floor. He landed hard on his shoulder with a grunt, kicking up a cloud of dust.

  Recon when he’d come to had revealed cement walls without windows and a steel door with a heavy lock. Not a room a prisoner escaped. Built for interrogation--not the first he’d been in--definitely soundproofed.

  He breathed shallowly through aching ribs and braced for the next round of interrogation. One man demanded answers as to why he’d had the jefe in his sights and two others did his dirty work. None of which he would answer. He would die before he betrayed the group he worked for.

  A pair of hands dragged him off the floor and forced him back in the chair. The scent of Cuban cigars penetrated his nose. El jefe.

  “You haven’t uttered one word since you were brought here.” The mark, Gavin Ross--an American--spoke, narrowed green eyes curious as he studied Slade. He clasped his hands behind his back. “Your will is commendable, if not foolish. We both know you cannot hold out forever.”

  Slade remained silent.

  “What I can’t figure out is which agency hired you to kill me. FBI? DEA? No, the CIA. This stinks of their work. You’re very good, I’ll give you that. You got closer to me than anyone ever has. Military background? Marine, maybe? I doubt it was the Navy. You don’t have the devotion with this career choice. I’ll go with Marine. Sniper. Am I close?”

  Slade said nothing. He wouldn’t disillusion the man by telling him he was partially right. He’d been military, but not anymore.

  “You choose silence? I suppose that leaves us at a stalemate, doesn’t it?” Ross circled the chair. “I find myself left with a dilemma. What to do with you? I could kill you and eliminate the risk of you fulfilling your contract. Or I could hire you.”

  Slade stared at the wall.

  “Hire you for what, you might ask. By the way, I know a very good doctor, if you accept my proposition.” A smile ghosted past his lips and disappeared.

  Slade swallowed, tasting blood. No way in hell would he sign on with this man or any other like him. Criminals were criminals. He didn’t ask, didn’t care. He would do the job he’d been hired to do. The leader of Onyx Group, Patrick Gallagher, handled the paperwork. Slade was the hired gun who took care of business, ridding the world of bad guys. What he knew of Gavin Ross could fit into the palm of his hand. What the man had done to bring him here didn’t matter.

  “Come work for me and head up my security team. You keep mercenaries like yourself from getting to me and I’ll pay you triple what the government is paying you to eradicate me.” He nodded, brows drawn in thought, circling the chair. “You have proven you have the skills to do the job and I could use someone with your capability. I promise you won’t regret it. I can give you things you’ve only dreamed of.”

  If the fool knew what Slade dreamed of, he’d withdraw the offer. He spit a stream of blood on the floor, narrowly missing an expensive leather shoe.

  “I find the adage about keeping your enemies close to be true. How about a little incentive?” With a snap of his fingers, two men moved to Slade’s side and picked him up by his armpits. They carried him out of the room, feet dragging, and into a narrow hallway. Things were a blur after that as his head started to swim. Stars danced in front of his eyes when the pain in his ribs intensified and overtook him. Everything went black.

  * * * *

  Slade opened his eyes. He lay on a large bed in a luxurious bedroom. The faint scent of woman’s perfume drifted past his nose. A fan whirled slowly overhead, blowing cool air over his heated skin. In three corners of the room cameras were mounted to the ceiling, red lights blinking to show they were active. No doubt there were bugs hidden in the room, too. He was naked and still covered in blood.

  “Ah, senor, you are awake. Come, I have prepared your bath.”

  Slade rose to a sitting position and sucked in a sharp breath. Hurt like a bitch to breathe. Sweat beaded on his forehead. The curvaceous dark-haired woman stood a few feet away, towels in hand, wearing a robe with nothing underneath. This was incentive? Beautiful women at his disposal? He didn’t need Gavin Ross for that.

  Grunting with effort, he rose to his feet and pressed a hand to his ribcage while he scanned the room in case they weren’t alone. With a criminal like Ross, he could never be too sure. Whatever his plan, Slade needed to be one step ahead.

  He followed the woman into a bathroom the same size as the bedroom and just as lavish, with gold plated faucets and black lacquered counter tops glossed to a shine. Even the glass doors on the shower were trimmed in gold. Unimpressed, Slade leaned against the sink for a moment to breathe through the fire in his side. Dots danced in front of his eyes, but didn’t drop him.

  As soon as they were out of sight from the cameras, he snuck an arm around the beauty’s throat and whispered, “Scream and I’ll snap your neck.”

  * * * *

  Slade lowered the body of the guard he had lured into the bedroom to the floor. The dark haired beauty was tied to the bed, unconscious, from precisely placed pressure to her carotid artery. Painless, effective.

  He glanced both ways down the hallway before closing the door. Quickly, he stripped the guard of his clothes and put them on. They were a size too small, but they’d work.

  He grabbed the AK-47 out of the guy’s dead fingers and went in search of an escape. Steel bars barricaded the window behind the curtains.

  The house eerily quiet, he crept through a library to find the windows barred there too.


  Paranoid bastard. Ross owned the private, deserted island. Who the hell was he trying to keep out? Or in?

  Slade gripped his side where fire burned and moved toward the door. His hand was on the brass knob when he heard voices on the other side. He slipped between two floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and waited, weapon raised and ready. Blood pounded in his ears as he breathed through the pain wracking his body in waves.

  Sweat beaded his forehead as footsteps pounded past the door. Good chance they already knew he had escaped.

  He wasted no time and left the library in search of a way out. Following hallways, avoiding detection, he ended up in the kitchen. A middle-aged woman in a black dress and white apron walked through the back door, leaving it open as she held a lemon to her nose. She looked up, startled, at the same time Slade came in.

  Her eyes widened, dropped to his clothes and the gun in his hand, then came back up to meet his. Recognition didn’t register and he knew before she opened her mouth he was screwed. He sprinted for the open door and burst through just as the woman started screaming.

  Outside, he stumbled over a potted plant and fell to his knees, one hand braced on the ground as his vision narrowed. Footsteps pounded through the kitchen, a pan clanged to the ground. He pushed to his feet and ran through the gardens toward the jungle bordering the house.

  A bullet zipped past his head and he ducked. His head swam. Focused on getting his bearings in the darkness, he dropped to a crouch and winced as the stolen clothes bit into his crotch.

  Jungles were deceptive, the darkness unlike anywhere else in the world. Danger could lurk a foot away and you would never see it through the true black. No light from the stars or moon made it past the trees’ heavy canopy.

  His camp lay hidden seven clicks northwest of Ross’s estate. Slade headed on a diagonal to his left and kept low as he waited for his night vision to adjust. Ross’s thugs were hot on his tail. The guy had no shortage of soldiers. Sounded like an army crashing through the jungle behind him. Their flashlights made it difficult for him to move without being seen. Having no night vision goggles put him at a disadvantage.

  A bullet ripped through his side. White-hot pain brought him to his knees. He cursed the luc
ky bastard as blood seeped from the wound. Left with no choice but to stay on the move, he clamped a hand over his side and pushed to his feet.

  They were gaining on him.

  He stumbled to his knees again. Warmth leaked through his fingers. His ears began to ring. With a shake of his head he tried to clear the ringing, but it only got worse.

  Gunfire erupted around him.

  With a curse he tried to stand, only to have his legs give out. Weak, he dropped down and crawled through the underbrush on all fours. He might not be in any shape to fight, but he had the skills to hide. They wouldn’t be able to follow his blood trail until dawn. By then he would be on his way back to the States with Ross dead and a contract fulfilled. No lucky goddamn bullet would keep him from finishing the job.

  A creature moved beneath his hand, hissed and shot through the bush. Slade froze, listened, then kept moving.

  God, he hated the jungle.

  * * * *

  Alana O’Grady staggered out of the old church and dropped down on a crumbled stone step. Weary, she drew in a deep breath and let the rich, humid air saturate her lungs. She stared down at her hands, scrubbed clean.

  “Is the bebe well?” A woman asked softly in the darkness.

  The light coming through the doorway shone on the tribal elder’s dark, leathery face and Alana nodded. “Yes, the bebe is fine.” A smile touched her lips as she remembered how many hours she’d spent bringing the breech baby into the world. The mother had insisted she carried a boy because of how active he was. “A girl.”

  A knowing grin stretched across Maia’s face. “She is healthy, si?”

  “A bit small but healthy. She’s a fighter, she’ll do fine.”

  Maia’s smile turned wise. “Si. Buenas noches, get some sleep. You’ve earned it.”

  “I think I’ll bathe first. Good night, Maia.”

  As the old woman shuffled away Alana rose from the steps and crossed the clearing to the thatched-roof hut behind the church. She didn’t need a torch to see through the inky darkness. She knew the way by heart. The jungle had been her home for a long time.


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