Nightmare Tales

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by H. P. Blavatsky

  The International Brotherhood League

  (Founded in 1897 by Katherine Tingley)


  1. To help men and women to realize the nobility of their calling andtheir true position in life.

  2. To educate children of all nations on the broadest lines ofUniversal Brotherhood; and to prepare destitute and homeless childrento become workers for humanity.

  3. To ameliorate the condition of unfortunate women, and assist them toa higher life.

  4. To assist those who are, or have been in prisons, to establishthemselves in honorable positions in life.

  5. To abolish capital punishment.

  6. To bring about a better understanding between so-called savageand civilized races, by promoting a closer and more sympatheticrelationship between them.

  7. To relieve human suffering resulting from flood, famine, war, andother calamities; and, generally, to extend aid, help and comfort tosuffering humanity throughout the world.

  For further information regarding the above Notices, address


  Books Recommended to Inquirers

  For _complete_ BOOK LIST write to THE THEOSOPHICAL PUBLISHING CO.,Point Loma, California

  =Bhagavad Gita=; (W. Q. Judge, Am. Edition) pocket size, Morocco, gilt edges $1.00 Red leather .75 _The pearl of the scriptures of the East._

  =Echoes from the Orient=; (W. Q. Judge) cloth .50 Paper .25 _21 valued articles, giving a broad outline of the Theosophical doctrines, written for the newspaper-reading public._

  =Epitome of Theosophical Teachings, An= (W. Q. Judge), 40 pages .15

  =Yoga Aphorisms= (translated by W. Q. Judge), pocket size, leather .75

  =Isis Unveiled=, by H. P. Blavatsky. 2 vols, royal 8vo, about 1400 pages; cloth; with portrait of the author. _New Point Loma Edition with a preface._ Postpaid $7.00

  =Key to Theosophy, The=; (H. P. Blavatsky). _New Point Loma Edition, with Glossary and exhaustive Index. Portraits of H. P. Blavatsky and W. Q. Judge._ 8vo, cloth, 400 pages. Postpaid $2.25 _A clear exposition of Theosophy in form of question and answer. The book for students._

  =Nightmare Tales= (H. P. Blavatsky). _Illustrated by R. Machell, R. A._ A collection of the weirdest tales ever written down by any mortal. They contain paragraphs of the profoundest mystical philosophy. Cloth .60 Paper .35

  =Life at Point Loma, The=: Some notes by Katherine Tingley, Leader and Official Head of the UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD AND THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY .15 Reprinted from the _Los Angeles Post_, Dec., 1902.

  =Concentration, Culture of= (W. Q. Judge) .15

  =Hypnotism: Theosophical views on= (40 pages) .15

  =Light on the Path=; (M. C.) with comments, Bound in black leather .75 Embossed paper .25

  =Mysteries of the Heart Doctrine, The.= Prepared by KATHERINE TINGLEY and her pupils. Square, 8vo. Cloth $2.00 Paper $1.25 A SERIES OF 8 PAMPHLETS comprising the Different Articles in above; paper; each .25

  =Secret Doctrine, The.= The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy, by H. P. Blavatsky. _New Point Loma Edition._ Two Vols. Royal 8vo., about 1500 pages; cloth. Postage prepaid $10.00 To be reprinted from the original edition of 1888, as published by H. P. BLAVATSKY.

  =Katherine Tingley, Humanity's friend:= =A Visit to Katherine Tingley= (by John Hubert Greusel); =A Study of Raja Yoga at Point Loma= (Reprint from the San Francisco _Chronicle_, January 6th, 1907). The above three comprised in a pamphlet of 50 pages, published by the Woman's Theosophical Propaganda League, Point Loma .15

  Occultism, Studies in

  (H. P. BLAVATSKY). Pocket size, 6 vols., cloth, per set $1.50

  =Vol. 1.= Practical Occultism. Occultism _vs._ the Occult Arts. The Blessing of Publicity .35

  =Vol. 2.= Hypnotism. Black Magic in Science, Signs of the Times .35

  =Vol. 3.= Psychic and Noetic Action .35

  =Vol. 4.= Kosmic Mind. Dual Aspect of Wisdom .35

  =Vol. 5.= Esoteric Character of the Gospels .35

  =Vol. 6.= Astral Bodies; Constitution of the Inner Man .35

  The Path Series


  _Already published:_

  =No. 1. The purpose of the Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical Society= .05

  =No. 2. Theosophy Generally Stated= (W. Q. Judge) .05

  =No. 3. Mislaid Mysteries= (Herbert Coryn, M. D.) .05 Thirty copies $1.00; one hundred copies $3.00

  =No. 4. Theosophy and Its Counterfeits= .05 Thirty copies $1.00; one hundred copies $3.00

  Theosophical Manuals


  Cloth, Price each .35

  No. 1. Elementary Theosophy. No. 2. The Seven Principles of Man. No. 3. Karma. No. 4. Reincarnation. No. 5. Man after Death. No. 6. Kamaloka and Devachan. No. 7. Teachers and Their Disciples. No. 8. The Doctrine of Cycles. No. 9. Psychism, Ghostology, and the Astral Plane. No. 10. The Astral Light. No. 11. Psychometry, Clairvoyance, and Thought-Transference. No. 12. The Angel and the Demon (2 vols., 35c. each) No. 13. The Flame and the Clay. No. 14. On God and Prayer. No. 15. Theosophy: The Mother of Religions. No. 16. From Crypt to Pronaos. An Essay on the Rise and Fall of Dogma. No. 17. Earth. Its Parentage; its Rounds and its Races. No. 18. Sons of the Firemist. A Study of Man.

  These Manuals contain some of the latest thought on the above technicalsubjects. Each volume is arranged to be complete in itself, thoughforming a necessary member of the series. It is intended to add othersfrom time to time, to cover most of the technical aspects of Theosophyin a direct and simple way, thus forming a Theosophical library ofinestimable value to inquirers. No one interested in Theosophy canafford to do without them.

  Lotus Group Literature


  _Introduced under the direction of Katherine Tingley_

  =1. The Little Builders, and their Voyage to Rangi= (R. N.) .50

  =2. The Coming of the King= (Machell); cloth, gilt edges .35

  =Lotus Song Book.= Fifty original songs with copyrighted music; boards .50

  =Lotus Song=--"_The Sun Temple_" with music .15

  New Century Series

  _The Pith and Marrow of Some Sacred Writings._

  Ten Pamphlets, issued serially; Scripts, each .25

  Subscription, for the set $1.50

  _Already published:_

  =Script 1.= _Contents_: The Relation of Universal Brotherhood to Christianity--No Man Can Serve Two Masters--In this Place is a Greater Thing

  =Script 2.= _Contents_: A Vision of Judgment--The "Woes" of the Prophets--The Great Victory--Fragment; from Bhagavad Gita--Co-Heirs with Christ--Jesus the Man (the only known personal description)
r />   =Script 3.= _Contents_: The Lesson of Israel's History--The Man Born Blind--Man's Divinity and Perfectibility--The Everlasting Covenant--The Burden of the Lord

  =Script 4.= _Contents_: Reincarnation in the Bible--The Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven--The Temple of God--The Heart Doctrine--The Money Changers in the Temple

  =Script 5.= _Contents_: Egypt and Prehistoric America--Theoretical and Practical Theosophy--Death, One of the Crowning Victories of Human Life--Reliance on the Law--Led by the Spirit of God

  =Script 6.= _Contents_: Education Through Illusion to Truth--Astronomy in the Light of Ancient Wisdom--Occultism and Magic--Resurrection

  =Script 7.= _Contents_: Theosophy and Islam, a word concerning Sufism--Archaeology in the light of Theosophy--Man, a Spiritual Builder





  A Magazine devoted to the Brotherhood of Humanity, the Promulgationof Theosophy and the Study of Ancient and Modern Ethics, Philosophy,Science and Art.

  Year $4.00 Single Copy 10 Cents

  Write for a sample copy to NEW CENTURY CORPORATION, Point Loma, California, U. S. A.

  =Raja Yoga Messenger.= _Illustrated._ Monthly. Yearly subscription .50 Unsectarian publication for Young Folk, conducted by a staff of pupils of the Raja School at Lomaland Address MASTER ALBERT G. SPALDING, Business Manager =Raja Yoga Messenger=, Point Loma, California

  =International Theosophical Chronicle.= _Illustrated._ Monthly. Yearly subscription, postpaid $1.00 The Theosophical Book Co., 18 Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn Circus, London, E. C.

  =Theosophia.= _Illustrated._ Monthly. Yearly subscription postpaid 1.50 Universella Broderskapets Foerlag, Barnhusgatan 10, Stockholm 1, Sweden.

  =Universale Bruderschaft.= _Illustrated._ Monthly. Yearly subscription, postpaid 1.50 J. Th. Heller, ob. Turnstrasse 3, Nuernberg, Germany

  =Lotus-Knoppen.= _Illustrated._ Monthly. Yearly subscription, postpaid .75 A. Goud, Peperstraat, ingang Papengang, No. 14, Groningen, Holland

  Subscriptions to the above four Magazines may be secured also through_The Theosophical Publishing Company_, Point Loma, California

  _Neither the editors of the above publications, nor the officers of the_ UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD AND THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, _or of any of its departments, receive salaries or other remuneration_.

  _All profits arising from the business of the Theosophical Publishing Co. are devoted to Humanitarian Work. All who assist in this work are directly helping the great cause of Humanity._

  Transcriber's note

  The following corrections have been made, on page

  7 "situa-ation" changed to "situation" (a clearer comprehension of thesituation)

  13 " added (perish in the Ocean of Maya.")

  14 "sanctury" changed to "sanctuary" (had only peeped into thesanctuary)

  16 "sancity" changed to "sanctity" (purity and sanctity of their lives)

  67 "proceded" changed to "proceeded" (I proceeded without delay)

  68 "wierdness" changed to "weirdness" (are heard in all their weirdness)

  72 "unaccoutably" changed to "unaccountably" (had so unaccountablydisappeared ten years before)

  97 "unforseen" changed to "unforeseen" (the premature and unforeseenformation)

  112 "unparalled" changed to "unparalleled" (The unparalleled artistarrived)

  133 "the the" changed to "the" (he carefully rosined the bow)

  142 "in in" changed to "in" (in many cases they permit).

  Otherwise the original has been preserved, including unusual andinconsistent spelling, hyphenation and capitalisation.


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