Something Borrowed (Brides of Cedar Bend Book 3)

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Something Borrowed (Brides of Cedar Bend Book 3) Page 15

by Lena Hart

  She glanced away from him and it was all the confirmation he needed. Something inside him twisted.

  “You can’t leave, Truth.”

  She frowned and turned her sharp glare at him. “Yes, I can. I intend to as soon as I find a place. And trust me, it will be soon.”

  He sighed. “Okay, let me rephrase that. I don’t want you to leave.”

  For a moment she looked surprised then tilted her head to the side. “Why? You don’t need me here anymore.”

  His gaze moved over hers and he wondered how she could possibly believe that. “I need you more than you know,” he said, his voice rough with emotion.

  She stood there frozen, her eye luminous as they stared up at him. But she quickly blinked and averted her eyes. “What you need, Jackson, is to learn to appreciate the people who care about you. I gave up a lot of myself and my time to be here for you, and you still hate me.”

  Jackson’s head snapped up. “What? I don’t hate you, Truth.”

  “Yes, you do. You try to hide it, but I know it’s there. You hate me for what happened to Danny. I know you blame me for it. If I hadn’t asked him to come, he wouldn’t have been on that plane.”

  Jackson shook his head trying to process everything she just said. Tears began to fall down her checks and he closed the space between them, pulling her into his arms.

  “I don’t blame you for what happened to Danny, Truth. Why would you think that? If anyone’s to blame, it’s me. He should have never been on that plane and if it weren’t for me, he would have been home much sooner.”

  That realization had been a burden he’d carried with him for a long time and would continue to carry. “It’s my fault he was on that plane.”

  Truth pulled away from him and shook her head vehemently. “No, it’s not. It was just a tragic accident.” Her gaze dropped to his chest, “And I don’t think Danny would want us spending the rest of our lives blaming ourselves. He would want us to be happy.”

  “I could never really be happy. Not without you.”

  “It’s obvious you want me, and I want to be with you,” she said quietly. “Why do you keep pushing me away?”

  “Because I know how much Danny loved you and you deserve more. You deserve better.”

  To his surprise, she pushed away from him, her eyes ablaze with anger.

  “That’s your response? I wish you had shown me what a coward you were before you let me fall in love with you.”

  Jackson stilled. He had always been certain about his feelings for and overtime had come to accept that they would never change. But he had never imagined those feeling would be returned.

  “You love me?”

  She glared at him and scoffed. “Only god knows why.”

  But her angry words couldn’t dampen the happiness that swelled inside him. He had never imagined that he would ever truly find love and yet here stood the woman of his dreams professing her love for him even while daggers shot from her eyes.

  Suddenly, a wide grin stretched across his lips and Jackson scooped her in his arms.


  She looped her arms around his neck and he cut off her next outburst with a deep kiss. He moved them to his bedroom, not breaking the electric contact until he had her placed in the center of his bed.

  She stared up at him dazed as he kicked off his shoes and began peeling of his shirt.

  “Jackson…” Her gaze dropped to his chest and she ran her tongue over her lower lip before bringing her eyes back up to his. “What are you doing?”

  “What I should have done before.” He crawled over her then captured her lips for another deep kiss. “I’m going to show you how much I really love you, too.”

  Truth shivered as warm lips pressed against her shoulder and trailed up to the back of her neck. His beard tickled her skin and she sighed as he continued brushing his lips along her neck and up to her jaw.

  This was how she wanted to spend the morning after their night of love-making. Waking up to warm kisses and tender caresses. But they didn’t stop there.

  Her eyes fluttered open as he rolled her on to her back and came over her. He kissed her deeply as he settled between her legs. Her breath caught as his hard shaft pressed against her soft folds.

  There was something about his loving that made her body insatiable and she lift her hips against him, urging him inside.

  He answered her silent plea with a slow, gentle thrust. Truth whimpered against his lips at the incredible pleasure of his thick shaft filling and stretching her.

  She wrapped her arms around him and held on as he thrust strongly into her again and again. Soft gasps and moans escaped her as he brought her closer to fulfilment. She bit her lip against the building pleasure, but with one hard thrust, her body exploded, and she cried out from the unbelievable pleasure. A low growl mumbled from Jackson’s throat as he too gave into the unbelievable pleasure.

  They held each for a while as their hearts returned to its usual tempo. Truth ran her palm down his damp back as he pressed kisses along her neck and chest.

  He then captured her lips for a deep kiss before he pulled away and stared down at her. She could resist the urge to run her fingers through his bed tousled hair.

  “I love you, Jackson.” She hadn’t planned to say those words, but she couldn’t take them back. She didn’t want to.

  He gazed down at her and his eyes held a tenderness that she had never seen before.

  “I’m sorry,” he said quietly.

  “For what?”

  “For taking you for granted. For not saying thank you enough. For not loving you the way I should have sooner.”

  Tears welled in her eyes and she threaded her fingers through this hair again.

  “I forgive you,” she murmured then brought his head down for another deep kiss.

  Suddenly, there was scratching and whimpering at the door and they both turned to it.

  “Should I let her in?” Jackson asked.

  Truth cocked a brow, a vehement ‘no’ ready on her lips. But then she remembered how it felt to feel alone and sighed.

  “Okay, but she stays off the bed.”

  Truth pulled the covers over her as she sat up on the bed. Jerking on his boxers, Jackson opened the door and Daisy burst in.

  “Daisy, stay.”

  But she ignored Jackson’s command and bounded on the bed. Truth laughed and groaned as she licked her face then settled herself down on the bed.

  “Good morning to you too,” Truth muttered, patting her back. Daisy turned and licked her hand, leaving a heavy glob of drool behind. Truth sighed. She needed a shower anyway.

  “You get a pass today, girl. But after today, we’re going to have to set some ground rules.”

  Jackson climbed back in to the bed beside her and the spring shrieked loudly. “See. This bed isn’t big enough for the three of us.”

  No sooner where those words out of his mouth, there was a loud crack and they went plunging down with a heavy thud.

  They all stared at each other for a tense, silent moment before Truth couldn’t control herself. She burst out laughing.

  “You look pretty,” Jackson said, admiring Truth from behind as she finished applying her make-up. “Where are you off too?”

  She hesitated for a moment then capped her lipstick tube and turned to him.

  “I’m going to see Danny.”

  Jackson tensed then it suddenly dawned on him what today was.

  “It’s his birthday.”

  She placed the lipstick down and smoothed her palms down her dress. “Yes, and since I haven’t been by to visit since I’ve been back I thought today would be a good time.”

  He hadn’t been by his brother’s gravesite in months either not since his accident. And the few times he’d gone there, he’d been drunk out his ass.

  At first he had resented the idea of an empty gravesite, believing it made a mockery of his brother’s memory. But overtime he’d come to appreciate having a tangibl
e place where he could come and visit. It was time he honored his brother with a proper visit.

  “Give me a minute to change and I’ll come with you.”

  “Are you sure?” Her eyes were probing.


  It didn’t take him long to change and soon they were on their way.

  “I’d like to stop and get some flowers,” Truth whispered.

  They made a quick detour and was soon on their way. For early October the weather was perfect. The sun was shining bright and the sky was a bright, vibrant blue. The fall leaves were coming in, transforming the landscape to vibrant tapestry of rustic reds and warm gold. Yet, despite the beauty around him, he couldn’t ignore the bleakness of the moment.

  They rode mostly in silence and it dawned on him that this was exactly the kind of beauty and peace Danny would have wanted on his birthday. Nothing could have been more fitting.

  When they pulled into the commentary, he put the car in park but didn’t shut off the engine. Truth looked at him curiously, the flowers clutched in her hands.

  “Do me a favor and hand me the CD in the glove box.”

  She pulled open the compartment and handed him the compact disc.

  “What is that?”

  “It’s Danny’s first demo.” Jackson slid the disc into the player and smiled as the rough acoustics began to play.

  “He recorded this a year after he told me he was going to pursue music instead of going to college. I wanted to kick his ass when he told me that. Of the two of us, he was supposed to be the smart one.”

  “He told me about that,” Truth said. “He said you didn’t speak to him for a week.”

  Jackson scoffed. “It was more like two and he was the one who ignored me. But eventually I got over it. Hell, it wasn’t as if I was leading by example and there was no changing his mind.”

  The acoustic filled the cabin of his truck and they sat for a moment enjoying the rhythms and beats that came from the guitar strings.

  “He was very good,” Truth murmured.

  “Yeah, he was, I didn’t realize how good until he handed me this CD. And this shit gave me goosebumps, it was that good.”

  He fell silent, letting the music play to the end. When the music ended, he shut off the engine and turned to her.

  “I was very proud of him. He was my baby brother, talented as all hell, and the one person I looked up to.” Jackson stared out at the cemetery gates, swallowing the lumps in his throat. “But I never told him any of that… I never told him a lot of things.”

  Truth slipped her hand into his and held if tight. “You can tell him now.”

  He turned back to her and though her eyes were luminous, her smile was enough to cast away the shadows in his heart.


  He brought hand to his lips and returned he gentle smile. “Yeah. I’m ready.”


  Four weeks later…

  “Thanks for getting out the vote,” Gloria said, handing the bag to her customer. “Enjoy the body butter.”

  Truth waited until the next woman in front of her finished her transaction before she approached the counter. “Looks like business is doing good today, Gloria. What’s your secret?”

  Gloria grinned then leaned in and whispered, “I’m giving away free samples of Mya’s body creams to those with an ‘I voted’ sticker.”

  “Ah…how patriotic of you.” Truth looked at the large banner hanging behind her. “I see Eric Benson has your full support.”

  Gloria shrugged. “He’s young, but I think he’s going to be good for our town. And we needed to clear up some inventory, so everyone wins.”

  They both laughed.

  “So what can I help you with, honey?”

  Truth fingered one the necklaces hanging from the jewelry display on the counter. “I need a new chain. Something small and simple will do.”

  The corner of her lips lifted. “Is it for someone in particular?”

  Truth ignored her knowing glance. It was no secret around town that she and Jackson were in a serious relationship now. It had made things a bit awkward between her and Mike, but luckily they saw little of each other. And as much as Truth was happy to let the world know that she was with the man she loved, she didn’t want their budding relationship to be the town’s main source of gossip.

  “Actually, it’s for this.” Truth held up her old wedding ring. She had brought the gold band to one of the jewelers, and had it made into a simple teardrop pendant.

  Gloria peered down at it with admiration. “That’s lovely. Old family heirloom?”

  “No, it’s my old wedding ring. I’d rather keep it close then bury it away in my jewelry box.”

  Gloria gave her a look of understanding then looked through the display case with the hanging necklaces.

  “I think this would go beautifully with it.” She pulled down a thin gold chain and undid the clasp. “Here, let’s try it on you.”

  Truth looped the pendant through the chain. She fastened it around her neck with Gloria’s help and let the small charm nestle neatly on her chest. She studied herself in the small display mirror and lightly ran her finger along the band.

  “You’re right, Gloria. It’s perfect.”

  It had taken her a while to decide what she wanted to do with her old wedding ring, not ready to completely hide the symbol of her love for Danny. Jackson may have stolen her heart, but Danny would always be her first love.

  As Gloria rang her out, the bell above the shop door rang. Jackson came striding in and, as usual, Truth’s heart skipped a beat. He was in faded jeans and a black sweater, yet he looked incredibly handsome every time she looked at him. He had let his hair grow out a bit and had it secured at the nape of his neck.

  “Gloria, do you know when Mya’s coming in?” Jackson asked. “She asked me to meet her at her shop today.”

  “She’s in bed sick, the poor thing.”

  Truth frowned in concern. “Is she all right?”

  “It’s not public knowledge yet but…” Gloria glanced between them both, then smiled wide and leaned in close. “She’s pregnant!”

  Truth gasped excitedly. “Oh, that’s wonderful! Congratulations!”

  “Thank you,” Gloria gushed. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for grandbabies. Though this one is giving her a time of it.”

  “Does she still plan to renovate the store?” Jackson asked.

  “Yes, of course,” Gloria said. “But we’re ordering her to take it easy until the morning sickness passes. Why don’t you come back tomorrow and I can get you started on what needs to get done.”

  They said their goodbyes and left the store. As they made the short walk to his truck, Truth couldn’t help thinking about Mya and her pregnancy—and how excited she must be to become a new mother. Though a baby wasn’t in her immediate plans, Truth couldn’t help thinking about having a baby of her own. With the man she loved.

  She glanced over at Jackson, and he appeared lost in thought too. With the animal control case dismissed and his probation nearly over, he could finally concentrate on developing his business. That was one area he placed a lot of careful time and attention too and business was steadily growing because of it.

  Another area he had placed his focus on was her and their growing relationship. Getting him to open up about his feelings wasn’t as difficult as it had been in the past and because of it they grew closer together. He was every bit the passionate, loving, and complex man she knew he was and every day she fell a little more in love with him.

  When they reached the passenger door of his truck, he paused before helping her inside. He appeared mulling something over in his head and uncertain about his next words.


  “I want what they have,” he suddenly blurted out.

  Truth cocked her head to the side and studied him curiously. “Who?”

  “Guy and Mya. I want the nice home, and the baby on the way.” He took her h
and and laced his fingers through hers. “I want to go to bed and wake up with the woman I love…the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

  Her breath caught in her throat, and she stared at him searchingly. He hadn’t said the words, but she knew where he was going with this and her heart screamed its response.

  “Truth…will you marry me?”


  She uttered that single word swiftly and with conviction.

  For a moment, he looked stunned then a wide smile stretched across his lips and he swept her in his arms.

  “Was that really a yes?”

  She wrapped her arms around him and nodded vigorously, the love and happiness she felt in that moment filling her with overwhelming her with emotion. There was no denying her love for him and getting a second chance at the life she wanted with the man she loved was more than she could have asked for.

  “I love you, Truth,” he whispered close to her ear.

  She drew back, and smiled tremulously at him. “I love you, too, Jackson.”

  Happiness and desire gleamed in his dark eyes and he gave her fast kiss. “I promise when business starts to grow I’m going to get you the biggest diamond and the wedding of your dreams.”

  “I don’t need anything fancy, Jackson. I just need you.”

  He ran a finger affectionately along her jaw. “I think I like you needing me.”

  “I need you more than you know,” she murmured, repeating the words he had once said to her. She hadn’t believed him then, but she no longer had any reason to doubt his love.

  A thought suddenly came to her and she glanced behind her at the boutique. “Wait here.”

  She rushed back into the store and Gloria glanced up in surprise.

  “Did you forget something, honey?”

  “I need to borrow a dress.”

  Gloria’s eyes widened, and she stepped from behind the counter. “What? Why?”

  “Because I’m going to marry Jackson today.” The older woman gaped at her, but Truth didn’t have to get into specifics. “I promise I’ll bring it right back.”

  Gloria snapped out of her daze and smiled brilliantly at her. “Follow me.”


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