Liam (Hawthorne Brothers Romance)

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Liam (Hawthorne Brothers Romance) Page 6

by M. L. Young

  “Good. I’ll let you know more about it the closer we get. I better get back up there, though,” I said, pointing up.

  “Talk to you later,” he said, leaning in and giving me a quick peck on the lips.

  “Goodbye,” I said, smiling.

  I had more intentions than just dinner Friday night, but I had to be mysterious and couldn’t just tell him. I wasn’t trying for sex or anything, though Emily was telling me that the third date was the date to give it up. I just wanted to be closer to him, especially after we’d held hands and kissed. I wanted to cuddle, maybe have his arm around me, or just something romantic and intimate that would bring us closer. It always felt nice having somebody you liked give you that kind of attention, and I wanted it deeply. I might as well have it from a guy I liked and was starting to see something with.

  I made it upstairs just in time. My group was already sitting together, waiting for me. “Groups?” I asked, surprised we’d start off the class with that.

  “Yeah, we’re doing some work and then going into a small lecture, she said,” Brianne told me.

  “Okay, sounds good to me,” I replied.

  “So, you never told us. What’s going on with that fighter guy who wanted to see you?” Brianne asked, looking inquisitive.

  “Oh, nothing, he just thought I was somebody else,” I said.

  I definitely wasn’t afraid to talk about Liam, or to admit we were seeing one another, but I didn’t want to make a big deal about it, either. I wanted it to be private, with only the bare minimum = of people knowing, and I knew these three would be all over me, wanting to know things I’d only tell Taylor and Emily at best. I didn’t need that annoyance in my life.

  As I sat there, I started to remember that I wasn’t the very best cook in the world, though also not the worst. I was capable of making pancakes, but not necessarily a full dinner for a guest and myself, especially when that guest was huge and ate a lot. I’d just make pasta and hope for the best.


  The week roared by and Friday was already here. I stood in the corner bodega and picked out a few items for dinner tonight. I had spaghetti, tomato sauce, fresh cheese, and garlic bread. I knew we had some frozen meatballs in the freezer from when Emily thought she could make her own meatball subs at home, though that endeavor failed miserably when she realized that she could not in fact make meatball subs at home. They’d been in the freezer for a few months, but they were better than nothing at this point.

  I walked home with the groceries in my canvas bag I’d stuffed into my purse before going upstairs to my apartment and seeing Taylor and Emily packing bags. “Leaving soon?” I asked.

  “Yeah, my mom is being so annoying asking when I’ll get there. It’s no wonder I couldn’t wait to move away. I love her with all my heart, but damn, I’ll leave when I leave,” Taylor complained.

  “I’m leaving in ten. My friend will be outside to pick me up before heading upstate,” Emily said.

  “You going to be okay alone here?” Taylor asked, smiling.

  “Yeah, use a condom if you’re going to bone,” Emily yelled from the other room.

  “Say it louder so the neighbors can hear,” I said.

  “What are you making him?” Taylor asked.

  “Spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread. Simple, filling, and hopefully not too horrible tasting,” I said, unloading the groceries. “So, he asked me something the other day. I didn’t tell you guys because I knew you’d freak out,” I said.

  “What?” Taylor asked with a scared look on her face.

  “He asked me to come to his first professional fight. I was the first person, at least I think I was the first person, he told about his contract signing for it or whatever it was,” I said.

  “Oh my god, that’s huge!” Taylor yelled.

  “Yeah, that’s pretty big. He really likes you,” Emily said.

  “You think?” I asked.

  “Dude, he wants you, a woman he just started to see, to come to the biggest and most important fight of his entire career, at least up until this point. Only a guy who really liked you and was into you would do that,” Emily said.

  “I agree with her,” Taylor said.

  “What if it’s just as friends, or just to have somebody he knows to support him? His family lives in Iowa,” I said.

  “I’m sure he has buddies he hangs around with. He wanted you, though. You told me how much chemistry you have and all the fun you have when you’re together. Maybe he sees this as something serious, or at least something that will become serious,” Taylor said.

  “Hell, if he wins that thing, he might even ask you out officially,” Emily said.

  “Already?” I asked.

  “Well, when’s the fight?” Emily asked.

  “Like a month away,” I said.

  “Yeah, that’s a perfect amount of time. You’d be seeing each other for like five or six weeks, you would have been on countless dates and likely screwing by that point, and you’d be somewhat serious. If you really click with someone and are getting serious, why not wait to make it official? Not like it’s a marriage proposal or anything. It’s just dating,” Emily said.

  “Yeah, I agree with that. He’ll totally ask you then, assuming he wins,” Taylor said.

  “That’s the critical decider in it all. You better hope he does, assuming you want to date him,” Emily said.

  “I do,” I said. “At least I think I do.”

  “Then he’ll ask you. You’ll be fine,” Emily said.

  I had about four hours until he’d be here, which I figured was enough time to shower, get ready, burn the garlic bread, bake another batch, and then overcook or undercook the pasta.

  “You’ll be fine,” Taylor said.

  “I hope so,” I replied, my hands on my hips.


  “He’ll be here any minute,” I said to myself as I hurried to finish the pasta.

  Liam had texted me that he was five minutes away and that was six minutes ago. I pulled the garlic bread out of the oven and kept it in the aluminum foil to hopefully keep it warm while also leaving it on the baking sheet. I watched my phone like a hawk, and then I heard the buzzer go off.

  “Liam?” I asked through the intercom.

  “Yeah, it’s me,” he said.

  “Okay, come on up,” I said, buzzing him in.

  I stood at the door like a lonely puppy before opening it as he walked up. “Whatever you cooked smells great,” he said, walking in.

  “Can I take your jacket?” I asked, before he slid it off.

  “You have a great place here,” he said, looking around.

  “It works well, though we wish the rooms were a bit bigger. Are you hungry? I literally just got done with dinner,” I said.

  “I’m starved. I’m ready whenever you are,” he said. “Can I help you at all?”

  “No, no, you go sit at the table and I’ll bring it over. I’m treating you tonight,” I said, going over to get the bowls and food.

  I’d put the pasta and meatballs in a large sharing bowl that we could take it from and put it into smaller serving bowls. I thought it would look grown up and fancy. I instantly kicked myself in my head as I looked at the table and realized I hadn’t gotten a salad or any kind of dessert, and then cursed myself for not writing this stuff down because I’d definitely thought about it earlier in the week. I was totally scatter-brained.

  “This all smells and looks so delicious. Thank you so much for cooking for me, babe,” he said, taking some pasta and digging in.

  Babe? Did he just call me babe? He didn’t even seem fazed, not recognizing it either in a good way or an “oops what did I just say” kind of way. It was just a perfectly normal part of his vernacular that he had no shame in using. I couldn’t say that I minded, even though it was a little early for pet names. I decided not to ask him about it or call him out on it and instead just treat it like a slip.

  “This is really good sauce,” he said a
fter taking his first bite.

  “Yeah? I was unsure about it at the store, but it looked all rustic and everything so I went with it. Let me give it a try,” I said, taking a bite of the pasta. “Wow, you’re right, this is pretty good.”

  “I’m still so impressed that you did all this. I almost feel bad because I didn’t bring anything or do anything to help out,” he said.

  “Hey, you bought me dinner twice. I still owe you at least one more dinner,” I said.

  “Oh fine, I guess I’ll let you feed me awesome, tasty food. You win,” he said playfully.

  After dinner Liam helped me with the plates and we did the dishes together, which was cute. I never asked him to do anything, but he was the type of guy who just helped out because he wanted to, and not because he felt like it was asked of him.

  “So, what movies do you have?” he asked after washing the dishes.

  “Well, I have pretty much anything on Netflix, if you’re into it. My roommates and I share an account,” I said.

  “Must be rich to afford your own account. Here I am still slumming it on shady websites,” he said, smiling.

  “Hey, a girl has to keep the high life going somehow,” I said, flipping the television on.

  We settled on some comedy that came out earlier in the year because of the reviews, and I made sure to avoid anything that might have his brother Cash in it. I guess I thought it might be a sore spot, even though they were close.

  About a quarter of the way into the movie, he yawned, putting his arm around me, before I wedged myself in a little closer to him and felt my arm against his side. We went slowly, as if we were testing the waters, even though I thought we both knew we were ready to full-on cuddle at this point. I put my head against his shoulder and extended my legs out to a more comfortable position before his arm fell down and crossed my stomach.

  It all just felt so right, like this was what we were supposed to be doing, and now that this first cuddle and awkwardness was out of the way I knew every subsequent date and hangout would be fine. The first time was always really nerve-wracking.

  There was a scene in the movie about two thirds of the way in where the main character finally told his girlfriend that he was in love with her. There was a kiss, a passionate one, and as it happened I looked over at Liam, and he looked back at me. I slowly went in, making the move.

  He met me the rest of the way, his soft yet strong lips pressing against mine, while I kept my eyes closed and curled my toes. I’d been waiting for this kind of moment, for a kiss that felt this good, for a long time. The last guy I dated didn’t give me warm or fuzzy feelings when we were together and especially not when we kissed. Liam did, though, and I couldn’t get enough.

  I shifted in my seat, turning around, as our kissing became a little more heated and intense. He put his hand against my jaw before brushing my hair back and keeping it pinned back. Our mouths opened a little, gasping silently for air, before our tongues found one another and started to tango. I could feel a flood of emotions course through my body as I tried to hold myself back. Was Emily right? Was the third date the time to seal the deal? I wasn’t aiming for it, but I definitely wasn’t rejecting it, either.

  I climbed onto his lap, straddling him, as his kisses became more intense. I grabbed the back of his head, my fingers slithering through his hair, before I grabbed it a little and tasted his tongue against my lips. God, I wanted him. There was something empowering about straddling a man of his stature and taking control, and I loved it.

  His hands went up and down my sides, his palms finally sliding under my top, but they stayed on my sides and didn’t travel upwards, though I would’ve been fine with it if they had.

  “Wait,” he said, pulling back a little.

  “Did I do something wrong?” I asked.

  “No, not at all. You’re…wow, you’re amazing. I just don’t think we should rush this. I really want you, I do, so badly right now, but it’s only the third date. Should we wait a little bit?” he asked.

  “You’re right,” I said, climbing off him.

  “Please don’t be mad. I mean it when I say I want you very badly right now. If I’m being honest, there’s nothing I’d love more than to rip off your clothes right now and make love to you,” he said, with a sincerity in his eyes that was both sweet and incredibly intoxicating.

  “No, I agree with you. We got a little wild, and maybe we should wait a few more dates before going all the way,” I said.

  “So you’re not mad?” he asked.

  “Not at all,” I said, leaning in and giving him a kiss.

  Truthfully, I wasn’t mad, though I was a bit disappointed. Not in him, but in the entire situation. I would’ve let him have his way with me, especially with how heated we were getting, but I felt like we’d regret it the next day. There was so much pressure these days to have sex and a lot of it, especially by some magic number of dates, but maybe that just didn’t work for us. Maybe we just needed to do it when the time was right, in a few weeks, or whenever it happened. One size didn’t fit all, and what worked for my friends and peers wouldn’t necessarily work for me.

  We spent the rest of the time cuddling, with me nuzzled up into him, before the movie ended and it began to get a little late.

  “Well, I guess I should get going in a minute,” he said, with a tone in his voice that made me wonder if he wanted to.

  “Yeah, it’s getting late. Are you just going home?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I have to work in the morning so I need some rest,” he said.

  I nodded like I agreed, rubbing my hands together and wanting to collect the courage to ask him to stay the night with me. I wondered if that would be too difficult, though, given our previous sexual tension. I wasn’t sure we’d be able to keep our hands off one another if we moved to my bedroom.

  He said goodbye, giving me a huge hug and kiss, while I held onto him tightly and told him I’d miss him. “I’ll miss you too,” he said softly.

  “Text me when you get home so I know you made it safely?” I asked, looking up at him.

  “Of course,” he replied with a smile and soft eyes.

  “Well, goodnight,” I said, unlocking the door and opening it.

  “Goodnight, beautiful. Thank you again for an amazing dinner and night,” he said, giving me a peck on the cheek and walking out.

  Chapter Nine


  Women were vomiting outside my building as I opened the door and walked inside. There were bars everywhere on the Lower East Side, and it was almost like a giant Greek row with the amount of bars and live music around. I didn’t quite know it would be like this when I moved here, and I definitely planned on moving the second I had a chance to. It wasn’t a horrible area, but I wanted something a little quieter, especially with my fighting career growing to new heights. A man needs his rest if he’s going to jump in a cage and fight till (almost) death.

  I felt a debilitating sense of loneliness as I opened my front door and turned on the lights, seeing an empty and not-so-homey apartment. I texted Jessica, letting her know I made it safely, to which she replied yay and that she was getting in bed. We said goodnight, and I tossed my phone on my couch before making a protein shake. The grittiness of my dollar-store protein made me choke and gag a little. Anything for gains, though.

  I was almost hoping in the back of my mind that she would’ve asked me to stay over, which I probably would’ve, if not to spend more time with her and just get out of this apartment. It was so cold, dreary, and definitely not a place you’d call home so much as a place you just used for shelter and warmth.

  I called my brother Bentley, something I decided out of the blue, as I felt I needed his superior dating wisdom and guidance in this situation. I always felt more comfortable going to him than to my father, who likely relayed my dating and sex life to my mother, which I didn’t quite like.

  “Is that my little brother?” Bentley asked, answering the phone.

  “Hey Bent,
how are you?” I asked with a smile.

  “Good, good, how are you? Wasn’t expecting a call from you tonight,” he said.

  “Yeah, I hope I’m not bothering you and Anna. I just wanted to talk about something, a girl I’m seeing,” I said.

  “You’re not bothering me at all. She’s actually out with her girlfriends, so I’m just sitting here watching some hot-rod reality show. What’s up?” he asked.

  “Well, I’ve gone on a few dates with this girl, Jessica. She’s amazing, and everything I’ve hoped to find in a woman, honestly, which you know is damn rare in this city. She’s kind, intelligent, determined, and I know she’d make a great life partner. It also doesn’t hurt that she’s pretty,” I said.

  “I fail to see the problem,” he said, laughing.

  “Well, I just went over to her place tonight and she made me dinner. It was really good, we talked and laughed a lot, and then we watched a movie. We started to cuddle, and then kiss, and then make out before things started to get very steamy and looking like sex. I stopped it, though, because I don’t want to move too fast and three dates is kind of fast for sex if you think that the woman will be someone you date, and not just see, right?” I asked.

  “How did she take you stopping the steam and rejecting the idea of sex?” he asked.

  “Great, actually. She felt the same way, and said she wanted to wait a few more dates before we did anything. I think we just got caught up in the moment because we’re so compatible and get along so great. I feel like we’ve known each other our whole lives, I feel so comfortable around her,” I said.

  “Well, truthfully, there’s no timer on getting intimate with a woman. Anna and I didn’t wait all that long, and I don’t think Cash and his girlfriend, Jenna, did either. Not to say it was a first-date type of thing, but we weren’t waiting until marriage, let’s just say that. I think you just need to wait as long as it takes for it to feel right,” he said.

  “What if that takes weeks?” I asked.

  “Then it takes weeks and there’s nothing you can do about it. If you like this girl as much as you say you do, and you either see yourself in a relationship with her or very much want one with her, I’d just hold off and build an emotional and mental bond before the physical one. Besides, you can still cuddle, make out, and everything else in the meantime. I think it would help your relationship,” he said.


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