The Last Human (Vampires Rule # 1)

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The Last Human (Vampires Rule # 1) Page 4

by Rocky Grede

  The door swings open and I glance up as other Vampires glide in, expressions motionless, moving gracefully into the room. A few stares are shot my way, but then averted as they see the Destroyers behind me. Some smirk but look away just as fast, not wanting to draw attention from my body guards, but Elis’s and Maxwell’s gazes follow them to their seats, their sly gestures not missed by the experienced duo.

  Mr. Duke walks in with his suitcase in one hand. He marches behind his desk and sits down. He stares at the crack in the ceiling like he always does when he’s waiting for late arrivals to turn up.

  The door bangs open, and all heads turn, as Nathan’s huge frame edges through it. He looks straight at me and frowns. He glides over and takes the seat to my right.

  “I heard what happened,” he says, his voice rumbling.

  “Yeah, well, these things happen,” I say, like such incidents were normal.

  Nathan nods, his large jaw moving as he clenches it. “Davilon was saying you crapped your pants when they walked in on you in the men’s toilets,” he says, looking at me intently.


  Nathan nods as if I just confirmed something. “Yeah, I knew he was talking out his arse. Want me to sort him out?” he cracks his knuckles. The noise attracts the attention of the whole class, who glance back.

  “Nah, he’s not worth it,” I whisper. I might as well have shouted it out since every ear probably heard it, and several Vampires smile at my comment.

  Davilon is one of the popular Vampires in the school. His father is an influential figure, and was one of the first to protest when Lexus announced me as his adopted son, though that protest was retracted when Lexus had threatened him. Davilon is similar to his father in many ways, arrogant, prideful, amongst other things.

  All heads turn to the door as Albert strides in, with badminton case flung over one shoulder; he shoots us a wave before taking his usual seat at the front.

  All of a sudden, everyone in the room goes still. I look around wondering what’s going on and I quickly glance at my finger thinking the worse, but to my relief, the bandage is still securely in place.

  All eyes turn towards the door. I look around at the motionless faces, before turning my own attention to the door, trying to figure out what I’m missing.

  The door opens, and a Vampire, that I have never seen before walks in. And behind him are two Artico Destroyers.

  The Vampire is wearing a white jacket with black shades covering his eyes. His dark brown hair falls across his forehead in waves, resting against his creamy skin. He tightens his grip on his bag, which is slung over one of his shoulders, and nods once at Mr. Duke, who in turn, inclines his head in greeting, and motions at an empty seat at the front. The Vampire pulls the chair out from under the desk and sits down, hanging his bag over the back of the chair. The Artico Destroyers close the door and stand inside it, ignoring the glances which dart from them to the new Vampire. One of the Destroyers is short and stocky, and his thick arms hang by his side. The taller of the two, has tendrils of dreadlocks falling across his shoulders. Both of them are wearing shades.

  The Vampires in the class exchange curious glances. Fruz veers to one side, to get a better look at the new guy, who has his back to us. He frowns, shrugs and slumps back into his chair. Nathan is frowning as though he is trying to figure something out. He taps the tip of his pen against his dark pink lips as if it would help. He too shrugs, and begins to doodle on the edge of his desk.

  Mr. Duke rises from his seat. He doesn’t introduce the new guy or tells him to take his sun glasses off. When I first arrived at this school, he introduced me to everyone like a freak show. He also explained, in my presence, that I was untouchable and that if anyone so as if laid a finger on me, he had paused and pointed at my then Artico Guards, finishing the silent message: You’ll be ripped to shreds.

  Mr. Duke glides to the whiteboard and turns to the class. “You will get your test paper results in a few days,” he says, stretching out the words with his French accent. “Until then, turn to page sixty seven, sedimentary rocks.”

  Chapter Five

  According to Lexus, Vampires have been around for thousands of years, living in the shadows and darkness of the night, hidden from the world to which they were nothing more but a myth told in stories, mere folklore and legends passed down by story tellers.

  Lexus said, that two thousand years ago, a mutation resulted in a human turning into a Vampire, and since then, other Vampires were created throughout time, by the simple process of a Vampire biting a human, and armies and societies were raised as a result.

  Or a Vampire can be born to Vampire parents and at a certain age the offspring stops aging. It varies from Vampire to Vampire at what age the individual will stay at. It could be twenty or thirty or even sixty.

  Once bitten by a Vampire, the changes were several-fold, as the transformation took place.

  First, you developed a thirst for human blood, though animal blood was sufficient and satisfied and ebbed the craving, but many preferred human blood and its rich taste and scent. You could eat human food too, but too long without blood and you’d go crazy with hunger, turning into a mindless vicious mutt intent on killing and devouring anything it could grasp.

  Your skin turned very sensitive to sunlight, so sensitive that it could burn when exposed to the sun. But as you turned older, and the more powerful you got, your skin became resistant to the sun’s rays. Lexus said the sun’s rays just prickle his skin as opposed to the days when his skin would sizzle and burn.

  You got stronger. You got faster. Your reflexes improved. Your vision improved. Hardly anything could kill you. Your healing is accelerated. Lexus demonstrated this to me once. He took a kitchen knife and in one quick fluid movement, he sliced his palm. I screamed and shouted at him, telling him I believed him and there was no need of a demonstration. I couldn’t stand the sight of blood and it made my stomach twist. But several seconds later, the skin had healed, leaving a faint pink scar where the cut had been, new skin already formed. Several minutes later that was gone too, and the skin was smooth as it was before with no sign of it ever being damaged.

  I asked him more about the mutation. Where did it come from? How did it happen? Was there a cure to reverse a Vampire back into human form? He said he doesn’t know where the mutation came from or how it developed, though he searches for clues and has been doing so for centuries.

  Lexus said he was turned by the original Vampire, the one who had contracted the mutation. He said the original Vampire bit him, and informed him he would be a part of an army whose purpose would be to enslave mankind. As for the mutation, the original Vampire claimed ignorance of its roots, stating he had no knowledge of the mutation itself and his transformation erased the memory of his previous life, leaving him in the dark. But he was sure that he was the only Vampire in existence, the original.

  Lexus said when he had awoken the next day, he felt different and the changes happened slowly at first. The thirst for blood, the sensitivity to the sun, the increase in strength; speed, agility, sight. Until finally, he was fully turned into what he is today.

  I asked him about his human life, but he refused to tell me anything about his past, aside from the fact he had to let go of it, for every ones safety. He had to move on. The world moves on, so did he.

  Lexus said the original Vampire turned many others after him, increasing the number of his army to thousands. As for him, he never agreed with the original Vampire and never intended to wage war against mankind, so he waited for an opportunity to present itself, and when it did, he would kill him.

  But one day, the original Vampire disappeared, disbanding them all. They never found any trace of him, and the Vampire army he had created scattered, and formed their own groups and societies, and followed different paths in life.

  I asked him, why aren’t there any humans left? He told me that during times gone by humans used to populate the earth in their billions, creating thousands of
cities and conquering the vast lands. But then, they erased themselves from the face of the earth through wars, nuclear war fare, and by using biological weapons against one another. He said radioactivity killed most of them. But he pointed an arm to the east and said human populations may still reside there, survivors of the ever lost earth.

  I asked him, why don’t we go and visit them? He told me in the past some Vampires have tried. Those who did never came back. He told me he’s been there once, a long time ago. He said the sun shines fiercely and deserts stretch in every direction. He said his people will not be able to survive there. When he was there, with all the thick clothes he wore, the sun still affected him.

  I asked him, how come no one returns? How did he return, and what did he see? He told me he is not entirely sure, but it must be the sun which gets the Vampires, because he has never seen a human while he was there. He said he wanted to explore, but the sun would have finally caught up to him too, so he withdrew. He told me he just saw deserts stretch in every direction; hot plans of burning sand.

  I asked him, if he is planning on ever going again? He said he needs to be here for his people and rule over them, and he wants to be here for me. He said if humans do exist there, and he believes they do, they should be left to their own devices.

  I asked him; why the Vampires go there in the first place, taking into account the treacherous weather conditions. His face darkened and he said they craved human blood. He stopped his Vampires from going there a long time ago, though some have managed to slip under his radar, before heading east, but they never returned.

  I asked him, apart from the city he ruled, where there other Vampires in the world? He said yes. There are two other groups.

  To the North live the Balderush Vampires. They should never be trusted. I asked him, why? He said they are never content with the material gains they have. When they acquire something, they want more. Just like a kid who takes one biscuit, but then wants another one, and another. They are dangerous, and if given the opportunity they will take by force what they desire.

  He said to the South live the Kron Vampires. They are well known for their betrayal. I asked how so? He said during the dark days, they sided with humans and helped them to hunt and kill Vampires. I asked why? Since they are Vampires themselves. He said their minds work differently. Just like the Balderush Vampires, they too are power hungry. He believes their purpose was to wipe out all other Vampires who they saw as a threat, and once it was accomplished, they would have turned on the humans and tried to enslave them.

  I asked him why he doesn’t wipe the other Vampires out since they would probably attack us when given half the chance. He said for the last twenty years there has been a truce between all three groups. Each group stays within their territory. So far the peace has held. Of course, some try to cross borders, but they are always caught, but such meager incidents are not worth shattering the peace.

  He said there is another part of the world called the Shadow Zone. It’s off limits to all Vampires, and it has been agreed upon, by all three main groups, that the Zone should be left alone. I asked him why? He said there exists things there that should be left in peace. I asked him what things? He ignored me.

  Chapter Six

  The appearance and unannounced arrival of the new Vampire had the students in a buzz for the next few hours, and my little encounter the other day was almost forgotten like it was yesterday’s news, and instead, replaced with a new curiosity as to the identity of this new student.

  Through-out geography class, the Vampires kept on shooting the new student convert glances, looking for some sort of indication as to who he was, exchanging words between themselves and shaking heads. Even I couldn’t help myself and watch the back of his head, trying to figure out who he could be. Nathan and Fruz’s interest also seemed to perk up, and they spent most of the lesson studying the Vampires movements and craning to get a look at his face.

  Vampires could be home schooled, but in a city this small, someone should have recognized him, and by the way the other Vampires acted, none of them had ever seen him before. He didn’t utter a word through-out class nor made conversation with any of the others students, and his black sunglasses hid his full features from view. Mr. Duke carried on the lesson like nothing was out of the ordinary, but hardly anyone paid any attention.

  Once Geography was finally over, I did get the odd stare as though the other Vampires had just remembered me again, but no one approached me, not with Elis and Maxwell hovering around me like vultures ready to pounce with the slightest provocation.

  Every one even gave me a wide berth when they walked past me in the corridors, some even turned and walked the other way while some waited patiently until we passed. I think it was more due to Elis and Maxwell’s presence than mine. Artico Destroyers had a hell of a reputation and were known for their lethalness. I once asked Lexus how many they were of them. He said ten. But there were around a few hundred of the normal Artico Guards.

  The new Vampire got the lion’s share of attention as he sauntered along the corridors with his two Artico Destroyers behind him. Vampires stopped to stare at them, leaving their conversations to regard this new scene.

  The new guy was in my next lesson, and halfway through the class, I decided to ask Elis if he knew anything about him.

  “Who is he anyway?” I say to Elis, looking up at him from my laptop while he stands against the wall, arms folded, face unreadable. Other students around me fall silent, and pretend to do their work, while eagerly waiting for Elis’s reply.

  I’m surprised Lexus never mentioned anything about a new Vampire enrolling at the school. Normally he would have, because a new Vampire could mean a new threat to me. Especially if the Vampire never came across me before, and as a result may not be able to control his blood craving while being near me, unlike the others who are now used to my presence, save the odd lapse.

  And why was the new guy given escorts? Not any escorts, but Artico Destroyers. Even I wasn’t assigned Artico Destroyers up until now. Were the Destroyers there to protect him? Or…protect me from him? I tense at the thought and glance over my shoulder and at the new Vampire, who is sitting in one corner of the room, immersed with his laptop. If that was the case, it would make sense with him being new and all.

  But on the other hand, it doesn’t make sense at all, because none of the new kids in the first years are given escorts. And with them being young and all, they are a much greater threat to me.

  The whole thing strikes me as odd.

  Elis raises his head, and glances at the new guy, who now has his head drooped over an open textbook. “It does not concern you,” he says, and the Vampires around me deflate.

  It seems Elis and the others are trying to keep the new Vampires arrival low key for some reason, while expecting the rest of us just to get on with it. “Okay, why is he assigned two destroyers?” I say instead, not giving up easily. The Vampires around me fall silent again as they wait for Elis’s answer.

  Elis shakes his head. I wait, watching him, but several minutes later I know he isn’t going to elaborate further, so I sigh and begin a new game on my laptop.


  In the lunch hall I take my usual seat next to Nathan and Fruz, who are talking under their breaths, their mouths move quickly as words and sentences are spilled out. I ask them what’s up.

  Fruz glances over his shoulder and at the new guy, who is standing in the lunch queue, getting curious glances from all those around him. Not the type of looks some may shoot when they think no one is looking, but full on stares, that are quickly averted when the two Artico Destroyers sweep their grim hard gazes over the offending individuals.

  “Trading theories,” Fruz says, turning back to me. “Nathan thinks the guy is a fugitive.”

  I turn to Nathan who nods in confirmation of the statement. “Why else would he be given that much protection?” he says, jerking a thumb at the two Artico Destroyers, who are surrounding the new guy and
keeping other Vampires at a good distance.

  “Forget that for a sec,” I say taking a bite of an apple, the sour taste dissolving in my mouth. “What’s the guy’s name?” If we are to find out who this guy really is, we should start on the basics. Maybe his name will ring some-ones memory and shed light on his identity.

  Fruz and Nathan exchange quick glances and shrug simultaneously, their shoulders rising and falling, before Fruz spins around in his chair. “We might just find out,” he says with excitement. I follow his gaze to see the new guy sitting down on a lone table, his two Guards hover behind him, and walking up to them is Albert.

  He takes long strides with his lanky legs, covering twice the distance than a normal Vampire would, his skinny tall stature sticks out in the crowd. He’s balancing his tray in one hand, while holding up a blood drink with one finger of the other, in one of his more restrained acts of show.


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