Tangerine Carnal Dreams

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Tangerine Carnal Dreams Page 2

by Savanna Kougar

  “Dishonor among thieves? Just for you, Corporal.” His voice swirled like smoke in an attempt at seduction. “Anything else I may assist with? My offer remains, double for you. All night and all day.”

  “Kind of you to consider my insatiable hunger for being fucked. However, as I explained to the previous gentleman, I hate being fucked. I’ve always hated being fucked. Use me hard all night, all day long as your sex object, just don’t fuck me. If you value your own personal jewels.”

  “I’ll remember…Corporal.”

  Katta watched him dissolve into smoke, and disappear in the shadows. A moment later she knew why. Four of the Regent’s space guard─two men and two women─entered. They completed a surreptitious search then settled in for the evening. Swilling down a few ales, they scanned for carnal partners.

  Chapter Two

  “Do I dare?” The huge hunk of man from her own world sat beside her, faced toward the bar. “You’ve already sent two away.”

  “Garriez, my sister isn’t here.”

  “Real drink?”

  “Since you so politely offer, what are you imbibing these days?”

  “Coriander whiskey.”

  “I’ll have a sip while you tell me why you actually sat down.”

  “Carnal curiosity.” Garriez signaled for the whiskey then turned slightly toward her.

  “The sexual delights of my flesh compared to Jessa’s?”

  “I would certainly oblige. Drop a sweet hand to my lap. Let’s find out.”

  “What, frisky Jessa would do that for you?”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on her frisky mood.” Garriez handed her the red-tinted whiskey. “Truth?” He touched his glass to hers.

  “What I can reveal. You know who I am. What I do.” She tasted the drink. Potent, hot, the whiskey rolled over her tongue.

  “I didn’t assume you arrived to passion-play with anyone. Though hope flutters in my longing loins,” he mocked, swallowed down the whiskey, before fully turning to her.

  “Carnal-curious to find out…what? If I unexpectedly desire frisky orgasms?”

  “Wouldn’t mind being in your path if you suddenly went into sex-frenzy.”

  “Yeah, what male wouldn’t? You’re leading me in circles. Why?” Katta sipped, and decided she appreciated the whiskey.

  “What if I could assist your family? How orgasm eternally grateful would you be?”

  “That’s definitely a question for Jessa. Go back, ask her.”

  “One ride on my lap, I tell you who is most politically threatened by your father.”

  “At least, you haven’t said fuck yet. Planning on saying it?”

  “Only if it gets you blazing hot enough to ride me.”

  “And why would I trust your information?”

  “You know who I politic with, my connections.”

  Katta swallowed the rest of the whiskey then set her glass down. She stood. “Give me something useful, and I’ll give you something useful.” She stretched arching her back, her body pure sultry invitation. Slowly she strutted toward a darkened area, feeling him follow her.

  Leaning on the wall, one hip thrust out, she waited for him. As he faced her, she slid her hands up his chest. “No lies, Garriez, or I won’t dance my hot little box on that big, brave cock of yours.”

  Katta slowly stroked down his torso. She gripped the tip of his arousal through his tight pants. Playing her fingers over him, she tugged gently, rhythmically. “Tell me what you know. Then pull your pants down.”

  “The High King,” Garriez guttural began, “his Minister of Defense, Truvvo, doesn’t care for the power your father has gained, the high favors granted to your family.”

  “How do you know?” Katta squeezed his leaking tip harder. “Exactly, Garriez.”

  “Overheard a few conversations. Found a few documents. Got ’em hidden,” he hoarsely forced.

  “Planning on Jessa’s carnal appreciation?”

  “I’ll give ’em to her. Yes, god, Katta.”

  “Pull your pants down, Garriez,” she silky crooned and watched as he quickly shoved his pants down over his hips. His cock fell out, a bulging heavy torpedo. “Nice piece of equipment. No wonder Jessa is impressed.”

  Katta slipped her hand under his furnace-hot balls. Her fingertip tickled his trigger point slowly. She slowly pushed her fingertip upward then let go.

  He grunted and screamed when his orgasm hit. Catching himself against the wall, he gusher-pumped his sex fluid and groaned brutally. Katta strolled away. He would be pleasure-incapacitated for a long time. She grinned briefly at the success of her plan.

  Katta surveyed the growing crowd while she pretended to look over the lust talent. A rail thin Guchique grabbed her wrist then waited for her to turn toward him. His yellow-gold skin glistened in the mellow lighting. A shock of platinum hair rose straight up from his narrow head. His gaze shot like a plasma dagger down at her.

  “Leland, where have you been since I put all of these universes between us?” Her voice was silky, the underlying tone laser-sliced him. “And here I was hoping for new fun friends in my world. Guess I’m just doomed to disappointment.”

  “My ship burned to a star crisp.”

  “I enjoyed watching.”

  “I enjoyed watching you teach his cock pleasure.”

  “Get another ship?”

  “You saved my mortal hide, I discovered later.”

  “So glad I could help the intergalactic illegal trade prosper.”

  Leland slowly raised a smile. “Got another ship. Actually the count is a dozen of them now.”

  “Intergalactic crime does pay. My mistake for attempting to bring you to justice.”

  “Mostly legal now. I’ll cooperate with your investigation.”

  “How kind of you to offer, but my time is spoken for.”

  “Your thighs didn’t spread for the man of your race. Perhaps you would appreciate an exotic fuck? I am staying at the most luxurious accommodation. Every amenity will be yours to command.”

  Katta smiled graciously, as if she attended one of her mother’s famous social events. “Will you excuse my presence? I suddenly find I must accomplish something.” She took her wrist back and strode away from him.

  Red anger filled her. Quickly she found a clearing in the crowd. She shot her palm toward the ceiling and shot a fiery burst upwards. The sound resonated as she had willed. Sparks sprayed downward. In the absolute quiet, in the stillness that followed, she walked to the loft steps. Midway up, she stopped and turned around to the watching crowd.

  “Hello. I would like to make a general announcement, intended for all the men.” Katta paused and drew in a breath. “Gentleman, pillage me, plunder me, possess me.but don’t fuck me.”

  Katta marched down the steps, her fiery temper clear for everyone to see on her way toward the exit door. She knew her quarry was not inside. Fate had spun her way. She sensed the enemy she’d chased to Yemisque. He was outside and not that far away. It was his body’s matrix of energy, the same vibrational pattern she’d felt and committed to memory from where her father’s data cube had been stolen.

  “No!” Her breath then burst from her as her hand pressed against the swinging door. “Go away, Dred.”

  “Zio for your lips, prettiest.”

  Goddess of the Wicked.why does his voice have to send my hormones into warp overdrive? Especially here! Goddess, not now!

  “Zio is my name, Katta, the name I wish to hear from the delectable bounty of your lips.”

  Katta didn’t look at him. She didn’t move except to slowly raise her head while she tried to breathe normally. “Go find another universe. I don’t want you in mine.”

  “I could touch your breast, Kattalonia. One finger stroking over your breast and you would be mine. Here. Against the door.”

  “No!” It wasn’t a denial of the truth. It was a denial of him.

  “Mine to pillage.” He inched closer. “Mine to plunder.” He was so close, she could s
mell him, he’d recently cleansed. Why not? He’d probably mounted every woman here by now. “Mine to possess.”

  Lightning-quick, Katta jerked open the swinging door, slamming it into him. She ran. Racing at full speed, she had no one idea where to run. This tangerine lust paradise wasn’t her off-world stomping ground. And she couldn’t crash through the foliage toward her wormhole prey. That would alert him to her presence and scare him off.

  She raced in the opposite direction of the one she was after, cursing Dred, cursing her choice of direction. The lap-lap of Yemisque’s immense serene ocean sounded in her ears, as she sprinted up the long rise along the walking path. Laser her luck! It would be simple for him to shapeshift and chase her as a stallion her over the glowing beach sands.

  Think! Think, Katta. Her boots sank into the coarse orangey sand, slowing her pace. Around her the sumptuous early evening closed in. Damn! Sucked into black hole hell and she’d been so close to tracking her prey down, so close to capturing the anal parasite. Now she heard him! Dred! The rhythm of his hooves galloping over the wet sand pounded up her spine.

  Katta veered toward the first lantern-lit trail she saw, racing up the incline and onto one of the scenic meadow plateaus. Sprinting along on the illuminated trail, she smelled the various copulating couples and heard the moaning symphony of several sexploring groups.

  Boldly, his hooves drummed behind her. Keeping her fast pace, Katta snuck a peek over her shoulder. Even in the dim light of the golden dark evening, his coat shone, brilliant and red, magnificent. His tail flagged majestically. As he eagerly chased her, his ears pricked forward, his neck arched, and his nostrils flared on her scent.

  And he was gaining on her. The relentless stallion beast! Each loud hoof beat striking the ground behind her struck through Katta. Driven to find any quick escape, she spied a trail leading back to the beach. Katta streaked down it, ignoring the apprehension clawing at her belly. It was a starhole mistake! Dred merely galloped through the meadow to intercept her. Watching him, she ran smack into the enormous hairy body of a Rikorkin man, who had stepped onto the trail unaware of her.

  Katta bounced backwards. After regaining her feet, she glimpsed other hairy naked bodies, engaged in acts of extreme pleasure with chains, whips, and harnesses. Whirling, she leapt over one rutting couple then sprinted headlong through the meadow. Seeing the faint torchlight of the Outlander, she darted toward it. As she ran, a hand snatched her ankle. The touch felt like a grabbing slimy serpent.

  Katta fell, cushioned by a sex pit of oiled naked bodies. The slippery hands of several different races grabbed her thighs. Three-fingered hands slid over her breasts while the bear-paw hands of the Ursalli squeezing-slipped over her bottom. The hands of many races explored her then began pulling off her garments. Covered in the thick disgusting lubricant, Katta struggled wildly, uselessly, simply sliding against all the aroused bodies.

  The piercing scream of a stallion split the air. As if suddenly paralyzed, all the oiled bodies stopped writhing. Everyone stared upwards at the stallion pawing furiously. Hunks of foliage and dirt sprayed downward from the edge of their pit. Seizing her chance, Katta crawled over a pile of greasy flesh trying not to cause any injury. Standing, balancing herself, she gripped solid ground and hauled herself up onto the meadow grass. Naked, slimy and icky with oil, Katta desperately wanted to scream her revulsion. Instead, she stood. One oily foot slipped and she landed on her knee.

  “Dred, is that you?” A feminine voice slurred. “Dred, Dred…” The chant began.

  Easing herself upwards, Katta stood carefully. His warm muzzle pressed against her back. Blowing hot breath, he nuzzled up to her shoulder then blew forcefully on her ear.

  “Down, you bad stallion!” He nuzzled her ear. “Stop, or I fire.” Katta aimed her palm over her shoulder, only lowering her hand when he raised his head away from her. “That is…if I can stay on my feet..”

  “Dred, Dred…” The chant increased in volume and demand.

  Katta covered her ears. I should blast his rump. Send him into the pit. Give them what they want. When his muzzle gently touched her butt, her redfire temper shot through her.

  “By the dastardly tricking fates then! You are mine.” Stepping back to his withers, Katta grabbed a fistful of mane. Before she could lose her footing, she launched astride him.

  “The Outlander,” she ruled, knowing he couldn’t refuse her; it was the way of his equine race.

  How fast, prettiest? His telepathic question flowed into her mind, debonair as his voice.

  “Fast as you can.”

  Squeeze your thighs. Both hands on my mane.

  “I’ve ridden other stallions. Go!”

  I’m madly jealous, my lover.

  Katta didn’t answer his complete absurdity, given all his raunchy fornicating. Focused on finding the wormhole with the data cube, she leaned over his neck. He surged beneath her, a perfect rocking canter. Glad the insides of her thighs hadn’t been oiled as much as the rest of her, Katta urged him faster.

  If she hadn’t been so intent on finding her prey, she would have been euphoric. He flowed powerfully beneath her; poetry of stallion strength, and riding naked was more than cosmic-exquisite.

  Prince Ziocese Dred of VectorEquine obeyed his woman. He galloped on clouds, resisting the urge to celebrate his successful chase of her. With his Kattalonia riding him for the first time, he soared inside as his hooves soared over the ground. In the past she had refused all his offers to enjoy his back beneath her.

  “Slow down.” She spoke to his ear as they neared the Outlander. “Slow canter, please.”

  “What do we search for?” He slowed his pace, aware of her balance. She rode naturally, beautifully in union with him. She hadn’t lied, she obviously had ridden other stallions.

  “For what you life-cost me, bad stallion! The chance to save my father. Slow to a walk.”

  His Katta’s fury with him and her desperation seared his hide. His chase of her victorious, they were now essence-connected. Mated in the way of his kind.

  Once they were close to the Outlander, he felt her psi senses expand in waves, as she searched the area around them. When she discovered nothing, she sighed angrily and sat back. Impatient, fierce as the blazing sun of his home world, her mind spun with thought.

  “Where should we look?”

  “Circle,” she murmured. With perfect obedience, Zio walked around the Outlander, feeling the stab of her beginning panic. She strained to find a clue, a trail that would lead her toward what he’d interfered with, unknowingly. To his great regret, he hadn’t realized she’d sensed her quarry when she ran from him.

  Concerned about Kattalonia, the Master of Security had explained her reason for pretending to be a guest. Had encouraged his protection of her, and his seduction of her.

  “Enough. Whoa. The question now is, how do I dismount so you can’t chase me? Mount me on this carnal-anything-goes world?” She hissed a frustrated sigh. “How do I escape you, you entirely bad stallion?”

  Beach gallop first?

  “Bet you say that to all the women you want to ravish.”

  No more, prettiest.

  “Goddess of the cosmos.” she draped herself over his neck. “I’m naked and dirty and oily. Sticky nasty oily. I’ve got my thighs wrapped around you, the intergalactic ultimate bad boy. My private womanhood is pressed against your back. And now, I can’t find that wormy asshole, rescue my father, and it’s all your seducing chasing fault! You are a bad, bad stallion. Maybe I should corral you, have you castrated!”

  I’ll help you rescue your father.

  You’re just saying that so I won’t have you castrated.

  She pulled herself from his neck. Leaning back, she laid her head on his rump, and raised her feet to his withers. “Actually, you’re rather comfortable this way, bad stallion.” She pillowed her head on top of her palms. “What a dreamy orange sparkle of stars. Just too kick-in-the-butt bad this isn’t the vacation I need.”

/>   I have the netgalactic contacts to find the buyer, my only prettiest.

  His Katta stilled, her breath quickening. “The Master of Security.”

  Her accusation cut through him. Long time stud buddies.

  “The bad boy netgalactic.” Her sweet bare feet flexed against his withers, her raw worry for her father seeping into him. “What’s the carnal price for your help, stud bad boy?”

  You submit to my every carnal whim, prettiest.


  Vow of marriage?


  His Katta shot upright, her thighs gripping him with superb athletic grace. ”Beach. Come on, bad boy stallion.”

  Chapter Three

  Katta grabbed a fist full of his redflame mane, which was a shade redder than her own hair. His human hair was long, beautiful, and a shade darker.

  “I’ll just ride you to exhaustion so you can’t chase me. Escape your debauching clutches.” She squeezed her thighs in naughty seduction. He pranced a few steps, responding like a stud.

  Your thighs are carnal glorious. Again?

  “Want to submit to my carnal whim demands?” She sexily teased to his ear.

  Once you are tamed beneath me.

  “Always like it on top, stud bad boy?” she hotly sang near his flipped back ear. She teased him with another squeeze and wiggled a little.

  He bucked once then pranced beneath her. Pure power, he broke into an extraordinary suspended gait toward the beach.

  You will plead to be satiated beneath me, my prettiest one.

  “I’m on top now, obnoxious stud.”

  Enjoying your ride, prettiest?

  “I could pretend I don’t. How many women have ridden your back to lust satiation?”

  No woman.

  “Hard to believe.”

  It is not allowed until final mating.

  “Studs rebel against your father's archaic ways. Yep, hard to believe.”

  Katta noticed the envious faces of several women as they passed, and the lust-bold glances from some men for her naked oiled body.


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