Worth the Risk

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Worth the Risk Page 17

by Karen Erickson

  “You don’t think I can’t put you on some sort of blocked visitors list? Watch me.” She smiled smugly.

  She was crazy, stark raving mad. And what the hell had he done to this woman to make her so damn angry? She’d been sweet out in the hall. The minute she had him in her room her tone had become venomous. Her words, foreboding.

  “I think you’re still upset. Perhaps you need some time alone.” He started to back out of the room. He needed to talk with someone. But who would listen? He wasn’t a relative of Gracie’s and he wasn’t her husband. No one in this damn hospital was going to tell him jack shit.

  “I don’t need any more time alone when it comes to you, mister. Now take your fancy butt on out of here and never come back.” She waved him away by flapping her hands. “Go on now, shoo. And leave my Gracie be. I’ll take care of her now.”

  The moment he neared the doorway he turned and hurried out of there. Approaching the elevators, he decided to head back up to ICU. Find that nurse who’d escorted Grace Hayes earlier and see if she could help him.

  He could only hope she would.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The doctor’s prognosis was warily optimistic. He didn’t know how to classify her unconsciousness and wanted to do more tests on her brain, but otherwise he was pleased to see that she had come around and that she was healing nicely. He gave the nurse pain medication recommendations, scheduled tests and proclaimed her ready to be shipped out of ICU first thing in the morning.

  After he left, the nurse had dug up Gracie’s cell phone and went on the hunt for a charger since she’d left Manhattan with only her purse and the clothes on her back. It was easy enough to find, considering she had a popular phone, and within twenty minutes she had it charging away.

  She’d fallen asleep contemplating the short list of people she wanted to call.

  Dreams of Hunter followed. Set in the future, Gracie with a baby in her arms, Hunter looking proud. The three of them together, a cute little family in love, what she’d always believed was an unattainable dream felt in reach. She’d woken up with a smile on her face.

  And a slightly hysterical grandmother in the same room as her.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Her shrill voice gave Gracie a headache, and she closed her eyes against the sound. “What are you talking about? And why are you here? It’s late and you’re not allowed in ICU.”

  “I couldn’t stand being away from you, Gracie girl. I was worried. What is that plugged in over there?”

  “Oh, it’s my cell phone.” Weird question, considering her grandma owned one. “A nurse found a charger for me. I need to make some phone calls.”

  “To who?”

  Gracie cracked her eyes open. Her grandma was being sort of weird. And really overprotective. Of course, maybe she was just worried after everything that had happened. “I need to call my friend Becky, first of all. She can help me get back home.”

  “You’re not going home anytime soon, I hope you know.”

  “Well, I know I’m stuck here at the hospital for the next few days, but after they release me, yes, I’m going back home. To Queens.”

  “You are not. You’ll come back to my place. I want you to convalesce with me.” Grandma lifted her chin, as if she dared Gracie to defy her.

  “I can’t do that, Grandma,” Gracie said softly. “They haven’t even released you from the hospital yet. Are you all right? Why are they keeping you here?”

  She waved a hand, dismissing Gracie’s question. “I’m fine. They talk about some such nonsense of me needing an operation. Can’t they see I’m perfectly healthy?”

  Gracie thought her grandmother looked frail, but she didn’t have the strength to argue. And who was she to say anything? She was sure she looked about as terrible as she felt. “You should listen to what your doctors have to say.”

  “Whatever is wrong with me can wait. The heart attack was minor. An artery is clogged, but it’s not life-threatening yet. I have time.” She smiled at Gracie. “I need to concentrate on you. How are you feeling? What did the doctor say? Have you had any visitors?”

  Gracie frowned. Visitors? Who would visit her besides her and the staff? “The doctor says if all goes as is he’ll pull me out of ICU tomorrow, but he expects me to stay for a few more days, possibly up to four. He also ordered more tests to make sure I’m all right after being unconscious for so long. They can’t really explain it.”

  “Hmm. And you’re feeling all right?”

  “I’m so tired, but I think a lot of that is side effects from the pain medication.”

  “You should ask for more.”

  “The doctor recommended a lower dosage of pain meds, actually.”

  “Really? Well, I would think he’d want to control it better.”

  “I think—I think he doesn’t want to risk anything when it comes to the…baby.” It was the first time she’d spoken aloud of her newfound discovery and it felt strange to say it. Think it.

  There was a baby inside of her at this very moment. She and Hunter had created a child—together. It still baffled her.

  “Ah, the baby.” Grandma smiled blissfully. “I cannot wait to hold that sweet little one. You’ll need a lot of help when she comes, too, I just know it. That’s why it’s best you stay with me.”

  “Grandma, I can’t stay with you for the next…seven months. I have a job to get back to. Plus, just before the accident I received a promotion.”

  Grandma’s lips tightened until they almost disappeared. “A promotion, hmm? That’s interesting. Well, you’ll just have to consider what you deem more important. Your job or your baby?”

  “They’re both important to me,” she said carefully, wondering why her grandma was behaving this way.

  “Yes, I would think your health and the baby would be of the utmost importance to you. And considering we’re family, well. Family takes care of each other. And I vowed once I found you again that I would always take care of you. Same goes for that precious baby growing inside of you too.”

  “Mrs. Hayes, you’re not supposed to be in here!”

  Both women turned their heads to see the same nurse who’d escorted Gracie’s grandma out of the room earlier standing in the doorway. She strode inside the room, her movements quick as she wrapped her hand around Grandma’s upper arm and helped her stand. “You need to come back to your room. You missed your dinner tray, and now it’s growing cold.”

  “The food is horrible. I’d rather starve.”

  “We know it’s not the best, but you still need to eat to keep up your strength. And your granddaughter needs to build her strength up too. The only way she can do that is with plenty of rest.” The nurse smiled in Gracie’s direction. “Now come on, let’s go back. You can visit her tomorrow when she’s on the same floor with you.”

  “I want her in my room so I can keep an eye on her,” her grandma said as the nurse led her out of the room.

  “Someone’s already occupying the bed next to yours, Mrs. Hayes.”

  “I don’t care. Kick her out, find her another room. I want my Gracie with me.”

  The nurse sent Gracie a beseeching look over her shoulder before she steered Grandma through the door.

  Gracie closed her eyes the moment she left, tried her best to relax. Her grandma was acting so strange. Maybe it was just a reaction after the accident. They’d finally found each other and maybe her grandma felt like she was going to lose her again. She couldn’t explain it.

  Didn’t want to expand too much energy on pondering over it either—she had bigger things to worry about. Like making a few calls to the outside world.

  Within a few minutes of the nurse leaving, another one walked in, this one with a vial of her new pain medications. She inserted it directly into Gracie’s IV, chatting animatedly with her the entire time. She was older, matronly and liked to talk. Handed over Gracie’s fully charged phone to her without hesitation, thank goodness.

  “Talk qui
ckly. They don’t like cell phones on in the hospital because of the interference with medical equipment,” the nurse said with a smile. “But I’m sure there are people you need to get a hold of, right?”

  Gracie nodded, scanning her contact list “I can just get their numbers and make calls on the regular phone if you want me to.”

  “Ah, that would work out better. No one can remember a phone number anymore. We store them all in our phones and don’t need to memorize them.”

  “So true,” Gracie agreed.

  “I’ll leave you alone so you can have some privacy and make your calls.” She set the hospital phone onto the high tray that sat next to Gracie’s bed. “Here you go.”

  Gracie dialed Becky’s phone number, waiting nervously as it rang and rang. Finally Becky answered, her voice hushed, and relief filled Gracie. “Beck, it’s me. Gracie.”

  There was a moment of silence before Becky’s voice burst forth. “Oh my God, where are you? Everyone’s been worried sick!”

  Gracie quickly explained her circumstances. “I guess I’m calling in sick. I have no idea when they’ll release me from the hospital.”

  “Wow, okay. I’ll notify Alex and Hunter. I guess this means you miss the spring launch for Worthwhile, huh?”

  “Oh my God, I totally forgot.” Disappointment washed over her. “I guess I will. No way can I fly to California, I just had surgery.” Not that she’d want to go to California, but she certainly felt obligated. After all, the launch had been hers from the beginning stages.

  What a shame. After all the hard work she’d put into the project, she was going to miss the entire thing.

  “It’s okay. I’m sure Hunter will find someone to cover for you in Beverly Hills. He could go if he had to.” Becky paused. “Do you need any help? Do you need someone to come and pick you up when you’re released?”

  “Yes, I do.” She was so thankful Becky offered, that she didn’t have to ask. It was still hard for her to do, ask people for help, even if they were her friends. “I don’t really know what’s going on, but can I keep you posted?”

  “Of course. Call me or text me daily so I know what’s going on. Take care of yourself, Gracie. And don’t worry.”

  “Thanks, Becky.” She wished she could ask her about Hunter but didn’t want to draw any attention, especially since Becky had been so down on him only a few days ago.

  Where was he? Did he ask about her? Was he worried? But since Becky wasn’t Hunter’s biggest fan, she decided not to risk it.

  Hanging up the phone, she grabbed her cell, scanning through the contacts once more until she reached the Ws. Stopping on Hunter’s cell number listing, she stared at it, fear and nerves making her pause.

  She needed to call him. It was the right thing to do. There was unfinished business between them after everything that had happened the Friday night before she left. Plus, there was the baby to consider. As hard as it was to comprehend, it was a fact and she needed to face it. Considering Hunter was the father, he deserved to know.

  But she certainly wasn’t going to tell him about the baby over the phone.

  Deciding she’d better make the call before she lost her nerve, she cradled the phone between her cheek and shoulder and punched in the number with her good hand, waiting as it rang. And rang.

  And rang.

  His voicemail greeted her, his smooth voice sounding in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. She hadn’t realized how much she missed him until she heard him and her heart squeezed with longing. When the beep sounded, she left a message.

  “Hunter, I’ve…been in an accident. I’m in Ithaca at the Cayuga Medical Center. I’m fine, a little banged up but okay, and I just wanted to let you know. Thanks.”

  She hung up with a grimace. Why had she thanked him? It was so automatic. And she’d hardly given him any details but why hadn’t he answered? Shouldn’t he be sitting on his phone waiting for her to call? He should’ve been worried sick.

  Maybe he hadn’t been that worried after all.

  And didn’t that just make her heart sink into her toes.

  The nurse passed by him in the hall, guiding the loony Grace Hayes back to her room once more. How the woman slipped past the hospital staff, he hadn’t a clue, what with her constant chatter and obvious ways. She was crafty.

  And more than a little crazy.

  He’d hidden around a corner, tucked deep in a nook when they walked by, and they hadn’t noticed him. That nurse was the one he needed to talk to. She knew where Gracie was. She had the power to get him into her room.

  More than anything, he desperately needed to see her.

  He’d called Alex earlier to let him know he’d arrived and that he’d found Gracie—somewhat. After explaining about ICU and the slightly demented grandmother, Alex urged him to get Gracie out of there as soon as possible. He even suggested he would call the hospital himself and demand she be airlifted to one of the finest hospitals in New York City.

  Hunter usually hated it when his big brother got all high and mighty and threw his power around, but tonight it was just what Hunter needed to hear.

  If he didn’t get answers that met to his satisfaction, he would call Alex back and have him pull a few strings. This place had the potential to be a circus. And the grandmother? She was the wacky, out-of-her-mind ringleader of the show.

  No way was he going to leave Gracie alone with that woman for another minute. Who knew what she might do? What she might say? She talked like she planned to whisk Gracie away to some secret bunker where she’d never see the light of day again. The woman clearly wanted him completely out of the picture. He hoped like hell Gracie didn’t feel the same way.

  Gracie… He thought of the bomb the grandmother dropped. Was she really pregnant? Could it be true? If so, he knew without a doubt that he was the father. He should be scared. Maybe even a little pissed, both at himself and at her for being so careless by not using any protection. Bringing an innocent child into this world while not in a committed relationship was reckless and stupid.

  Yet the idea of seeing Gracie’s belly growing with his child filled him with longing. She would be beautiful, glowing with vitality and happiness. And he would be so damn proud his chest would hurt.

  Yeah, maybe it wasn’t so stupid and reckless, him getting Gracie pregnant. Maybe the baby could be the catalyst to bring them truly together. For good.

  That possibility didn’t frighten him at all.

  Biding his time, he waited. Leaned his shoulder against the wall, watching covertly down the hall for the nurse to come back in the direction she’d left. The double doors that led to the ICU were just down the way on the opposite side. Surely she could sneak him in somehow.

  That is, if he could convince her to do so.

  Within minutes she appeared, her steps brisk, her expression determined. She looked like a woman with a purpose, and hell if he didn’t feel almost scared to stop her. He didn’t want to screw this up.

  But then he remembered the way she stared at him when she realized who he was. He’d seen that look before. She’d been star-struck. And he was going to use that to his advantage.

  “Hey,” he called softly just as she was about to pass him up.

  She stopped in her tracks, the soles of her shoes making a loud squeak on the polished floor. Squinting, she stepped closer to him. “Oh hi, Mr. Worth. Can I help you?”

  “Actually you can. First, you can call me Hunter.” She smiled, and he returned it. “What’s your name again?”


  “Well, Naomi, it’s really important, what I’m about to ask you.”

  “Whatever you need, Mr.—Hunter. I’d be more than happy to oblige.”

  He had her right where he needed her. Maybe he shouldn’t regret that TV appearance after all. “Great. I need you to get me into the ICU so I can see someone.”

  Her face fell, and she glanced first to her left, then her right. “I can’t do that,” she protested weakly.

nbsp; “You do it for Mrs. Hayes.”

  “Well, that’s her granddaughter I’m taking her to see. She’s a patient as well and she’s been worried sick. Swore she could be the one who woke her up, and she did it.” Naomi shook her head in wonder. “That woman can do anything she sets her mind to.”

  A scary thought. “Well, I need to see her granddaughter too. She’s my…” He lowered his voice to the barest whisper. “…girlfriend.”

  Naomi’s eyes grew wide. “Really?”

  He nodded. “I haven’t been able to find her for days. I didn’t know where she went, and I couldn’t get hold of her because her cell phone must’ve died.”

  “That’s terrible. But why didn’t you know she came here to Ithaca?” Skepticism reared its ugly head, and Hunter needed to diffuse it quick.

  “She left in such a hurry in the middle of the night she wasn’t able to give me all the details. Then she got in the car accident, and you know the rest.” He paused. He needed to make an unspoken point. How he’d been in Gracie’s life longer than her crazy grandmother had. “You do know she’s only just reunited with her grandmother.”

  “I know. Mrs. Hayes told me the entire story.”

  He bet she did. “I need to be with her, Naomi. I need to see Gracie and make sure she’s all right.”

  “She’s doing well sir, I promise.”

  “I need to see it before I fully believe it.” He smiled gently, going for the heartsick love fool—which he pretty much was, if he was being honest. “I want to hold her in my arms and make sure she’s all right.”

  “Aww, that’s so sweet.” She glanced around again. The hall was pretty much abandoned. Visiting hours was almost over and the entire hospital seemed to be quieting down. “Sneaking you in will put my job totally at risk.”

  “If we get caught, I’ll put all the blame on myself and make such a large donation to the hospital, they’ll forgive any of your sins.”

  She giggled and rolled her eyes. “Fine, fine, I’m a sucker for romance. Follow me.”

  Anticipation rode him hard as he fell in line behind the nurse, trying his best to look inconspicuous. No one paid him any mind and luckily enough, Gracie’s room was one of the first in the unit.


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