Walking Wounded

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Walking Wounded Page 6

by Jodie Halliday

  “You might have scared him away. He might have been embarrassed by your suggestion,” he said, tapping her head with his fingers.

  “Oh, don’t stop, I was enjoying that,” she said. He again massaged her shoulders, pushing his fingers lower so they touched the top of her breasts. She slowly arched her back, giving Frank a blatant sign that he was careful to ignore for the time being.

  “So you could have rubbed his back a bit like this, going further down until he realised what you intended,” he offered as his thumb grazed over her right nipple. She rose slightly off the ground in response and he smiled, scratching the area a little with his nails. “You could have dug your fingers into his bum, made him squirm!”

  “Hmm, maybe,” she said, gasping a little as another stab of pain ran through her. “Oh god, my poor stomach.”

  “Let’s sit up on the seat,” he suggested, helping her up. “Turn round and get on my lap, I can rub your back and you can get some sun on it which will help.” Obligingly, Leslie sat side-saddle across his lap with her legs dangling to the right.

  “No, I mean straddle me.” She understood and swung her right leg over him and settled down, facing him with her legs dangling out of the back of the old seat. He pulled her bottom closer so she lodged neatly in his lap, then wrapped his arms around her so her nipples brushed his chest. As she laid her head on his shoulder he pecked at her neck, then up to her ear, earning an immediate giggle. He ran his hands up and down her back, pressing his thumbs along the ridge of her spine.

  “Oh, that’s so nice,” she whispered. His fingers strayed down to her buttocks, pulling her closer again so that her pussy nestled against his now rigid cock. He felt its heat against his shaft and looked down between their bodies while she looked up with wonder on her face. “God it’s hard again,” she said, smiling at him.

  “I think you’re a little wet too,” he said, pulling her up a little and letting her slide down so that she felt the length of his shaft against her virgin lips. “This is what Brian would have done in that long grass. Just think, the sun beating down, the breeze blowing across your bum. You can feel the breeze right, going where it’s never been before!”

  Nodding, she raised herself unaided, pushing forward a little to ensure that his cock travelled the length of her pussy. He caught her chin in his fingers and pulled her gently towards him. His lips caressed hers, pulling at her upper lip as they embraced. She looked away, confused and embarrassed.

  “I’m not sure now, maybe we would have just kissed and stuff. Maybe he doesn’t fancy me?”

  “If you had taken his shirt off he would have understood what you intended,” said Frank, exerting deep pressure with his thumbs on each side of her spine. “You would have noticed a big bulge in his shorts.”

  “Once, last year, I went to kiss him and he turned away.”

  “Go slowly, use your hands to tell him that it’s OK to touch you. You could take his hand like this and get him to touch your nipple.”

  His fingers found her nipple and she moaned at the touch, breathing in suddenly as his hand roamed across her tight breast. He marveled at her pure, unblemished skin, the exquisite softness from every touch of his hand, the hidden pleasure of her pussy against his cock. She moaned again and rested her head on his shoulder. Kissing her neck he rubbed her back again and grabbed her buttocks. So very tight, so tiny, so muscular and fit.

  “Oh god, my poor stomach,” she groaned as she slumped down in his lap.

  “Just stay in control. Say ‘no’ to it.” He pulled her closer, whispering in her ear. “You’re the boss, focus on pleasure.” She giggled momentarily then groaned again as she rose, the head of his cock pressing against her clit.

  “I think I’m going to need your bathroom.”

  “Just say ‘no’. It’ll go away.”

  She groaned loudly and Frank thought he heard something gurgle inside her. She struggled a little but he held her tight against his chest.

  “Please, let me go,” she whimpered and broke away, running into the cabin. He watched her disappear but not before he memorized the shape of her little buttocks and her lithe frame as she pulled open the door with one hand while the other was holding her buttocks. He leaned back on the seat, the sun glorious on his body as his cock slowly descended past the horizontal to take up a better behaved yet still engorged shape. He heard the occasional groans from inside the house even out in the garden but felt there was no need at all to check on her. She emerged maybe twenty minutes later, looking pale and drained.

  He offered her his hand and they walked slowly into the water, skirting the stretch where the water was fastest and found the spot with a little warmth which was fortunately also in the sun. She turned away from him and he looked at her back, noting that her buttocks were smeared from where she had wiped herself, and Frank wondered if they had run out of toilet paper. Slowly, they washed themselves, sinking gradually into the water as they became progressively cleaner and more comfortable with the temperature. As she turned he offered her the soap, and they both took a moment to regard each other’s clean body. Her pussy was now clearly very aroused, the little petals flowering delicately and her nipples hard atop her little mounds. His cock registered approval and swelled slowly.

  “Turn round, I’ll wash your back,” he said, carefully stepping towards her between the rocks and sand of the river bed.

  “This is quite warm here, I wonder why?”

  “Why do you think?”

  “I dunno. Maybe the sun?” she said, holding on to a rock as his soapy hands ran over her shoulders. She avoided eye contact, still clearly ashamed of what had happened minutes earlier.

  “Right, what else could make the water warm?”

  “The sun on the rocks?”

  “Yup, anything else?”

  “Maybe a hot water stream or something?”

  “Right, very clever! I think there is an underground source that opens up into the river near this spot.”

  Leslie looked back at him, beaming with pride that she had answered correctly. His hands descended to the small of her back and he ran the soap around her buttocks and along the tight cleft between. She inhaled quickly as his finger brushed over her anus and he noted that this was an area for later exploration. He turned her round and approved of the sparklingly clean little girl before they both sank into the warmth of the stream.

  “How do you feel?” he asked, throwing a pebble at a large rock across the river.

  “Still a bit weird, like a bit weak but I think the worst has passed, thanks!”

  As they both floated in the warm water Frank was delighted to see her tiny nipples break through the calm surface now and again, almost as often as his cock sent ripples through their idyllic pool. Twenty minutes later they were back at the bench seat, working carefully to clean it off before wandering back inside, naked and happy, as the evening darkness wrapped around their mountain retreat.

  Chapter 5

  “Don’t forget to close the door,” he said as set out the plates for their evening meal, “It’s going to get cool quickly now the sun’s going down.”

  “I can see what we brought to eat if you like, in our backpacks.”

  “Sure, that would be helpful but I’ve got most stuff although it’s all dried.”

  Between them they had some reasonably fresh bread, cheese, margarine and soup. As Leslie sat at the kitchen table Frank opened cans and packets, arranged rolls and pulled together enough to make their evening meal.

  “Why don’t you go and check on Brian, just make sure he’s OK while I make some coffee. Or do you want tea?” he said.

  “Tea is fine thanks” replied Leslie as she turned the corner to the bedroom. Her cousin was facing away from the door, and she leaned over the bed to look at his face. He seemed calm, breathing steadily but she nevertheless went back to the kitchen for a damp towel and bathed his face and neck. Pulling the light sheet back off his body she was pleased to see that he hadn’t had any furth
er episodes of diahorea but was concerned with the heavy bruising that was evident on his back and above his buttocks. She held his shoulder and rolled him gently onto his back as he grunted. She bathed his face again, wiping some of the dirt off his cheeks that they had missed then bent down to kiss him tenderly, smiling at the sleeping boy as she replaced the sheet.

  “How is he?” asked Frank from the door. She jumped, holding her hand to her breast in surprise.

  “Oh! He’s OK I think. Seems to be sleeping.”

  “If he wakes up you can give him some tea. We ought to wake him anyway before we go to sleep just to make sure he’s OK,” said Frank, returning to the kitchen.

  Leslie looked again at the boy’s face, thinking of how he had looked when he got to her house yesterday afternoon. So delighted, so happy to be at her house and so full of energy and news. Now he might have broken bones, maybe even something fractured in his skull. She wished that she had not decided to drop Biology. Moving the sheet she touched his chest, feeling for obvious breaks but unsure what one would feel like if she did find one. She cursed her luck, her busted romantic trip, her chance to find out about how boys worked. She wondered if she had thought harder before he wandered off if she could have warned him, gone with him, stopped him from falling. He seemed quite determined to get out of her sight though.

  There was no bruising on his stomach or ribs, nor on his upper arms. She looked towards the door, then looked back and moved the sheet lower. He didn’t stir but she saw his hip bones and a couple of gashes that must have come from the brambles as he fell. Her heart beat in her chest as she moved the sheet further, revealing his thighs, knees and cock. To her dismay it seemed to have fallen between his legs and seemed to be hiding once again. She heard industrious sounds coming from the kitchen and reached out to gently run her finger along the inch she could see. While she wasn’t expecting it to spring into life she was slightly disappointed that absolutely nothing happened. She looked at his face and it was the same, asleep, disconnected from her world. She stroked it again, back and forth, even digging a little to try and locate the tip, but still no activity. She touched his thigh and gasped as he suddenly twisted slightly in his sleep, his left leg bending, freeing his cock a little.

  She looked back once more to the door, reassuring herself that Frank wasn’t going to surprise her again. She smiled. This is just what she wanted. A guy who was no longer a figure of her fantasy, a boy who would respond to her touch where should could experiment and learn. She took his cock in two fingers and lifted it, unsticking it from his leg. It looked shriveled again and a long way from being ready for action.

  “How many sugars, Leslie?”

  She grabbed the sheet and threw it over his lap. “Ah, just one please!” Her heart pounded in her chest and she looked round to see if he was coming into the room.

  “OK, dinner in about 10 minutes then.”


  She dabbed his head once again with the towel and was pleased to see him stir slightly. Slipping her hand under the sheet she found his cock and felt sure that it had grown in the past twenty seconds. She squeezed it gently, feeling the change in texture beneath her fingers and calculating that it might be two inches by now as it was about as long as her thumb, but so much warmer. She stroked the inside of his thigh, gently moving his legs apart as he shifted his weight. Thoughts ran though her mind of the countless dreamy nights in her bed, her two or three sexy scenarios that played out with one or two boys from school where she had a sudden ability to control their actions, make them do as she wanted on command. ‘Touch yourself while you look at me’ had been a favourite as well as having the guy tied up while she explored and teased them. She flexed her thigh muscles, squeezing her pussy as it rubbed lightly against the edge of the bed. Brian had been a star too after he went back home last year, her imagination creating scenarios where he ravished her in her Mum’s shower or down in the basement in front of the TV.

  A master plan hatched in her head and she took hold of his cock and stroked it firmly, keeping her hand wrapped around it to judge what effect she was having. She reasoned that it would continue to grow even if she left it alone, just as it had before. Returning the sheet she took the towel into the kitchen and soaked it again, looking around at Frank’s labors, judging how long it might be until dinner, and whether he was likely to come back into the bedroom. Satisfied that he would be busy for another ten minutes she rung out the towel and wandered back.

  To her delight the sheet had a bulge in it and she pulled it aside to reveal his bobbing cock. With some courage, she leaned down and kissed the tip, tasting very little which put to rest a few dozen theories that had been floating around school. Leaning back up she kept hold of his cock and determined that it was about the same length as it had been when he sat on the seat outdoors. She leaned back down again and took it a little way into her mouth, trying it out for size as she pulled the foreskin down like Frank had shown her.

  More reality than fantasy, there had been Tommy Prentice just before the end of the school year. Tommy with the curly hair and cute face. Not part of the jocks, nor the nerds, just happy Tommy and his smile but he was super bright, always willing to help and a feature once in a while of her evening desires. His phone call startled her for several reasons. Most immediately was the fact that they hardly talked – she would never dare start a conversation with him. So when he said ‘Hi Les, it’s Tommy’ she felt quite faint and reached for the wall. She listened to see if she could hear giggling or others on the line but it seemed like it was just him’ ‘Yes?’ was her stupid reply, not ‘hi’, or ‘hey there’. He had paused then asked about a homework question, saying that he didn’t know how to start. Leslie shook her head at her dumb response of “I haven’t done it yet’. He had paused, then said something like ‘see you tomorrow’. Her Mum had then asked to go to the Deli for some potatoes, and as she cycled along the road it suddenly dawned on her that he might have wanted to come round and work on the problem together, or she could have worked on it and called him back or maybe he just wanted to chat. Just as she realised that he must have gone to some effort to try and find her phone number she cycled into the Stop sign at the end of her road and swore. She had worked for almost an hour on the homework later that evening, impressing her mother but the following day he didn’t say a word and she didn’t get an opportunity to tell him what she had worked out. Yes, being around Tommy for the summer would have been very nice indeed if only she had understood what was happening.

  She noted the tell-tale smell once again of Brian’s ‘accident’ and assumed that they had not cleaned him up quite as well as they had thought, but it didn’t stop her from descending on him again, feeling his hard erection in her fingers and marveling at the way the skin moved over the stiff shaft as it passed between her lips. She practiced breathing through her nose and then licked the tip with her tongue, flicking at it, circling it like in the video on Sammy’s phone that she had shown everyone before she became surprisingly interested in girls.

  Brian stirred again, moaning a little and Leslie quickly put the sheet back over her toy.

  “Is he OK?” asked Frank from the kitchen.

  “Think so, perhaps we can give him a drink?”

  “OK, tea’s here, take some to him,” said Frank, dropping a spoon in a mug. “It’ll be hot so be careful.”

  She entered the kitchen, realising she was wet and that her pussy lips were likely to be noticeably swollen. She took the tea and a large spoon and returned to the boy’s bedside, swaying her hips to encourage the growing feeling between her legs. Sitting beside him she blew on a spoonful of tea and sipped it before bringing it to his lips. It dribbled down onto his chest without any going in.


  “What’s up?”

  “I need to wake him I think.”

  Frank came in and saw the sleeping boy. “Not a bad idea, right, make sure he’s OK?” He moved to stand beside Leslie and felt the boy’s for
ehead. “He seems OK, I hope he hasn’t had any more accidents in the bed,” said Frank, pulling back the sheet.


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