Walking Wounded

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Walking Wounded Page 25

by Jodie Halliday

  She suddenly went rigid, her mouth open but silent. A couple of seconds later she seemed to explode with a huge shriek of pleasure, followed by several powerful squirts of come and then two short farts as her orgasm ruled her senses. She cried out twice more, still gripping him as he continued to thrust into her tiny teen pussy. She shook her head from side to side, perhaps trying to shake off the intensity of the feeling or even asking Frank to stop but he carried on, sensing his own orgasm approaching. He opened his eyes and saw the little girl, doubled-up, soaking between her legs while her breasts were still hidden beneath her thighs. Her blonde hair cascaded about her head, glistening in the sun and a shock of pleasure ran through him which set him on course for his orgasm. He wanted to kiss her lips but was sure her would break some bones, so he let go of her ankles and slipped his hands under her buttocks. His middle fingers sought her anus and pushed inside roughly, making her squeal again. Resting his head beside hers he pulled her close to him and picked up the pace once again. Her feet came up and crossed over his back, pulling him as deep as possible into her. Nuzzling into her hair he felt the surge then exalted in the feeling as he emptied himself into her, pumping hard and deep inside as he sensed her orgasm once again.

  As his movements slowed he nibbled her ear, teasing inside with his tongue. His orgasm subsided and he smiled at the intensity of his satisfaction. Leslie gripped his head, pulling him closer as her hips thrust up from the blanket. Frank took her ear lobe between his lips and pulled gently, making her cry out with delight. Her hands slid to his shoulders as her thrusting increased dramatically and Frank reciprocated by thrusting into her again with his rigid cock. The approach of her orgasm was obvious as her nails dug into his back and the open-mouthed shock on her face transformed to lust and desire. She squinted up at him, almost angry with the look on her face that pleaded for him to give her what her body desired. With determination she again wrapped her legs around his buttocks and pulled herself up to get him as deep inside as possible. Frank grabbed a handful of her blonde hair and yanked it roughly which seemed to trigger a landslide of pleasure. Her eyes screwed up tight as she wailed with each hard stroke. She shook spastically and her hands slid from the man’s back as she was wracked with a force that made her incoherent. Flailing on the ground she tried to hold on to the blanket but gripped the tall grass, pulling handfuls of it up by the roots as she rode out the intensity of her love-making.

  Frank stayed inside her, hard, his movements slowing gradually as the little girl regained control of her body. He kissed her forehead, then her lips and smiled at the way her wonderful face was framed with the iridescence of her hair in the sunlight, looking like a model for a shampoo advert. He began to pull out but she gripped his arms and looked into his eyes.

  “No, not yet. Please?”

  Frank lay down on top of her then gripped her buttocks and turned with her onto his side. He brushed some long stalks of grass from her hair and touched her cheek, pleased with the fact that his cock remained rock-hard inside her as her arms wrapped around his neck. She twitched occasionally as her orgasm slowly died away, giggling after a while as the shocks of pleasure continued to course through her body. Frank slipped out of her and lay by her side as she draped a leg over him and her pussy drained slowly between their bodies.

  She kissed him gently, looking up into his eyes. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For treating us so nicely. This has been way better than it would have been at the campsite.”

  “Huh, for you maybe. Not for Brian.”

  “For me, perfect, yeah. He wasn’t expecting anything so for him too it’s been great.” She kissed him again, brushing his lips. “We’ve both learned a lot.”

  “Promise me though that you won’t suddenly start jumping into bed with guys.” Leslie shrugged then nodded gently. “Seriously, you’re young. There are millions of guys out there who would like to have sex with you but you can take your time and take your pick. It’s just as important to know how to make the choice as making the choice itself.”

  Leslie looked confused but nodded again. “OK.”

  “What I mean is that you need to develop the skills to work out what a guy is like, not just base a decision on looks.”

  “Or age?”

  They both laughed and Frank was pleased with her joke. He nodded and caressed her breast, feeling the smooth mound within his palm.

  “Yeah, age has no bearing on it, the older the better I think,” he said, pinching her nipple gently. She reached down between their bodies and wrapped her fingers around his semi-hard cock.

  Frank heard the door open and looked up to see Brian walking over to the bench seat, still naked. He appeared to be more mobile since the previous night but still moved slowly for a young teenager.

  “Yo, Brian, we’re over here!” shouted Frank. Brian looked around then saw Brian’s hand waving above the tall grass. He walked slowly towards them, his hand massaging his flaccid cock.

  “Morning!” said Brian, kneeling down slowly on the blanket.

  “Hey, how you feeling?” asked Leslie, letting go of Frank’s cock to touch her cousin’s thigh.

  Brian shrugged. “Much better than yesterday, my head doesn’t hurt but my shoulder still does.”

  “You know you’ll have to get underway soon, don’t want your Mum to worry,” said Frank.

  “Yeah, we’ll be OK, we can walk slowly. Stop now and then.” He looked down at Frank’s thick cock and as Leslie rolled over towards him his gaze shifted to her legs and the wet marks over her thighs that glistened in the sunlight. She smiled at him and the faint look of surprise on his face.

  “Come on Bri, we ought to get our stuff packed.”

  “Yeah, I will need to leave soon after you two. It’s about an hour’s hike to the road for me.”

  Within an hour Leslie had packed her backpack, leaving behind most of the cans that were useless to them but had made some strawberry jam rolls as a snack for their trek back to the road. She commented that everyone looked “weird” with clothes on and both Brian and Frank smiled at her observation. Brian’s backpack was almost empty but he still winced as Frank helped him to get the straps adjusted.

  “Ok, now. You’re going to cross the river where we first came over, then turn right onto the track which will lead you back to the trail that you were on when you had the accident, OK?”

  “Yeah, we’ll be fine.”

  “OK, but remember, you can’t stop to admire the view, you have about seven hours of light. You still have battery in your phone?”

  “Yup, I’ll call Mum when we get to the road, I know I can get a signal there.”

  They each looked at the ground, knowing this was the time to part company. Frank offered his hand to Brian.

  “Look after yourself, and get to a doctor tomorrow morning. I hope there’s no lasting problem, and remember to get them to check that gash at the back of your head, OK?”

  Frank noted a tear in Brian’s eye as he nodded and smiled weakly. “Thanks, Frank. I know I’d be dead without you.”

  “Huh, I think this young lady would have looked after you just fine.”

  Leslie held out her arms and they hugged. She looked up at his big smile and kissed him fully on the lips. As she rested her head on his chest he kissed her hair and gently pushed her away before she felt his cock surging once again.

  “Thank you Frank. For absolutely everything!” said Leslie as a tear trickled down her cheek. She turned and nodded at Brian and they started their descent towards the river. Frank watched with a sense of joy as the two cousins joined hands so that Leslie could guide Brian and steady him over the roots of the trees. His heart thumped in his chest as Leslie turned one last time and gave him the most glorious smile of gratitude. He waved then turned back to the cabin, confirming through the kitchen window that they had indeed disappeared from sight. He smiled and then laughed, thinking to himself that he would always remember the garden for the time he
had shaved a young nineteen year-old blonde princess and then made love to her. His smile faded and he breathed deeply. Indeed, that had been making love, not just sex.

  Packing up the kitchen took only a few minutes including bagging up the waste which he would carry out rather than bury in the garden and attract bears. The mattress which had served as a bed for he and Leslie slid back under Brian’s bed easily, which only left checks on the propane and water before he picked up his own backpack, inserted the waste and locked the door. Within two or three minutes he was heading downhill, away from the river, and away from the most amazing weekend he had spent at the cabin.

  Leslie gingerly stepped onto the first rock that provided the means of crossing the river and looked back to make sure Brian was able to follow. With small steps, they made the crossing safely and began the slow climb up towards the main trail. Leslie looked back again, noting that while Brian seemed to be in some pain he was managing to maintain a reasonable pace and she had no concerns that they might run out of light.

  “Hey,” she said, “I’m getting hungry. Want a roll?”

  “No, not really, we only just had breakfast you know.”

  “Huh,” said Leslie as she slipped the pack off her back. The rolls were four days old but she had thought that the jam would make them moist and edible. With the pack on her back again she walked and ate, deciding that the roll was actually still quite soft. It helped that the jam had been liberally applied.


  “What?” asked Brian.

  “All over my fucking leg!”


  “The jam.”

  They walked in silence and Leslie threw the final part of the roll off to the side. She could see the dense, dark green and brown pine trees around her, with rocky mounds breaking up their regimented rows. It was cool, the sun blocked out even though it was a perfect, cloudless day. Leslie estimated that she would be able to call her mother in the next thirty minutes, just after they got out of the forest and the fields of corn (or maybe it was barley) provided the next landscape.

  She looked behind and saw Brian had found himself a stick which he was using to provide some support rather than swish at nature as he had on the way up. As she looked back she heard a rustling in the undergrowth which might have come from a rocky mound to her left. She slowed slightly, unconcerned since the noise could have come from a bird or small animal. The mound was about 15 feet high and she kept a careful watch as she stepped over a couple of old tree trunks. The noise happened again and she pin-pointed it more accurately to somewhere behind a boulder. Stepping over another log she squealed as a bear cub ambled out from behind two trees. She lost her footing and slipped to the ground, spilling her pack behind her.

  “Wassup?” asked Brian.

  “A little bear.”

  “You’re joking, right?” He came into sight and stopped short of where Leslie lay. “Get up and leave,” he said sternly.

  “It’s OK, it’s just a cub.”

  “No, fucking no! Let’s go now!” he hissed, turning to retrace his steps. As Leslie watched him go she tried to get up but the pack made it difficult. The cub wandered towards her and sniffed at her pack. She pulled it away and got to her knees.

  “Les, fucking move!”

  The cub gripped the flap of her backpack in its teeth, swaying its head from side to side playfully as it smelt the rolls. Leslie got to her feet and pulled again, making the cub growl. The pine needles had stuck to the jam on her leg and she tried to wipe them off with her hand.

  “Leave it and run!” shouted Brian, now more than thirty feet away. He looked frightened, his eyes darting around the forest. “Leave the goddamn backpack.”

  Leslie gasped. “Oh fuck!” she said quietly. No more than twenty feet away was the head of a much larger bear, which Leslie correctly assumed to be the cub’s mother. Its eyes fixed on her as it slowly walked toward her, more and more of its body appearing through the trees to reveal its massive shoulders and thick rear legs, breathing audibly in the quiet of the afternoon. The cub snapped at Leslie’s right hand, attracted by smell of the jam. Its teeth gripped her, piercing her flesh and although it was painful Leslie thought more about how she was now in deep trouble. She pulled against the cub, trying to get her hand back while keeping her eyes fixed on the larger animal. The mother put her ears back and lowered her head.

  “Bri, get out of here!” she shouted. Angered by the noise, the bear swung its head from side to side and pawed at the ground, growling at her. Leslie screamed as the huge mother bear ran across to her in a matter of seconds and sank her teeth into her left arm. It twisted her, pushing her down onto the ground, holding her there. She screamed again and the bear rocked its head from side to side, its teeth sinking deeper as blood began to trickle onto the forest floor.

  Leslie sobbed from the pain as she was held to the ground, the pine needles digging into her flesh. She saw the cub running past with the backpack in its jaws and Leslie tried valiantly to stand but the bear bit deeper and she felt a crack as her arm broke between its jaws. She screamed as loudly as she could and the bear let go of her arm and swiped her with the full force of its front paw. She sensed she was flying in the air, above the cub, away from danger. As the bright sunlight glinted through the trees all sense was knocked out of her as she crashed into the rocky mound and slid to the ground.

  Nothing made sense. There was a humming in her head that seemed to blot out all other sounds, and her vision gave the impression of being in a distorted tunnel. She could taste soil, pine needles and blood in her mouth and while she couldn’t feel her legs she sensed that there was something wrong with the area around her stomach. Her fingers worked and she could make a fist but before she could take any further inventory of her health she felt herself being rolled over and a sense of nausea developed. The huge bear surveyed her body, the great irregular gash from the swipe of its paws over Leslie’s stomach revealing her intestines and the pine needles and dirt that now clung to every organ. Her t-shirt was ripped and filthy providing no coverage for her blood-splattered breasts. The bear sniffed around, nosing at her to see if she was dead. Blood poured from her head where she had smashed against the rock and from her mouth where her twisted teeth had pierced her lip as she had fallen back onto the forest floor. The humming had become an agonizing throbbing in her head and her vision shut down to show continual black.

  Brian turned from his vantage point and watched in horror as his cousin seemed to effortlessly fly through the air. He screamed and ran back towards the river, knowing that there was little he could do in his injured state against an irate mother bear or even against just the cub. He knew they were in trouble and hoped that if he could get back to the cabin he would have a chance to get help. His shoulder was agony and as he dropped his backpack to lighten the load he sensed relief as he found the path they had used when he had been ill three days before. A roar filled the forest and he wailed as he ran faster, pain searing through his limbs at the unwanted exercise. He was on the track now and could hear the river below, almost there. He reached out to hold on to a small tree and heard a rustling in the nearby trees.

  His heart leaped, wondering how on earth the bear could have caught up with him so quickly. He swung around and his fingers scraped along the bark of the tree until he was left holding nothing. Slipping to his left he spun round and saw the river, the smooth saddle-shaped stone and the approaching brambles. He tumbled over the bank, hitting his head on an exposed root, then after another ten feet of gravel and loose rocks, he smashed onto the edge of the river bed, less than twenty feet from where he had landed three days ago. Semi-conscious, and with his feet trapped between two rocks, he tried in vain to hold his breath and push his head above the water level. Forty seconds later, and with blackness enveloping his mind he took his last breath. As his body twitched and stilled, two squirrels up on the track above scampered back into the undergrowth.

  />   Jodie Halliday, Walking Wounded




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