Three Thousand Miles - Forever, (book #3 of Three Thousand Miles, Series)

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Three Thousand Miles - Forever, (book #3 of Three Thousand Miles, Series) Page 2

by Deila Longford

  Hello baby, how did your dress fitting go? Text me as soon as you get this… I quickly respond. Hey doll, the dress fitting went well. How is your meeting? X

  My meeting went well I have clinched another few deals. What are you doing just now?

  Sophie and I went for coffee after the dress fitting and now I am just giving her ride over to James’s x.

  I see, are you being careful, Alanna.

  Yes dumb and dumber are always by my side.

  Alanna how many times must I tell you not to referto your security in that way?

  I know, I know, I am sorry. Anyways, what are you up to?

  I have a ton of paperwork to get through before I meet you for dinner. I meant to ask how you are feeling about tonight. I pause as I reply. I have not really thought about tonight’s dinner with Emma and Michael. My mind has been pre-occupied with wedding dresses and pregnant friends. I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that Sophie is pregnant. It is so unreal and I have no words to describe how I am feeling.

  To be honest I have not really thought about it. I have been busy all day with wedding stuff.

  Is your Mom still acting like the wedding planner from hell?

  Hey, don’t dis my Mom!

  Sorry baby you know that I mean no harm, anyway I had better dash, I will see you later?

  Of course, you will and hey Adrian, I love you just a little today.

  Ha ha very funny.

  I couldn’t resist,

  Until next time baby, I throw my phone back into my bag and I cannot contain smile. I love Adrian so much that it actually hurts. My heart is aching right now because he is not here. The last few months have been torture and I am so glad that he is here in New York. Adrian had to spend the last two months in London, because of his work. The company is going through some major changes right now and of course, Adrian had to be there to approve every decision. I stayed here in New York to plan the wedding, whilst Adrian brought his company up to another level. I had to survive on only seeing him once every couple of weeks, it was always at weekends, and those two days were never going to be enough. I hate that we live so far apart but once we are married, I will fly three thousand miles to be with him forever.

  The car pulls up at James’s Soho apartment. I quickly glance at Sophie as she reaches for the door. Her cheeks are tear- stained and she looks terrified. I really hope that James treats her right, when she tells him the news. For the first time I really think that, Sophie is genuinely in love. She shares something special with James that she never did with Chace. He gets her wicked sense of humour and he loves that she is so forward. I feel that he loves her for who she is and I truly believe that he will never hurt her. I smile at her as I try to reassure her that everything will be okay.

  “Sophie it will be fine, James will be ecstatic.” Sophie presses a half-smile from her lips at my kind words.

  “Do you really think so?”

  “Yes, now go and tell him.” Sophie pulls me in for a gentle hug.

  “I will call you later, okay?” She says as she opens the car door. I shift over in the seat and I smile at her once again.

  “I am always here if you need to talk.” “You are the world’s best friend, Alanna.” I blushat her words and then she closes the door and I watch as she makes her way upthe steps of the building. I quickly glance at my bodyguards who sit frozen in front of me. I briefly smile as I alert the driver to take me to my next destination.

  “Take me to my house.” I rush into the Condo and I throw my bag down onto the floor. I make my way into the lounge and I sink into the large, brown, leather sofa. I kick off my shoes and I try to digest the events of today. My heart is racing and my head is buzzing, as I think about Sophie and that she is pregnant. I shake off my shock as I leap from the sofa and run into the bathroom. I quickly run the bath as I prepare for tonight’s dinner with Michael and Emma. I slide into the tub and as the warm bubbles caress my skin, I cannot escape my thoughts of Michael. My relationship with him has definitely changed. He still remains my friend and we do talk on a regular basis, but things are not the same as they used to be. Michael is more restrained with me. I feel that he holds things back, that he would usually tell me. He is more guarded when it comes to being affectionate with me. Michael would always kiss me on the cheek or pull me in for hugs but now – nothing. He doesn’t talk to me the way that he used to and I feel that he has –changed. Although he is always around me, he feels so far away. The only explanation I can think of for his behaviour is Emma. I believe that he cares deeply for her and that she feels the same way. Emma adores Michael and over the last few months, Maggie has learned to accept that her daughter needs love and therefore, she has accepted Michael as her daughter’s boyfriend. I watch them together and they seem very happy. Michael is content with Emma and I am glad that he has found someone. However, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt me. I ache every day for Michael. He means the world to me and I would give anything if things could be back to the way they were, even just for one day.

  I quickly get dressed and as I blow dry my hair, I hear my phone buzzing from inside my bag. I sigh as I answer the call.

  “Hey Mom,”

  “Alanna, I am so glad that I caught you.” She says in a desperate tone. “Why what’s wrong?” I ask firmly.

  “Nothing is wrong sweetie, I have the final seating chart and I don’t know whether or not to hold a place for Adrian’s Mom.”

  “Mom he hasn’t said that she isn’t invited so hold a place, just in case.”

  “Sweetie the wedding is in six days and we need an answer. Can’t you ask him again?” I shake my head as I feel that my mom shouldn’t be pushing this on Adrian. He has been working extra hard on keeping his anger at bay and he has been doing so well. Ever since I told him that he needed to sort out his temper, he has been attending regular therapy sessions both here and in London. He finds comfort in talking about his past, in a controlled environment. He is beginning to move on a little from what happened and I feel that any day now he could have a reconciliation with Alice. I just think that our wedding might not be right time for that first meeting. So many things could happen and I don’t know if he could fully control himself around her. I wouldn’t want anything to ruin our special day and I would hate it for my parents and our guests to witness an anger filled Adrian.

  “Mom, I don’t want to push him on this. You have to understand how hard it is for him.”

  “I do understand but I need to know.” My mom says firmly.

  “I guess that I could ask him again.” I give in as I think that there is no other way out of this conversation.

  “Thanks sweetie, now remember you also need to talk to him about the wedding gifts and his tux!”

  “Yes Mom, I got it!”

  “Okay, just making sure that you remember I know that you can be a scatter brain sometimes!” I laugh slightly and then I end the call. I slump down onto the bed and my mind quickly revolves back to Sophie. I wonder how James took the news and I cannot help but worry as to why she hasn’t called yet. I flick through my phone until I come across her number. I resist the urge to call her, as I think that they could be trying to work everything out. I would hate it if I got in the wayand I feel that I should wait for Sophie to call first. I glance at my watch and I notice that it’s gone five. Adrian should be home by now and I wonder why he is takingso long. I find his number in my contacts and I quickly hit send. My heart gently races as I wait for him to answer.

  “Hello,” I hear him say in his deep, English accent. I cannot hold back my smile at the sound.

  “Hey doll,” I say in an excited tone.

  “Baby I am running late so I will just have to meet you at the restaurant, is that okay?” I frown and then I agree. “Yeah I suppose, why are you held up?” I say quietly as I don’t want him to think that I am prying into his business. Adrian hates it when I question him on what he is doing.

  “Paperwork and I have a session with my therap
ist in a bit, Alanna why are you questioning me?”

  “No reason I was just a little worried that you weren’t home yet.”

  “Your voice sounds serious is there something wrong?” I clear my throat as I reply.

  “Nothing is wrong, but I do have a few things that I need to talk to you about.”

  “What things, tell me!” He says firmly.

  “It is just wedding stuff and it is nothing for you to worry about.” I try to reassure him. The phone is silent as he takes in my response. “Okay we will talk at dinner. Now I must dash I have the London office on the other line. See you tonight, beautiful.” He hangs up and I slump again into the bed. I lie there for a few minutes until my phone rings again. I roll my eyes as I see that it is Amelia who is calling.

  “Hello ,” I say in an anxious voice. The only time she calls is when she has lists of things that she needs me to approve, even though she and my mom pay no attention to my actual decisions.

  “Alanna darling, how are you?” She says brightly. I hold back my giggle at her over enthusiastic tone. “I am good and you?”

  “Good, good, I am fine. Now I have a few things that I need to go over with you.” I roll my as of course she does.

  “I am all ears!”

  “Have you chosen the song for your first dance yet?” I smile as that is the one thing that I am sure about.

  “Yes, Michael Bublé – Home.”

  “Good choice. Now the cars for the wedding party do you still want to go for the white cars for the bridal party and the black for the groom?”

  “Yes that’s fine.” “Okay bear with me a second as I write this done.” This time I cannot hold back my giggles at her squeaky voice. “The honeymoon, have you decided where you want to go?”

  “Not yet, I am sure that Adrian has a few ideas but he has been so busy lately that I haven’t had a chance to talk to him about it.”

  “Okay and the cake, do you like the vanilla sponge with the lemon- buttercream frosting?”

  “Yes that’s fine.”

  “Alanna are you just agreeing with everything that I am saying because you cannot be bothered to disagree?”

  “No, no, I just trust your judgments.”

  “Okay if you say so!”I laugh again and this time Amelia joins in.

  “Is that all that you need to go over?” I ask – hopefully.

  “That’s all for now. I am meeting with Belle to discuss the seating chart. Is there any other guests that you would to add?” “No I think that I have invited everyone.”

  “Okay then if you’re sure?”

  “Yes I am sure, talk to you later Amelia.”

  I begin to feel nervous as the car pulls up in front of the restaurant. I step out of the car and I make my way into the building - with a bodyguard either side. I glance around the area as I seek out Adrian. I soon realise that he is not here yet, so I wait for the server to seat me at our table.

  “Welcome, how may I help you Miss?” A member of staff greets me. I smile at the girl.

  “I have a reservation under the name of Black,” “Yes please come this way,” I follow the girl to the back of the room and then that is when I see Michael sitting at the table. Myheart begins to race as he looks up from his phone and his eyes lock on mine. I notice that Emma is not here yet or maybe she is in restroom. Either way, I am alone for the first time in forever with Michael. The girl pulls out a chair for me and I sit opposite him.

  “May I offer you a drink?” The girl says as she fiddles with her note book. I smile up at her. “Yes I will have a still water… thanks.” I clear my throat as I look at Michael. He looks stunning tonight in his white shirt and dark blue jeans. His hair is longer than usual and his eyes are perfectly blue in the dim light of the restaurant. I wait penitently for him to talk, as I don’t feel like breaking the silence. He wrinkles his forehead at whatever is on the screen of his phone and then he quickly places it down onto the table in frustration. He begins to tap his fingers rapidly onto the surface of the glass table and I begin to get even more anxious as I await his words.

  “So long time no see!” He finally says. I smile at him as I quickly respond. “Actually I saw you the other day, don’t you remember?” I say in a light, sarcastic voice. Michael presses a smile from his lips and I begin to relax a little more around him.

  “Of course I remember, but it feels like ages ago. Anyway how have you been?” “I have been good and you?”

  “The same old working myself to the bone. You have lost so much weight Alanna are you sure that you are okay?” I roll my eyes as I am getting annoyed with everyone telling me that I have lost weight. It is not as if I have tried to lose weight it simply came off because of the stress I am under with planning the wedding. Doesn’t every bride lose weight before their wedding?

  “Yes I am fine. Where is Emma?” I ask trying to switch the topic of conversation away from my weight.

  “She should be here any minute now, and Adrian?” “The same,” I confess. The girl comes back with my water and I take a massive gulp as I feel extra thirsty. My feet begin to tap against the chair as I sit in an awkward silence with Michael.

  “So not long until the wedding.” He says after a several minutes of utter silence. This feels so awkward and I hate this feeling I wish that things would return to the way that it was before.

  “I know it’s unbelievable to think that this time next week, Adrian and I will be married.” Michael slightly rolls his eyes and I still feel that some part of him wishes that this wedding wasn’t going to happen. I tear my eyes from away from Michael as I see Emma striding towards our table. She is gorgeous today in her, black mini dress and heels. Her long slim legs are perfectly tanned and her dark hair is flowing. I smile at her and she quickly sits down at the table. Michael briefly kisses her and I try not to stare at his affection towards her. When they pull back Emma instantly turns to me.

  “How did your dress fitting go today?”

  “Good I hope it’s the last one. How does your dressfit?” She smiles at me as her green eyes glow.

  “The dress fits perfectly; I want to thank you again for having me as your bridesmaid. It means the world to me.” I reach over and take her hand. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Emma and Adrian have become very close in last few months. Emma has spent most of her timein London with Michael so it’s only natural that she has gotten to know Adrian more. Over the summer months she and Adrian took a short break in the south of France. The time that they shared really brought them closer together and I am thrilled that she and Adrian have such a good relationship. I felt that it was necessary to have her as one of my bridesmaids, as she means the world to Adrian. I wanted to include Adrian’s family as much as I can in the wedding and that is why I have invited Mr and Mrs Jenkins to stay with my family at our house. They originally wanted to stay in the city, but Adrian convinced them that it would be better if they stayed in the Hamptons. My dad and Mr Jenkins have already met – in London and I my mom has spoken with Tabatha a few times over the phone. I am looking forward to our families coming together and celebrating with Adrian and I.

  “Baby,” Adrian says as he strides towards me. I cannot hold back my smile as I take in his looks. He is dressed in a dark, grey suit with a white shirt underneath. His hair is messy and his eyes are sinful. He reaches me and he instantly pulls me in for a kiss. His lips are tender as they collide with mine and I sigh as I feel complete in his presence. When he pulls back he briefly kisses his sister on the cheek and then firmly shakes hands with Michael. He sits and then we order.

  “I will have the house salad please,” I say as I hand the server my menu. Adrian shakes his head at me and he quickly steps in. “Ignore her; she will have the same as me.” I scowl at him, but I know that I cannot challenge him on this matter. The girl looks at him in confusion and then she turns to me.

  “Miss, is that okay?” Adrian maintains his serious stare as I try to respond to the server.

that’s fine; I will have the same as him.” Michael shakes his head and then he and Emma order their food. We sit in silence until Adrian breaks it.

  “So how was everyone’s day?” Michael is the first to respond.

  “Busy, I have a tone of paperwork to get through tonight; I don’t know how I am going to manage it.” Adrian nods in agreement. “I am not doing anything tonight, if you need me to go over a few of the contracts?”

  “I should manage but if I need your help I will email you the details.” Unaware of my actions I roll my eyes and Adrian quickly notices.

  “I think that we are boring the girls and baby how many times must I tell you not to roll your eyes?” I laugh at him as he gently squeezes my hand under the table. Emma laughs and she begins to tell us abouther day.

  “So I take it that you’re loving life at Yale?” I say when Emma is finished gushing about her love for college.

  “It is a dream come true to attend Yale, I really can’t thank you enough.” Emma says as she flashes Adrian a huge a smile.

  “And how was your day?” Adrian asks as he turns to me. I exhale as I reply. “Hectic!” “Oh poor baby, what was it that you needed to talk to me about?” I pause as I begin to talk. I decided to just ask him about his tux and the wedding gifts, I will wait until we are alone before I mention Alice.

  “I have been ordered to talk to you about registering for our wedding gifts and I have to make sure that you have sorted out your tux for the wedding.” Adrian runs his fingers through his hair and he smiles at me.

  “My suit is ready, I have to collect it from Tom Ford tomorrow. Do I really need to be there to pick out the wedding gifts?” I frown at him.

  “Of course you need to be there.”


  “Because, you just need to be there, I can’t do it alone.”

  “Alanna, I would rather we didn’t register.” I frown at him again as he is making no sense.

  “I don’t understand,” “Alanna I would rather our guests make a donation to a local charity than spend their money on gifts that we don’t need.” I shake my head at him but as I take in his words, I feel that I agree with him. I have never thought of asking for donations for a charity as wedding gifts, but the more I think about it the more I want it.


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