Mama Dearest

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Mama Dearest Page 13

by E. Lynn Harris

  “Do you really want to do that? I mean if people found out where you live you might open yourself up to stalkers and the crazies.”

  “Trust me, I’m not afraid of any stalkers. All I’ve got to do is put my mother on them.” I laughed.

  “Let me talk to Jeff and see what he thinks. There are plenty of places in New York we could rent and shoot the show. I even like the idea of finding a place in Harlem.”

  “I know what we can do,” I said, wanting to tell him that the doll wasn’t doing Harlem, no matter how trendy it became.

  “What’s that?”

  “Maybe we could find me something nice and small in Florida. You know if I’m really making a comeback, then I need to have a second home.”

  “We can look into that but what might be cool is to show a softer side of you and get something in New Orleans where you could do some charity work in your spare time.”

  “New Orleans? Do those people still need help down there?”

  “Yes, Yancey,” he said as if he were talking to a child. “There is still plenty of work to do in New Orleans.”

  I thought about it for a minute and said, “Okay. Look, I’ll do whatever I have to do but I’m sure there are some charity things I can do on South Beach as well.”

  “We got plenty of time to decide, baby girl.”

  “Marcus, you have made my day. No, my year! Remind me that when I see you in the flesh that you deserve something special.”

  “No doubt, baby girl. No doubt.”

  Just as I hung up the phone, it rang again; it was Dalton.

  “Hey Boo.”

  “Yancey, what’s shaking?”

  “Nothing much, just got off the phone with the boyfriend.”

  “How’s that going?”

  “Umm … it’s okay.”

  “I thought you were pretty excited about him.”

  “I am but you know men. Don’t get me started,” I said, not really wanting to get into the subject any deeper.

  “Listen,” Dalton said, “I got some exciting news for you.”


  “I talked to the director of Claudine and they’re interested in having you come in today to sing for them.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes ma’am. I told them how fabulous you are. The casting director said she knew of you.”

  Was that good or bad? “And they still want to see me?”


  “Will you be there, Dalton?”

  “No, I’m nursing a little neck injury.”

  That was a tune I’d heard before. “Neck injury? Child, I hope you have good insurance because there’s always something wrong with you.”

  “Thank God for SAG.”

  “Do you need anything?”

  “I need you to go in there and sing your face off, bitch!”

  It was a little too forceful, but I smiled. “Oh, I’ll do that. Do you think they will let me bring cameras in for my reality show?”

  “These are show business people, Yancey. You know they want a camera anytime they can get one.”

  “Okay. Where do I go?”

  “The Michael Bennett Studios on Sixth Avenue and 56th Street.”

  “What time?”

  “Six o’clock.”

  “I’m there, thanks, Dalton. I’m so glad you’re in my life. Oh, by the way, I listened to your music when I was working out. You really are a great songwriter.”

  He was very pleased to hear that. “Thanks, Yancey, I’m glad you liked it. What did you think of ‘Dearest One’?”

  “I loved that one! That’s the one where you had a female singing with you.”

  “Yeah, I see it as a duet.”

  That was the sort of song I loved to sing, back in the day.

  “Great song.”

  “Thank you. I hope one day to hear you singing it.”

  “With a guy?”

  His voice sounded thoughtful. “I think two females can sing it. Maybe a younger singer because I wrote that as a tribute to my mother.”

  “You’re probably right,” I said as I looked at my watch. It was a little past four and I needed to get dressed.

  “Good luck with the audition. I’m sure you’ll be perfect.”

  “Let’s hope so. I need to get ready.”

  “Bye, sweetie.”

  “Bye, Dalton. I’ll text you after the audition.”

  “Do that.”

  Ava walked into the living room with her robe still on and a sleeping mask resting on her forehead. She looked like she was sleepwalking on her way to the kitchen.

  “Good afternoon, Ava,” I said, practically bursting inside with my fabulous news. This was going to kill her but good and I couldn’t wait to tell her.

  “Is it that late already?” she asked as she twisted off the top of a bottle of water. “I see the food fairy hasn’t paid a visit overnight.”

  “I just got some incredible news so that might be changing soon,” I said, but regretted telling Ava this as soon as the words left my mouth.

  She was suddenly wide awake. “What? You contact that daughter of yours?”

  “No, Ava. I told you I’m not interfering with Madison’s life.”

  “I’d think about it if I were you. It would solve a lot of problems for the both of us. That little bitch is rich.”

  “That’s her money and I’m happy for her. Madison made her money and I’m going to make mine again. Oh, am I going to make mine.”

  “You talking about that man who’s promised you a reality show?”

  “It’s going to happen and you better believe that shit,” I said firmly. “And I have an audition this evening for the lead in a Broadway show.”

  “What show?”

  “I’m not telling.”


  “Just not. I shouldn’t have said anything to you about my reality show.”

  Ava tried to suppress a laugh but couldn’t stop herself. “Yeah, if you believe that I got a condo in Florida I want to sell you.” She walked out of the kitchen back toward the guest room.



  Madison couldn’t believe her ears.

  “So they really want to give me a reality show, Daddy?”

  “It sure sounds that way, sweetheart. Your manager called me a few hours ago and said VH-1 gave the project the green light. They want to follow you as you pick a new assistant and record your first album.”

  She took a bite of her turkey club sandwich from room service and shot her father a playful look of exasperation.

  “CD, Daddy. It’s a CD, not an album. Album is old school,” Madison joked.

  He laughed. “Whatever. Should I tell them you want to do it?”

  “But what if the series is picked up?”

  “Who said you couldn’t do them both?”

  “Nobody, but you know I have to do some dates with the American Star tour. Is there any way we can get out of that?”

  “Now Madison, we made a commitment, so no. But if you think it’s too much, I’ll tell VH-1 no. There’s plenty of time down the line for some of the other projects.”

  “I don’t want to wait. VH-1 will be important for my career. Especially when my music drops. I don’t think it would be wise to make them mad at us.”

  “So I’m telling them yes,” Derrick said. He picked a cold French fry from Madison’s plate. “You’re not going to eat those, are you?”

  She put a hand over her belly. “No carbs. I have a photo shoot in two days,” Madison said.

  “So I don’t guess the bread counts.”

  “Daddy, are you saying I’m gaining weight?”

  He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. “Sweetheart, I didn’t say that and you know how I feel about diets. I just want you to eat healthy.”

  “You don’t have to worry about me looking like Nicole Richie. I love my body.”

  “Good, and you should, no matter what. So we’re telling VH-1 yeah.”

  She nodded her head brightly. “I think so.”

  “Now, you know they will want to be privy to every part of your life.”

  “They won’t be following me into the bathroom, will they?”

  “You know I wouldn’t let that happen.”

  “And never without makeup.”

  “I’m not going to promise that. I still can’t get used to you wearing makeup anyway.”

  “Daddy, I’m growing up. I’m almost a full-fledged woman.”

  “I know but not too soon,” Derrick said as he leaned over and kissed his daughter on her forehead again.

  “Have you talked to Shanice lately?”

  “Madison, what did I tell you about dipping into grown folks’ business?”

  “I’m almost a grown folks myself.” Madison laughed.

  “But not too soon, little girl.”



  Hendrick Ramsey, Ava’s dark-chocolate, exquisitely built personal trainer, stood behind her in the reflection of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, spotting her as she tried to complete her third set of squats.

  He was the reason Ava had lost those fifteen-plus pounds, and she was grateful. She fought him at first, whining and complaining every time he urged her to “Push it! Give me just one more rep!” But she realized now that’s what really made the difference in her fat loss and muscle gain.

  Before Ava knew it, she was looking more like her old self again. Soon she found herself looking forward to seeing Hendrick’s straight white smile, his cleanly shaven face and head, and of course those pectorals of granite and those buns of steel.

  While in prison, Ava had all but lost her sexual appetite. She never thought about the act because all she had around her were women and male corrections officers. Despite how good-looking some of those officers were, Ava just couldn’t get with that captive/prisoner sex thang. Sounded like the basis for a bad porno movie.

  But now that Ava was out, her appetite was back. She was like a wild animal held captive for seven years, then turned loose in a jungle filled with delicious prey.

  As Ava lunged deeply, the bar of weights across her shoulders, she noticed how much she was sweating—and how Hendrick was sweating too.

  “Come on, baby. One more!” Hendrick’s body was contoured to hers, his pelvis almost touching her behind, his strong hands on her waist, making sure she did the rep correctly. At twenty-seven years of age, Hendrick was young enough to be her son—no, make that her grandson—even though his thick mustache made him look years older.

  Ava breathed through her mouth as she was taught, heaved the weight all the way up and, with Hendrick’s help, set it on the squat hooks, then stepped out from under it.

  “Girl, you are sweating something fierce,” Hendrick said, smoothing a hand across Ava’s forehand and showing her his palm coated with her perspiration.

  Ava didn’t know why, but that turned her on.

  “Yeah, I sweat when I’m excited,” Ava said, smiling, hoping he’d pick up on the flirtatious comment as she dabbed the crook of her neck with her towel.

  Hendrick paused for a moment, as if to gauge the remark for its double meaning and then laughed it off.

  Ava didn’t know if that line was direct enough, so she told herself to try another.

  “Okay,” Hendrick said. “You’re ready for the leg press.” He walked the ten feet over to the machine. Ava followed behind him, appreciating how well he filled out his warm-up pants and imagining how he must look without them.

  “So have a seat down there, and I’ll start you out with a couple of ten-pound plates.”

  “Only if you sit with me,” Ava said, a bit more aggressively this time. She took a step closer to Hendrick, a sensual look in her eyes. She knew she was crossing the line. But back in the day when Ava wanted a man, all she had to do was blink a single eyelash, and he would be drooling and stumbling over his own feet to get to her. In spite of her age she knew she still held some of that allure.

  Hendrick gave her another weird look, then said, “Are you trying to—”

  Ava stepped right up to him this time, not caring about the other people working out right next to them.

  “Look, Hendrick. We’re both very good-looking, consenting adults. And I have to be honest. I haven’t had sex in dog years. But after working out with you all this time, I’m ready to remedy that.” Ava slid her fingers down the length of one of his muscled arms. “And believe it or not, I think you’re the lucky man I’d like to share that with.”

  Hendrick flashed that wonderful, bright smile of his and seemed to blush a little. “Ava, I’m flattered that you’d find me attractive, and chose me to be the one to … to … well, you know. But I’m a professional personal trainer, not an escort or a boy for hire. If you’d like to continue being trained by me, I can oblige you, but if you need more, I’d suggest you hire someone else.”

  His candor wounded her already vulnerable pride, but she laughed it off as if it meant nothing to her. Lowering herself onto the leg press machine, she said, “I was just testing you, you know that. I saw the way you’ve been looking at me, and I just wanted to make sure you weren’t the type to cross any lines, you understand.”

  Hendrick humored her. “You know, I thought that’s what you were doing. I’m glad I passed the test.”

  “Me too. Now go over there and get those twenty-five-pound plates so we can continue my workout. I haven’t forgotten I pay you by the hour, mister.”

  AVA’S BAT PHONE RANG just as she got out of the shower after her workout. She flipped it open. “I was wondering when I was going to hear from you. I think I found a contact for those drugs you were looking for. But I’m going to need some big money.”

  “Find out how much you’re going to need and we can get started. See if your person can get some weed and crack.”

  “I’m pretty sure this thug can get whatever we want,” Ava said.

  “You remember when you were in the joint, you told me that you thought Yancey kept all her love letters and emails from her lovers. Have you been able to locate them yet?”

  “Uh, no. I didn’t know you still wanted them,” Ava said. “You haven’t mentioned them since I last brought them up.”

  “I just want to make sure I got all the proof I need before we go in for the kill.”

  “I have to see if I can pick Yancey’s brain to find out where she might keep them. She’s been at home a lot lately so I haven’t been able to snoop like I need to.”

  “So we’re all set?”

  Hendricks and all the money she was spending on her training popped into her head. “Can you send me some more money? I need to pay someone for his time.”

  “I can send you another thousand.”

  “I guess that will do.” She sounded like that was barely sufficient, then pressed him on another matter. “Before you go, have you talked to your person about getting them to relax my parole yet? As soon as we finish our deal and I get my money, I want to head back to California.”

  “I haven’t yet, but once we’re close to finishing, I will get it done, Ava. I just need you to get those letters or any other evidence that proves Yancey was the one.”

  “Oh, she was the one, all right, but I will see what I can find out. You know we can get copies of her texts during that time.”

  “I know that but those letters and any pictures you can find will help as well.”

  “I know she keeps all her pictures especially when she’s in them,” Ava said, being evasive. That way she could explain her way out of it when no pictures in fact showed up.

  “Has she made a move on her daughter yet?”

  “I’m not sure, but if I know Yancey, she has some plan in her tiny little mind.”

  “Well, we have to make sure that the first meeting of mother and daughter is a bust. Yancey doesn’t deserve a daughter like Madison.”

  Ava thought about how pure and noble Yancey was being about her daughter, and her lips twiste
d in disgust. “You got that right. I didn’t deserve that bitch as a daughter. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve rued the day that backstabbing child was born.”

  “Okay, Ava, get to work. Let me know when you get the stuff.”



  I flung open the door of my town house, expecting to find S. Marcus standing there, but instead was greeted by a tall girl who was dressed like a reject from the WNBA.

  “Can I help you?” I asked cautiously.

  “Yeah, girly. Where is my boo Ava?” she said, walking into my house like she lived here. “You must be Yancey.”

  Raising a finger, I said, “Excuse me. Did I invite you in and how do you know my mother?”

  Lyrical cocked her head, surprised. “Ava didn’t mention me? She sure in the hell ran her trap about your ass a lot. Did she give you a copy of my disc?” She leaned down in my face. “Maybe you can help a bitch get a damn record deal? I heard you used to be in the music industry.”

  I backed away, outraged by her strong-arm come-on. “First of all, you need to stop all that damn cussing in my house. Who in the hell are you?”

  “Bitch, don’t speak to me like that. You might be Ava’s daughter, but you don’t mean shit to me. Besides, Ava told me she gave your ungrateful ass the money for the fuckin’ house, so technically that makes it hers.” She moved in closer again. “Now, miss high-and-mighty, would you like to start this introduction all over?”

  She was breathing hard like some kind of wild animal. I needed to get to my phone so I could call 911 and get this crazy bitch out of my house.

  “What is your name?” I said flatly.

  “It’s Lyrical. What about it?”

  “And you met Ava where?”

  “You call your mama by her first name? My mama would have knocked my ass into next week if I tried some shit like that,” she said with a slight laugh. “But I met Ava—and I can call her that, because she ain’t my mama—at the joint. She didn’t tell you about me?” Lyrical went over and took a seat on the sofa. “I thought Ava would, since I’ve already been up in your crib several times since Ava and me got out.”


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