Claiming Abby [Club Isola 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Claiming Abby [Club Isola 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by Avery Gale

  When no one commented immediately on what Abby had said, Logan watched as she seemed to deflate right before his eyes and he felt the emotion pouring off of her despite the fact he knew she had to be completely spent. Regret, defeat, sadness, and fear were almost pulsing around her. Even if she’d been well rested that emotional soup was a recipe for hitting rock bottom, but when you added in the level of exhaustion she had to be experiencing, it was probably devastating. She’d dropped her face, and when he saw a teardrop splash onto her fingers he picked her up and sat her in his lap so that she was facing Kalen.

  Logan hated the fact she’d woken up alone in the big bed they intended to share with her. She was completely drained. It was likely she hadn’t been sleeping well for weeks if not several months considering what she’d just shared. When Logan looked back at the large monitor they’d been using for the conference call he was relieved to see Mitch Grayson had joined them.

  “Hey Short Round, can you spare me a few minutes? I just want to see if we can get a bit more information about the day you were abducted.” Mitch’s voice was casual and Logan was relieved to see Abby look up and smile.

  “Hi Mitch. Wanna play mind-games with me?” Logan had forgotten about the times the two had faced off about Mitch’s gifts. Abby, ever the scientific researcher, had insisted Mitch prove the validity of his gifts. She’d badgered him relentlessly and Mitch had held steadfastly to his claim that you couldn’t prove the existence of many things, so he wasn’t obligated to prove his gifts. Mitch had waited until they’d all been loading up to leave the ranch to turn to Abby and pull the rug out from under her world by recounting very detailed information about an encounter she’d had with a professor that was giving her trouble. He’d also told her to stay away from the man she’d shown an interest in and told her his unexplained absences were due to a very extensive drug business that she most certainly didn’t need to be involved with. And that the man was deliberately aligning himself with her because of her ties to Garrett Oil. Mitch had described the man, his car, and several of their coffee encounters. Abby had been completely blown away by the accuracy of the information she knew perfectly well he had no reasonable explanation for possessing.

  From that day on, she’d referred to his abilities as “Mind Games” and she’d never questioned him again. But she had been relentless in her research on the topic according to Mitch. Jace had simply laughed when Mitch had asked him to intervene, telling him simply, “welcome to my world, Grayson.”

  Mitch smiled at Abby, “I do indeed to poke around a bit and see if maybe I can unearth something you’ve forgotten. Are you game?” Logan understood Mitch’s unspoken question. The man was all about informed consent and Logan knew he wouldn’t delve into Abby’s memory without her permission.

  “Yes. I want to help in any way I can. Here is what I remember. I worked out hard because I was battling with myself about calling Jace. I knew he, Holly and Gage had only just arrived home and well, you know.” Mitch’s grin told Logan that he did indeed know something she hadn’t shared with everyone else in the room. Interesting.

  “Anyway, as I left the gym I was distracted and suddenly felt as if something had stung me on the neck. Just as I reached up to touch it, my knees started to fold and I felt arms wrap around me and I heard two different voices. Everything was mired in different shades of gray after that, but there is something about a uniform and the word major that sticks in my mind for some reason. I don’t really remember anything else until I woke up in the trunk. I knew almost immediately where I was and I remembered that newer, high-end vehicles have latch releases on the inside. Oddly enough I was lucid enough to realize we’d just turned off from a smooth surface onto a gravel and rutted one, so I assumed that meant they were taking me to a secluded location. There wasn’t anything about that information that seemed like it would bode well for me. So that meant that I needed to get out of their car quickly. I got ready and when they slowed down for what felt like a tight curve I rolled out of the trunk. I didn’t even try to reclose it because I knew they’d hear it slam. Hoping the encroaching darkness and the shade from the trees kept them from noticing the lid was no longer latched until I had time to hide, I immediately took to the cover of the trees. Well, and I guess the rest of it is pretty obvious.”

  Mitch didn’t say anything for what seemed like long minutes, but probably wasn’t more than sixty seconds. “The uniform was khaki and not military but someone working for a paramilitary organization. We’ll start with local jails and prisons before working outward, but I think we’ll find Major Martell fairly quickly. He has serious power issues, he was pissed that his lackey used his name. He’ll roll on whoever hired him because at his core he’s a chicken shit.” Mitch seemed to suddenly break free from whatever he’d been seeing in his mind’s eye. He’d once described the experience to Logan as watching a video playing in his head. He grinned at Abby. “You did great Abby. That is really helpful information. Now, I know you are completely spent, please let Logan take you back to bed so you can rest.”

  Abby simply said her thanks and then laid her head on Logan’s shoulder and closed her eyes. Logan nodded to Mitch before making his way back to the master suite. By the time he got her settled in the bed she was fast asleep. He stayed by her side for several minutes just taking in all the minute details that were the essence of Abby Garrett, and thanking her guardian angel for looking out for her until they’d gotten to her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Abby walked into the SH 216, more commonly referred to as the Hart Building on Senate Hill, to present information to the Energy and Natural Resources Committee surrounded by a security detail befitting the President himself. She had argued until she had been almost blue in the face that their efforts were overkill, but to no avail.

  She’d been surprised to see Daniel Lamont leaning casually against a doorframe in the hallway as they approached the meeting room. “Hey, sweetie, you didn’t think I was going to miss this circus did you?” His teasing words made her smile, God the man exuded charm from every single pore.

  “Please tell me you didn’t fly in just for this.”

  “Nah. Catherine had to get her Callie fix. I swear my wife is trying to figure out a way to adopt Ian’s beautiful wife, despite all the obvious obstacles.” Daniel shook his head and smiled at Abby. She’d heard that the women had formed an unusually tight bond that was probably partially due to the fact Callie’s own mother and sister had all but sold her out to the family of one of the two young men who had raped her. Callie’s story was an amazing one and Abby hoped to get to know her better while she was staying on the island.

  Daniel wrapped her in a warm hug and whispered softly, “I’ve already made a few calls so that you won’t have to answer questions about your abduction or why you’re surrounded by more people than even you realize.” He gave her a reassuring squeeze and then in a voice intended to be heard by everyone around them, “Let’s let this brilliant young researcher tell these gentlemen what they want to know so Ian and I can meet our wives for lunch and hopefully stop them from buying every pink thing in D.C. I honestly believe the two of them think that can just decide that baby is going to be a girl and the universe will align itself to comply.” His chuckle made Abby smile because the man was obviously still completely smitten with his gorgeous wife, even after several decades of marriage.

  Abby was pleased that her presentation had gone flawlessly and the committee members’ questions had been directed solely at the project and its worldwide implications. But there had been an underlying current of tension flowing through the room that had unnerved her. She’d finally figured out most of the animosity seemed to be coming from one of the Senators’ young aids. The young man was constantly making notations and seemed to be texting or emailing frequently.

  Kalen has slid a note to her that simply read, “we’re on it,” so she knew they’d noticed his odd behavior as well. Abby had been feeling upbeat about the reception her fi
ndings had gotten even though she’d greatly generalized them because technically all her research and the results were the intellectual property of Garrett Oil. But when she had turned to leave the room, she’d spotted Sergio Fantella at the back of the room and had frozen in her tracks.

  She was immediately surrounded by four very large men and just as she was ready to tell them that she preferred to just leave as quickly as possible she heard Sergio’s accented voice. “Gentlemen, I assure you I mean Abby no harm. I heard she was going to be speaking today and I came simply to see for myself that she is all right.”

  “Who are you and how do you know Abigail?” Kalen’s voice was razor sharp.

  “My name is Sergio Fantella and I work for the Energy Consortium. Abby and I were once friends until I foolishly betrayed her trust by not revealing who I worked for.”

  Abby gently pushed Kalen aside and stepped up in front of Sergio. “As you can see I am fine. Now if you’ll excuse us we have lunch reservations.” As she attempted to walk past him, Sergio reached out and placed his hand on her arm to halt her. She heard several of the men growl behind her. Possessive much? Who do they think has been looking out for me all these past several years? Granted she hadn’t been kidnapped then, but still…To his credit, Sergio let go of her immediately and raised his hands in a clear signal of surrender.

  “Abby, I want you to know that I had nothing to do with your abduction. Yes, I was asked to recruit you, they would still like very much to hire you, but I would never harm you. Never, Brisa, I swear it to you.” Abby felt her cheeks flame at his use of the pet name he’d called her because he had insisted she was a breath of fresh air. She was deeply embarrassed by the fact that he’d fooled her. She’d really believed he had been interested in her as a woman. She had been totally humiliated to find out she was lusting after him and dreaming about what he’d be like in bed before he’d confessed that he was gay. Thankfully, most of the communication had been electronic, so at least she hadn’t made a complete fool of herself face to face.

  As she listened to him now, she found herself inclined to believe him. For some reason his words didn’t seem to be untrue, but then she obviously wasn’t that good at drawing conclusions related to this man so she simply nodded and then made her way out of the room.

  Grateful that none of the men flanking her had tried to stop her or had tried to ask her any of the questions she knew were coming, she made her excuses and ducked into the ladies’ lounge. She needed a moment to get her bearings and just take a deep breath that wasn’t swimming in testosterone. After using the restroom and washing her hands, she realized there was someone standing to her side. Looking into the mirror she met the eyes of Tamry Davis one of the research team she’d cut loose several months ago. Instinctively knowing this meeting wasn’t a coincidence, Abby activated the audio on her new bracelet as she dried her hands.

  “What are you doing here Tamry?” Abby knew she needed to stall and she was more than a little curious about Tamry’s role in the drama she felt she’d been cast in. Damn, I never had any desire to be an actress and here I am smack dab in the middle of some stinking soap opera.

  “Personally? I don’t want a fucking thing from you. Anybody as stupid as you are could never be a friend of mine. You’re holding the goose that lays golden eggs in your hands and you don’t even know it. Or worse yet, you know and don’t care. Hell, you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth so probably really don’t need the money.” Abby noted the woman’s escalating agitation and wondered just how much higher her voice would go before it started to crackle like static.

  Abby refused to take the bait, rather she chose to just wait her out. “There are bigger players than Garrett Oil and they’ll be in touch soon. I was just sent to make sure you think about how much your precious family means to you. There are several of them that are quite vulnerable including your new sister-in-law…oh, and she’s pregnant too, right?”

  Abby couldn’t help the snarled face she knew she was making or the string of curse words she uttered that would have made a sailor proud. “Touch any member of my family and I’ll find you. There won’t be a corner anywhere in the world dark enough for you to hide.” Abby heard pounding on the door and briefly wondered why the men weren’t just bursting through, but obviously Tamry had locked it from the inside.

  The bitch smiled at her after glancing at the door and simply said, “We will be in touch.” She turned and walked out a second exit that Abby hadn’t even noticed. Before Abby could even take a step toward the locked door it shattered raining splintered wood around the room and she was quickly surrounded.

  Looking up into the furious face of her brother she merely pointed to the steel panel door that was almost impossible to see unless you knew it was there. At his raised eyebrow she just nodded and he immediately started barking orders into a headset he hadn’t been wearing earlier and disappeared into the hall. Abby slumped against Kalen, resting her cheek against his chest and tried to calm her wildly beating heart. She felt his arms tighten around her and the kiss he pressed to the top of her head. “Love, I’m going to be white-headed by the end of the week if this continues.”

  She knew he was only half kidding her and that his attempt at humor had likely taken a Herculean effort. Kalen was intensely protective of all women, and had always seemed particularly so with her. Abby could almost feel the tension vibrating around him and knew he was battling to maintain his usual calm in the face of what had been an obvious threat to every member of her family.

  Suddenly the reality of what Tamry had said hit her and she started to shake from her very core. “Where is Holly? Is she all right? Oh God, what about my parents?”

  “They are fine, love—all of them. As soon as she made the threat, the guys in the control center on the island started making calls. We’ve had verbal confirmation from everyone. Now, let’s get you out of here. Some of the team is staying behind to try and find that bitch, but we need to get you back to the island.”

  “Can we stop by my hotel room and pick up my things? I need some clothes.” Abby knew by the way Kalen’s entire body seemed to bristle that she wasn’t going to like what he had to say.

  “Your room had been completely cleaned out that first night, love. We sent a team there as soon as we knew where you had been staying and the room was completely empty. We’ll have clothing sent to you. Were there any medications or incidentals that you need replaced?”

  “No.” She hated that her answer sounded so cryptic, but the simple fact was that she was beyond pissed. Whoever was behind this bullshit had finally gotten on her last nerve. Stealing clothes? Really? Wasn’t that just about as low as a criminal could sink? And the idea that they’d touched her panties almost made her throw up. She pushed out of his arms and stalked from the washroom and down the hall ignoring several people who called after her. When Kalen finally grabbed her arm and spun her to face him she could see the concern and the frustration in his expression. “I’m sorry, but I’m just plain pissed off. I’m tired of being a damned victim and I’m completely fed-up with these ass-hats messing up my schedule. They are costing Garrett Oil an ungodly amount of money and I shudder to think what it’s costing Ian. I’m tired and hungry and I don’t have any damned panties.” She ended her tirade with a stomp of her foot and looked up in time to see Jace smiling at her.

  “Welcome back Short Round. I’d been wondering when you were going to show up. And just for the record—I doubt your men are going to care about the panties.” Jace leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead before turning and leading them out the door. A part of Abby was still steaming and more than a little embarrassed by the panties comment. But another part of her wanted to fist pump the air because her brother’s “normalcy” had validated her anger and empowered her all in three short sentences. Still my Indy.

  Chapter Fourteen

  John Parsons leaned back in his chair and watched the video feed of Abigail Garrett’s presentation and wonder
ed how he’d managed to surround himself with so many fools. The woman had slipped through his fingers yet again and now she was going to be very difficult to bring on board because her family and friends had almost certainly dropped a net over her. Hell his CIA details could take lessons from those people. Sighing he watched as the tiny hellion finally showed some of the spirit he’d known was lurking beneath her ever-present professional demeanor. Well, well, finally. Maybe she will break free of the gilded cage all on her own.

  He should have hired someone with less integrity than Fantella to meet the Consortium’s “hire her at all costs” dictate. Of course he’d known they were only talking about offers of money, but he’d chosen to take a broader view of their directive. The bonus the group had offered for bringing the young researcher on board had been enough to convince him that using a man that already worked for the group was the safest option. Unfortunately, Fantella’s sense of honor had proven to be the downfall of what should have been a sure thing.

  The two men who flanked the lovely Ms. Garrett as she left the building were obviously interested in her and her body language indicated she was already at ease with both of them. John knew that both Logan Douglas and Kalen Black had been members of the Special Forces and now worked for Ian McGregor, because it was his job to know such things. What he hadn’t known was that the men evidently shared their women because there hadn’t been the slightest nuance of jealousy between them.


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