Always Our Love

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Always Our Love Page 17

by Tawdra Kandle

  Jenna left Oak Grove at the same time, remarking that she needed to get back to her office now that I was back on site to be in charge. I noticed that she was careful to keep her good-bye to me casual as she walked out with the kids and their grandparents.

  For the rest of the afternoon, I fought to stay focused on the job at hand and keep my mind on work, and not the upcoming weekend. Jenna and I hadn’t specifically talked about what was going to happen, except in the vaguest terms. I’d given the crew a rare Saturday off; we were ahead of schedule, and it wasn’t unheard of for us to give our guys a break now and then. No one would think anything of it, and I didn’t even feel the smallest twinge of guilt. I’d been working damn hard, and I deserved this time with my girl.

  I forced myself to stay at the plantation until after five, when the rest of the crew took off, yelling back and forth to each other about their plans for the evening. Most were heading over to the Road Block, and I smirked, thinking Mason might have his hands full tonight. Of course, if anyone could handle them, it was Mason Wallace. I had a feeling he’d knocked together his share of hard heads.

  “Hey, boss, you gonna join us?” One of the carpenters paused in the doorway.

  I shook my head. “Thanks, but I’m beat. Too old to keep up with y’all anymore. But you go on and have a good time.” As he turned to leave, I added, “But not too good a time. I am not leaving my house this weekend to come bail any of your sorry asses out of jail. Got it?”

  “Message received, boss.” He raised his eyebrows at me. “You have big plans this weekend?”

  I let one side of my mouth curl up. “Could be. Now get on out of here, so I can go home.”

  I was just stepping onto the porch when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and checked the screen.

  Come home, Linc. I’m here waiting.

  It was from Jenna, and I smiled, almost involuntarily as I tapped out a response.

  My house? I thought I was picking you up at your place.

  After a few seconds, her reply appeared.

  Change of plans. Come home.

  She didn’t have to tell me twice. Or, hell, maybe she had, but . . . fuck it all. I was already half-sprinting to my truck, jumping into the driver’s seat and ready to break all the speed limits between here and her.

  There was no sign of Jenna’s car when I rolled into my driveway. I guessed she’d pulled into the garage, which was an excellent idea; it wouldn’t broadcast to the neighbors that I had a weekend guest staying with me. I climbed out of the truck and went into the house, noting that the front door wasn’t locked. Jenna had a key for when she helped me out with the kids, so it didn’t surprise me that she’d used it to come inside.

  I stood for a minute in the dim light of the entryway, taking a moment to calm myself before I went to her. I wasn’t sure if sex was on the table this weekend. Or on the bed . . . or anywhere else I’d fantasized about taking Jenna. Time alone together had been pretty rare since the night she’d given me the blowjob at her house, but what we did have was hot and intense. Something had shifted that night, both in Jenna herself and between the two of us. I wasn’t sure if it was that she’d finally been completely open with me about her suicide attempt—which had shaken the hell out of me—or if it was her growing confidence in her own sexual abilities. I knew what Jenna had said about not blaming Trent for what had happened between them, but I could’ve cheerfully castrated the man for making this beautiful woman doubt her own desirability. Moving forward, I realized that it was my job to give her back that faith in herself, in who she was and in how sexy she could be.


  Jenna stood in the kitchen, visible through the arched entryway. She wore a short green dress with thin straps over her shoulders and a skirt that fluttered just below her ass. Her feet were bare, and her hands were clasped behind her back as she watched me with huge eyes.

  “Hey.” As sexy greetings went, there were better.

  “What’re you doing, just standing there? Are you afraid to come in?” She tilted her head, a teasing smile tugging at her full lips.

  “No, not afraid. Just . . . thinking.” I took a deep breath. “God, Jenna, you’re so fucking beautiful.”

  She blushed prettily, her smile growing. “Thank you. But how can you tell from all the way over there? Don’t you want to come closer?”

  “I do. God, I really do. But I got to admit something, even if it makes you think less of me.”

  “Never going to happen. I shared all my deepest secrets with you. You can trust me.”

  I took one long stride closer to her. “I know I can. But still . . .” I stepped again, so that I was within touching distance, but I didn’t lift my hand. Not yet. “But still, I have to tell you, babe. I’m terrified. Scared absolutely shitless.”

  Her lips parted a little. “Why?” It was barely a whisper.

  “Because I want . . . this . . . us . . . to be perfect. I want everything to be exactly right. I want to make you happy and bring you more fucking pleasure than you’ve ever known. I want you to realize how important you are to me, how much I want you, how much you turn me on . . . how much I am dying to touch you.” I raised my hand and skimmed the backs of my fingers over her cheeks. “How much I want to be inside you.” With one more step, I was nearly on top of her, and I bent my neck to brush the merest breeze of a kiss over her lips. “How much I love you.”

  The last syllable had hardly left my tongue before Jenna surged up onto her toes, angling her mouth across mine, consuming me in a kiss that ignited a fire low in my belly. I gripped her hips, easing her body even closer, mindful of being careful and gentle. I didn’t want to hurt her or frighten her, and I forced myself to rein in my own raging desire.

  Jenna’s hands were knotted in my T-shirt, holding herself to me. She lifted them behind my neck, twining her fingers together there, and broke her lips away from mine just long enough to move her mouth to my ear.

  “Lincoln . . . don’t treat me like glass. I’m not going to break. Love me like a woman.”

  I growled deep in my throat. “Babe . . . I thought we should take it slow.”

  She trailed her lips over my cheek. “Slow can come later. For now, I need you to show me I’m whole and . . . a woman you don’t need to protect. A woman you can love without boundaries or without holding back.”

  And just like that, she’d stripped me bare, again. She’d astutely realized that I was putting her in a position I shouldn’t, assuming she needed me to lead the way and teach her, when of course, I was learning from her.

  I gripped her ass, kneading the globes, and lifted her so that her long bare legs straddled me. The fabric of her dress bunched under my hands, and to my utter shock, I felt bare skin.

  “Jenna. Babe, are you commando?”

  She nuzzled my neck, her tongue darting out to taste my skin. “Hmmm, if commando means I’m not wearing panties, then yeah. Yeah, I am. Absolutely commando.”

  “Oh . . . my . . . God.” I punctuated each word with hard kisses to her lips. “Bedroom. Need to get you to a bed. Now.”

  I started walking toward the stairs, pausing at the first step. “Babe. This is not me coddling you or treating you like less than the fucking incredible woman you are, but I need to ask. I need to be clear, make sure we’re both on the same page. Are we . . . uh, is sex on the table?”

  She laughed, which made her tits bounce under her dress. Oh, fuck me, she wasn’t wearing a bra, either.

  “I thought we’d start out in your bed, but yeah, the table could work for our second course.” She held my chin between her fingers and sealed our lips together in another blistering kiss. “Or the third.”

  It made me grin that our minds followed the same lines, the same corny puns. “The bed it is.”

  I made it up the steps and around the corner into my bedroom faster than I ever had before. I bounced Jenna onto my bed and then sat down on the edge of the mattress to untie my boots. Standing up, I pulled
my T-shirt off with one arm.

  Jenna had crawled to the middle of the bed and propped herself up on her elbows to watch me. “Take it all off. The jeans. Everything. And do it slow.”

  I quirked an eyebrow and unbuttoned my pants. “Little demanding, Ms. Sutton?”

  She lifted one shoulder. “I like what I like.”

  Slowly I tugged down the zipper. “And is this what you like?” Under my boxer briefs, my cock was hard. I shook the jeans the rest of the way down my legs and kicked them away.

  Jenna licked her lips, and I almost lost it right there. “It’s a start. Lose the underwear. I want all of you, Linc. All of you, completely mine, right here.”

  My dick sprang up when I shed the boxers, long and straining toward her. She lifted one hand and beckoned to me.

  “Come here. I want you.”

  I knelt on the bed, dropped onto my hands and moved toward her, my eyes on the top of her legs where the hem of her dress teased. One thin strap had fallen off her shoulder, and the way she laid thrust her breasts forward.

  I couldn’t decide what part of her I wanted to touch—and taste—first.

  Jenna made it easy when she wriggled a little, knocked the other strap down. Her dress dipped over that delectable rack, the cotton clinging enough to reveal her hard nipples. As she watched me with bright eyes, I lay alongside her and covered one of those stiff peaks with my mouth, wetting the material of her dress.

  She hummed deep in her throat, writhing as though the feeling was too much. While I kept my mouth on the first nipple, I eased the side of her dress down and used my fingers on the other boob. Jenna arched, pushing more of her breast into my mouth, and I greedily took everything I could.

  My cock, lying between us, throbbed with the need to be inside her. I couldn’t remember aching like this before. When I couldn’t hold back one more nanosecond, I raised my head and met her eyes.

  “Can you get this fucking dress off, or do I have to rip it?” I smiled, echoing her earlier words. “I want all of you, Jenna. All of you, completely mine, right here.”

  Her eyes darkened, the pupils dilating. “Then by all means. Let’s get it off.” She sat up, yanked the bottom of the dress from underneath and slipped it over her head.

  For a long mind-blowing moment, all I could do was look at her. I’d always thought Jenna was hot. But seeing her laid out naked before me, she robbed me of the ability to breathe, as well as the capacity for rational thought. If I’d gone blind in the next minute, I would have been perfectly content with that view as the last thing I ever saw.

  “Are you going to just sit there staring, or are you going to touch me?” She laid one hand along my cheek. “You’re giving me a complex.”

  “I was just thinking that you are fucking gorgeous. I was thinking that if I have my way, you’re the last naked women I’m ever going to see in my life, and I’m so okay with that, it’s ridiculous.”

  Her lips parted slightly as her gaze went luminous. “That was probably the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  I traced a line down the center of her chest, between her breasts, to the soft roundness of her stomach, the dip of her navel, and then, finally, between her legs. She slid them apart, giving me greater access, and I delved that single finger into her folds, wet and waiting for my touch.

  She moaned as I circled her stiff and swollen clit, her lower body rising to meet my hand. I watched her face, fascinated by the flush of her skin and the way her eyelids drooped at the same time that her mouth fell open. I moved my fingers to her opening, sliding two into her slick and tight channel and using my thumb to press on her clit. She went off like a rocket, hips canting toward me, fingers gripping my forearm as she moaned my name along with several other unintelligible words.

  My dick was more than ready to join the party, but I made myself stay with her, stroking her down until her breathing had evened a little. When she was limp, I reached to the nightstand and fumbled in the drawer to find a condom. I’d had to buy a new box, since I hadn’t had the need for them for a while.

  Jenna opened her eyes to see what I was doing, and a shadow passed over her face. For the first time since I’d come into the house, I saw worry cloud her expression.

  “Babe. Talk to me.” I rolled on the condom and caressed her hairline. “What’s wrong? Are you with me here?”

  “I’m with you. I’m just—” Her throat convulsed as she swallowed. “The condom. It took me back. Promise me, Linc. If I do something wrong, please tell me. Help me. Don’t let me . . . do this wrong.”

  “Baby.” I lifted her hand and wrapped her fingers around my erection. “Feel this? You did this to me. You. No one else. I go around half the time with a semi because I’m either with you, or I’m imagining being with you, or I’m thinking about when I was with you. There is not one thing you could do right now that wouldn’t make this the best night of my life.”

  She blinked and nodded slowly. I hesitated, wondering what I could do to convince her. Then inspiration struck.

  “Come here.” I slid off the bed and pulled her by the hand.

  “Where are we going?” Her forehead knit together.

  “Just trust me.” I dragged her over to the corner of the room, to the full-length mirror that Abby had insisted I needed and so had bought for me. Holding Jenna in front of me, I wound my arms around her waist.

  “Look at this, Jenna. This is me. Linc. And you. No one else. Just us.” I skimmed my palms up to cup her breasts. “Me touching you . . . here.” Keeping one hand on her boob, I brought the other down to cup her sex. “And here. It’s me who just made you come. It’s me who’s going to fucking combust if I don’t get inside your sweet pussy real soon.”

  “Lincoln!” Her voice was filled with shock, but I saw the twitch of her lips.

  “Sorry, babe. You make me say all the sexy words, because you, Jenna Sutton, are so fucking sexy.” I used my long middle finger to touch her clit, still sensitive from her last orgasm. “I’m not treating you like you’re fragile, darlin’. I swear I’m not. But you need to be reminded that in this bedroom, between us, is only us. Now bend forward a little.”

  She frowned at me over her shoulder. “What?”

  I gave her ass a light smack. “You heard me. Bend a little.”

  She tilted, sticking that sweet rear out. “Okay. Now what?”

  “Now . . . watch. Keep your eyes on the mirror.”

  She did as I asked, her gaze meeting mine. I held my cock in front of me, sliding it between her cheeks and nudging her silky opening with the head.

  “All right?” I ground out the words, because I was trying to keep myself from thrusting into her.

  “Yes,” she gasped. “But—more. I need more.”

  “And baby, I’m here to give it to you. Keep looking ahead.” Holding her hips still, I plunged forward, seating myself in her impossibly tight channel.

  “Oh. Linc. God. Linc.” Her eyes drifted shut. “Feels so—so good.”

  “Don’t. Move,” I growled. If she so much as pulsed around me, it was going to be all over fast. I sucked in a couple of deep breaths and tried to think about anything other than how fucking good she felt. After a minute, I felt like I was a little more in control. Barely. “Okay. Open your eyes, sugar. Watch me. Watch me fucking you. Watch me loving you.”

  I pulled her back tight against my chest, reaching up to rub her nipples between my fingers as I swiveled my hips, moving inside her, drunk with every sensation that was overwhelming me. She was watching us, watching my hands on her and God, I’d never seen anything sexier, ever.

  “I want you to come again.” I knew I might be asking too much, but why the hell not go for broke? I pinched one nipple hard and whispered into her ear. “Touch yourself, babe. Watch in the mirror as you touch your clit, as I rub your nipples and take you from behind.”

  Her teeth sank into her bottom lip, but one of her hands ventured lower, tentatively. Her two fingers slid over her clit,
and when they touched me where we were joined, I almost thought I was finished.

  She began to move her fingers faster, clenching around me. I couldn’t last much longer, I knew. But I wanted to finish, to come inside her, with my mouth on hers. I pulled out, gritting my teeth, and turned her around, scooping her up and taking her back to the bed.

  “God, Linc. I’m about to explode here. I need you. Please. Please.”

  I didn’t waste time speaking. I simply slid back inside her and pumped, my balls tightening and the base of my spine tingling.

  “Baby, I’m about to—God, Jenna. God, I love you. Love you so much, babe.”

  When the climax hit, it rolled over like a tidal wave. My body went stiff, one hard muscle as I poured myself into this woman. Love like I’d never known filled me, and I knew that no matter how many reasons there were that we shouldn’t work, we would. I couldn’t live without Jenna in my life, in my arms, and in my bed.

  And I was going to do anything and everything to make sure that happened.

  Linc: Hey, babe, whatcha doing?

  I grinned down at my phone screen as I walked along the sidewalk on the main street of Burton. Glancing behind me, I stepped to the side, leaning against a brick storefront to answer Linc.

  Jenna: Left work, stopping to see Kiki before I go home. How is the school open house going? ;)

  Linc had spent the better part of our morning meeting out at Oak Grove bitching and moaning about having to go to the kids’ school for the annual autumn open house. He’d tried to talk me into going with him, at which suggestion I had laughed until I cried.

  “You’ve got to be kidding. No way, no how. But you have fun.”

  The phone buzzed again.

  Linc: Boring as hell. What do you think about homeschooling?

  My heart skipped a little. Linc had been doing this more often lately, asking for my input when it came to the kids. We hadn’t told Becca and Oliver yet about our relationship, so I felt uncomfortable with having opinions on anything that affected them.


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