Preacher Man (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 2)

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Preacher Man (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 2) Page 24

by V. Theia

  She had no plans to go anywhere, ever again. Instead, she brazenly rocked against Preacher's mouth. Mewled when he licked her fast, begged when he went slow and cried out his name when he made her come on his tongue.

  Without bones, she sank down over his lap, flopping her forehead to his shoulder trying to regain her breath, deplete of everything but the sensation of Preacher's mouth and his hands as he’d gripped tightly onto her hips, growling against her vagina while he ruined her. That's how it felt. A ruination of her completely.

  "Told you, sweet like sugar." He hummed and she melted some more knowing he was more than likely licking his lips savoring her like a kinky bastard. "Are you still alive, beautiful? I don't mind banging your corpse, you're still warm, just so I know." His chest vibrated laughing. She poked his ribs.


  "Horny. Lift up, let me... fuck yeah ... let’s get you tucked in nicely...goddamn, you’re so small, it feels like you’re trying to push me out." The latex brushing against her entrance made her shiver as she gave around him, accepting the large length in one slow push until she had no more room.

  Down to her bones and the blood, to her starving soul, Ruby knew this moment right now was going to haunt her in months and years to come. Even if their sex tomorrow or the day after or the very last day they had sex exceeded this feeling, she would remember this second as the greatest one shared with Preacher. It was on every single beat of her heart, the way he brought her in gently, the softness of his touch, the unhurried way he settled her down coaxing her to accept all of him. He wasn't in a hurry, he didn't slam her down making her take him, he seduced her into it, let her see the blaze of lust and the feelings he had for her.

  She would keep that look and let it stain her heart years from now.

  I can’t fall for you, Asher.

  When he brushed her hair back from her flushed face, held her cheeks, she didn't know, but looking back, it was probably going to be the moment she fell in love with Asher Priest.

  Sometimes I love you looked nothing like you imagined it to. It could be something as simple as brushing the hair from someone's eyes.

  Their dance went on. It was slow and easy and patient. It was torturous and languid. She rose and fell on his cock, letting him control the depth and speed as she rested on his wide shoulders now slick with their sweat. He made dark grunting noises as she fisted around him, her vagina walls gearing towards the finish. So, close, so very close. He felt incredible like she never wanted to experience another thing in her life, this was the pinnacle of ... everything. Just a while longer, let me have him a few moments more.

  And for once he didn’t dirty talk her to the finish. Neither of them needed it. It was just their bodies and a whole lot of push and pull and the noise of her ass slapping against his thighs.

  When she came, it was as though the world around her became different. Her brain went blank, her eyes glazed to fuzzy, so contained in her own euphoria she almost missed Preacher’s hard release, through the condom she felt the heat of it.

  It seemed totally fair he seemed to be lost in it as well since she was depleted. His face contorted into something so beautiful, the cords on his neck raised as he went through the last spasms and then sagged against the headboard.

  Stroking fingers on his neck and cheek she didn't realize she was doing it until he pushed against her hand angling his massive body like a pet looking for more affection.

  Had she shown him too much, is that why his green eyes looked fathoms deep into hers? He saw a truth in her neither of them wanted. She didn’t want it or had time for entanglements.

  Sex was all she could afford.

  A swell of panic and she made to climb off his lap, to move to the other side of the room where she could breathe Preacher free, only his large hands clamped down on her hips, before one slid around her waist, up her spine, catching around her nape under her hair. She shivered unfettered. “Stay.” It was a command she listened to.

  Just for a minute.

  “I need to move, Preacher, my legs are cramping up.” It wasn’t a lie, but a very convenient excuse at the same time. Gingerly she climbed off him, jerking as his cock came free, her vagina never wanted to set him free, greedy bitch, she passed him a tissue to discard the condom, it felt a very housewifey thing to do like they were used to working as a team.

  Gathering her composure, she sat on the edge of the bed, massaging the back of her calf, her stomach gave a giant growl reminding her neither of them had eaten in hours.

  Preacher must have heard too, he rolled himself off the bed, grabbed his jeans. “I’ll go get us some food, you in the mood for anything?”

  Such a shame when he covered up his chest with a gray T-shirt.

  “Whatever you’re having is good. Will you get something sweet as well?”

  He sent her one of those devastating smiles, her belly rolled over and begged a little. “Sure, beautiful. I won’t be long.”

  He didn’t kiss her, but she wished he had. He'd forgotten his own hello/goodbye kissing rule, she'd make a point of telling him so when he got back.

  Ruby heard his bike start up and roar off. Only then did she sigh. Sex so good she was catching the feelings. My god, she was a female cliché. Pull yourself together, she chided. Preacher had a gorgeous cock, but it was just that. She’d had great ones in the past. Nothing like his.

  They were in tune. Made from the same fault lines, their cracks perfectly aligned.

  Rather than dwell on it, she washed up quickly in the bathroom, using her own toiletries she’d packed in her backpack. Relenting when she was finished she switched on her phone. It didn’t come as a surprise there was no reply from Rita, but it still hurt. Her sister could so easily let her go as if Ruby didn’t matter at all in her life.

  But someone did matter to her, someone she cared for and who loved her back, the one person she did all the shitty things in her life that she must.

  She pulled up his picture on her phone, those large dark eyes, so old and wise for his face. She smiled touching the screen feeling that unending love in her breastbone before she scrolled to a number.

  Her heart was in her mouth.


  Carting back a brown sack of greasy steaming food, Preacher had only been gone twenty minutes, having found a diner not far, itchy and eager to get back to her. The young waitress had tried flirting with him and miracles of all surprises he didn’t feel a twinge at all to flirt back or take it further, to maybe sweet talk her into the bathroom or a little alcove around back for a fast handjob for them both. She’d smiled and licked her lips, played with her hair, gave him the sex-eyes and then practically shoved her tits in his face as she handed over his change and he felt nothing.

  All he wanted to do was get back to his motel room to Ruby and fuck her again. And again.

  She wasn’t so much a secret on his tongue anymore, then she was a longing in his sternum. A dirty burning hunger he would possess.

  Unlocking the door, he was about to give Ruby one of those smiles she liked that turned her eyes glassy and wanting, to give her a little hello kiss, maybe persuade her to share a shower with him so he could get his mouth on her again, he wasn’t lying when he told her he loved her taste. He loved everything about Ruby.

  Addicted and strung out for more, he dumped the food on the table, paused when he heard her talking from the bathroom, her voice low and hushed.

  He didn’t know what made him click the door quietly, or to stand there, listening.

  Some instinct within him.

  “Aww, I love you too, Sebastian.”

  Preacher wasn’t deaf. That one sentence exploded in his head, blood rushing to his ears, filling his eyes.

  Ruby’s tone was unlike anything he’d heard from her before. Sure, he got her sex voice, her sultry pleading, but this voice. That was pure love. He felt like a kicked dog, his hand coming up to rub his chest even as his eyes narrowed with fury he swallowed back because none of his business
who the fuck she loved.

  Only it was.

  It fucking was.

  He made Ruby his affair. What she did was his goddamn business.

  Not even thirty minutes ago he had her come in his mouth, fucks sake, he had his own come on his tongue kissing the life out of her, and she’d been right there with him, fierce, hungry kissing, she couldn’t hide or fake that.

  And now she’s confessing her love for another guy.

  Preacher was confident in his own self-worth, but shit, that smarted.

  Walking back to the door, he opened it and closed it loudly this time, he heard her tell the dickhead she had to go and they’d talk soon.

  She came out of the bathroom avoiding his eyes, wearing a towel latched around her tits, droplets of water beading along her collarbone.

  He took it all in, scraping his eyes over her. Couldn't she even wait to get dry to call this guy? Nice. Real fucking nice.

  Swallowing back more anger, he stepped in further, closing her in, she arched her neck back and gave him that smile. That damn smile with her eyes turning smoky with want.

  Preacher dropped his head, took in the scent of her skin, vanilla so sweet he would have lapped at her not even two minutes ago.

  When he crushed a kiss to her mouth, testing her, she opened and licked his tongue, moaned into his lips like it was the only thing she wanted to do. Liar.

  He grew hard gripping her hips. This is what I do to you, Ruby. He wanted to growl, grinding his cock to her belly as she moaned and rubbed up against him, her arms going around his shoulders.

  What the hell was going on? Whatever it was, Preacher didn’t like it. He pulled back her lips all kiss swollen, she lifted her eyelids languidly and smiled again.

  “Did you get the food? I’m starving, you wore me out.”

  “Did I?” Tone flat, he grabbed up the bag and set it on her lap when she sat Indian style on the bed.

  She looked so unbelievably cute his belly ached.

  He let her eat. He wasn’t a monster. She was hungry and he didn’t want her to ever be hungry on his watch. So, he let her eat, picked at a few fries himself, but mostly watched as she inhaled the burger, fries, onion rings and the malted ice cream cup. Why was he turned on watching her eat? Because it was Ruby and he'd placed her in the perfect category. She could belch the alphabet and he'd probably jack off to it.

  That was bullshit though, it was all special concerning Ruby. Everything she did, she drew breath and he was aroused, she pushed her hair back with those long thin fingers and he wanted to pound her so she all that existed were her screams.

  Look how beautiful she is, he thought. With her hair, wet and hanging in strands down her back, smooth legs crossed, she was the epitome of relaxed enjoying the last crumbs of food. He wanted to know what she was thinking, wanted to demand to know every thought, was it him or this Sebastian that turned up the corner of her mouth in that secret little smile? Was it Preacher she was dazed about or the dirty little phone call she’d waited until he was out of sight to make?

  His gut in knots and he knew it shouldn’t but possession was nine-tenths of the fucking law and he was an outlaw who followed his own rules and Ruby belonged to him.

  She belonged to him.

  Fuck. Clarity right there. He dragged in a breath, the truthful air stinging his lungs, caught her attention, he passed it off as nothing, shrugged out of his jacket, tossed it on the chair and he approached the bed. Filling in his own blanks, the noise buzzed around Preacher’s head.

  Back in his army days he’d been cool and collected, had to be for the type of job he did, on any given day he could have died ten times over, and it was only the skill and ingenuity of him and his team that he was still here today, to act like a fucking pathetic jealous moron staring at his minx.

  “Tiny dancer, I got a question.”

  “Yes, I want to have sex.” She giggled. An actual sweet giggle. That was his noise, he deemed, his imagination fired off scenes of using Grinder to track the phone fool, and Preacher would kill him fast. Yeah, a nice fast death for whoever had put that cute soft smile in her voice when she’d told him she loved him.

  Smiling back at her, after all, he wanted sex as well, always wanted sex with her, she was a drug in his blood, that fast fix that only got out of control when he needed more.

  Before he’d known it, Preacher was an addict.

  He dropped to his knees and pushed his hands to the top of her thighs, drawing up her smooth skin underneath the towel, the knot came undone easily, she let it fall either side of her body.

  Bare to his eyes, he looked his fill, making her feel it deep in her belly, fucking her with his gaze.

  Hands on her ass he pulled her forward until she was on the edge of the bed, he hooked her legs over his forearms.

  Oh yeah, greedy little pussy wanted him, she was practically weeping, he widened his arms to push her legs open to see his little baby glistening her hello.

  He was a man, despite his anger his body was alive, pulsing and ready to fuck.


  Leaning forward he buried his face in her sex, pressing his lips to her wet lips, her taste exploded in his mouth, he was seriously fucking addicted to this woman.

  More reason to kill Sebastian.

  Yeah, he could see it now. She liked this guy, so he wouldn’t be cruel, he’d make it fast. See, he was reasonable like that.

  But she’d agreed to this. She’d fucking agreed.

  Licking her once, twice, he heard her gasp and then felt her hands bury in his short ponytail, he liked to feel her nails scrape against his shaved scalp and that came a second later, the sensation drilled down to the base of his spine. He pushed her back onto the bed so she was laid flat and his mouth on her drenched pussy.

  She fucking wanted him but was giving the sweet to some other chump?

  What a kick in the balls.

  Wasn’t he worth the sweet? Jesus, their sex was on fire, he’d never fucked anyone like Ruby, and he’d hasten a guess she felt the same, he didn’t brag, but he gave it to her good.

  Unfamiliar. Foreign.

  He got himself under control.

  “Preacher? You’re quiet. What was your question?”

  Kissing her mound, he barely heard her voice through the heady rush of having her thighs clasp around his ears, a man of focus he could have easily become lost in her pussy, he’d once joked with Rider that Zara must have a magical pussy for how fast he became a love whipped dog around her, but this here, right on his tongue as he forced her lips open and kissed her crudely, this was all fucking magical and all his.

  He growled and kissed her deeper just to hear her lose her control, that dirty little gasp she emitted when he knew she was close to coming, just a few little licks and his tiny dancer was gonna lose it in his mouth.

  “Oh, god. Please.”

  Oh, he would.

  His life was lived in black and white, it was the only way he could cope after Shane. He knew where he was with the club brothers, Rider was a fair boss and a better friend, so they dallied on the wrong side of the law, for the most part, it was for the greater good of their family. They were a family, not many understood that when they saw them en-masse riding through the town. Thugs. Criminals. Animals. He’d heard it all whispered behind their backs, all of it funny, he brushed most of that shit off cause why let something insignificant get to you. His life was all black and white, he couldn’t afford gray areas, that instability of not knowing what was around the corner, never again. He had to be on top of everything before it was on top of him.

  So, for him to consider ignoring what he’d heard, to continue to go on as they were, having fun, fucking when the need arose was to decide to push himself into a gray area he’d only come to hate Ruby.

  They didn’t have a commitment, fucks sake, they were fuck buddies at most, but if she had a thing with someone else why not just tell him? Sure, his cock was good, but she didn’t seem the cake and eat it type.
And for all his bad reputation Preacher never strung women along with lies and bullshit, they knew the score from the get-go.

  “I want you to tell me something, beautiful.” A finger slid inside her, curled upwards right over her magic spot, wetness gushed over his fingers and he wanted more than anything for her to answer quick so he could bask in that drenched pussy.

  Her moans pierced him like an arrow. You better answer damn fast, tiny dancer.

  Fucking her for a minute, he was a crazy sadist and got her good and worked up first, her face flush, lips wet from biting them, he had her legs up and spread out, his very own Ruby buffet, one last suck on her clit, he stilled his long index finger inside her right over her G-spot making her whimper. He couldn’t tear his gaze from her. Didn’t matter how much she’d had her hands on him, the visceral thrill charged through him still.

  “Oh, Asher, what? Just ask me so we can-----”

  He shushed her by pressing his finger in and hard. She buckled.

  It was a punishment for a crime he didn’t know she’d committed yet. But now he was all fucking tangled up in hearing her love for someone else he couldn’t stop himself.

  Rolling that finger in and out in and out, her belly fluttering wildly, she was panting and arousing him on, his cock so hard he was about to burst.

  Waiting until she looked up at him.

  Eyes hard.

  “Who the fuck is Sebastian, baby?”

  Her gasp was audible. Her guilt covered her face. Her hand stilled on his face and because he needed it he leaned into it, just for a second feeling their connection and the heat even as her fingers trembled.

  Fucks sake. Now he was going to have to kill this guy.


  “No one blames a wild animal for his appetites. Don't judge mine." - Lawless.

  Lawless had about as many faces as he had degrees stashed in his back pocket. And he had a lot of those. Some called him a genius. Others said he was a killer. I'll take what is Lawless? for 300, Alex. Something about that little piece of paper to say he was cleverer than the average joe made his Johnson hurt. Look at me now, momma.


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