Reaper Inc.

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Reaper Inc. Page 26

by Thomas Wright

  "Grubb, I don’t want anyone to have the anything for me. I think it would be wrong and most likely end bad with anyone I tried to have any relationship with. It's just too soon."

  Grubb laughed then said, "She is different, but I will tell you she is trying to understand our people, our sense of humor, how we live. Your Andrea was an officer and used to being in charge, making decisions for her little group of warriors. Tazleaha is in a league by herself, she probably rules hundreds of star systems, no one tells her no and she is going to make you her bitch."

  "Do you have to laugh when you say shit like that?"

  "Yes I do. I think you would be a fool not to take her up on any offer she makes you. Negotiate with her, tell her you need time. You can take your ship and crew and build the business, find a war somewhere and jump in feet first. Take some time to grieve and take care of your people. I think she will hold the spot open for you."

  "This is even weirder than when I met Andrea."

  "Yes for you but for her, she has known of you since you fought her insect warriors on the Morningstar. She has seen you through their eyes and while you slept, she talked to your big damn spider. She told me about the arena and the fights after that. She saw her three mantis give their lives so you and the spider could gain your freedom."

  "Yeah and she read my mind at dinner that night. She ripped through my memories like a hot knife through butter."

  "Well, I would say whatever you decided just don’t lie to her, she will know. She also told me her spider doesn’t seem to be hers anymore and finds that very interesting."

  Ben said, "I will have to work on that. She needs to return to her people. I just don’t know what options are available. I need to find her a planet where she can hunt and live until I come up with something better."

  "You seem to take in a lot of strays."

  "You are here, aren’t you!"

  "Good point, but I'm not going to eat you or try to screw you."

  "Damn straight you're not. Go visit with your new friend and keep your ears open. I am going to go to sleep." Grubb left and walked back to the ship's medical section. Everyone was gone so he asked a passing crewmember who directed him to the dining area.

  Ben lay in his room, eyes closed thinking about everything that had happened lately and how screwed up things really were in his life. He was angry with himself when he thought he almost didn’t go looking for the governor's kid. He would never do that again. If a child needed help he would do whatever he could to bring it to safety. They were running from the Alliance military and that needed to stop. Once they returned to Allond and worked things out, he would go to Athena and start asking questions about the train wreck that killed his family and so many others. He needed to invite General Gray over to the ship and have some one-on-one time with him. He knew things even if he wasn’t involved. There would be some unhappy people when he finished, maybe he would lose some of his friends; it would test the bonds of friendship, that’s for sure.

  Ben heard the door to his room open but thought if he kept his eyes closed whoever it was would think he was asleep. He heard the soft footsteps coming closer and decided to try and frighten whoever it was, it would be funny. Ben didn’t move real fast but it was unexpected to who approached him. Out of reflex, Ben batted the arm away that was holding what looked like a gun.


  Grubb found everyone in the dining room. E'Aria had joined the group and was smiling at Dr. Mathews and Nurse Tanaka. He could tell she missed them. Two crewmembers brought multiple plates of food. The queen had ordered enough to start a small buffet. Grubb picked up a of couple items off a plate that resembled finger food to him. It was meat wrapped in a breading that had a sweet taste to it.

  Grubb walked up next to the queen. Some of her people tensed up to see the alien invade her space so carelessly. To their amazement, nothing happened.

  "Tazleaha, do you mind if I take a plate of food to Ben? He still may be awake and would probably enjoy a sampling from the table here." Grubb leaned back waiting on her answer.

  "That sounds like a great idea. I think we should all take plate and go visit him. He has guests he will probably want to see anyway." Grubb picked up another plate and began filling it along with his own. He went on ahead to make sure Ben was not blind-sided by everyone just walking in on him. He heard the queen instruct everyone to fill a plate, grab a drink and follow her.


  Ben held his assailant's wrist keeping it pointed away from him. He pulled his legs using his knee to pound away at its side. His room was still dark and Ben couldn’t make out exactly who it was attacking him, but he knew what it was he was being attacked with; an injector gun. His knee was having some effect judging by the grunts he heard when it made contact.

  The door opened and light flooded in from outside. Ben heard Grubb saying "Wake up I brought you some food and. . ." plates crashing to the floor. Grubb tackled Ben's assailant to the floor. He had a hold of the wrist with the gun with both hands until it pulled a knife from under its clothing. Ben recognized the doctor's assistant but couldn’t figure out why he would attack him. He got up off the bed going to help Grubb when two hands moved him out to the way from behind. He heard more people at the door; the broken plates of food and noise from the fight slowed their entry. There was a flash of blond hair, the queen grabbed the assailant's head from behind with both hands and twisted. Ben knew the sound of a neck being broken when he heard it, no lighting necessary.

  E'Aria found the lights, turning them on revealed Grubb on his back breathing heavily and a dead Cjittan male lying on the floor with a knife in one hand and an injector gun in the other.

  "Grubb, have you been wounded? Doctor, come here!" the queen ordered. The doctor walked up cautiously, seeing his dead assistant on the floor. A group of Cjittan soldiers were next to arrive. The one in charge stepped over the plates of broken food and walked up to the queen.

  "My queen, what are your orders?"

  "Remove the body to storage and search his quarters. Check all transmissions in and out on all equipment he has had access too. Inform me of your findings immediately. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, my queen."

  "Get someone here immediately to clean this up and have more food and drink brought here now!"

  "Yes, my queen."

  "Where is number one?"

  "He rests. I am on scheduled duty."

  "Wake him and send him to me here immediately. Do you understand, number two?"

  "Yes, my queen." Number two pointed at two of his men and they took the body with them when they left. He had a number of things to do immediately. Ben hoped he woke his boss up next, delegated the food to one of his men to take care of, and turned the assistant's quarters upside down while searching through his messages at the same time.

  The cleanup crew walked in his room after a few minutes. Ben had forgotten about that, number two was on the ball. He would hate to have to work for her.

  "Everyone come in and sit. I am so sorry you had to witness that. I know that others may have handled that in a different manner but I will not abide treachery. We have come together for peace and none of mine will stand in its way."

  E'Aria said, "Normally I wouldn’t question anyone wanting to kill Benjamin but in this case, Queen Tazleaha, I am curious. I don’t think he really had time to irritate anyone on your ship enough to murder." Ben looked at E'Aria feeling a little wounded. He leaned back on his bed and let them talk.

  "I do not believe we can blame Ben for this. I think in the end we will find the order came from elsewhere in this ship. I will explain more later when the search team returns with their findings and the picture becomes clearer."

  Food came in the door next. It smelled so good to Ben. Grubb began making two plates but the queen took one from him saying something to him too soft to hear. He looked around the room at everyone. The two Alliance officers were just sitting picking at their food. His Cjittan doctor seemed a little sub
dued, not his normal self. Ben wondered if the doctor thought the queen would think he was involved. He didn’t know why the assistant tried to kill him but he didn’t think the doctor had any knowledge of what was happening. Just a feeling.

  Tazleaha sat on the bed next to Ben and held the plate of food in her lap. "These are some of my favorites. I would like you to try them and tell me which ones you like." Ben reached for one of them and the queen slapped his hand away. She picked it up and fed it to him. E'Aria watched and so did Win. Grubb understood what was happening but the doctors paid no attention. The queen was making a statement and it wasn’t subtle if you were a female in the room. To E'Aria, Ben looked like her pet human; soon he would be doing tricks for her.

  She mouthed silently she was leaving to Win who nodded her desire to leave also.

  "Queen Tazleaha, thank you for your gracious hospitality. I need to get back to my duties now. I will contact Ben later, with your permission of course. Dr. Mathews, Nurse Tanaka, would you like a lift? I have my shuttle."

  "Yes, that would be great" Win said looking at Dr. Mathews who frowned then nodded seeing the determination on the faces of the two women. Tazleaha ordered the guard posted at the door to escort them to the shuttle. Grubb sat his plate down and said he would be right back not slowing for an answer.

  He caught up to E'Aria and slipped his arm around her. She looked at him but said nothing. "You know he loves you, right? Tazleaha is trying but it doesn’t mean she will succeed at anything. He misses Andrea a lot. You know the dead guy who had the ark cloned her? It was the clone who shot Ben then shot her maker in the head. She could have just as easily shot Ben in the head but didn't. He knows it wasn’t Andrea but still, it’s a little crazy for him as well as confusing. You also know if he was on the Warhammer with the beautiful redhead, she would be feeding him and pampering him right now. Just don’t go off half-cocked and do something you'll regret like leave this shindig without me."

  "I'll make you no promises. If I leave, his ship will be here. It does belong to him. I have a way home if I choose to go."

  "Can you tell Gus we are alive and hope to be occupying our favorite table soon?"

  "No Grubb, I said home meaning my home world."

  "Oh I see. . ."

  They boarded the shuttle and were gone thirty seconds later. Grubb walked back towards Ben's room. He hoped E'Aria wouldn’t do anything rash.

  Chapter 33

  Two days after the attack Ben received a delivery from the Claymore. Lorelei brought his armor and weapons to him and stayed about an hour. She was not herself as she rarely looking Ben in the eyes as they sat and talked. When she decided to leave, she hurried out of his room and was gone. It was strange behavior for her, that much he did know.

  The doctor came and removed the bandages he had used to hold Ben's arm motionless while the shoulder and collar bone healed. Ben was stiff but happy to have his arm back again. He worked his arm slowly, rotating it in all directions until he could feel pain. He made note of where his range stopped. Lifting straight up over his head was not possible just yet but straight out he had almost complete range from shoulder height down.

  Lorelei had packed him two clean thermals. Putting one on, he slipped into his armor. His belt was fully stocked with extra power packs and ammunition. Katana, battle axe, long knife, short knife and his rail pistol were all present, it felt like Christmas. Ben heard a knock at his door.

  "Come in!" he yelled, never looking up from his inspection of his gear. Tazleaha walked in carrying a bundle in her arms. It took him a second to figure out what it was.

  "I wasn’t sure if you wanted this, if it would remind you of things you didn’t want to remember." She unwrapped the dull, nicked up, poison-covered sword. They had wrapped over the remnants from Silk’s clothes he had used with something more protective, so as not to take any chances of getting the poison on their skin.

  "Thank you, actually I do. I wouldn’t be here right now if I hadn’t had this and a few friends."

  "I am going over to the ark to see how much progress Gormazan is making. I understand he is about to break the code and gain control of the remaining systems. Would you like to join me? I want to explain what happened the other night with the member of my crew who attacked you on the ride over."

  "Let me guess. He was jealous. You used him and cast him aside for another lover blah, blah. He thought he would just get rid of me before you took an interest."

  "No! Do I look like I would have such a weakling coward as a lover?"

  "I don’t know. You are pretty bossy. He would have been perfect for you to order around and have lay at your feet, naked and chained to the floor."

  "Ah I see, so you remember that. If I wanted you chained at my feet, Benjamin, you would already feel the chafe of the shackles on your wrists. Will you refrain from talking and let me explain?"

  "Sure! Go right ahead, knock yourself out!"

  "I do believe you are feeling better. As queen without a mate, I have suitors. They are not lovers. It is more political than that. There are not many of my people. Our breeding and birthing has slowed and the death rate among my people has climbed higher. The suitors come from the most powerful families."

  "Our history had a similar path but we changed it as the people tired of the monarchies, kings and queens, such as yourself." She ignored his comment.

  "The doctor's assistant was the youngest son and brother of the suitor who is the most popular with the people. Being the youngest, he had no title and had to find his own way in our society. His family petitioned me to employ him and I did, but after our search, it is now a fact that he was spying on me and reporting to his brother. The last entries were about you and his suspicions, then an order from the family for him to eliminate you."

  "Great, let me guess. Now that you killed him, his family wants revenge or justice or some other archaic nonsense."

  "I believe you have the right of it."

  Ben looked at her. "I don’t want to fight anyone. I want to go to Allond and get Natalia and Emily and go home. I have paid in blood and family already for a peace that I still don’t know will happen. Really, I am done. I need to go home and prepare to fight your warriors when they come."

  "I see. I believe we have many things to discuss to put your mind at ease. Let me just say that Emperor Xamand and I have been drafting peace accords during our time here waiting, and will share them with Prime Minister Aok on our return. She is speaking for the whole Alliance currently."

  "That is good news. I hope it all works out for everyone."

  "You have a part to play. You do not get to hide behind the crowd."

  "Tazleaha, you know I have no experience in things like this. I don’t want the fate of my race on my shoulders. Alona will do much better and I trust her."

  "Yes, but there are things that Alona does not know anything about and she will need guidance."

  "E'Aria can help her."

  "E'Aria cannot help her and do not rely on her as she will not be present. She has left for Trillond, most of the crew they loaned you has gone with her. One is staying with Lorelei and the others from Anubis."

  Ben stopped walking and stood dumbfounded. It explained Lorelei's behavior but not why E'Aria couldn’t tell him herself. Tazleaha stopped and waited, watching him.

  "Ben, she left yesterday."

  Ben couldn’t settle on one emotion, there were too many with sadness and anger fighting to get control. "Let's go. We are keeping Gormazan waiting." Ben didn’t talk for the rest of the trip to the Ark. Seeing it for the first time from the outside, he could see how truly massive it was. Tazleaha didn’t ask him any questions or give him any more information. He needed to process what he had just learned.

  The shuttle landed and Gormazan met them; he had a crowd in tow. Tazleaha had invited the Allond to join them as well as the Alliance officers; no species had ever set foot inside a Cjittan Ark by invitation. Even the master had never let any outsider in the laboratory
or birthing areas of the ship. To Tazleaha, this was a show of good faith towards peace.

  Ben saw the flowing locks of auburn hair and the emerald green eyes of Captain Aisling O'Shaughnessy staring at him. She stood stone-faced as Emperor Xamand made introductions. She had Dr. Mathews and Nurse Tanaka as well as Sergeant Major Kim in her group. The whole group seemed standoffish; it was surely a day of surprises when it came to his friends. He saw Harry standing away from everyone looking cleaner and groomed. The hair around his face had been trimmed. Ben could see he looked very human and not ape-like at all. Ben walked away, not speaking to anyone. He stopped about two feet in front of Harry and looked up into his eyes. The craziness seemed to be gone replaced by soft, sad, brown eyes.

  "Are you and I ok? I know we had to do what we had to do and I have no hard feelings I just need to know if you do."

  "My issues are not with you, little pale man. One day I will return to my home world and those who took me in the night and sold me will pay dearly."

  "Do you know who did this to you?"

  "Yes, they made sure I knew who they were as they gloated and laughed. They took my young and my mate. If they live I do not know, but I will avenge them."

  "Hang around, I have some unfinished things to do myself then maybe I can help you. I have a ship and in return, you can come with me and return the favor."

  The crowd began moving like a group of tourists at a museum. They looked around and talked amongst themselves. Ben and Harry walked silently, twenty feet behind them. They could work their fingers to the bone cleaning but, like blood on your hands, you can scrub and scrub and they will never come clean.

  Tazleaha looked back occasionally to make sure Ben and Harry were still following them. The look wasn’t lost on most of the others. Ben watched, no one else looked back for the whole walk. Everything was coming undone. He decided he would confront them before they left the ark if something didn’t change. They came to a large lift and were all herded in. They went down one level and exited. Harry and Ben looked around; this level looked nothing like what they had experienced on board the ark.


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