Reaper Inc.

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Reaper Inc. Page 30

by Thomas Wright

  "Ben, they know how to farm and raise livestock."

  "Sure they do and knew long before we were a glimmer in the cosmic eye. Emily, there are planets that they have destroyed the ecosystems for the most part and they just let them come back at their own pace then go in and do it again. That is way to slow a process so they search for new star systems. That is why we are here. They told me on the Morningstar that our system is not too far for them to travel to and would be a rich feeding ground for a long time."

  "It would take years to get in full motion but would be an amazing opportunity for someone like yourself to travel to new worlds and be a liaison to hundreds of small and large governments."

  Emily said, "They do seem to all want peace. No one is screaming for war."

  "War is easy. After the blood, bodies, planets destroyed, then they decide to talk. They have warred before and have this uneasy and not overly aggressive pact in place. The two most powerful individuals are on a first name basis. Maybe they are all too proud and are looking for some third party to do just what we are doing."

  Emily said, "The Cjittan will have to do something about their army. They are insects and breed by the hundreds. There needs to be a reduction in the current number and changes to their breeding program."

  "Like I said, I would like you to attend. I could use your help. I don’t want to be tied to this thing forever. I would like Reaper Inc. to get some hauling business, set up a warehouse and office in this system as well as Anubis. The Claymore could do some exploration and trouble shooting."

  Emily questioned, "Trouble shooting?"

  Ben smiled. "You know, helping solve minor issues as they arise. Help our customers with problems they are having with pirates, Allith, any form of rogue militants that need exterminating."

  "You mean mercenaries."

  "I prefer trouble shooters. I'm going on ahead."

  "Ok. I'll be there shortly."


  Ben sat in his assigned seat across from Tazleaha. She looked him over with what he was hoping was a look of approval, he did dress up today. He had survived the conversation with Emily and with Alona's help, she would do just fine. This type of thing was perfectly suited for her.

  Tazleaha asked, "Where is the coffee!" sounding irritated now.

  "It should be here anytime. They are making extra to leave with me. Don’t get too fond of it. I only have so much on the ship and am not going to go without." "So much for approval" he thought.

  "You would deny me?"

  "Yes, pretty sure I would."

  "I could just take it."

  "You could, and you could spend your nights with your boyfriend watching the drool run down his face because his mouth doesn’t close right, and tell him what a big strong male Cjittan he is, able to attack young females who have had an unfortunate life. You're just perfect for each other."

  Xamand said, "You two are supposed to be discussing peace between your peoples."

  Ben answered, "We are, just at more of a personal level."

  "Yes, that part I am fully aware of." Xamand looked back and forth between the two.

  "Xamand, Tazleaha, Emily is going to take over my position in these talks. She is much more qualified in the political arena than I am. She will need just a little time to catch up on yesterday's discussions and then you can count on her to help bring this to a conclusion of mutual benefit."

  Tazleaha said, "I am not sure I approve of this change. It is you Benjamin that my people relate to and trust."

  "I will vouch for Emily, and I will be back probably before you conclude."

  "You are leaving?"

  "Only for about four or five days. Harry's home planet is two days travel from here. I give it a day to correct the situation and two days back." Emily arrived in time to hear his travel arrangements. She stood behind Ben. He scooted his chair back and stood then motioned for Emily to sit.

  Xamand said, "Tazleaha, I believe this is a wise decision and Benjamin is wise to suggest it. Emily has a sharp mind and will move the process along. I am told she is level headed and has excellent communication skills."

  Ben thought, "thank goodness a little support." Tazleaha gave it some thought and concurred with Xamand to be cooperative. Now he had to ask for something from her and hoped it wouldn’t turn into a negotiation. She must have sensed it, she was staring at him.

  "You have some things that belong to me. I need them back. If you would tell me where they are, I'll get them myself."

  "Come with me, I will get them for you. I need to give you something."

  "Wonderful, thank you. Just another example of peaceful cooperation between our races!"

  "Cooperation would be even better had you remained awake longer than ten heartbeats after I lay down with you last night."

  "I wouldn’t count on it. Too much alcohol has some negative sexual performance side effects."

  "It did not seem to affect your friends but I am partially to blame for their actions. I am able to secrete a strong pheromone. Usually males and females alike have a hard time resisting; your friends reacted as they should. You seem to be an exception."

  "I don’t remember inviting you to my room or my bed for that matter. We had been flirting, dancing around the fire, you are aggressive and I like that, I also need to take it slow. I have never been one to drink and pass out and I need to stop. I need this trip to get away from here to continue to heal, mind and body. I have lost a love and a friend who I also love, she just left without saying goodbye. This job keeps costing me more and more. I was only supposed to transport the diplomats here then bring them home."

  "But you have new friends and are closer now to some of the others you brought with you than you were. Grubb is never far away from you. Now you are going to help the Laulaumunda you call Harry who was an enemy just seven days ago. The others do not question you, they trust your judgment that helping Harry is the right thing to do."

  "Life and death struggles sometimes bring about lifelong friendships. Nothing like someone saving your ass to help you appreciate them, no matter what they look like."

  "I want you to take Imelda with you. She needs to feed and would enjoy a hunt. She is not happy being locked on the ship for so long."

  "What is an Imelda?"

  "She is what you call a spider, Imelda is her name."

  "She never told me her name. I wasn’t sure any of your insects had names."

  "You never asked them, did you?"

  "I'm sure I didn’t. Your officers, your own people, have numbers on your ships but your insect warriors have names. That seems odd to me, not saying it’s wrong, just odd."

  "Not all have names. Imelda is very old and was a favorite of my mother. My people all are named but only those of royal blood are addressed using their name. A millennia ago it must of seemed a grand idea. I find it confusing at times but do not interact enough with the crew or lower caste to warrant changing tradition."

  They arrived at her room. It was almost as large as his. Her servants were busy trying to clean something that was already spotless. She led him to her bedroom and shut the door. Ben thought "She just doesn’t give up." He guessed wrong. Servants gossip, she explained and didn’t want anything they said overheard. She opened a large chest on the floor and took out his Katana, battle axe and belt with both his knives and pistol. There was that warm and fuzzy feeling he gets when he feels like he is prepared.

  His hand was a little sore but he found he could grip his weapons without much discomfort. "How long will the nanites you gave me to aid my healing last? My hand feels good today just a little sore."

  "We can talk about that when you return. They will last at least that long." Tazleaha knew she would have to tell him she had her doctor give him the nanites that are exclusive to the royal family. The doctor could not touch a vial upon pain of death without the queen's authorization. They could heal terrible damage to his body but more than that, they gave him longevity. He would live hundreds and hundre
ds of years. She didn’t need to tell him right away, she thought. It would take five years before his friends started to notice he wasn’t aging at the same rate as everyone else.

  "When was the last time Imelda fed?"

  "Gormazan had a number of guards and crewmembers that were sentenced to death after some investigation and a trial."

  "Ah, death by Imelda. If they were anything like their master, then that was too good for them."

  "I am reminded of the damage you caused to my ship when you took out your righteous anger on the clones."

  "Send me the bill, sweetheart."

  "I have sent you the bill, sweetheart. The repairs of the tanks, the cost of two clones, the cleanup of the lab, food and lodging for Imelda."

  "I'm not paying for all of that. You've lost your mind if you think I'm paying for any of that now that I think about it." Ben was getting angry. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He was held prisoner and almost killed on that ship. He would be damned if he paid for anything to do with that ship.

  "I have spoken with your new captain and she informs me you cannot pay the cost. She estimates after your trip to see justice done for Harry, supplies and fuel to Anubis will use every credit you have available. I believe I will have to impound the Claymore until you can pay your debt. We could talk to Xamand to get an impartial ruling and if he believes what I ask is unfair, I will accept his ruling."

  "Let's go, dammit. You know this is bullshit after I bought you dresses and helped get your damn ship back for you and this is how you repay me. You try and take my ship. You’re a damn pirate! That’s what you are, Pirate Queen Tazleaha. Xamand will tell you. Let's go."

  Ben stormed back into the peace conference with Tazleaha strolling casually along behind him. He stood arms crossed next to Xamand who was seated at the head of the table. The scowl on his face and tense posture told Emily something had just taken a turn for the worst.

  Tazleaha said, "Emperor Xamand, would you wear the mantle of impartial judge in a financial matter in need of resolution? The Cjittan submits it will acknowledge your ruling as final. Do you, Benjamin Jamison?

  "Yes, I can't trust you, that is for sure."

  Xamand's eyes got a little wide and he knew Ben was in trouble. "Which of you will be the first to begin?" he asked.

  "You go ahead, you pirate. Tell him all this nonsense and hopefully I won't even have to present my side."

  Tazleaha went through the list of charges and the damages and explained that the Claymore's captain could not pay her. She believes she has no choice but to take his ship until payment can be made.

  "Do you believe this crap? I am instrumental in her getting her ship back after a hundred years and now she wants to steal my ship!" Ben yelled. He never noticed every eye in the grand hall was on their little scene.

  "Ben, did you ask to be compensated for your part in retrieving her ship?" Xamand asked.

  "No, why would I? I just wanted my freedom and freedom for everyone else."

  "So at no time prior to the present, did you ask for anything from Queen Tazleaha or the Cjittan Empire."

  "No, I didn’t, but that has nothing to do with this."

  "It has everything to do with this, "Xamand said. "She owes you nothing so you cannot trade on your debts to each other and the only thing you have of value is the Claymore."

  "I'm leaving. I don’t care what goes on, peace, no peace you're not getting my ship," Ben yelled.

  Emily stood and said, "Do not listen to him, he is distraught and angry."

  "Damn straight I am." Ben turned to walk away.

  Xamand raised his voice but not in anger. "Ben, if you try to leave, I will have to have you arrested. You came to me, and I have to perform the duty you have tasked me with." He motioned to the guards and Ben stopped, turned and walked back.

  Emily said, "We need this Ben. I know you are angry but we have to have this peace treaty in place."

  Ben stood silently smoldering. Xamand looked at him his eyes seemed sad. Ben was right to have Emily take over and he was about to learn a hard lesson.

  Xamand asked, "Ben, did you shoot the tanks, damaging them and kill the clones that had occupied the tanks."


  "Yes, you did. I was present when you did it. I do not believe I can even absolve you of the cost of Imelda's care. Imelda's children were her last and she expressed a desire to be free of the horde. She was hoping you would take her someplace or let her travel the stars with you and your crew. Tazleaha gave her the freedom she desired."

  "Well, no one spoke with me about it, I wasn’t asked to be a part of that decision. You can have your spider. I don’t want it, didn’t ask for it."

  "If you do not take her she will be destroyed. She cannot stay on Allond and she is not of the Cjittan any longer." Xamand studied him, he was a trapped animal. He paced in a circle rubbing his temples.

  Prime Minister Aok watched Ben pace and watched Tazleaha smile. She thought she might try something. She approached him and put her hands on his shoulders. "I can make arrangements for all of us to get home and you can spend some time on Trillond and work things out with E'Aria. I believe she will listen to reason." Alona noticed Tazleaha wasn’t smiling at that moment. Xamand noticed the same thing.

  Chapter 38

  Tazleaha was thinking. Now she would have to back off taking his ship from him, maybe she could work another angle. Ben wasn’t sure he could take anymore. He knew she was trouble but he didn’t think something like this would ever happen. He still had the freighter and possibly the shuttle. E'Aria was part owner and it wasn’t part of his ship, it was Trillond design.

  "Xamand," Tazleaha said. "I would be willing to let him keep the ship for a part ownership in Reaper Inc."

  "Define part ownership," Ben said.

  Tazleaha answered, "Fifty percent."

  Ben laughed, "Keep the ship, pirate. I don’t have fifty percent to give you. My partner Nick owns fifty one. I divided my share with Natalia and E'Aria is part owner of the shuttle and I was going to give her more since the gunboat was destroyed."

  Alona asked, "How much of it do you own Ben?"

  "About twenty percent is all I took for myself."

  Xamand asked, "Tazleaha, would you settle for twenty percent of Reaper Inc. and put your seal it?"

  Tazleaha stood, thinking that it might be enough. Once he got over his anger, he would come to her. He would work for nothing before he would lose his ship, yes he would come to her and he would be hers.

  "I will take the twenty percent and the option of first refusal on any shares sold by anyone at a later date."

  Xamand asked, "Ben, do you accept the offer."

  "Yes, evidently she needs it more than I do." Ben turned and walked away and this time no one tried to stop him. He suited up in his armor and weapons and gathered his friends. Lorelei shuttled them to the Claymore and within the hour had clearance to depart for Harry's home planet.

  Xamand said, "Tazleaha, you are as shrewd as you are beautiful but you had no need to do that. I have never known you to be so petty. It may backfire on you.

  "I offer him an Empire and he would rather see a insignificant bit of tribal treachery avenged on a planet where they live in huts and trees. I could give him an armada of ships and an army that would follow him to the death, but I know it is not what he wants."

  Emily asked, "Why would you take his company share when it is nothing to you? Like you said, you have an armada and an army and more wealth than our whole alliance many times over but you take less than a hundred thousand credits. It seems pretty ruthless."

  "Yes I do look the part of a pirate queen but it is not as sinister as it looks. One reason, it is his and I want a part of him, another is I will be able to keep track of him through the company and I will match his share and provide an allowance. I will not leave him with no means at all."

  "That is like an uber control stalker move if there ever was one," Emily said looking from the queen to th
e emperor.

  "Emily, you have much to learn. It is what we do." She motioned to Xamand and herself. "We were born, taught, trained to control and manipulate an empire. To manipulate a single individual is usually not worth the thought and we both know he can be easy to manipulate, do we not Emily?"

  Alona interrupted, "Would it be possible to return to the business at hand? You have done what you set out to do Tazleaha, and as Xamand said, it may not turn out the way you hope."

  "Emily, Alona, be at ease. The decision for peace between the Alliance and the Cjittan was decided before you ever arrived. What you need to do now is put a plan together using the ideas Ben has put forth and get a majority of the governors to sign their agreement. Then I will sign as well. My scientists are at your disposal. I have had them working on a plan since before Ben was taken. I read the ideas in his mind and put my scientist to work on them. I would suggest the input of the Allond and Trillond as well to help them fill in the blanks."

  Emily was angry and also relieved. Knowing there was going to be peace, a great weight lifted; the rest was just research and hard work which she was very good at. Dealing with empire-sized egos was a huge pain and causing her to seriously rethink her career.

  Tazleaha said, "I do not think I am needed here for the immediate future. Emily, I will contact you in a few days to check your progress. Xamand, Alona, peace be with you."

  Xamand answered, "And you, Tazleaha." Alona said nothing and just watched her walk away.

  Emily said, "Do you think she is going after him?"

  Alona answered. "Do you have to ask?"

  "True, and she is right, she isn’t needed here. If the games are over, we should be able to get something accomplished."


  "Gormazan, is our ship prepared to depart?"

  "Yes my queen, and we have a strong signal from the tracker on the Claymore."

  "Do you think they will find it?"

  "They shouldn’t. I believe he was too angry at you to even check for any tracking devices."

  "Have we learned anything from the captain who smuggled the senator and his aide off of Allond?"


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