Cowboy Edition EBook

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Cowboy Edition EBook Page 42

by Maree, Kay

Lucas Knight.

  My little heart swooned and to be honest, who’s heart wouldn’t when meeting him?

  He was over six feet tall, muscled, with dark windswept hair and a hard sculptured jaw that could have been made by the gods themselves.

  Piercing blue eyes that took the breath right from my lungs as they seemed to zero in on me and my every movement.

  It was as if he knew everything about me before I even opened my mouth.

  After riding all day, I was just bringing Smores into the barn when I caught sight of him moving hay bales from the back of his truck and stacking them beside the barn.

  Muscles flexing, sweat glistened on every dip and valley on display and stupid clumsy me forgot everything Nash had ever taught me and in a matter of seconds, I lost focus and went to climb down from Smores.

  I got my foot stuck in the metal stirrups and I tumbled, I braced for the hard fall as a scream tore from my throat but the impact didn’t come.

  Instead, I landed headfirst into a solid chest as strong arms held me up.

  I can still hear that rough throaty voice run straight through me like melted butter, making me shiver.

  “Easy, Little Vixen.”

  The tip of his finger slid up my nose, pushing my glasses back into place. My body trembled from just that simple touch as those clear blue eyes stared deep into mine.

  My core clenched when his heated, minty breath washed over my face.

  A throat clearing behind me snapped me out of the trance I was held captive in.

  I was so embarrassed my face flamed red and once I was upright, with both feet firmly planted on the ground, I took off on a dead run for the main house and hid in my room for the rest of the day.

  “Hey where did you go?” my sister asks.

  Coming to stand in front of me, giving my shoulders a little shake.

  “Sorry I totally spaced,” I laugh, waving her off.

  “Is everything okay? Are you not ready for this?” her face scrunches up in concern.

  “I’m good, just thinking about my drive,” I lied, turning my face away so she can’t call me out on my bullshit.

  “Make sure you have plenty of stops on the way. It's a good ten-and-a-half-hour drive,” her concerned face changing to worried in a split-second.

  “I got this sis,” I nod.

  “Make sure you call me when you get there.”

  “Yes, Mum,” I salute, making her laugh.

  “Smartass,” she mumbles, shaking her head just as Demetri comes through the front door.

  A set of shiny silver keys swinging from his fingers.

  “All your stuff is now in storage,” he says in a thick Italian accent.

  I watch my sister visibly melt in front of me, making me want to start doing gagging noises, but I hold it back and roll my eyes instead.

  “Thanks, Bro, I couldn’t have done it without you and Nico. Will you let him know I said thanks?” I wink, throwing up my fingers in a weird sign as if I’m a gangster.

  Making him chuckle, shaking his head.

  I started calling him bro not long after he married my sister, but I put my own gangster swing to it that he finds highly amusing.

  “Demetri and I couldn’t let you leave without a gift.”

  Now that piques my interest, my sister loves to give me gifts and me being the baby sister loves to get presents.

  I bounce on the spot, clapping my hands like a little kid, making them both laugh at me but who cares if I get a present.

  “Where is it?” I ask, way too excited about this.

  “Out the front you dork,” Sophie laughs, shaking her head as I race past her, but Demetri won’t move from the doorway.

  “Move it, buddy,” I growl.

  “You may need these,” he says smirking, handing over the set of keys he was swinging around.

  “What?” I gasp, clutching the cool metal.

  Stepping aside, he waves his hand out the door.

  On shaky legs, I head downstairs and out the apartment building's front doors.

  Stopping in my tracks, my mouth drops open at what is parked at the curb.

  “Oh, my God,” I squeal, jumping up and down.

  Laughter rings around me but I don’t give a shit cause right there in front of me is the new 2020 Toyota Hilux SR5 in all her shiny red glory and chromed up in all the right places.

  Not believing it’s mine, I press the unlock button on the fob in my hands and when it beeps, the blinkers flash as if to say hello.

  I squeal again.

  “I’m guessing she likes it,” my sister says behind me and all I can do is nod, completely lost for words.

  Taking a few tentative steps towards my new red beast, I can’t help it when my steps pick up speed, throwing out my arms trying to hug it.

  “Yeah, Little Butterfly put this in the win basket,” Demetri calls out.

  “Oh God guys, thank you so much,”

  Finally finding my voice, turning and running at my sister like a linebacker making her grunt.

  Her body rocking back on her heels, but that doesn’t stop me from giving her the biggest bear hug imaginable.

  I squeeze the life out of her, making her wheeze for breath, slapping her on the back.

  “Man up,” I laugh out before letting go and jumping on Demetri and trying to do the same to him, but he isn’t as easy to squeeze.

  The big sonofabitch is like hitting a rock, and I end up getting winded instead.

  “Now who needs to man up,” Sophie spits out, smirking.

  “Bite ya tongue Saffi,” I throw right back at her.

  Her face turns red, her brows pitch together at the nickname I gave her long ago, reminding me how much she bloody hates it, but it amuses me when I piss her off.

  “We love you and we just want to make this transition easier for you. Demetri didn’t believe your car was safe enough to make the trip,” she pushes out between clenched teeth.

  Not wanting to show me how much I just pissed her off making me giggle.

  Demetri chuckles but quickly stops when she cuts a hard look his way and if looks could kill, he should be dead where he stands right now.

  “Good call bro,” I throw out needing to save his butt and again I throw up my fingers in a weird sign making him laugh, ruffling my hair up with his hand he simply nods.

  “Just make sure you call us when you get there,” he gruffs out.

  “Yes, Dad,” I whine, making him laugh.

  “Don’t stress guys, I’m gonna see you guys at the end of the week for the big wedding,” I smile.

  “I just wish we could head up there with you. But Dominic really needs Demetri here at the moment. We will definitely be up there for the wedding,” she smiles. “Nobody is keeping me away from my best friend's wedding,” Sophie pouts, lifting her brow at Demetri.

  “Don’t worry, little Butterfly, we will make it up there. I promise,” leaning down and kissing her between the brows and again she melts against him.

  Gagging, I shove my fingers into my mouth so they realise I am still standing here and don’t need to see that.

  But deep down, a swirl of the green-eyed monster begins to stir.

  Wishing for something even remotely close to what they have and feel towards each other.

  “Sorry,” Sophie laughs and I can tell she ain’t sorry at all.

  Huffing, I fold my arms across my chest and pull out my best bratty pout.

  “Little sis, you can bite me, go play with your new beast while I soak up my husband before he has to head back to work,” she says, shooing me with her hands.

  Thinking that’s a great idea.

  I skip towards my beauty.

  Running my hand across the shimmering paint job.

  Sighing, knowing this beast needs a good name.

  Stepping back, I look up one side then the other, trying to think of what name would suit her.

  It has t
o be badass but feminine.

  Tapping one of my black-tipped nails against my bottom lip, mulling over what it could be.

  Kitty nope... Ruby nope... Luna nope... Valerie nope...


  This is harder than I thought, opening the driver’s side door.

  I feel like I am about to burst into glitter, taking in the soft leather seats with red pinstripes.

  That new car smell hitting me in the face.

  I step up into the seat thanking god they have a side step cause I’m a short ass.

  Gripping the steering wheel in one hand I put the key in the ignition, turning her over with a flick of the wrist, a huge smile pulling across my lips when she purrs to life.

  The slow vibration from the engine runs through me, making me giggle.

  “Elektra,” I purr.

  Oh, hell yes!

  That name is fucking perfect for my beast.

  Pushing down on the button for the electric windows that are mounted into my door.

  Sophie and Demetri are still busy macking on each other.

  I have to honk the horn to get their attention, rolling my eyes at the loved up duo.

  When they finally pull apart they head towards the passenger side window.

  I give the motor a little rev.

  “Say hello to my little friend,” I call out in my best Scarface voice hitting my hands against the steering wheel pulling off a good drum roll and in my best Dory voice I announce, “Her name shall be Elektra and she shall be mine.”

  Making them laugh.

  “Good name shorty,” Demetri says, calling me the nickname he gave me when we first met.

  “Thanks, Bro,” I exclaim, throwing up my fingers again.

  “Are you ever going to not do that?” Sophie asks, opening the door.

  Demetri giving her a hand to get in.

  “Nope,” I shake my head, running my hands around the steering wheel.

  “You’re such a nutcase.”

  “A loveable one,” I wink.

  “Absolutely Little Lulu,” she fires back with her nickname for me.

  “Time to see what Elektra can do,” I say, ignoring her giggling ass.

  “Sergio just called, Demetri has to head over there for a bit but I’ll come with ya, you can drop me home afterwards.”

  “I’m amazed you heard the phone over all the kissing,” I smart back, laughing at my own joke.

  “Jealous bitch,” Sophie fires back, making me laugh.

  But fuck how true her words ring out in my head.

  “Enough chit chat cause I feel the need... the need for speed,” I call out one of the best lines from one of my all-time favourite movies, Top Gun.

  “Let’s do it,” Sophie laughs, leaning out the window and giving Demetri a quick kiss goodbye.

  “Drive safe,” he points his finger at me, I salute him in return.

  “Let’s Rock-and-roll. Sophie find a good song, let's test this baby out.”

  “On it,” she salutes me this time.

  Searching through my CD case that was lying on the passenger floor.

  “How the hell did that get in here?”

  My brows knit together in confusion as I pulled out onto the road.

  “Before Demetri scrapped your car, he cleaned it out and put all your stuff in here.”

  “Ah see, this is why I love that man,” I gush.

  “He is the best brother ever.”

  “You don’t know the half of it,” she mumbles, making me screw up my face.

  “Ewww, I don’t want to know,” hitting the indicator to turn left, heading towards the foreshore so we can cruise past the beaches.

  Then it dawns on me he cleaned out my car.

  Does that mean he found the bullet vibrator I had in the glovebox?

  “Oh shit,” I gasp, my cheeks heating up.

  “What?” Sophie looks around the car, then out the windows.

  “It’s nothing,” I mumble, waving my hand around.

  “Now I want to know, your cheeks are heating up like the sun dearest little Lulu now spill.”

  “Well Shit, I may have had a bullet vibrator in the glovebox of my car and I can’t remember if it was in the little purse I keep in there or not,” I blurt.

  My cheeks are really on fire now.

  Gripping the steering wheel a bit harder.

  She burst out laughing, which just sets me off.

  Leaning forward, she flips the glove box open and out tumbles the little vibe.

  “Well, I guess that answers that question,” Sophie giggles, holding up the device.

  “Did you find a CD?” I blurt out, needing to change the damn subject right now.

  “Yep,” she continues to giggle, pushing the disc in before going back to flipping my vibe on and off.

  “Stop, you'll waste the batteries,” I growl.

  Watching closely as she puts it back in the glovebox.

  “I bet Demetri didn’t even know what it was,” she says, biting her lip, smiling.

  “Bullshit,” I grit out.

  Just as the first bars of Ain’t No Stopping Us Now by Kane Brown blares through the speakers.

  All thoughts of my little vibe pushed away for now as we sing out the words to one of my favourite songs.

  Pulling my sunglasses down over my eyes, I relax back into the leather seat.

  My fingers tap to the beat against the steering wheel.

  My heart is full and I know I am more than ready to start this next chapter in my life, now just to work out a way to get Lucas Knight to take a chance on me.

  But first I need him to see me.

  The 22-year-old woman I am now and not the 16-year-old girl he still thinks I am.

  That needs saving every five minutes from killing herself with her stupid, clumsy moments.

  Once he has a chance to see the me I am now, I know my world will be complete.

  This is going to be one crazy ride, but I’m up for the challenge.

  Watch out Lucas Knight, I’m coming for you and you better be ready for me...

  "Seriously Little Mare, do you actually understand the words don't overdo yourself?" Nash huffs, stomping over to the clothesline at the back of his house.

  "I can take the clothes off the line Cowboy," Cora barks back and even from here, I can see her rolling her eyes at him.

  Pulling my Stetson off, I chuckle wiping the sweat from my brow.

  "You're fighting a losing battle Cora," I call out, earning a chuckle from Nash and a pointed look by the female.

  "Not a word Lucas Knight or I might just put my boot up your ass," she growls, eyeing me up and down as I get closer as if really contemplating doing just that.

  Making me laugh.

  "Beautiful, you ain't kicking anyone's ass and if you don't get your cute ass inside and put your damn feet up, then I'm gonna tan your hide," Nash barks pointing towards the back door.

  "Seriously," she huffs, her hands on her hips.

  "Who the hell do you think put the damn clothes on the line, to begin with?" she grumbles but turns for the back door.

  "We will talk about that later," Nash chuckles.

  Just before the back door slams shut she laughs.

  "Not on your life, Cowboy."

  Yogi starts barking and scratching at the back door, wanting in.

  "Someone save me from stubborn ass women," he grumbles, opening the back door so Yogi can go inside.

  "As if you would have it any other way," I chuckle, shaking my head.

  "Friday can't come quick enough," he smiles.

  "I can't believe she is gonna marry your possessive ass," I say smirking, holding my hands up when he shoots me a shitty look.

  "I'm one lucky sonofabitch."

  I nod as we head back to the barn, needing to unload the rest of the hay bales for their wedding on Friday.

  "This shit is gonna be uncomfortable for every
one to sit on," I grit out.

  Picking up another one and throwing it on the large stack next to the barn.

  "Cora and Mum have cotton sheets to drape over them," he shrugs.

  "Fair enough," I mumble.

  Blaring music cuts through the air and has us turning towards Nash's long driveway.

  A shiny red truck comes flying up the gravel road, dust flying up in a cloud as the music comes clearer and I know who it is before she even comes to a stop just by the music.

  Lose it by Kane Brown blares out.

  Shaking my head, knowing she is obsessed with him.

  I bite off a chuckle when her voice rings out, she can't sing for shit.

  But to me, she is fucking perfect.

  Windows down, music blaring, huge black sunglasses covering her eyes, her midnight hair with flecks of blue shine from the hot sun as it flows all around her.

  I chuckle seeing her bouncing in the front seat, hands tapping out the beat against the steering wheel.

  I swear I have never seen anyone dance as they drove before.

  But fuck she makes it look so damn good.

  Grinding my teeth together my whole body coming alive just being in the same space as her.

  The woman beams with life and I'm the selfish bastard that wants to capture it and keep it all for myself.

  Shaking myself of that thought, lifting my old white shirt up to wipe my face.

  The truck comes to a rumbling stop.

  I wonder who she borrowed it from.

  The last time I saw her she had an old beat-up pickup truck.

  Going back to moving the hay my heart picks up hearing the door slam shut, then the crunch of gravel and I know without looking she is wearing some sort of come fuck me heels.

  I don’t know how the clumsiest woman I have ever met can walk in those heels. Especially out here on the uneven ground.

  Gritting my teeth against the thought of those heels digging into my back as I fuck her hard.

  My cock stiffens in my jeans, causing me to grunt against the bite of my zipper.

  “Good to see you to Mr Knight,”

  Her sweet voice rings out from behind me, sending electricity coursing down my spine.

  I don’t stop what I’m doing and I feel like a dick. She thinks that’s my greeting, but I don’t correct her.

  The less we have contact the fucking better cause I don’t wanna fucking talk to her.


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