Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3)

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Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3) Page 22

by Siobhan Davis

  Then another awful thought hits me. “Jesus!” I pin worried eyes on Dan. “If she planted the gun, then that means that she killed him. Addison killed Doug Grant.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “I have a PI I use regularly. A good guy. I’ll get him to look into Addison Sinclair and see if he can find any evidence to back up your claims. But if she’s done this to frame you, then I expect she’s covered her tracks. Why would a young girl do such a thing?” His eyes crease at the corners as he frowns.

  “She’s a fucking psycho, that’s why.” My foot taps nervously off the floor. How did I not see how deranged Addison was? Honestly, it’s like the sweet girl I fell in love with in ninth grade was a figment of my imagination. Did she plan this thinking she was doing me a favor or something? Or did she follow me and walk unsuspecting into that cesspool of a house? I can only imagine how Doug would’ve reacted if Addy turned up on his doorstep. Is this some new angle to pull me back to her side?

  I sigh, rubbing the tense spot between my shoulder blades as all manner of other questions assault my mind.

  I can’t figure it out unless she’s holding something back that will prove my innocence and planning on using that to barter with. The more I think of it, the more that scenario seems plausible and like something she’d do. She’s already proven she isn’t opposed to blackmailing me back into her arms. I break out in a cold sweat at the thought.

  Something else occurs to me. “They swabbed me for gunshot residue, and there was none on my hands, and they won’t find my fingerprints on that weapon either. Plus, you said the bartender confirmed my story, so why are they so sure I’m the murderer? Surely they can’t make this stick?”

  “Those are valid points and ones I intend to raise, but this is still an ongoing investigation, and they are exploring all avenues. I will be sure to pass on your intel regarding Ms. Sinclair; however, the bartender’s evidence is actually more harmful than helpful.”

  “In what way?”

  “She has told them how you turned up with bloody knuckles, in a clearly emotional state, proceeded to get drunk, and had to be helped to your hotel room where you broke down again. The officers are connecting it to the murder. The way they see it, it’s the actions of a guilty man.”

  “They think it’s because I murdered him in some kind of rage?”

  “You’ve got to admit that sounds like a plausible theory.”

  I snort. “How about the fact it’s a normal reaction considering I’d just found out the man I thought was my dad wasn’t my biological dad and that my birth dad was an asshole who kicked me out of his house after suggesting a threesome with his girlfriend!” I kick out at the leg of the table in frustration. “Anyone would be messed up after that. Doesn’t mean I’m a murderer.”

  “Please refrain from doing that. It’s not helping,” Dan chastises. He pauses briefly and I can almost see the inner workings of his mind as he contemplates something. He leans forward on his elbows. “Kyler. Is there anything else you haven’t told me? Anything at all that could help explain your behavior that night?”

  My chest tightens and nausea builds at the back of my throat. A line of sweat trickles down my spine. I don’t want to have to confess to what happened when I was ten and how my birth father stepped in to halt the abuse before shit got real. But things aren’t looking good for me, and I can’t rely on Addison to come clean because that’s still only a hunch, and she’s undeniably swinging off the cray-cray tree.

  “Anything you tell me is in complete confidence,” he adds quietly. “I know your father pays my invoice, but I am representing you, Kyler, and I can’t help you if I’m not aware of all the facts. I’m sensing you’re holding something back, and I need to know if it could help your case or not.”

  My legs are shaking and my entire body trembles. Turning slowly, I face him, seeing nothing but calm concern in his gaze. I nod my head, and bit by bit tell him the parts of the conversation with Doug that I omitted last time, holding nothing back about the events at the track years ago. He listens patiently, jotting down a few notes, never once interrupting me.

  When I stop talking, he puts his pen down and takes his glasses off. “I take it your parents aren’t aware of this.”

  I shake my head. “I hadn’t told anyone until last week when I spoke to Faye. She convinced me to see a therapist she found in Boston, and she was going to book the appointment today.”

  His smile is sad. “You’ve got yourself a good one there, Kyler.”

  “I know. She doesn’t deserve all this. She deserves someone better.”

  Like Brad. It’s not the first time I’ve had this thought, and it’s like a dagger straight through my heart.

  “Take it from an old man who has been around the block a few times,” he says, chuckling. “Let the girl decide for herself, and if she wants to remain by your side, let her. Don’t push her away. You will need her support in the coming weeks.”

  “What’s going to happen next?”

  “I need to go out and update your parents, and I’ll let the officer know we’re ready for the interview to commence. Then we wait to see if they’re going to charge you or not. The M.E.’s report has issued, and the timeline is tight but not inconceivable; however, that plus the forensics report on the gun should be enough to create reasonable doubt.” He pats my arm. “I will do my utmost to make this go away. I know you didn’t do this, son.”

  “Thank you.” I mean it. I’ve no doubt Dan is being paid handsomely for his services, but he’s a damn good lawyer and has served our family well over the years. He’s also an honorable man, and I imagine the same can’t be said for all lawyers.

  He exits the room, leaving me alone with my frantic thoughts. While the evidence seems blatantly obvious, I’m still struggling to grasp the fact that Addy is a murderer. What the hell happened to that girl that she’s become so warped? And now I’m worried about Faye. If Addison is this unhinged, who knows what she’s got planned for my girl. I need to get my ass out of here, stat.

  Dan returns with the detective a little while later, and the interview begins. I tell them about the abuse and what Doug Grant told me, explaining that I kept those details back because I was ashamed and struggling to deal with it being brought to the surface after so long. I tell them my parents don’t know and I was afraid of them finding out. I share my suspicions regarding Addison and how the gun was planted in my room. Dan reminds them they found no trace of gunshot residue on my hands, casts doubt on the timeframe given how accurately the waitress pinpointed my arrival at the bar, and states they will not find my fingerprints on the gun. After a bit of back and forth, they agree to release me into the custody of my parents. I have to sign a sworn statement confirming I will not leave town.

  I do the walk of shame through the station out into the waiting area. Mom runs toward me, enveloping me in her arms. Her sobs fill the half-empty room. She grabs my face in her hands. “Are you okay?” Her eyes are shiny.

  I nod as if in a daze. “Just get me out of here. Please. I need to see Faye. Warn her about Addison. She’s not safe.”

  “Don’t worry, Kyler,” Dad says, patting me on the back. “I have re-hired security, and they are en route to the house as we speak.”

  The front doors of the station open, and the roar of a large crowd tickles my eardrums. Media hounds. Awesome. Brad runs into the room, looking flustered. “I came as soon as I heard.”

  After yesterday, that’s kinda surprising, but I’m glad he’s making the effort, that our friendship isn’t completely in the toilet. “Thanks, bro.”

  “The mob is getting rowdy out there, and I was just talking to Faye, and she said there are several news crews and a chopper back at the house.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine. Worried about you but fine.” He plants a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
r />   Mom hands me a plain back hoodie. “Put this on and keep your head down. Max will pull up right outside.”

  “Mom, I’m not going to hide. I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “Sweetheart, please.”

  I thrust the hoodie back at her. “What do you care about more? Me or your precious reputation?” I snarl.

  “Baby. You know I’m only trying to protect you.”

  “I’m not wearing it.” I grind down on my molars.

  Her shoulders hunch in defeat. “Fine. Have it your way.”

  “I have an idea,” Brad says, turning to me. “Why don’t you leave here in the Merc but then switch to my SUV before we get to the house. I can drop you off at the old entrance at the back of the property, and you can get in the house without having to face the reporters.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Camera flashes almost blind me when I step outside the station, flanked on either side by my parents. Brad slips out unnoticed, hurrying to his car. Reporters shout questions at me, but I block them all out. I only release the breath I’d been holding once I’m safely secured in the back of the car. “Don’t they have anything better to do?”

  “I’m sick of being gossiped about,” Mom complains.

  “I’m sorry I make your life so difficult,” I retort, unable to keep the hurt and malice from my tone.

  “Baby, that’s not what I meant.” Her voice is soft.

  I lean my head back and close my eyes, refusing to speak to her. While I know it’s unfair to blame her for this particular situation, I am totally pointing the finger in her direction. If she hadn’t lied to me, I wouldn’t have taken off half-assed to meet my bio father, and I wouldn’t be in this mess.

  Wordlessly, I get out of the Merc at the rendezvous point, gratefully sliding into the car beside Brad. He floors it, leaving a cloud of dust behind us. “Want to go somewhere? Take the bikes out?”

  “While that sounds tempting, I need to speak to Faye.”

  “Sure.” His voice is terse, and tension bleeds into the air at the mere mention of my girlfriend. My head clutters with fear and jealousy and frustration. Brad is in love with Faye, too. There’s no way to avoid the awkwardness, but I don’t want to give up on my buddy either. He’s been through the wringer as well, and I won’t cut him loose, no matter how much it’s pissing me off that he’s coveting my girl.

  He’ll get over her in time.


  “I can’t believe they found the gun in your room,” he admits, and I slant a surprised look his way. “Faye called me and explained. She wanted to go to the station with your parents, but they wouldn’t let her. She suspects Addison planted it.” I want to be mad that they spoke after I asked him to keep his distance, but I’m not unreasonable either. Given the circumstances, I can cut him some slack.

  “That’s what I think, too.”

  “Man, why is she doing this?”

  I shrug. “Your guess is as good as mine, but this is different, Brad. If our hunch is correct, she’s killed someone. And if she did that to try and get me back, then she’s got severe mental issues. I’m scared for Faye. Scared she has something awful planned for her.” Goose bumps sprout up and down my arms at the thought of anything happening to my baby. I nearly lost her once, and the guilt almost destroyed me. I wasn’t there for her that time, so I’m going to make damn sure I’m here for her now.

  “Dammit!” Brad growls, slamming his hands against the steering wheel as he looks in his rearview mirror.

  “What?” I ask, turning around. A large black official-looking SUV is trailing us.

  “I thought I’d seen the last of them.”

  “Who?” I pin him with a curious look.

  “I’ve noticed that vehicle following me a few times these last few weeks. Always when the media are around.”

  He curses, slamming his hands against the steering wheel again.

  “Don’t sweat it,” I tell him. “Once I’m through the gate, I’m on private property, and they can’t follow me.” I tap out a quick message to Faye as Brad floors it, attempting to lose the tail.

  He drops me off at the rear gate, and I immediately head to the guest house. Faye is already there, waiting on the steps with a look of concern etched across her beautiful face. Jumping up, she skips down the stairs and flings herself at me, clinging tightly to my chest, while peppering my face with kisses. I wrap my arms around her and inhale the comforting scent of vanilla and lavender. Burying my face in her neck, I squeeze her tightly, relaxing when her hands run up and down my back. “Baby, are you okay?” she asks.

  I lift my head. “I am now.” I offer her a smile, and she takes my hand, pulling me into the house. She asks me what happened, and I tell her everything that went down at the station. The whole time, she’s holding me in her arms, planting soft kisses to my cheek and rubbing soothing circles on my hands, and despite the predicament I’m in, I’m happy. I’ve never felt so comfortable with any girl or more loved. She’s definitely bringing out a softer side of me.

  “Okay,” she says when I’ve finished talking. “First things first.” Pulling her legs underneath her, she kneels up facing me. “Are you going to tell your parents?”

  I massage my temples as a dart of pain penetrates my skull. “I was thinking of this on the way back. I have no choice but to tell them. There’s a chance this could come out, and they can’t discover it in a media report.”

  She nods. “I think you’re right. I’ll go with you, if you want.”

  I tweak her nose. “Well, duh. That’s a given.”

  Her face contorts, and transparent anger flares behind her eyes. “What are we going to do about Addison?”

  I bolt upright, angling my body and our knees brush. “We are going to do nothing. For now.”

  She opens her mouth to protest, but I press my fingers to her lips. “Faye. She’s dangerous. Unpredictable. Besides the obvious safety concerns, if either one of us go anywhere near her, she could twist it and use it to her advantage. Dan is right on that point. Let his PI do some snooping and hope that the police won’t pursue charges once the forensics come back on the gun. As much as it kills me to say this”—and it does, because I feel like charging over to Addy’s house and throttling her until she fesses up—“I can’t risk getting into deeper shit.” I curl my hand around the nape of her neck. “And that goes for you too.”

  She scowls, and I know what that means. “You have to promise me. I’m scared she’s going to hurt you, and I need you to agree not to do anything because I’ll lose my freaking mind worrying otherwise.”

  Her features soften. “It feels wrong to sit around and do nothing.”

  I sigh, pulling her face closer. “Believe me, I know, but we’ve got to let the experts do their thing.” All further conversation is halted when I close the gap and fuse her mouth with mine. As distraction techniques go, this is number one on my list. Our kissing escalates and soon her hands are hoisting my shirt up and I’m letting her. We undress quickly, and then I carry her to the furry rug in front of the fireplace.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” She holds her palm against my chest. “I don’t want to take advantage.”

  I throw back my head and laugh. “Babe. There isn’t a scenario I can ever imagine where that would happen. Feel free to take advantage whenever you get the urge.” I wink, and she narrows her eyes suspiciously. “Sweetheart.” I lean in, planting a hungry kiss on her lips. “I need to lose myself in you.” I run circles on her stomach with the tip of my finger, mentally fist-pumping the air when she trembles underneath my touch. “This is the best thing you can do to help me right now.”

  “Well.” She grins seductively, reaching down to grab me. “When you put it like that, I can hardly refuse, now can I?” Her lips twitch with mirth, and I graze my tongue along the side of her neck. She shivers a
ll over, and when her desire-laden eyes meet mine, I lose the last shred of my control, crashing my lips on hers and ravishing her mouth like I’m starving.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Ky is beyond nervous as we sit in James’s study, waiting for Alex. His foot taps idly off the floor, and he drums his finger anxiously on the arm of the chair. I reach out and lace my hand in his, giving him a comforting squeeze. James is watching us with keen, troubled eyes.

  Alex strides into the room all business-like. She perches on the edge of the desk alongside her estranged husband. “Sorry I’m late. You wanted to talk to us?” Something akin to hope lingers in her eyes. I know the gulf between her and Ky has been traumatic, but if she thinks this is going to mend bridges, she’s in for a shock. If anything, this is only going to add to her guilt. “Kyler?” She tilts her head, waiting for a response.

  I make an executive decision. Getting up, I curl myself into his lap, winding my arms around his neck. I caress his face. “You can do this. It’s okay. Just tell them like you told me.”

  “Kyler, please,” James says. “You’re scaring me now.”

  Ky looks into my eyes and his expression guts me. Right now, I can visualize what he must have looked like at age ten. Vulnerable and petrified and desperately needing protection. I take his hands and plant them firmly around my waist. “Lean on me. You can do this.” I nod at him in encouragement.

  He clears his throat, twisting his head to face his parents. “I have something to tell you. Something that happened long ago that I never told you about. Something you need to hear now.” His chest visibly rises, and I feel his fear as if it’s my own. “You remember the scandal at the Uxbridge track when I was ten?”

  Alex frowns a little, while instant recognition dawns on James’s face. “Oh dear God,” he says, slouching against the desk as he clamps a hand over his mouth. Alex’s face has turned ashen.


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