Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3)

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Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3) Page 32

by Siobhan Davis

  “I agree, and she does actually love you in her own warped way. I think if Courtney hadn’t gotten into her head, she wouldn’t have done any of the stuff she did.”

  “Guess we’ll never know.” My hand wanders lower. “But enough talking about her. I want to talk about us. You know what this means?”


  I smooth the grooves in her forehead with my thumb. “All the shit is out in the open now, and we can finally move forward with our lives. Plan for college. Plan for our future. Date and be a normal couple for a change.”

  She sighs contentedly. “God, I love the sound of that.”

  “Me, too, and I can’t wait to start all that with you.”

  She uncurls her fist, holding her palm up to me. “Agent Cooper found it on the floor of the cabin, and he returned it to me.” The double heart pendant I gave her rests in her palm. “The chain is broken, but the hearts are intact. Just like us.”

  I close my hand over hers, curling both our hands around the pendant. “We’re not broken, Faye.” She pins me with one of those looks, and I know she’s seconds away from arguing. “Okay, maybe on the outside, but inside? In here”—I touch my chest and then hers, right in the place where our hearts beat in sync—“we’re whole. I wasn’t always, but you fixed me. Just by breathing the same airspace. Just by staying by my side through all the crap. Just by loving me. I meant what I said to Mom. I am going to marry you one day, if you’ll have me. And until then, ensuring your happiness is my number one goal. I’m going to prove that I’m worthy of you.”

  “Oh, Ky.” She tips her chin up and kisses me softly. “You big romantic, you.” She grins, kissing me again. “Don’t you know you already have?”


  Seven Months Later


  “Faye?” I holler, cupping my hands around my face. “Babe, come on! We’re going to miss our flight.” Not that I’d mind—then I’d have an excuse for commissioning the private jet to take us to Ireland, but Faye is determined that we’re going to be a normal couple in every sense of the word. And we’ve been following that motto, dating up a storm and doing all the usual stuff couples our age do. I can honestly say the last seven months of my life have been some of the happiest I’ve ever known.

  Faye means the world to me, and I’d trek to the moon and back to give her everything she wants and needs.

  And that’s how I’ve ended up here—trying to psych myself up for my first charter flight.

  She opens her bedroom door and pops her head out, looking up the corridor. I lean against the doorframe from my position in the lobby. “Baby, I’m almost ready. Promise.” She holds up a palm. “Just gimme five.”

  I glance at my watch, tapping one finger off it. “I’m timing you,” I shout as her head retreats back into her room.

  “I am so looking forward to seeing the back of you two,” Kent pipes up behind me.

  “Excuse me?” I spin around to face him.

  “Baby. Babe.” He mimics our voices, slapping a hand against his forehead. “I swear all your mushy talk has actually irreparably damaged my brain.”

  “Hell no. You’re not pinning that one on us. Blame the bimbos and the booze.”

  “Now, now, bro.” He slants a smug look my way. “Lose the jealous streak. You chose to tie yourself to one pussy at eighteen, so don’t take it out on the rest of us.”

  “Once a douche, always a douche,” I joke, grabbing him into a headlock. He doesn’t get it. None of my brothers do. Everything comes back to Faye. I have the girl of my dreams, and she loves me as much as I love her. That’s all that matters to me.

  “Screw off, asshole,” Kent yells, trying to elbow me in the ribs.

  I muss up his hair, knowing how much he hates it, and then shove him away. “Miss you already, you little shit.”

  Keaton and Keanu amble into the lobby then. “Cutting it a bit close?” Keanu suggests, looking at the clock on the wall.

  “Try telling that to your cousin,” I deadpan. “I’m all packed.” I gesture at the large black duffel bag by my feet.

  “Girls need more stuff,” Keaton unhelpfully supplies. “And it’s their prerogative to keep their men waiting.”

  “Dude,” Kent says, pinning Keaton with a strange look. “That’s some weird shit coming out of your mouth right there.”

  “Thanks for your blinding observation,” I retort. “But it’s not exactly helpful.”

  “I’ll see if I can help,” Keaton says, taking a step into the corridor.

  “No need.” Faye is nearly breathless as she runs up the corridor, hauling two massive bags on wheels behind her. “I’m ready,” she pants out.

  “About damned time.” I reel her into my arms, and I’m instantly hard. The measure of time hasn’t eroded the strength of my feelings for her. Or my lust. When it comes to Faye, I’m primed and ready twenty-four-seven. The scent of vanilla and lavender tickles my nostrils, and I bury my head in her hair.

  “Dude. Did you just sniff her hair?” Kent asks, with a look of absolute disgust on his face.

  “I did.” I smirk, uncaring. I traded in my man card a long time ago. “I love how my girl smells. Shoot me if it’s a crime.”

  “Bro,” Keanu says, gesturing at my crotch. “Mom’ll be here any second. You’d better disguise the boner.”

  Faye’s head tips down, and I watch her eyes darkening with lust. “Fancy joining the mile high club?” I suggest with a wink.

  Her eyes sparkle and then dull. “You haven’t seen the size of the toilets on a commercial flight. I think that’ll be a no.” She looks disappointed.

  “It wouldn’t be an issue if we were taking the jet.” I ravish her with one very suggestive look. “There’s still time to change our minds.”

  She shakes her head. “No way, mister.” She prods me in the chest. “You are not going to manipulate me with your amazing dick.” A few splutters of laughter echo around us, reminding me we’re not alone. “Besides, it’s hardly a hardship. We’re traveling first class when really we should be going economy for the full experience.”

  Hell to the no. I can still remember the argument we had when she first suggested that. I draw the line at economy. A guy has to have some standards. I hold up a hand in defeat. “Fine, but your ass is mine the minute we land on solid ground.”

  A mischievous glint appears in her eye. “Deal.”

  “Get your horny asses in the car,” Kal commands, appearing at the front door. “Unless you actually want to miss your flight?”

  “Wait!” Mom screeches, careening into the lobby. “You can’t leave without a hug.” She flings herself at me, holding me tight. Easing back, she pinches my cheeks. “Have a great time, honey, and we’ll see you in three weeks.”

  Faye and I wanted to spend some time in Ireland on our own before the rest of the family descend, so everyone else is flying out later, and we’re going to do the whole tourist vacation thingie then. I’m looking forward to seeing where Faye grew up.

  Mom envelops Faye in a hug. “Mind yourself, and look after my boy.” I roll my eyes. I’m eighteen now. In a committed relationship and attending Harvard in the fall. I’m hardly a boy.

  “Of course,” Faye responds. “I’ll look after him really well. You have nothing to worry about.” She says this is a sweet tone of voice with that fake, saintly grin on her face, and I have to smother my snort of amusement at the hidden meaning behind her words. My mind goes into overdrive mapping out the many ways I intend on having her once we get to her house in Ireland. With no one to disturb us, I plan on rocking my girl’s world until she aches in places she didn’t know existed.

  But Mom’s no fool. “You have that bag I gave you?” she asks, with an equally innocent smile. Faye gulps, nodding as her cheeks flush red. “Excellent.” Mom smiles again before spinning around and thumping me in the
upper arm.

  I eye her suspiciously. “What the hell?”

  “Do not get Faye pregnant!” My brothers dissolve into laughter. “I’m far too young to be a grandma.”

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to call her out for hypocrisy, but I stop myself in time. We had been led to believe she got pregnant with Kade in Ireland when she first met Dad, but that’s not how it went down at all. She already had two toddlers and me in her womb by the time she reached Irish shores. Our relationship with Mom has definitely improved since she sold Kennedy Apparel. While she is still consulting for them in an unofficial capacity, it’s only a few hours a week, and she does most of it from home.

  Having her around all the time was been wonderful but weird.

  Dad moved out after Christmas, but he bought a house three miles away, so we see him all the time. While we still call here home, we tend to split our time fairly evenly between both parents. It’s not ideal, but it could’ve been a lot worse. Surprisingly, their split was remarkably drama free. Even though both of them appear to be coping well, neither one of them is dating; I can’t help feeling sad that it came to this. However, there’s been no mention of divorce in months, and technically they are separated but still officially married. I know we’re all hoping that somehow they’ll find a way to reconcile.

  My therapist is helping me process my feelings on everything that went down, but I’m making progress, and my bad days are few and far between now. Having Faye in my corner helps enormously. I honestly cannot imagine what my life was like before her. She illuminates my world in so many ways.

  Courtney’s case came to trial last month—a few weeks before we graduated—and reliving everything under the glare of so much publicity was pretty harrowing, but we got through it. They threw the book at her, and she’ll spend the rest of her life behind bars. Addison was also dealt a life sentence of sorts. Paralyzed from the waist down, she’s facing a much different future than the one she had planned. All charges against her were dropped, considering the circumstances. It helped that she didn’t play any part in the murders Courtney committed, and Faye spoke out in her favor, testifying that she tried to save her.

  David’s trial has yet to pass. He’s still hiding behind the insanity shield, but he’ll get his day in court, too, and we’ll be ready to face it, face him, when the time comes.

  “Kyler.” Mom clutches my arm, dragging me out of my head. “Did you hear me? No knocking that beautiful girl up. Not for a few years, at least. Then you’ll have my full permission.” She smiles dreamily. “I can just picture your cute kids.”

  “Mom!” What the hell has gotten into her? One minute she’s telling me not to impregnate Faye and the next she’s swooning over our imaginary children? My family is seriously insane.

  Faye splutters, and I take that as my cue. Seizing her luggage, she starts hauling ass out the door, reaching out to grab me as she passes. “Bye, everyone!” she shouts. “We don’t want to miss our flight.” I chuckle at the sudden rush of urgency that was lacking a few minutes ago.


  Oh em gee. I can’t believe Alex just said that in front of everyone. Ground: open up and swallow me, please. I should be used to it by now. Ky’s brothers tease us relentlessly over our relationship and privacy is a virtual impossibility around here. Which is part of the reason why I’m so excited to be going back home. For the first three weeks of our stay, we’ll be living in my old family home. I have mixed feelings about being back there, but at least Ky will be with me this time, and I plan on making lots of new memories in that house. I’ll need to decide what I’m going to do with it while I’m home, and I’m still in two minds. While a part of me can’t bear to let go of the house that meant so much to my parents, another part of me believes selling it will release me from that last sliver of heartache.

  I have moved on with my life, and my future is looking bright. I know that’s what my parents would want, and I like to think they are looking down on me from heaven and approving of the choices I’ve made.

  Keaton and Keanu swoop in, snatching my cases up and bringing them out to the car. Kal sweeps me up into his arms, twirling me around as he carries me outside.

  “You’re going to make her sick,” Ky chastises him.

  “Pussy,” Kal retorts over his shoulder, before turning his smirking grin on me. “I should hate you for turning my brother into such a boring pansy-ass, but you’re too adorable to hate.”

  “Gee, thanks.” I slap him about the head. “And your brother is not a boring pansy-ass. Take it from me, he is anything but.” I snigger, recalling in vivid Technicolor what we did last night. My cheeks heat at the memory.

  “God,” Kal groans, putting me down on my feet when we reach his car. “You two are disgustingly horny. It’s abnormal. Mom’s right—you are so going to come home pregnant.”

  “No, we’re not.” Ky wraps his arms around me from behind. “But we are going to have lots and lots of hot, dirty, sweaty sex.” He grins at me, before leveling a smug look at his brother. “Jealous?”

  Kal looks highly offended. “Who? Me? Not likely. I’m reformed, remember.” Before we can respond, he’s hopped into the driver’s seat and shut the door.

  We share a knowing look. Out of all of us, Kal has probably changed the most this last year. While he can’t claim sainthood, he’s definitely put his party-boy-player days behind him. He clams up if the subject of Lana ever crops up, but I know he isn’t over her. Not by a longshot. But if the way he’s gotten his act together is any indication, at least something positive came out of that whole sorry mess. Kal built up enough credits to skip senior year, and he just graduated with us. We’re all going to Harvard together, and I couldn’t be any more excited if I tried.

  Ky opens the back door for me as Brad pulls up on his bike. I hate that Ky has decided to put his motocross ambition on hold, because I remember how much he loved it, but he hasn’t been able to summon the same enthusiasm for it since all that stuff went down with Doug Grant. I’m hopeful in time the spark will ignite in him again, and for now, I’m going to revel in the fact that we’re going to college together and I’ll get to see him every day.

  Brad parks his bike and dismounts quickly, tugging the helmet off his head. “I thought for sure that I’d missed you.” He runs a hand through his matted blond hair.

  “We’re running late because I left packing to the last minute.”

  He smirks. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

  I mock pout, punching him in the arm. “That’s not true. I’m usually way more organized, but with graduating and sorting out some stuff back home before the trip and then visiting Adam at the weekend, I ran out of time.”

  “You know I’m only kidding.”

  Kal pokes his head out the window. “Seriously, guys, we need to leave. Now.”

  Casting a nervous glance in Ky’s direction, Brad leans in and gives me the briefest of hugs. “Have a great time back home.” He straightens up, flicking his head in Ky’s direction. “And make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble.”

  Ky groans. “Not you, too.”

  Brad arches a brow. “What did I say?”

  Ky slaps him on the back. “Nothing, forget it. You sure you’ll be okay here by yourself?” We really wanted Brad to come with the others on the second leg of our trip, but he bailed, citing commitments at the track and some extra classes he’s taking to build up more college credits over the summer.

  But we all know it’s just an excuse.

  Things are still strained between the three of us, although you wouldn’t guess it looking from the outside in. I hate that there’s still lingering tension between us, but it’s the proverbial elephant in the room that none of us want to tackle head-on. I’d hoped it would be resolved before we move to Harvard, but that’s looking unlikely at this point. I keep praying he’ll meet someone special. Someone who’ll help
him forget all about me and then things will settle into a normal pattern, but Brad seems determined to avoid any and all potential relationships. A constant revolving door of hook-ups and one-night stands? No issue. But the prospect of an actual relationship? He’s sworn off.

  “Yeah, and I’m sure you’ll get on just fine without me,” Brad replies with a smile. To anyone else that would look on the level, but it’s exactly this kind of talk that starting’s to wear me down. Maybe when I’m home, I’ll offer up a novena for his soul.

  I hop into the back seat, lowering the window down. “Take care, Brad, and we’ll see you when we’re home.” Ky slides into the passenger seat, tipping his head at Brad. Kal cranks the engine, and we wave at the others as the car glides down the driveway.

  “Well, that was awkward,” Kal deadpans.

  I sigh. “Please, don’t. I don’t want anything putting a dampener on this trip.” I sit forward in my seat, circling my arms around Ky’s shoulders from behind.

  Angling his head, he leans back and kisses me. “That’s not going to happen, babe. We have. Three. Whole. Weeks. All. To. Ourselves.”

  My grin is almost electric, and I’m practically bouncing on the back seat. Ky holds my hands, and I lace my fingers in his. The prospect of all that alone time, showing him all my old hangouts, and getting to chill with Rach and Jill again has me giddy as a goat on steroids.

  “Kent’s right for once. You two are positively dripping in smug happiness and it’s nauseating.” The engine slows down. “Actually, I think I’m gonna puke.” The car slows to a snail’s pace, and he starts gagging.

  “What?” I level an incredulous look his way.

  “Ha! Gotcha going, didn’t I?”

  I roll my eyes, though I’m secretly pleased. Sometimes, I really miss Kal’s juvenile humor and tactless jokes.

  Ky slaps the back of his head. “Get a move on, slow poke. We’ve a plane to catch.”


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