The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists Page 4

by Ardor

  Dean's face almost hit the ground.

  "Where is she right now?" I asked thinking over his options.

  "Um, at a party on the beach."

  "You blew her and a beach party off to see me? You're gonna get the coldest shoulder of your life next time you see her." I said shaking my head.

  "When your Mom called..."

  "Never mind. Take me home and, no that won't work she'll find out later and it'll probably only be worse." I said and then paused to think a minute. "The way I see it you've got one shot and it's a long one."

  "What is it?" He asked ready for the worst.

  "Take me to the party right now and hope she likes you enough to let you try to explain."

  "You're serious?" He asked like I was crazy.

  "She finds out about me afterwards and you're toast but, if we walk in together and I tell her about Blanke Schande and the fight with my Mom.” I said with a shrug. “There's a chance she'll believe that we aren't fooling around."

  "You really want to walk into a party naked?" He asked doubtfully.

  "The school suggests that we experiment with nudity before we show up on campus. I didn't have a lot time to do that in Paris. I guess I'm making up for that tonight." I said with a shrug.

  "Joanie, you sure?" He asked concerned.

  "I'll be fine." I said with a brave smile.

  Chapter 4

  We hopped in the car and raced over to the beach. Thankfully we didn't have far to go and there were almost no cars on the road. When we got there I didn't see that many cars parked in the area so I hoped that meant it was a small party. Just before we got out of the car I said, "Make sure you introduce me as your ex."

  "Yeah, OK." Dean said with a sigh.

  Then I took a deep breath and got out of the car. The parking lot was right off the beach so I didn't have to walk more then a few steps on the rough gravel before I got to the soft sand.

  I could see where we were headed. A little off to our left and halfway down the beach was a small fire with less then ten people crowded around it. I sighed in relief. This looked more like some friends hanging out then a party. I hopped that would make this easier.

  As we got closer to the fire I saw that there were six people, three girls and two guys. They all looked to be around our age. The guys were wearing baggy surfer shorts. The girls were wearing bikinis. Two of the three girls were wearing sexy but fairly normal bikinis. The third girl looked like she was naked at first glance. Her bikini was nothing more then tiny triangles held up by spaghetti strings. Maybe she wouldn't be to hard on me.

  When we got up to the small group they all turned to look at us. I watched their faces as we stepped into the fire light. The guys all smiled. Two of the girls were stunned and the third was all smiles until she looked from Dean to me. Then her face scrunched up and she didn't look happy at all.

  "I didn't know you were bringing someone." She said to Dean.

  "I didn't, I'm not, I mean, I did but she not..." Dean took a deep breath and then said, "Ann, this is my ex, Joan."

  Ann gave me a forced smile that seemed to say, the first moment I get you alone I'm going to rip your tits off and stuff them down your throat. Everyone else was stone silent. Then with an angry look back at Dean she said, "Are you sure she's your ex?"

  "Ann, she's leaving town for school tomorrow. She got into this huge fight with her mother and I didn't want you to find out about her being, naked and all, from someone else." Dean said apologetically.

  "And why, exactly, is she naked?"

  "Because I'm leaving for school tomorrow." I said trying to defend myself.

  "What the hell does that have to do with being naked?" Ann asked like she was ready to punch someone in the face.

  Just then the woman wearing the micro bikini looked at me and her mouth dropped open.

  "Holy shit," she said with a stunned expression, "you're going to Blanke Schande aren't you?"

  Now it was my turn to be shocked for a change.

  "You, know about BSC?" I asked amazed.

  "I, uh, applied there myself, and got in," she said looking down at the sand, "but I chickened out."

  "What are you talking about?" Ann asked turning her anger on her friend.

  "It's a college, a really good one, except the women go, naked." Ann's friend said with an embarrassed look.

  One of the guys looked at her shocked but he didn't say anything.

  "You're serious?" Ann asked her friend.

  "Yeah, it's for real."

  "So why isn't your naked ass there instead of here, with Dean." Ann asked me obviously a little hurt.

  "I was in Paris for a summer course and I just got back today. I'm leaving for school tomorrow but when my mom found out about BSC she had a huge melt down. We had a nasty fight and I walked out of the house, like this." I said holding out my arms. "Dean was the only person I knew was around so..."

  Ann's face softened a little but she still looked unsure.

  "I don't know," Ann said doubtfully, "smells kinda fishy to me."

  "OK," I said without thinking, "don't tell a naked woman something smells fishy. You're bound to piss her off."

  It must have been the tension or something but one of the guys started laughing. Then the other one started to crack up. When one of them fell over laughing even Ann cracked a smile. That seemed to relieve the tension and the other two women laughed. Dean looked at Ann and asked, "Are we OK?"

  "Maybe, if you're extremely good, I'll let you find a way to make it up to me." Ann said with a smile.

  "But I didn't–" Dean started to say before I cut him off.

  "Quit while you're behind Dean." I said with an elbow to his side.

  Ann laughed and while I didn't think we'd ever be best friends any time soon it looked like we'd get along well enough for the night.

  "Dean go over there and kiss her or something you dope." I whispered under my breath.

  "Oh, right." Dean said with a stupid smile.

  Dean walked over to Ann and the two of them wandered off to talk. That left me naked and alone with four complete strangers. I smiled awkwardly and did the only thing I could think of. I walked over to the girl in the micro bikini and introduced myself.

  "Hi, I'm Joan." I said awkwardly.

  "Hey, I'm Denise." She said with a nod of her head.

  "I'm Lou and this is Benny and his girlfriend Rene." One of the guys said jumping in and pointing out the other couple.

  Benny and Rene nodded at me but didn't say much else.

  "Don't mind him," Denise said rolling her eyes, "he's just my drooling boyfriend."

  "It's OK," I said smiling, "I guess I should get used to it."

  "Not from my boyfriend you shouldn't." She said shoving him hard.

  "Sorry." He said with an apologetic look.

  "I gotta ask. You said you chickened out of going to Blanke Schande but you're standing here practically naked. I don't get it." I asked her confused.

  "Yeah, you were going to go away to school and didn't even tell me?" Lou asked her a little pissed off.

  "It's all your fault." She said blaming Lou. "You're the one who turned me into an exhibitionist."

  "Yeah, but you like it." He said smiling and pulling her to him for a deep kiss.

  I saw his hands go to the little bows that held the bottom of her suit together.

  She quickly stopped him and said, "Not my bottoms, not yet, anyway."

  "I'm sure Joan would like some naked company. Wouldn't you Joan?" Lou asked me.

  "Only if she'll tell me why she'll do it here and not at school." I asked confused.

  Denise turned around so that she was facing Benny, Rene and I with her back to Lou.

  "The truth of the matter is when Lou first started stripping me in front of our friends I was horribly embarrassed. Then when I saw no one minded I got, kinda, turned on by it. I love prancing around naked while everyone else is dressed, it's really exciting. That's when I did some research on the Internet
about exhibitionism and found Blanke Schande. I got so turned on by the idea of walking around naked all the time that I sent in an application. After I was accepted I realized that not only would that mean I'd have to leave Lou, which I don't want to do, but that he wouldn't be around to strip me." Denise said looking at Lou over her shoulder and smiling. Lou of course took that as a hint and started working on the knot that held her top together. "What I really like is the rush I get when I feel Lou undressing me where ever he wants. Being naked in places I'm not supposed to be is what I get off on. Yeah, it's embarrassing but always a turn on."

  Almost on cue Lou had the knot on the back of Denise's suit undone and lifted the top over her head. Denise grabbed both her tits, squeezed them and then let them go with a little bounce.

  "I love the sea air on my tits," Denise said with a smile. Then she looked at Rene and asked, "Remember the last time I wound up naked on the beach?"

  Rene turned her head and blushed but we could all see the little smile on her face.

  "That was awesome," Lou said with a dopey smile.

  Benny smiled and said, "It was very cool."

  "What happened?" I asked Denise.

  "Well..." She started to say.

  "Denise!" Rene said looking at her pleadingly.

  "It's OK Rene," Denise said in a soothing tone of voice, "she's standing here naked about to go to a school for naked girls. I doubt she's going to judge us."

  I looked at Rene and said, "I won't but you don't have to tell me if you don't want."

  "I guess it's OK." Rene said reluctantly but as Denise started talking she hid her face in Benny's neck.

  "I had been naked all night and got so horny that I just jumped Lou. After a few minutes he said he wanted to do me from behind. I thought that was weird since that isn't one of our usual positions but I was so hot I didn't care. I hadn't even thought about Benny and Rene until I rolled over on my tummy, got up on my knees and found myself face to face with Rene as Benny did her from behind."

  Rene peeked out from Benny's neck and looked at Denise as she continued, "I tried to move back but Lou was already behind and, inside me. The two of us just looked into each other's eyes as the guys did us from behind. Then we, just started making out. It was the most amazing experience of my life."

  Denise wasn't looking at me anymore. She was looking at Rene who had come out of hiding and was looking right back at her.

  "You don't think I'm a lesbo freak or something?" Rene asked Denise.

  "You're kidding right?" Denise asked her as if she was crazy.

  Rene shook her head no.

  "Honey, you could never be any kind of freak to me." Denise said sincerely.

  "How long ago did this happen?" I asked.

  "Oh, about a month ago?" Denise asked Rene.

  Rene shook her head yes.

  "And you haven't talked about it since it happened?" I asked.

  "Well," Denise said, "Ann started bringing Dean around and while it was clear they were interested in each other they hadn't hooked up yet so I've been keeping my clothes on. I didn't want to scare him off or give him the wrong idea and ruin things for Ann."

  "I think it happened the night Ann met Dean. That's why she wasn't around that night." Rene said quietly.

  "Yeah, that sounds about right," Denise said thinking. Then she looked over in the direction Ann and Dean had wandered off in and said, "And since the two of them have finally gotten together and Dean brought you there's no reason to hold back anymore."

  We all looked over at Ann and Dean to see them making out pretty heavily.

  "I said, there's no reason to hold back anymore." Denise said repeating herself a little louder and looking over her shoulder at Lou.

  "Huh? Oh!" Lou said as he reached down for the ties on Denise's bottoms.

  I looked back just in time to see Lou pull the tiny bit of fabric off of Denise and stuff them in the pocket of his baggy swim suit. Denise looked at Rene and after a moment or two the girls smiled at each other.

  "Why don't we, go for a swim?" Denise suggested.

  Rene and the guys agreed but feeling like I was intruding I said, "I'm OK, you guys go a head though."

  Almost looking a little relieved they all ran off towards the water leaving me naked and alone by the fire. I sat down on one of the towels that was around the fire. Then I laid down on it. Before long jet lag and the emotional roller coaster I had been on took it's toll and I fell asleep.

  Chapter 5

  I slowly came out of a deep sleep woken by voices around me. I opened my eyes and sat up groggily. Looking around I remembered where I was. Lou and Denise were sitting together around the fire. So were Benny and Rene and Ann and Dean. In fact they all looked much more intimate with each other then they had before. The girls were all cuddled up to the guys and everyone was smiling and happy. I had the intense feeling I missed something but decided to let it go.

  "Oh wow," I said as everyone noticed I was awake, "I was really out. What time is it?"

  Lou reached over and pulled his cell phone out of his shoe. Then he pressed a button and said, "It's about 1:30 in the morning."

  "Oh my god! You're kidding me?" I asked stunned that I slept so long.

  "Nope." Lou said shaking his head.

  "Dean, I hate to ask but could you take me back home? I've gotta get my stuff and hit the road." I said looking at him pleadingly.

  He looked at Ann awkwardly and said, "Um, sure."

  I couldn't quite read the look on Ann's face so I took a chance and said, "Ann, would you mind coming with and helping me load my stuff? I really need to get out of town and could use an extra hand."

  She got this funny look on her face for a second but then smiled, chuckled and said, "Sure."

  I stood up, looked at the rest of the group and said, "It was really nice meeting you all. Sorry I conked out but the last day or so has been crazy."

  "Don't worry about it. Nice meeting you too." Benny said.

  "Yeah." Rene said with a satisfied smile.

  Lou held up his hand in the classic surfer salute, fingers tucked in, thumb and pinkie pointing out, and said, "Rock on!"

  Denise said, "Good luck at Blanke Schande."

  "Thanks." I said smiling back at her.

  I turned to see Ann slipping a long T-shirt on over her bikini. Then she stepped into a pair of flip flops and with a wave to her friends we headed towards Dean's car.

  I purposely made sure Ann was between Dean and I as we walked. Then when we got to the car I got in the back making sure she and Dean sat up front together. That's probably how it would have worked out anyway but I didn't want Ann to think I had any other ideas. The trip back to my place was filled with an awkward silence so in hopes of breaking the tension I said, "I really appreciate this. I know it's a huge pain in the butt dragging me back home."

  There was silence for a few painful seconds. Then Ann turned her head to look at me over her shoulder and said, "Let's just lay our cards on the table, OK?"

  "Um, OK." I said seeing Dean tense up out of the corner of my eye.

  "Dean and I talked and I get that you two are over. That still didn't make the idea of him taking his naked ex-girlfriend home all cake and ice cream with me so I appreciate the invite to come along. We're cool but just barely so don't push it and don't think I didn't consider stranding you naked on the beach just for showing up with Dean in the first place. So let's just get you packed and out of town, OK?"

  "OK." I said hoping to avoid any trouble.

  I was tempted to tell her where to stick her cake and ice cream but it didn't seem worth it. Not to mention that she had more of a right to be pissed than she knew but that was Dean's problem.

  If I had to walk home from where we were right now it wouldn't be the end of the world. However that would be a long, slow, naked, walk and it was already late. I need to get packed and on the road if I want to avoid another fight with my mother. It sucked but sometimes discretion is the better part of valor
. So we all sat there in silence until we got back to my Mom's place.

  Dean pulled into the drive way and turned off the car. Then he asked, "So how do you want to do this?"

  I thought for a second and then said, "Everything is in a pile by the door in my bedroom. I'll go first, grab my keys, wallet and whatever else I can carry. Then I'll come down here and unlock my car. We can probably do it in three trips. I don't have much."


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