The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists Page 8

by Ardor

  "I'm fine thanks." I said forcing a smile and trying not to look pathetic.

  "It's OK to admit you're scared. Everyone is on their first day. Even some of the guys."

  "What do they have to be scared of?" I asked kind of annoyed at the idea.

  "You'd be surprised," she said with a laugh, "how about coming in their pants for starters."

  "I never thought of that." I said covering my mouth with a giggle.

  "I'm Sandy Bennet by the way." She said smiling.

  "Joan Harper." I said returning the smile.

  "Come on," she said tilting her head to the left, "I was just going to do some yoga under that shady tree over there."

  "Thanks," I said giving in with a relieved smile, "I guess I could use some company right now."

  I walked up next to her and she hooked her free arm in mine pulling me closer as we walked. Her body pressed up against mine and I was surprised at how soft her skin was.

  "I, actually, saw it happen once." She said with a little smile.

  "Saw what?" I asked distracted by her closeness.

  "A guy come in his pants." She said with a giggle.

  "No way!" I said with wide eyes.

  "Yep, it was at the end of the day and a bunch of us had come out to sit in the grass and discuss a philosophy lecture we had just attended. Everything was fine until one of the girls laid back in the grass and stretched. He looked at her and suddenly realized that he was surrounded by three naked women."

  "What, were his eyes not working until then?" I asked not believing a guy could forget something like that.

  "You'd be surprised. After a while it can become sort of common place. You get used to it or you get busy with your school work, or something, and just kinda forget. Then something happens and it suddenly comes rushing back to you."

  "And that's what happened to him?" I asked sort of knowing that feeling already.

  "Yeah, when Jessica stretched herself out he looked at her differently. I followed his eyes and saw what he was looking at. By the time I looked back to his crotch he was already hard. I was trying to figure out a diplomatic way to tell Jessica to ease off when it, just happened."

  "Oh my god," I said with a little laugh, "what happened next?"

  "Well, he was mortified of course and when the stain started to spread he wanted to run but we stopped him. We all told him it was OK, we weren't upset with him and he shouldn't be embarrassed. We even helped him sneak back to his dorm unnoticed so he could change."

  "Wow, did um, any of you girls, you know, help him out?" I asked thinking of my Mother's opinion of the school.

  "What do you mean?" Sandy asked suspiciously as she let go of me and set her mat down on the grass by the tree.

  "Um, give him a, hand," I said nervously pantomiming a hand job.

  Sandy sighed and sat down on her knees on the mat and asked, "What exactly do you think goes on here at BSC?"

  "I don't know." I said scared that maybe my mother was right after all.

  I was still standing a few feet in front of Sandy. My vagina was right at her eye level and suddenly I felt very naked and vulnerable in front of this total stranger. She looked me up and down and then asked, "Do you give all your friends back home hand jobs when they're hard up?"

  I went from scared and nervous to pissed off before she finished the sentence.

  "No, I don't, and if you or anyone else on this campus think I'm just some empty headed little sex toy you can shove this entire school up your collective twats!" I said angrily pointing at her.

  "Good for you." Sandy said smiling.

  "What?" I asked as my anger screeched to an uncertain halt and was replaced by total confusion.

  "That's the first unwritten rule of Blanke Schande. Naked doesn't mean helpless. Don't let anyone try to talk you into something you don't want to do."

  "Um, I won't." I said cautiously.

  "Good," Sandy said laughing to herself, "now sit down and relax."

  "What's so funny?" I asked as I sat down putting my purse on the ground next to me.

  "The Collective Twats," she laughed, "that's the name of my new band."

  I looked at her as she completely lost it. Her breasts jiggled all over her chest as she laughed. Seeing her laugh I couldn't help it and started laughing too.

  When we calmed down she unfolded her right leg and put her right foot on the outside of her left knee. Then she took her left hand and placed it on her right knee. With her right arm behind her back she turned her upper body towards me. Her boobs were thrust out and pointed right at my face.

  "What the heck set you off like that?" Sandy asked holding her pose.

  "Sorry, it's my mom. She thought BSC was a school for sluts and if I went here I'd wind up a walking sex toy for every guy on campus." I said apologetically.

  "That's not an uncommon reaction. I know a girl who was disowned by her parents for becoming a student at Blanke Schande." Sandy said sadly.

  "Yeah, well, I sorta disowned my mom when I left. I stomped out of the house naked and didn't look back."

  Sandy unfolded herself until she was once again kneeling facing forward. Then she brought out her left leg, put her left foot on the outside of her right knee and twisted her upper torso in the opposite direction. I couldn't help but be impressed by how graceful she looked and the fluid way she moved.

  "Give her some time. She'll come around," Sandy said holding her pose. "It can be hard on parents."

  "I, kinda, presented, for her." I confessed guiltily.

  Sandy unfolded herself again until she was back in the kneeling position and said, "That was a bit extreme."

  "Well, she taunted me into it. She thought she'd call my bluff or something. Then she got disgusted with me when I didn't fold." I said defensively.

  "Maybe that's good, in a way. You confronted her with your sexuality and now she has to deal with it. Give her some time to adjust to the fact that you're not a little girl anymore. She'll come around."

  "Maybe." I said not sure that was going to happen.

  Then Sandy moved her left knee out, grabbed her right foot in her right hand and lifted it straight up and behind her head. After that she put her two hands together like she was praying and held the pose.

  "Wow." I said shocked that she could not only move into a pose like that so smoothly but hold it so easily.

  "Wait, I'll give you one better." Sandy said smiling at me.

  She closed her eyes for about ten-seconds and then smoothly rolled from a sitting position to laying on her back. Then she lifted her other foot and put that behind her head. Not only had she folded herself in half but spread herself wide open. The extreme position spread the lips of her shaved pussy slightly and even her butt hole looked like it was about to open up.

  "Damn, I didn't see that in the list of standard presenting poses." I said stunned at the positions she could put herself in.

  Sandy laughed and said, "Not hardly. The funny thing though is that I started doing poses like this to get more comfortable with myself and presenting. Now, I just like the feel the warm sun and a cool breeze on my open pussy."

  "Really?" I said fascinated and a little shocked by the idea.

  "Oh yeah, I love to come outside and open myself up to the whole world, it feels fantastic. You should try it sometimes." Sandy suggested still bent in that impossible position.

  I could feel myself blushing as I said, "I don't think I'm quite ready or even capable of that just yet. H-how long can you hold that position?"

  "The longest I've done is about forty-five minutes but that was under, special, circumstances." Sandy said with a wink.

  "Do I want to know?" I asked with a leery look.

  Sandy laughed and said, "Oh, it's not that big a deal really. My boyfriend and I went to a more secluded part of the campus and fooled around."

  "Outside? In that position?" I asked wondering how it was even possible.

  "Oh yeah," she said smiling. "The funny thing is I thoug
ht he'd go straight for my pussy but he asked if he could lick my butt hole."

  "Ew, gross." I said with a horrified expression.

  "I know, guys are so weird sometimes but, well, it felt really good." Sandy admitted. "So I started playing with my clit while he licked my butt hole. After I came a couple of times we had sex. Before I knew it at least forty-five minutes had passed. I was sore for days after though."

  I just shook my head and smiled.

  "What?" Sandy asked.

  "I met you, what, ten minutes ago? And here you are folded in half like a naked pretzel, spread open to the wind, telling me that you like to have your butt hole licked. I'm not quite used to the openness just yet." I said with an uneasy smile.

  "Oh you'll get there I'm sure. All it'll take is some time." Sandy said brushing her fingers lightly over her pussy lips.

  I watched Sandy's fingers in absolute fascination. I had never seen another naked vagina this close up before nevertheless watched a girl playing with hers. She wasn't masturbating really. Her long delicate fingers just lightly traced along the edges of her open lips.

  "You've never seen another pussy before have you?" Sandy asked.

  "Huh?" I asked to find her looking at me with a smile. "Uh, no, sorry."

  "Well, you better get used to it. That's one thing you can't get away from here. Do you want a closer look at mine?" Sandy asked.

  "Um, I don't know..."

  "Wait, I have a better idea," Sandy said unfolding herself and sitting up, "have you ever really contemplated your own pussy?"

  "Excuse me?" I asked with a disbelieving look.

  "I'm totally serious. Have you ever looked up inside yourself and really gotten to know your own pussy?" Sandy asked.

  "You mean squatting over a hand mirror or something?" I asked

  "What I've got in mind is much better and you have to give it a try." Sandy said getting up and turning her mat sideways.

  Then she came over to me, took my hand and said, "Come on it's a real simple pose and it'll help you become more comfortable with yourself and presenting."

  I let her lead me over to her mat and she had me lay down on my back. My head, shoulders and the upper part of my back were on the mat but the rest of me was in the grass. Sandy sat next to me and said, "OK now I want you to close your eyes and try to relax for a minute. Just breathe deep and slow."

  I did what Sandy asked and felt some of my nervous tension slip away.

  "Are you ready?" Sandy asked.

  "I guess, what are you going to do?" I asked trying to stay calm.

  "Just keep breathing and stay relaxed. I'm going to lift your legs up in the air. I'll hold you so you have nothing to worry about OK?"

  "Um, sure." I said not really feeling very sure.

  Sandy moved down by my feet and then I felt her grab my ankles and slowly lift me up. Before I knew it I was kind of doing a hand stand but my head, neck and shoulders were still on the ground.

  "How do you feel?" She asked.

  "Um, a little weird, but OK I guess."

  "Good, now I just want you to relax and breath, OK?" Sandy asked.

  "OK." I said trying to get into the spirit of things.

  She held me there for a minute or two. I could feel her tummy against my naked butt and her breasts against my legs.

  "OK, now we're going to slowly go into the final position. I'll hold and support you the entire way so don't panic. Just let your body flow into the pose." Sandy said in a soothing tone.

  "I'll try." I said feeling myself get a little nervous again.

  I felt Sandy move around my body. When I felt something next to my head I opened my eyes to see Sandy standing with her feet on either side of my head and her pussy right above me.

  "You weren't supposed to open your eyes yet." Sandy said looking down at me.

  "Sorry I couldn't help it."

  "It's OK but now you get to contemplate my pussy too." Sandy said as she started to go into a squat bringing down my legs with her.

  For a second I thought she was going to sit on my face but then as she brought my feet down she moved backwards and brought my feet behind my head. She sat in the grass behind me holding my legs out straight and wide open about a foot or so above the ground.

  "How's that feel?" She asked.

  "You're kidding right?" I asked with a laugh.

  "Not at all. Just relax into the pose and look up, there it is." Sandy said with a smile.

  I did what she asked and once I got past my boobs, which were pressed up against my chin, I saw my own pussy opened up to the sun just like Sandy's was a minute ago.

  "OK, now relax your legs and let them bend at the knee." Sandy instructed.

  I let my knees bend and they actually came close to the ground bending my back and bringing my pussy even closer to my face. Sandy gently put my feet on the ground and said, "You're really flexible for a first timer. How do you feel?"

  "Weird but, it's kinda cool." I said looking up into my pussy.

  "Yeah, this is so much better then the hand mirror thing." Sandy said. "This pose really forces you to open up and confront yourself directly. Look at that beautiful pussy just sitting there out in the open. Your thick lips and hard clit sticking out for the world to see, you naughty girl."

  I started to apologize but Sandy stopped me and said, "Relax, most of the girls here spend at least half the day walking around turned on." Sandy wiggled her fingers at me and said, "These will be your best friends the first few weeks. Well, that and your sisters. Have you ever messed around with another girl?"

  I took my eyes off my pussy and looked up at her as best I could in the position I was in. Now that my feet were on the ground Sandy had moved closer to my head. She was squatting right behind me. Her knees were on either side of my head and she was ready to catch me if I lost my balance. I couldn't see her pussy anymore but I had to look up past her breasts to see her face.

  "No." I said wondering if she was hitting on me.

  "It might seem weird at first," Sandy said sympathetically, "but it's better then attacking some random guy just because you're so horny you can't think straight. Another unwritten rule. No one understands a Blanke Schande girl better then another Blanke Schande girl. Lean on your sisters and let them lean on you. It really does make it easier and most of us don't even count it as sex. It's just kinda like relief."

  "Um, OK, I guess." I said wondering what it would be like to have, relief, with another girl.

  "Hang on, I think I'll join you in that pose." Sandy said and then crawled on the mat next to me.

  I watched her out of the corner of my eye as she laid on her back, lifted her body up in the air balancing on her neck and shoulders and then gracefully brought her legs down behind her head. Unlike me though not only did her feet touch the ground but her knees did to.

  "Damn," I said, "you're amazing. So graceful and flexible."

  "Ah, it's nothing, just comes from practice that's all." Sandy said breathing deeply, "I do yoga twice a day. Here at 7:30 AM and then at 3 PM at the quad."

  "The quad?" I said turning my head and almost losing my balance. "The entire school must walk through the quad at three."

  "More or less yeah," Sandy said calmly. "Stay centered, relaxed and contemplative."

  I carefully turned my head back and looked up into my pussy again. After a few moments though my curiosity got the best of me.

  "You get into positions like this in full view of everyone?" I asked quietly.

  "That was sort of the point of it in the beginning." Sandy said. "I wanted to do something so extreme that presenting would seem easy by comparison but it's turned into something else now. There are anywhere from fifteen to twenty girls doing it with me. We all stand in a circle and do it to music. When we all get it just right it's almost spiritual. Actually, it's pretty amazing to watch if I do say so myself."

  "Wow," I said trying to imagine it in my head.

  Twenty naked girls flowing gracefully from pose to
pose exposing themselves so completely. It was shocking, sexy and beautiful all at once.

  "There's actually been some talk about putting some kind of traveling show together." Sandy said with pride.

  "No way!" I said stunned at the idea of doing that in strange towns across the country.

  "Yeah, the school is talking about backing it. If it pans out they want us to tour performing arts centers and college campuses around the world."


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